Tobias Solem Posted May 6, 2015 Report Share Posted May 6, 2015 What about being able to launch the chase the admin-thingymabob in the admin menu? :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DirtySanchez Posted May 6, 2015 Report Share Posted May 6, 2015 I believe we need to enable that in the base server file by adding the admi n folder to it. however my only try at that a week ago was unsuccesful, fums wouldn't even load so moved on. Horbin thanks a lot for the easy way to add objects to the missions, I was fretting about moving my custom see missions over because of that ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kroenen Posted May 6, 2015 Report Share Posted May 6, 2015 Hey Horbin, just thought I'd give you a quick update on where I got to with running server side, in case it helps at all. I've given FuMS one last shot with just the heli crashes, coastal missions and madscience. Coastal missions not spawning loot, and the guys in the water dont seem to be able to shoot at you. Loot is possibly due to this error which has been spamming the log for hours now; 12:57:01 Error in expression <il "_box") exitwith {}; _players = _box nearEntities ["Man",FuMS_SmokeProximity]> 12:57:01 Error position: <nearEntities ["Man",FuMS_SmokeProximity]> 12:57:01 Error 0 elements provided, 3 expected 12:57:01 File FuMS\HC\Loot\FillLoot.sqf, line 97 12:57:01 Bad conversion: array Madscience mission, scientists can punch through godmode and kill admins, and again, loot box doesn`t appear. I killed 20 in a town last night, and mission didn't complete. So ran around for an hour trying to find one that may have been missed. When I gave up and logged off, I noticed in the RPT the mission completed as a win as soon as I left the area. loot box. Heli crashes are OK after raising the scatter height up a bit, but sometimes it still goes underground. Finally, and the biggest issue, is that when FuMS is installed, I randomly get locked vehicles disappearing and reappearing several restarts later. Sometimes I find the missing vehicle on the map, and according to it's owner, that's where it was maybe a day or so ago. Couple of restarts later, it reappears back where it should be. I've tested this quite a bit now, and the problem only happens when FuMS is active.....absolutely no idea how or why it's even possible! So for now, sadly, I'll have to give FuMS a miss until either someone figures out all the server side issues, or GTX stop fobbing people off when they ask about headless clients. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
xXMeragonXx Posted May 6, 2015 Report Share Posted May 6, 2015 hey i need help,, ich will edit the Loot at the SEM missione, so i drop the LootData.sqf into the SEM folder and edit it like this: ... [ // Loot Option title, and box to be used. If box = 'VEHICLE' then loot is intended to be placed in a vehicle. ["SniperBox","Random"], [ // All weapons and quantity [Rifle_ALL, 3] ], [// All magazines and quantity [Ammo_ALL, 5] ], [// All items and quantity [Food_ALL, 4] ], [// All backpacks and quantity [Backpacks_ALL, 3] ] ], //***********End of Loot************************ //********************************************************************************************************** [ // Loot Option title, and box to be used. Use of array names is permitted. ["buildingbox", "Random"], [// All weapons and quantity ["LMG_Mk200_F", 2], ["arifle_MXM_Black_F", 2] ], [// All magazines and quantity ["30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer", 4], ["200Rnd_65x39_cased_Box_Tracer", 4] ], [// All items and quantity [buildingCustom, 10] ], [// All backpacks and quantity [Backpacks_ALL, 2] ] ] ]; FuMS_LOOTDATA set [_this select 0, _lootData]; next i edit the VanCrash like this: [ // Loot Config: Refer to LootData.sqf for specifcs ["None" , [18,-9] ], //[static loot, offset location] - spawns with the mission ["buildingbox" , [-5,0] ], // Win loot, offset location - spawns after mission success ["None" , [0,0] ] // Failure loot, offset location - spawns on mission failure ], the mission work, but no Lootbox is spawning Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rocko_MB Posted May 6, 2015 Report Share Posted May 6, 2015 On 5/6/2015 at 12:27 PM, Kroenen said: Hey Horbin, just thought I'd give you a quick update on where I got to with running server side, in case it helps at all. I've given FuMS one last shot with just the heli crashes, coastal missions and madscience. Coastal missions not spawning loot, and the guys in the water dont seem to be able to shoot at you. Loot is possibly due to this error which has been spamming the log for hours now; 12:57:01 Error in expression <il "_box") exitwith {}; _players = _box nearEntities ["Man",FuMS_SmokeProximity]> 12:57:01 Error position: <nearEntities ["Man",FuMS_SmokeProximity]> 12:57:01 Error 0 elements provided, 3 expected 12:57:01 File FuMS\HC\Loot\FillLoot.sqf, line 97 12:57:01 Bad conversion: array You did the same as me. I removed 2 of the smoke grenades from the box/smoke when it spawns and you get this error. I have ignored it because if you add all 3 smokes the FPS drops. So 1 smoke is better than no smoke. R. