SPIB0X Posted March 10, 2015 Report Share Posted March 10, 2015 I'd like to just give the dev's some ideas (whether they take it or leave it, i'm not fussed). Please feel free to add to this list, consider the pros and cons of your suggestion, give a justification of its use and how it can fit the lore of the game and also think about how difficult or easy it will be to implement. Consider the implications of your idea in the game and whether or not your idea will throw the balance way off, if so how can it be adjusted to maintain a healthy balance. 1. Craft-able trip mines, with the ability for group members to disable them within a short period of time before they detonate, ideal for defending your base while you're out exploring or logged off. These wouldn't be persistent on restart, that would be OP. 2. Walls with window hatches like the military towers, gives players internal vantage points and helps defend from INSIDE the base 3. Half-height walls to duck behind but short enough to see over (currently half cinder walls are still too tall for people to shoot over) 4. Metal X traps to prevent cars driving up to the walls of my base, and detonating as a second explosive, these would need to be destructible to help keep the balance right 5. Sandbags for obvious uses, would deteriorate with excessive damage/bullet penetration 6. Internal pillars/beams to help build floors the next level up without needing to use stud walls to hold them up 7. Permanent fire pits will help when the temperature effects are developed (keeps players warm), also used for cooking/smelting metals 8. Ladders because lets face it the current stairs are not polished and cause all sorts of nightmares when building around them 9. Elevators to help get vehicles/players to the next floor, chance to 10. Mounted Gun turrets primarily used as Anti-Air defences, use 6.5mm clips to prevent them becoming OP 11. Grappling hook allows players to scale up and down walls with a 25% chance to break/become unhinged to help keep the balance, requires certain weight capacity to work? 12. Remote controls for doors allows players to open and close doors from inside their vehicles, not needing to get in and out to let themselves in, this remote might be lootable and non-persistent on restart? 13. LARGE Remote controlled HORIZONTAL roller doors allows helicopters to be stored under these doors, make them possibly 3x3 or larger, large enough for most choppers to fit and be opened while hovering. 14. Clothes lines/Wall Hooks hang backpacks and clothes on them 15. Lockable cabinets unlockable by base raiders with 30% chance of success. only 3 attempts, after 3rd attempt it is permanently locked until restart to balance it in favour of both attack vs defence 16. Metal Floors/Concrete Slabs better for vehicles to drive over/be stored on without risking damage when driving up floor ramps etc 17. FirstAid boxes used to heal players when another player is within 5m 18. Faucet/Sink/Tap used to fill up empty jars with water 19. Mounted rangefinders used to scout surroundings from a mounted position, could be adjustable in height to allow scouting over half walls whilst ducking, would need to be destroyable (but still quite tough) 20. Pinboard or computer could be used to display a history of player activity like kills, death count, player last seen locations, current player count online, a NOTES board for group members to share information and store it (viewable to anyone who has access to it, so if you're raided enemy will gain intel into possible secondary base co-ordinates etc) 21. Domed/Pitched roofs 22. Seeds allows players to plant trees/plants/vegetation patches, I dont know if its possible but much like stamina is gained over time, the plants can produce more vegetation/grow the longer they last. Will die if not regularly watered and picked? 23. Animal pens give players the ability to harvest their own food supply with vegetation and livestock (Chicken eggs, beef/meat from cows/goats) 24. Remote controlled drones/cars used to scout/track movement 25. Mounted Logos/Banners allow players to upload/design their own logos/banners to hang on the internal or external of their base 26. Surveillance camera log per 24 hours I dont know how hard this would be to do but could be checked using the computer/Pin board to tell you who recently tried to unlock your vehicle, open your door or blew down your walls. Just a text log, but would be even sweeter if you could get video replay of the activity. I expect this would be very difficult to do but would be really fun for rivalries and PVP Please feel free to comment/add/like or dislike the things ive mentioned but remember to always justify. With any luck the devs will get hold of this and use it for future development inspiration mAniA, natoed, DirtySanchez and 4 others 7 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DayZ Vet Posted March 10, 2015 Report Share Posted March 10, 2015 Tow rope so you can tow a car bbq_kush and SPIB0X 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DayZ Vet Posted March 10, 2015 Report Share Posted March 10, 2015 To be able to use the documents to leave messages when you examine it or be able to attach it to part of your base. bbq_kush 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tobias Solem Posted March 10, 2015 Report Share Posted March 10, 2015 Some nice suggestions here, would be cool if we could perhaps use this as a building-suggestions thread? SPIB0X 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
