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Explosives !


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Alright guys, I made some commits on the github today. Next patch will have invincible walls/vehicles/players. The only way to destroy anything will be to use the power that can't be seen given to you by that which can't be named.

Far out axle about time!!! Give US WHAT WE WANT!!!!!! Your the best! Now not only am I safe inside my house wrapped up in my blankets with bubble wrap on everything, but my mind is safer now whilst playing Epoch!

Only a few suggestions tho as you seriously have still left the world an incredibly dangerous place... can you please please please turn all the buildings into candy and instead of bullets let us shoot butterflies and rainbows? Oh and whilst your at it, take out the dangerous antagonists and put in unicorns and dolphins? PRETTY PLEASE!!!!!!

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Alright guys, I made some commits on the github today. Next patch will have invincible walls/vehicles/players. The only way to destroy anything will be to use the power that can't be seen given to you by that which can't be named.

Thank you! Its good to see that at least someone has some common sense and reasoning skills. A lost art with many of today's Gen Z's (and perhaps younger millennials) apparently.
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Update, we have removed all antagonists, buildings, loot, and buildable objects as the new changes make them invalid and redundant.




Rabbits, dogs, sheep, and goats have been left in. As all weapons so you can get the meat and tame a dog.

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Update, we have removed all antagonists, buildings, loot, and buildable objects as the new changes make them invalid and redundant.




Rabbits, dogs, sheep, and goats have been left in. As all weapons so you can get the meat and tame a dog.


Hey that gives me a great idea for a new game!

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You can raid a base without a single explosive even if they have everthing in lockboxes but that isn't working if you attack at 4 in the morning with no one online. I would say know your enemy but thats to much skill for the most i guess....sad

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You can raid a base without a single explosive even if they have everthing in lockboxes but that isn't working if you attack at 4 in the morning with no one online. I would say know your enemy but thats to much skill for the most i guess....sad


Would love to see a video of this ! or you have not played 0.3.1 !

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You can raid a base without a single explosive even if they have everthing in lockboxes but that isn't working if you attack at 4 in the morning with no one online. I would say know your enemy but thats to much skill for the most i guess....sad

Also too add ! We dont want to grief bases when people are offline ! How sad is that, The fun of Epoch was to attack or be attacked ! Put your base building to the test, on 0.3.1 theres NO WAY to do this ! Only bases you can get into are people that build single doors ! 


0.3.1 requires you to build double doors 4 walls and a roof = untouchable !

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Im sorry but they cant be :( We have been playing since 0.3.1 started and cant find any ! Thats 7 of us looting grinding daily ! 


Problem is now the devs have turned it into PvE with a slight PvP round the map ! Your are untouchable in base ! 0.3.1 bought so much to the table but this has seriously taken the fun away ! 


Its not about leveling someones base ! but being able to raid them -_- Why they did not keep explosives, And just buff walls and jammers ! Keeping door ways the same hitpoints !


You dont even need to build good bases now ! 4 walls roof and floor and your good ! no one can touch you -_-


Playing now seems to be so boring and seriously tempted to quit untill the next update when they might actually level the tables again ! Either that or wait for servers to get files and actually do the work needed to balance the game again !

Logged on to Mell's , played about an hour , mostly watching / testing sappers / died, respawned looted 10 min find an apers mine , so , not that hard , wasn't in military BTW . was in locker in concrete bldg .

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Hey that gives me a great idea for a new game!

will there be pink bunnys in it???

Update, we have removed all antagonists, buildings, loot, and buildable objects as the new changes make them invalid and redundant.




Rabbits, dogs, sheep, and goats have been left in. As all weapons so you can get the meat and tame a dog.

i have a request. can we have flower gardens and pottery making?

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But on a serious note, I was up till 3:30 am making sure the config looked good. Having reports of explosives now being found. Will continue testing today to find a balance. Seems good so far.

I think it may be up for server admins too add explosive missions ! As that seems the best route !


But few more spawning would be nice for lonewolfs !!


Now it just needs base damage looking at, Doors should be made much weaker than walls and jammers ! Used too take 2 satchels per door, Im hearing people have tried 14+ with no damage :( 


We just want balance (And all your spolis from base ;) ..)

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I agree that doors should be the weakest point, base raiding is part of the game but it has to be balanced.

Players won't be happy to find an entire base trashed, as in walls moved or gone, i'm sure they can live with a few looted shelves, so make doors weaker but not jammers and walls.


This way raids can happen but your base will still be standing afterwards, you can always replace the loot but replacing an entire base every day will piss most off :)

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We are looking for balance but we would like to see raiding a base more like a siege instead of a lone man can remove your base in 20 minutes flat by taking down as few walls as possible to take out the jammer so he can just remove the pieces after. But I do agree. They are a bit OP atm.

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Alright guys, I made some commits on the github today. Next patch will have invincible walls/vehicles/players. The only way to destroy anything will be to use the power that can't be seen given to you by that which can't be named.

I am wondering how many people actually took this and ran with it.. haha. 

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We are looking for balance but we would like to see raiding a base more like a siege instead of a lone man can remove your base in 20 minutes flat by taking down as few walls as possible to take out the jammer so he can just remove the pieces after. But I do agree. They are a bit OP atm.


Love the idea ! But you should not be building this round that :) IF players choose not to put as many doors and walls between us and them, Thats their fault surely ? 


Comes down too if your nerf doors, Build 5+doors between every level :) 


Nerfing doors will also require players to become more versatile in their approach to building :D  


Too cut it short..........................SATCHELS BACK .... NERF THE DOORS ........................


P.s - Any chance of door bells .... "Before any raid" ... "Rings bell"..."Room service" 

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  • 3 weeks later...

If I may shed some light from the PVE side of things. Its no fun logging in at your base to have shots fired from any which way not knowing how many people are out there taking shots at an "empty" base just to find your vehicle/s already destroyed etc.


My first request would be that a base be indestructable if the owner or group owning the base is offline, there is no fun in working days on gathering the resources to build a base to only have it destroyed by a bunch of 12 year olds out on school holiday.


Then also the community must needs realise that not all players have the ability or the means to join numerous servers due to infrastructure contraints and various other reasons. We here have 6 servers to choose from with pings lower than 200ms, none of them are PVE only. So if I want to play Epoch I'm forced to take part in PVP even if its not what I enjoy. I enjoy the random spawing baddies, Sappers, drones, looting and building but a player camping out on a tower with a nightstalker trained at my base waiting for me to login not as much. In the past two weeks we had to defend our little piece of Altis 8 times. Sometimes even twice on the same day. It resulted in us building an extra base just to have a place to hide away for a bit, taking up additional space in the world counter etc.


So after spending some time thinking about this I came up with a couple of ideas that will aid both PVP and PVE players playing on the same servers.


1. Once you place an explosive on a base panel (ie in range of jammer) your own jammer is flagged for PVP, making your own base attackable for a period of time (admin adjustable).

2. Have "safe zones" for building with a built limit per jammer (for instance 50 pieces instead of 100), if you want a base the size of fort Knox go build in the danger zone.

3. Have players flag themselves for PVP or PVE. Once flagged that persists for an amount of time (admin adjustable)

4. Bases of players offline are by default indestructable but once they log in the return to normal.


I know this might not be to everyones taste however I do think it might encourage larger numbers on servers as well as allowing both PVP and PVE to share the same servers. Epoch is not just a PVP or just a PVE mod its both, just need some way to give both parties an equal share of the pie

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