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DirtySanchez Posted May 6, 2015 Report Share Posted May 6, 2015 Just use the true false variable for smoke guys. You are screwing the code up by doing your own edits to the internal structure Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DirtySanchez Posted May 6, 2015 Report Share Posted May 6, 2015 Hey Horbin,I know I know LOLZ another post by that Sanchez fella.This one however is a simple request. I have created many map edits in M3 editor and use them on the MAP as well as some of my custom missions.I would like to move them into FuMS for performance reasons, but am stuck with incompatible data and would have to redo the missions.Since M3 editor has become one of the best to use for this MOD, can I ask that you change this: if (!isNil "_buildingData") then { if (count _buildingData > 0) then { private ["_firstBuilding"]; // check if 1st building is at [0,0,0]. If so, work offsets! _firstBuilding = _buildingData select 0; if (TypeName _firstBuilding == "ARRAY") then {_firstBuilding = [_firstBuilding] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;}; // if ([_firstBuilding] call FuMS_fnc_HC_Val_Msn_ValidateBuildings) then if (true) then { private ["_fbLoc","_useOffset","_fireEffect"]; _fbLoc = _firstBuilding select 1; _useOffset = false; if (_fbLoc select 0 == 0 and _fbLoc select 1 == 0 and _fbLoc select 2 ==0) then {_useOffset = true;}; //3d locations, using offsets! // diag_log format ["##SpawnBuildings: Debug: 1stBuilding: %1 _useOffset:%2",_firstBuilding, _useOffset]; //foreach _buildingData { // if ([_x] call FuMS_fnc_HC_Val_Msn_ValidateBuildings) include the ability to recognize this:["CinderWall_EPOCH",[14816.2,16370.6,-0.139299],227.048,[[0.0240885,0.0224252,0.999458],[0.731528,0.681016,-0.0329111]],false] ^^This being the data in the mission file itself private ["_obj"]; _obj = createVehicle [_x select 0, [0,0,0], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; if (_x select 4) then { _obj setDir (_x select 2); _obj setPos (_x select 1); } else { _obj setPosATL (_x select 1); _obj setVectorDirAndUp (_x select 3); }; } foreach _objs; ^^This being the code that allows recognition of the above code.Only reason I really ask for this update is because most of us are already using this system for MAP edits and Kiloswiss' SEM mission set.That line even works inserted into Epoch server settings map.h file with a simple find [ or ] and replace with { or } appropriately.Please consider this as I am sure most people that are using FuMS would love to have the ease of customization like this as others have provided us.Thanks Horbin for even giving time to read and consider. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
second_coming Posted May 6, 2015 Report Share Posted May 6, 2015 On 5/6/2015 at 5:12 PM, DirtySanchez said: Hey Horbin, I know I know LOLZ another post by that Sanchez fella. This one however is a simple request. I have created many map edits in M3 editor and use them on the MAP as well as some of my custom missions. I would like to move them into FuMS for performance reasons, but am stuck with incompatible data and would have to redo the missions. Since M3 editor has become one of the best to use for this MOD, can I ask that you change this: if (!isNil "_buildingData") then { if (count _buildingData > 0) then { private ["_firstBuilding"]; // check if 1st building is at [0,0,0]. If so, work offsets! _firstBuilding = _buildingData select 0; if (TypeName _firstBuilding == "ARRAY") then {_firstBuilding = [_firstBuilding] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;}; // if ([_firstBuilding] call FuMS_fnc_HC_Val_Msn_ValidateBuildings) then if (true) then { private ["_fbLoc","_useOffset","_fireEffect"]; _fbLoc = _firstBuilding select 1; _useOffset = false; if (_fbLoc select 0 == 0 and _fbLoc select 1 == 0 and _fbLoc select 2 ==0) then {_useOffset = true;}; //3d locations, using offsets! // diag_log format ["##SpawnBuildings: Debug: 1stBuilding: %1 _useOffset:%2",_firstBuilding, _useOffset]; //foreach _buildingData { // if ([_x] call FuMS_fnc_HC_Val_Msn_ValidateBuildings) then...... to include the ability to recognize this:["CinderWall_EPOCH",[14816.2,16370.6,-0.139299],227.048,[[0.0240885,0.0224252,0.999458],[0.731528,0.681016,-0.0329111]],false] ^^This being the data in the mission file itself private ["_obj"]; _obj = createVehicle [_x select 0, [0,0,0], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; if (_x select 4) then { _obj setDir (_x select 2); _obj setPos (_x select 1); } else { _obj setPosATL (_x select 1); _obj setVectorDirAndUp (_x select 3); }; } foreach _objs; ^^This being the code that allows recognition of the above code. Only reason I really ask for this update is because most of us are already using this system for MAP edits and Kiloswiss' SEM mission set. That line even works inserted into Epoch server settings map.h file with a simple find [ or ] and replace with { or } appropriately. Please consider this as I am sure most people that are using FuMS would love to have the ease of customization like this as others have provided us. Thanks Horbin for even giving time to read and consider. I'm assuming as Horbin is planning on integrating something like Zupas capture points into FuMS that importing temporary bases would be an integral part of this. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DirtySanchez Posted May 6, 2015 Report Share Posted May 6, 2015 Thanks Second_Coming.I actually posted the wrong OBJ.I meant to post up SEM's and ZCP's composistion/base builder. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
horbin Posted May 6, 2015 Author Report Share Posted May 6, 2015 Second, Dirty, that capability is in the works... Kroenen, MadScience - check the Horde.sqf. No loot is set to spawn. You don't get loot for killing zombies! come one! :) You can add loot there if you want too. HeloCrash - if you don't like the scatter loot, I would recommend just commenting the theme out of the BaseServer.sqf. Some things you just can't fix with Arma3. :) Aquatic Missions - "Coastal Missions" - if you mean missions that spawn near the coast..then yes, sometimes AI will walk in water, when they do, they can not shoot. EPOCH restricted until server side code is opened. MadScience and Raptors will EAT admins. Damage is hard coded in EH's and does not check for any sort of 'status' Vehicle issue is 'probably' due to causes I discussed in the post specifically concerned with this. And it is something that is probably affecting any mod that is trying to add more vehicles to the map than EPOCH is 'statically' set to handle. FuMS is a tool for admins to help them build and easily maintain various missions. The themes provided with it are for 'demo' purposes. They provide examples on how to utilize each of the options. I do not spend alot of time testing individual missions for quirks. DirtySanchez 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DirtySanchez Posted May 6, 2015 Report Share Posted May 6, 2015 Thanks Horbin appreciate the update. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scourge013 Posted May 7, 2015 Report Share Posted May 7, 2015 Hello Horbin, I love your mission system. But I seem to be having some difficulty installing it on my clean re-install of ArmA 3 Epoch. I have a new server box so I'm installing the server fresh. I have everything all set up. "Vanilla" ArmA 3 Epoch mission runs fine, the database saves everything, etc, etc. I've gotten the Headless client labeled HC_HAL and it's connecting properly (at least as far as I can tell)--I can see that it's connected in the server console and when I log in as admin. I made the modifications to the mission.sqm and the descriptions.ext, and added the HC folder to the mission .pbo and then the FuMS.pbo to the addons folder within @epochive. Then I hit a snag. According to your directions, I need to add an execvm (blah blah) line to the mission's init.sqf. Problem: the new version of the Epoch mission does not have an init.sqf. Only a mission.sqm, description.ext, and now an HC folder from FuMS. I ran the server just for the fudge of it and I saw a burning heli wreck in the distance first thing off (but it disappeared by the time I was over there). No other missions seem to appear and me nor anyone else on the server has seen a heli wreck since either. How should I get this to work without a init.sqf? If I were to write an init.sqf from scratch what should be in it? Any assistance would be appreciated. Forgot to mention: There are no FuMS related errors or initialization messages mentioned in the server .rpt files, either. Seems like it's not calling the headless client stuff, which would make sense since the mission is missing the init.sqf... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