happydayz Posted March 10, 2015 Report Share Posted March 10, 2015 Really like some of the ideas in here and can think of a few ways we might be able to create a few of them via scripts if they aren't picked up By the devs. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KPABATOK Posted March 10, 2015 Report Share Posted March 10, 2015 If developers aren't gonna introduce half walls, windows and some sandbags (to be able to shoot while in crouched position) in next update (0.3.5) then this mod will go to shit. Cause face it, we really really need more choice of building parts. Half cinder blocks as OP mentioned, is too high and actually, too expensive. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mgm Posted March 10, 2015 Report Share Posted March 10, 2015 A lot of nice ideas in the 1st post. I especially like #13 which I brought up in another thread. Currently there is no way to protect a heli which need a fix ASAP. Tow rope is also an excellent idea. It is simple, realistic and positive game changer for lonewolves. Lastly, I disagree with the statement that "this mod will go to shit IF Developers do (or don't) do ... <blah>...". In fact I am against construction of any sentence with the above structure as this mod is going to one and only one place: it's called AWESOMENESS. ZENITHOVMAN 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted March 10, 2015 Report Share Posted March 10, 2015 i'm all for base parts being lift-able via. Helicopter, but until they fix the explosive heli issue, than it's better off staying the way it is. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SPIB0X Posted March 11, 2015 Author Report Share Posted March 11, 2015 i'm all for base parts being lift-able via. Helicopter, but until they fix the explosive heli issue, than it's better off staying the way it is. Not sure what relevance that comment has to anything in this thread? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cring0 Posted March 11, 2015 Report Share Posted March 11, 2015 Excellent ideas. I think some of us need to learn how to code and model and make some data donations. Lol As much as appreciate the focus on antagonists to keep players occupied, base building is fundemental and a lot of these these suggestions would be fantastic if they can be pulled off. I think setting up defenses for bases would make things a lot more interesting. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brez Posted March 12, 2015 Report Share Posted March 12, 2015 Farm-Poch axeman 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cring0 Posted March 12, 2015 Report Share Posted March 12, 2015 Farm-Poch Yes hello we need some John deers in Epoch kthnx. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SPIB0X Posted March 13, 2015 Author Report Share Posted March 13, 2015 27. Sensor lights - they turn on whenever somebody approaches within range of say 10-20m. Option to have them disable the sensor for group members, this acts as a security measure/alarm, you could be driving/running/flying around and spot some lights turn on and you'd know someone was near your base OR someone elses base for that matter. 28. Shovels/Pics - used to dig/bury items in ground which causes (subtle) visible mound of dirt which persists for 7 days - if untouched/lost whatever is buried gets de-spawned and the mound removed. Good for hiding items in remote locations, minimal storage capacity and accessible to anyone who finds it. Also could be required for planting seeds (idea 22.) 29. Fridge - used to store food and drink (persistent form of storage) for those OCD players who love to organise their supplies in categories 30. Tool box - used to store building equipment (persistent form of storage) for those OCD players who love to organise their supplies in categories. 31. Wall clock - Tell the time without always needing a watch also a nice practical decorative :) 32. Wall map - Group members can draw/note locations on it which are persistent - good for noting base locations and other interesting finds, can record good vantage points, plan attacks/raids etc. viewable all at the same time so base raiding can be planned out. - I think this is a MUST personally 33. Hoverboard - Used like the bicycles of A2, cheap disposable form of quite/light transport. Board can consume energy packs to run as fuel, 1 small energypack could let it run for 2km or something? - It would fly just high enough to skip over small rocks and would be maybe 1/3 faster than a sprinting player - Fits the story/lore of EPOCH. Could also work across water to make things interesting? ZENITHOVMAN 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mgm Posted March 13, 2015 Report Share Posted March 13, 2015 If you gonna add fridge, I want ice maker and toaster too Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cring0 Posted March 13, 2015 Report Share Posted March 13, 2015 +keg tap for special occasions Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IReeceI Posted March 13, 2015 Report Share Posted March 13, 2015 So in other words ! Every thing out of arma2 Epoch with a few added things ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fog Horn Posted March 13, 2015 Report Share Posted March 13, 2015 As stated , very good Ideas , just a thought , the dev team has stated they want to use their own content , many of these ideas are already part of other arma mods , as an example , # 13 in OP , done in Origins , etc , just want everyone to be realistic . :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mgm Posted March 13, 2015 Report Share Posted March 13, 2015 As stated , very good Ideas , just a thought , the dev team has stated they want to use their own content , many of these ideas are already part of other arma mods , as an example , # 13 in OP , done in Origins , etc , just want everyone to be realistic . :) OMG! That thing I want. We need helipads urgently. My poor little Huron out in the cold in this cruel Altis weather. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cring0 Posted March 14, 2015 Report Share Posted March 14, 2015 That's pretty awesome. If you're going to worry about making something remotely similar to whats in another mod though, you might as well give up. It's like saying you can't make frickin detergent because Tide makes it... If you make it yourself, then its yours, regardless of whether someone else had a similar idea before you, who the fook cares? Hipsters? SPIB0X and Snitzle 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SPIB0X Posted March 15, 2015 Author Report Share Posted March 15, 2015 Cring0 is right. If you go by that logic then ARMA EPOCH could be seen as a cross between WoW, Minecraft, Half-Life, Skyrim and Ghost Recon to name a few. Nothing they have done so far has been revolutionary or stictly their own ideas, there is no such thing as an original idea, successful products/games/services are all stemmed from existing creations but built upon or specifically altered to suit a target market. EG: Instead of the nested building/helipad idea, a simple horizontal door thats big enough to fit a chopper would serve the same purpose just designed and functions differently. This is enough for them to call it their own. The copyright law itself in Australia is something like 25% difference required to class something as your own... People will try and claim shit as their own all the time but reality is nothing is original. Do you think Apple were the first to create computers, phones or media devices? Fuck no. Apple just market well and design for specific target markets using existing technologies. Most of the time apple are the LAST to integrate technologies to their products doesn't take anything away from their success. I should add that I actually don't like Apply products strictly because of iTunes... Ironically that is something that only Apply do/have Snitzle 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brez Posted March 15, 2015 Report Share Posted March 15, 2015 Hoover board. lol Back to the future-poch Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mgm Posted March 15, 2015 Report Share Posted March 15, 2015 Hoverboard is obviously the next thing to add (urgently). stonXer 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tobias Solem Posted March 16, 2015 Report Share Posted March 16, 2015 Personally I would like to change some parts of the building system. I think it shouldn't be energy-based, but stamina based, ie. it takes physical effort to construct buildings, not some "magical" electric resource that you "carry around". In fact, the whole energy system lacks any kind of description, are we as players androids? If so, then why do we have stamina/fatigue separate from "Energy"? Do we run around with a battery pack inside of us? If so, how is that at all related to how we build? mgm, chisel, knights†emplar and 2 others 5 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mgm Posted March 16, 2015 Report Share Posted March 16, 2015 Personally I would like to change some parts of the building system. I think it shouldn't be energy-based, but stamina based, ie. it takes physical effort to construct buildings, not some "magical" electric resource that you "carry around". In fact, the whole energy system lacks any kind of description, are we as players androids? If so, then why do we have stamina/fatigue separate from "Energy"? Do we run around with a battery pack inside of us? If so, how is that at all related to how we build? Exactly what I thought the first time I spawned in A3 Epoch. I never had the same awkard feeling A2 Epoch - why is that. It might be in 2035 (that is 20 years from now) however it does not have to be totally out-of-touch. Rather than 20 years ahead, look 20 years back: the year 1995 wasn't substantially different from a technological perspective. I mean if you look at the past of human history [last 5K years or so], in that scale, in the last 20 years we did not make a huge leap. Technology is improving -obviously- however human energy requirements did not/does not/(most probably)will not change in 20 years. Let's keep it believable (there's a word for that - can't remember now) and immersive, why not? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tobias Solem Posted March 16, 2015 Report Share Posted March 16, 2015 Perhaps the explanation comes from the nanite technology described in the wiki about "the rock monster", ie. that what is actually making these bases stick together is nanites powered/controlled from the frequency jammer? axeman 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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