horbin Posted May 7, 2015 Author Report Share Posted May 7, 2015 Scourge013, Here is a copy of the init.sqf I use on my test server //*************************** //** Execute on all players, HC's, and server //*************************** [] execVM "HC\Init.sqf"; That should do it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scourge013 Posted May 7, 2015 Report Share Posted May 7, 2015 Well now, this is odd. I added a new init.sqf file to the mission copying and pasted what you quoted above...and now the headless client joins the game as "headlessclient" and occupies the first player slot. It doesn't join as HC_HAL in the Virtual slot. Still no missions that I can tell on the map, either. Hrm. Now I'm really confuzzled. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lander123 Posted May 7, 2015 Report Share Posted May 7, 2015 07.05.2015 07:08:57: hal ( - #0 "FuMS_GetPlayerIndex" = B Alpha 1-2:1 (hal) REMOTE 07.05.2015 07:16:20: Akbar ( - #0 "FuMS_GetPlayerIndex" = B Alpha 1-2:1 (Akbar) REMOTE 07.05.2015 10:33:33: Efe ( - #0 "FuMS_GetPlayerIndex" = B Alpha 1-2:1 (Efe) REMOTE 07.05.2015 12:00:49: rooh #MATABOT :D ( - #0 "FuMS_GetPlayerIndex" = B Alpha 1-2:1 (rooh #MATABOT :D) REMOTE i added !"FuMS_GetPlayerIndex" to publicvariable.txt maybe it should be added to the BE filters.txt on github ? using arma 144|epoch0303|fums15f Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
horbin Posted May 7, 2015 Author Report Share Posted May 7, 2015 Thanks lander. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
xbelanch Posted May 7, 2015 Report Share Posted May 7, 2015 Need help too as Scourge013: I followed the install.txt instructions but it doesn't work for me. Maybe I miss something I can't see. Here's my init.sqf /* Fun fact: In ArmA2 (v1.62 BETA 101032 and higher) on a Headless Client "hasInterface" returns false*/ if(!isDedicated && !hasInterface)then{};/* headless client only */ if(!hasInterface)then{}; /* headless client AND dedicated */ if(isDedicated)then{}; /* dedicated server only */ if(isServer)then{}; /* dedicated AND localhost */ if(hasInterface && isServer)then{}; /* localhost only */ if(hasInterface && !isServer)then{}; /* player only */ if (!isDedicated) then {}; if(hasInterface)then{ /* player AND localhost */ waitUntil{player == player}; [] execVM "addons\status_Bar\init_statusBar.sqf"; execVM "semClient.sqf"; //Supply Drop Alert Event "SDROP_Alert" addPublicVariableEventHandler { hint parseText format["%1", _this select 1]; }; }; [] execVM "HC\Init.sqf"; and the lines from RPT log: Reveal hidden contents 13:40:52 "Epoch: Init PublicEH" 13:40:52 "Epoch: Setup Side Settings" 13:40:52 "Epoch: Setup World Settings for Altis" 13:40:52 "Epoch: Set Weather" 13:40:52 "DEBUG: static weather: [15,0,[0,0,0],0.8,[0,2]]" 13:40:52 Weather was forced to change 13:40:52 "Weather Change: fog: [0,0,0] rain: 0.8 overcast: 0 windx: 0 windz: 2 forced: true" 13:40:52 "Epoch: Loading buildings" 13:40:52 "<FuMS> LoadCommonData: ActiveThemes: ["HeloPatrols","SEM","TownRaid","Small","Aquatic","MadScience","Convoy","StaticSpawns","Jurassic"]" 13:40:52 "<FuMS> LoadCommonData: ActiveThemesHC: [-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1]" 13:40:52 "##BuildThemeMissionList: _missionList:[["HeloPatrolEast"],["HeloPatrolEast"]]" 13:40:52 "##BuildThemeMissionList: List from Theme: [["HeloPatrolEast"],["HeloPatrolEast"]]" 13:40:52 "##BuildThemeMissionList:HeloPatrols: List from recursion: ["HeloPatrolEast","HeloPatrolEast"]" 13:40:52 "##BuildThemeMissionList:HeloPatrols: List of AdminMissions: [[0,"HeloPatrols",["HeloPatrolEast"]],[0,"HeloPatrols",["HeloPatrolEast"]]]" 13:40:52 "<FuMS> LoadCommonData: 0:["HeloPatrolEast",[["HeloPatrolEast",200],["Helo Patrol","mil_dot","ELLIPSE","ColorRed","FDiagonal",200],[[true,"ALL",0,false,false,30,10],["CORE Directive","Defense Alert!","High Command has dispatched a squadron of helicopters to patrol the skys!"],["Mission Success","","Notifying High Command that the squadron has been lost!"],["Mission Failure!","","Reconnaissance complete. All forces are to RTB."]],[["None",[0,0]],["None",[0,0]],["None",[0,0]]],[],[],[],[[["BodyCount",9]],[["AllDeadorGone"]],[],[],[],[]],[],[[[["B_Heli_Light_01_armed_F",[0,0],[1,"Rifleman"],"Truck01"],["B_Heli_Light_01_armed_F",[0,-100],[1,"Rifleman"],"Truck01"],["B_Heli_Transport_01_F",[100,0],[1,"Rifleman"],"Truck01"]],[[["RESISTANCE","COMBAT","RED","COLUMN"],[[3,"Driver"]],["TrackRoute",[0,0],[0,0],["COMBAT","NORMAL",["Villages","Villages","Cities","Capitals","Villages","Villages"],false,false,false,100]]]],[[["RESISTANCE","COMBAT","RED","COLUMN"],[[1,"Sniper"],[1,"Rifleman"]],["PatrolRoute",[0,0],[0,0],["CO 13:40:52 "<FuMS> LoadCommonData: 0:["HeloPatrolEast",[["HeloPatrolEast",200],["Helo Patrol","mil_dot","ELLIPSE","ColorRed","FDiagonal",200],[[true,"ALL",0,false,false,30,10],["CORE Directive","Defense Alert!","High Command has dispatched a squadron of helicopters to patrol the skys!"],["Mission Success","","Notifying High Command that the squadron has been lost!"],["Mission Failure!","","Reconnaissance complete. All forces are to RTB."]],[["None",[0,0]],["None",[0,0]],["None",[0,0]]],[],[],[],[[["BodyCount",9]],[["AllDeadorGone"]],[],[],[],[]],[],[[[["B_Heli_Light_01_armed_F",[0,0],[1,"Rifleman"],"Truck01"],["B_Heli_Light_01_armed_F",[0,-100],[1,"Rifleman"],"Truck01"],["B_Heli_Transport_01_F",[100,0],[1,"Rifleman"],"Truck01"]],[[["RESISTANCE","COMBAT","RED","COLUMN"],[[3,"Driver"]],["TrackRoute",[0,0],[0,0],["COMBAT","NORMAL",["Villages","Villages","Cities","Capitals","Villages","Villages"],false,false,false,100]]]],[[["RESISTANCE","COMBAT","RED","COLUMN"],[[1,"Sniper"],[1,"Rifleman"]],["PatrolRoute",[0,0],[0,0],["CO 13:40:52 "##BuildThemeMissionList: _missionList:[["BanditCamp"],["HeloCrash"],["NukeDevice"],["PlaneCrash"],["VanCrash"]]" 13:40:53 "##BuildThemeMissionList: List from Theme: [["BanditCamp"],["HeloCrash"],["NukeDevice"],["PlaneCrash"],["VanCrash"]]" 13:40:53 "##BuildThemeMissionList:SEM: List from recursion: ["BanditCamp","Help_Vehicle","Help_Ground","HeloCrash","NukeDevice","PlaneCrash","VanCrash"]" 13:40:53 "##BuildThemeMissionList:SEM: List of AdminMissions: [[0,"HeloPatrols",["HeloPatrolEast"]],[0,"HeloPatrols",["HeloPatrolEast"]],[1,"SEM",["BanditCamp"]],[1,"SEM",["Help_Vehicle"]],[1,"SEM",["Help_Ground"]],[1,"SEM",["HeloCrash"]],[1,"SEM",["NukeDevice"]],[1,"SEM",["PlaneCrash"]],[1,"SEM",["VanCrash"]]]" 13:40:53 "<FuMS> LoadCommonData: 1:["BanditCamp",[["BanditCamp",200,"LAND"],["Bandit Camp","mil_objective","ELLIPSE","ColorGreen","FDiagonal",200],[[true,1,0,true,true,30,30],["Bandit Base Camp","","A bandit camp has been located!"],["Mission Success","","The Bandits have been terminated."],["Mission Failure!","","The Bandits have escaped!"]],[["None",[18,-9]],["RANDOM",[-5,0]],["None",[0,0]]],[["Land_BagBunker_Tower_F",[6,6],0,0]],[[["RESISTANCE","COMBAT","RED","LINE"],[[3,"Sniper"]],["Explore",[6,-6],[0,0],[0]]],[["RESISTANCE","COMBAT","RED","LINE"],[[3,"Rifleman"],[1,"LMG"]],["Explore",[6,6],[0,0],[0]]],[["RESISTANCE","COMBAT","RED","LINE"],[[3,"Rifleman"]],["BoxPatrol",[-6,-6],[0,0],[0]]]],[],[[["ProxPlayer",[0,0],100,1],["BodyCount",7],["Reinforce",25,"Random"]],[],[],[],[],[]],[]]]" 13:40:53 "<FuMS> LoadCommonData: 1:["Help_Vehicle",[["Reinforcments",200],["Test Mission","mil_dot","ELLIPSE","ColorRed","FDiagonal",200],[[true,"ALL",0,false,false,10,10],["","","High Command is sending help!"],["","",""],["","",""]],[["None",[18,-9]],["None",[-5,0]],["None",[0,0]]],[],[],[[[["C_Offroad_01_EPOCH",[-700,0],[1,"Rifleman"],"None"]],[[["RESISTANCE","COMBAT","RED","COLUMN"],[[1,"Driver"]],["Convoy",[-700,0],[0,-50],["Full",true,true,true]]]],[[["RESISTANCE","COMBAT","RED","COLUMN"],[[1,"Sniper"],[3,"Rifleman"]],["BoxPatrol",[-700,0],[0,0],[50]]]]]],[[],[],[],[],[],[["NO TRIGGERS"]]],[]]]" 13:40:53 "<FuMS> LoadCommonData: 1:["Help_Ground",[["Reinforcments",200,"LAND"],["Test Mission","mil_dot","ELLIPSE","ColorGreen","FDiagonal",200],[[true,"ALL",0,false,false,30,10],["","","High Command is sending help!"],["","",""],["","",""]],[["None",[18,-9]],["None",[-5,0]],["None",[0,0]]],[],[[["RESISTANCE","COMBAT","RED","COLUMN"],[[1,"Sniper"],[2,"Rifleman"],[2,"Hunter"]],["BoxPatrol",[250,0],[0,0],[75]]]],[],[[],[],[],[],[],[["NO TRIGGERS"]]],[]]]" 13:40:53 "<FuMS> LoadCommonData: 1:["HeloCrash",[["HeloCrash",100,"LAND"],["Helicopter Crash","mil_objective","ELLIPSE","ColorGreen","FDiagonal",200],[[true,1,0,true,true,30,30],["Helo Crash!","","A heli with supplies and bandit troops has crashed."],["Mission Success","","The bandits have been destroyed."],["Mission Failure!","","The bandits have escaped."]],[["None",[18,-9]],["RANDOM",[-5,0]],["None",[0,0]]],[["Land_Wreck_Heli_Attack_02_F",[6,6],0,0,"FIRE_BIG"]],[[["RESISTANCE","COMBAT","RED","LINE"],[[3,"Sniper"]],["Explore",[6,-6],[0,0],[0]]],[["RESISTANCE","COMBAT","RED","LINE"],[[3,"Rifleman"],[1,"LMG"]],["Explore",[6,6],[0,0],[0]]],[["RESISTANCE","COMBAT","RED","LINE"],[[3,"Rifleman"]],["BoxPatrol",[-6,-6],[0,0],[0]]]],[],[[["ProxPlayer",[0,0],100,1],["BodyCount",7],["Reinforce",25,"Random"]],[],[],[],[],[]],[]]]" 13:40:53 "<FuMS> LoadCommonData: 1:["NukeDevice",[["NukeDevice",100,"LAND"],["Nuclear Device","mil_objective","ELLIPSE","ColorGreen","FDiagonal",200],[[true,1,0,true,true,30,30],["A Strange Device","","A nuclear device has been discovered"],["Mission Success","","The Device has been disabled."],["Mission Failure!","","Fortunately the device failed to activate, but the Bandits have escaped."]],[["None",[18,-9]],["RANDOM",[-5,0]],["None",[0,0]]],[["Land_Device_disassembled_F",[6,6],0,0]],[[["RESISTANCE","COMBAT","RED","LINE"],[[3,"Sniper"]],["Explore",[6,-6],[0,0],[0]]],[["RESISTANCE","COMBAT","RED","LINE"],[[3,"Rifleman"],[1,"LMG"]],["Explore",[6,6],[0,0],[0]]],[["RESISTANCE","COMBAT","RED","LINE"],[[3,"Rifleman"]],["BoxPatrol",[-6,-6],[0,0],[0]]]],[],[[["ProxPlayer",[0,0],100,1],["BodyCount",7],["Reinforce",25,"Random"]],[],[],[],[],[]],[]]]" 13:40:53 "<FuMS> LoadCommonData: 1:["PlaneCrash",[["PlaneCrash",100,"LAND"],["Aircraft Crash","mil_objective","ELLIPSE","Colorgreen","FDiagonal",200],[[true,1,0,true,true,30,30],["Aircraft Crash!","","A supply plane has crashed with surviving bandits!."],["Mission Success","","The bandits have been destroyed."],["Mission Failure!","","The bandits have escaped."]],[["None",[18,-9]],["RANDOM",[-5,0]],["None",[0,0]]],[["Land_UWreck_MV22_F",[6,6],0,0,"FIRE_BIG"]],[[["RESISTANCE","COMBAT","RED","LINE"],[[3,"Sniper"]],["Explore",[6,-6],[0,0],[0]]],[["RESISTANCE","COMBAT","RED","LINE"],[[3,"Rifleman"],[1,"LMG"]],["Explore",[6,6],[0,0],[0]]],[["RESISTANCE","COMBAT","RED","LINE"],[[3,"Rifleman"]],["BoxPatrol",[-6,-6],[0,0],[0]]]],[],[[["ProxPlayer",[0,0],100,1],["BodyCount",7],["Reinforce",25,"Random"]],[],[],[],[],[]],[]]]" 13:40:53 "<FuMS> LoadCommonData: 1:["VanCrash",[["VanCrash",100,"LAND"],["Van Crash","mil_objective","ELLIPSE","ColorGreen","FDiagonal",200],[[true,1,0,true,true,30,30],["Supply Van Crash!","","A supply van has crashed with surviving bandits!."],["Mission Success","","The bandits have been destroyed."],["Mission Failure!","","The bandits have escaped."]],[["None",[18,-9]],["RANDOM",[-5,0]],["None",[0,0]]],[["Land_Wreck_Van_F",[6,6],0,0,"SMOKE_MEDIUM"],["Land_Wreck_Ural_F",[-6,-6],0,0,"SMOKE_MEDIUM"]],[[["RESISTANCE","COMBAT","RED","LINE"],[[3,"Sniper"]],["Explore",[6,-6],[0,0],[0]]],[["RESISTANCE","COMBAT","RED","LINE"],[[3,"Rifleman"],[1,"LMG"]],["Explore",[6,6],[0,0],[0]]],[["RESISTANCE","COMBAT","RED","LINE"],[[3,"Rifleman"]],["BoxPatrol",[-6,-6],[0,0],[0]]]],[],[[["ProxPlayer",[0,0],100,1],["BodyCount",7],["Reinforce",25,"Random"]],[],[],[],[],[]],[]]]" 13:40:53 Cannot load surface info ca\data\Penetration\concrete.bisurf 13:40:53 "##BuildThemeMissionList: _missionList:[["RaidTown"]]" 13:40:53 "##BuildThemeMissionList: List from Theme: [["RaidTown"]]" 13:40:53 "##BuildThemeMissionList:TownRaid: List from recursion: ["RaidTown","EvacTown"]" 13:40:53 "##BuildThemeMissionList:TownRaid: List of AdminMissions: [[0,"HeloPatrols",["HeloPatrolEast"]],[0,"HeloPatrols",["HeloPatrolEast"]],[1,"SEM",["BanditCamp"]],[1,"SEM",["Help_Vehicle"]],[1,"SEM",["Help_Ground"]],[1,"SEM",["HeloCrash"]],[1,"SEM",["NukeDevice"]],[1,"SEM",["PlaneCrash"]],[1,"SEM",["VanCrash"]],[2,"TownRaid",["RaidTown"]],[2,"TownRaid",["EvacTown"]]]" 13:40:53 "<FuMS> LoadCommonData: 2:["RaidTown",[["RaidTown",200],["Town","mil_objective","ELLIPSE","ColorRed","FDiagonal",200],[[true,"ALL",0,true,true,120,30],["Town Raid","A city is being looted by humans","A city is being invaded by humans!"],["Mission Success","Look for their loot in the center of town!","The loot collected has been captured by clones!"],["Mission Failure!","","We have escaped with the resources."]],[["None",[0,0]],["TownLoot",[0,0]],["None",[0,0]]],[],[],[[[["B_Truck_01_transport_EPOCH",[0,-600],[2,"Rifleman"],"Truck01"]],[[["RESISTANCE","COMBAT","RED","COLUMN"],[[1,"Driver"]],["Convoy",[0,-600],[0,-100],["NORMAL",true,true,true]]]],[[["RESISTANCE","COMBAT","RED","COLUMN"],[[1,"Sniper"],[5,"Rifleman"]],["Buildings",[0,-600],[0,-50],[100]]]]],[[["B_Truck_01_transport_EPOCH",[0,600],[2,"Rifleman"],"Truck01"]],[[["RESISTANCE","COMBAT","RED","COLUMN"],[[1,"Driver"]],["Convoy",[0,600],[0,100],["NORMAL",true,true,true]]]],[[["RESISTANCE","COMBAT","RED","COLUMN"],[[1,"Sniper"],[5,"Rifleman"]],["Buildin 13:40:53 "<FuMS> LoadCommonData: 2:["EvacTown",[["EvacTown",200],["Evac","mil_objective","ELLIPSE","ColorRed","FDiagonal",200],[[true,"ALL",0,false,false,0,0],["XFILL assets inbound!","Evac on its way!","XFILL assets are inbound, be ready!"],["Mission Success","",""],["Mission Failure!","",""]],[["None",[0,0]],["None",[0,0]],["None",[0,0]]],[],[],[[[["B_Truck_01_transport_EPOCH",[0,-600],[1,"Rifleman"],"Truck01"]],[[["RESISTANCE","COMBAT","RED","COLUMN"],[[1,"Driver"]],["Convoy",[0,-600],[0,0],["NORMAL",true,true,true,"XFILL"]]]],[]],[[["B_Truck_01_transport_EPOCH",[0,600],[1,"Rifleman"],"Truck01"]],[[["RESISTANCE","COMBAT","RED","COLUMN"],[[1,"Driver"]],["Convoy",[0,600],[0,0],["NORMAL",true,true,true,"XFILL"]]]],[]],[[["B_Truck_01_transport_EPOCH",[600,0],[1,"Rifleman"],"Truck01"]],[[["RESISTANCE","COMBAT","RED","COLUMN"],[[1,"Driver"]],["Convoy",[600,0],[0,0],["NORMAL",true,true,true,"XFILL"]]]],[]],[[["B_Truck_01_transport_EPOCH",[-600,0],[1,"Rifleman"],"Truck01"]],[[["RESISTANCE","COMBAT","RED","COLUMN"],[[1,"Dr 13:40:53 Cannot load surface info ca\data\Penetration\rubber.bisurf 13:40:53 "##BuildThemeMissionList: _missionList:[["small1"],["small2"],["small3"],["small4"]]" 13:40:54 "##BuildThemeMissionList: List from Theme: [["small1"],["small2"],["small3"],["small4"]]" 13:40:54 "##BuildThemeMissionList:Small: List from recursion: ["small1","small2","small3","small4"]" 13:40:54 "##BuildThemeMissionList:Small: List of AdminMissions: [[0,"HeloPatrols",["HeloPatrolEast"]],[0,"HeloPatrols",["HeloPatrolEast"]],[1,"SEM",["BanditCamp"]],[1,"SEM",["Help_Vehicle"]],[1,"SEM",["Help_Ground"]],[1,"SEM",["HeloCrash"]],[1,"SEM",["NukeDevice"]],[1,"SEM",["PlaneCrash"]],[1,"SEM",["VanCrash"]],[2,"TownRaid",["RaidTown"]],[2,"TownRaid",["EvacTown"]],[3,"Small",["small1"]],[3,"Small",["small2"]],[3,"Small",["small3"]],[3,"Small",["small4"]]]" 13:40:54 "<FuMS> LoadCommonData: 3:["small1",[["SniperAlley",75],["Sniper Alley","mil_objective","ELLIPSE","ColorOrange","FDiagonal",75],[[true,1,0,true,true,300,30],["Sniper's Have Been Spotted!","A Small Patrol Was Spotted","You have our permission to confiscate any property you find as payment for eliminating the threat!."],["Mission Success","SniperAlley","The bandits have been destroyed."],["Mission Failure!","SniperAlley","The Sniper's have escaped."]],[["None",[18,-9]],["RANDOM",[0,0]],["None",[-7,0]]],[],[[["RESISTANCE","COMBAT","RED","LINE"],[[2,"HUNTER"]],["BUILDINGS",[6,-6],[0,0],[50]]],[["RESISTANCE","COMBAT","RED","LINE"],[[2,"HUNTER"]],["BUILDINGS",[-6,6],[0,0],[50]]],[["RESISTANCE","COMBAT","RED","LINE"],[[2,"LMG"]],["EXPLORE",[0,0],[0,1],[50]]],[["RESISTANCE","COMBAT","RED","LINE"],[[2,"SNIPER"]],["SENTRY",[0,0],[1,0],[50]]]],[],[[["LowUnitCount","GUER",1,100,[0,0]],["ProxPlayer",[0,0],50,1]],[["TIMER",3000]],[],[],[],[]],[]]]" 13:40:54 "<FuMS> LoadCommonData: 3:["small2",[["HostilePatrol",75],["Hostile Patrol","mil_objective","ELLIPSE","ColorOrange","FDiagonal",75],[[true,1,0,true,true,300,30],["A Hostile Patrol Has Been Spotted!","A Small Patrol Was Spotted","You have our permission to confiscate any property you find as payment for eliminating the threat!."],["Mission Success","HostilePatrol","The Hostile's have been destroyed."],["Mission Failure!","HostilePatrol","The Hostile's have escaped."]],[["None",[18,-9]],["RANDOM",[0,0]],["None",[-7,0]]],[],[[["RESISTANCE","COMBAT","RED","LINE"],[[2,"HUNTER"]],["BUILDINGS",[6,-6],[0,0],[50]]],[["RESISTANCE","COMBAT","RED","LINE"],[[2,"HUNTER"]],["BUILDINGS",[-6,6],[0,0],[50]]],[["RESISTANCE","COMBAT","RED","LINE"],[[2,"LMG"]],["EXPLORE",[0,0],[0,1],[50]]],[["RESISTANCE","COMBAT","RED","LINE"],[[2,"SNIPER"]],["SENTRY",[0,0],[1,0],[50]]]],[],[[["LowUnitCount","GUER",2,100,[0,0]],["ProxPlayer",[0,0],50,1]],[["TIMER",3000]],[],[],[],[]],[]]]" 13:40:54 "<FuMS> LoadCommonData: 3:["small3",[["Gang",75],["Gang","mil_objective","ELLIPSE","ColorOrange","FDiagonal",75],[[true,1,0,true,true,300,30],["A Gang Of Looter's Has Been Spotted!","A Small Gang Was Spotted","You have our permission to confiscate any property you find as payment for eliminating the threat!."],["Mission Success","HostilePatrol","The Hostile's have been destroyed."],["Mission Failure!","HostilePatrol","The Hostile's have escaped."]],[["None",[18,-9]],["RANDOM",[0,0]],["None",[-7,0]]],[],[[["RESISTANCE","COMBAT","RED","LINE"],[[2,"HUNTER"]],["BUILDINGS",[6,-6],[0,0],[75]]],[["RESISTANCE","COMBAT","RED","LINE"],[[2,"HUNTER"]],["BUILDINGS",[-6,6],[0,0],[75]]],[["RESISTANCE","COMBAT","RED","LINE"],[[2,"LMG"]],["EXPLORE",[0,0],[0,1],[50]]],[["RESISTANCE","COMBAT","RED","LINE"],[[2,"SNIPER"]],["SENTRY",[0,0],[1,0],[50]]]],[],[[["LowUnitCount","GUER",1,100,[0,0]],["ProxPlayer",[0,0],50,1]],[["TIMER",3000]],[],[],[],[]],[]]]" 13:40:54 "<FuMS> LoadCommonData: 3:["small4",[["BanditPosee",75],["Bandit Posee","mil_objective","ELLIPSE","ColorOrange","FDiagonal",75],[[true,1,0,true,true,300,30],["A Bandit Posee Has Been Spotted!","A Small Gang Was Spotted","You have our permission to confiscate any property you find as payment for eliminating the threat!."],["Mission Success","BanditPosee","The Bandits have been destroyed."],["Mission Failure!","BanditPosee","The Bandits have escaped."]],[["None",[18,-9]],["RANDOM",[0,0]],["None",[-7,0]]],[],[[["RESISTANCE","COMBAT","RED","LINE"],[[2,"HUNTER"]],["BUILDINGS",[6,-6],[0,0],[75]]],[["RESISTANCE","COMBAT","RED","LINE"],[[2,"HUNTER"]],["BUILDINGS",[-6,6],[0,0],[75]]],[["RESISTANCE","COMBAT","RED","LINE"],[[2,"LMG"]],["EXPLORE",[0,0],[0,1],[50]]],[["RESISTANCE","COMBAT","RED","LINE"],[[2,"SNIPER"]],["SENTRY",[0,0],[1,0],[50]]]],[],[[["LowUnitCount","GUER",1,100,[0,0]],["ProxPlayer",[0,0],50,1]],[["TIMER",3000]],[],[],[],[]],[]]]" 13:40:54 Error: Bone cheek_lf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:40:56 Error: Bone headcutscene doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:40:56 "##AdminData: FuMS_Users:[["Horbin","76561198074623284",1,["<ALL>"]]]" 13:40:56 "<FuMS> LoadCommonData Complete ##" 13:40:56 "Epoch: Loading NPC traders" 13:40:57 Warning: rightHandIKCurve, wrong size (size<2||size>=4) in \x\addons\a3_epoch_weapons\data\handanims\sr25_reload.rtm 13:40:57 Warning: rightHandIKCurve, wrong size (size<2||size>=4) in \x\addons\a3_epoch_weapons\data\handanims\L85A2_Reload_anim.rtm 13:40:57 Warning: rightHandIKCurve, wrong size (size<2||size>=4) in \x\addons\a3_epoch_weapons\data\handanims\L85A2_RIS_Reload_anim.rtm 13:40:57 Warning: rightHandIKCurve, wrong size (size<2||size>=4) in \x\addons\a3_epoch_weapons\data\handanims\sr25_reload_prone.rtm 13:40:57 Warning: rightHandIKCurve, wrong size (size<2||size>=4) in \x\addons\a3_epoch_weapons\data\handanims\L85A2_RIS_Reload_anim_prone.rtm 13:40:57 Warning: rightHandIKCurve, wrong size (size<2||size>=4) in \x\addons\a3_epoch_weapons\data\handanims\L85A2_UGL_Reload_anim.rtm 13:40:57 Warning: rightHandIKCurve, wrong size (size<2||size>=4) in \x\addons\a3_epoch_weapons\data\handanims\L85A2_RIS_Reload_anim_prone.rtm 13:40:57 Warning: rightHandIKCurve, wrong size (size<2||size>=4) in \x\addons\a3_epoch_weapons\data\handanims\L85A2_RIS_Reload_anim_prone.rtm 13:40:58 Animation a3\cargoposes_f_exp\anim\pilot_cessna_kia.rtm not found or empty 13:40:58 Animation a3\cargoposes_f_exp\anim\pilot_cessna.rtm not found or empty 13:40:58 Animation a3\cargoposes_f_exp\anim\pilot_cessna_enter.rtm not found or empty 13:40:58 Animation a3\cargoposes_f_exp\anim\pilot_cessna_exit.rtm not found or empty 13:40:58 Animation a3\cargoposes_f_exp\anim\copilot_cessna_kia.rtm not found or empty 13:40:58 Animation a3\cargoposes_f_exp\anim\copilot_cessna.rtm not found or empty 13:40:58 Animation a3\cargoposes_f_exp\anim\copilot_cessna_enter.rtm not found or empty 13:40:58 Animation a3\cargoposes_f_exp\anim\copilot_cessna_exit.rtm not found or empty 13:40:58 Animation a3\cargoposes_f_exp\anim\passenger_cessna_l_kia.rtm not found or empty 13:40:58 Animation a3\cargoposes_f_exp\anim\passenger_cessna_l.rtm not found or empty 13:40:58 Animation a3\cargoposes_f_exp\anim\passenger_cessna_r_kia.rtm not found or empty 13:40:58 Animation a3\cargoposes_f_exp\anim\passenger_cessna_r.rtm not found or empty 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_FuMsnInit" 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_AI_AIKilled" 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_AI_AttachMuzzle" 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_AI_SpawnSoldier" 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_AI_TrackAI" 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_AI_Logic_AIEvac" 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_AI_Logic_DriverXFill" 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_AI_Logic_fnparadrop" 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_AI_Logic_AddWaypoint" 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_AI_Logic_VehStuck" 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_AI_Logic_AIGuardBuilding" 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_AI_Logic_AIPB" 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_AI_Logic_AreaPatrol" 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_AI_Logic_BoxPatrol" 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_AI_Logic_Paradrop" 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_AI_Logic_PolygonPatrol" 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_AI_Logic_Convoy" 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_AI_Logic_PatrolRoute" 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_AI_Logic_ScriptPatrol" 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_AI_Logic_TrackRoute" 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_AI_RC_FormatAndBroadcast" 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_AI_RC_FormatAndBroadcastAI" 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_AI_RC_RadioChatter" 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_AI_RC_AIRadio" 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_AI_RC_BaseOps" 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_Loot_AddIt" 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_Loot_GetBox" 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_Loot_GetQuantity" 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_Loot_FillLoot" 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_Loot_GetChoice" 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_Loot_Scatter" 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_Menus_initHCMenus" 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_MsnCtrl_LogicBomb" 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_MsnCtrl_MissionInit" 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_MsnCtrl_ControlLoop" 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_MsnCtrl_StaticMissionControlLoop" 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_MsnCtrl_Spawn_SpawnNotifications" 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_MsnCtrl_Spawn_SpawnMissionLoot" 13:41:04 Cannot load surface info ca\data\Penetration\wood.bisurf 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_MsnCtrl_Spawn_CreateGroup" 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_MsnCtrl_Spawn_SpawnGroup" 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_MsnCtrl_Spawn_SpawnVehicle" 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_MsnCtrl_Spawn_SpawnBuildings" 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_MsnCtrl_Util_SetSpecialNameandLocation" 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_MsnCtrl_Util_GetSafeSpawnVehPos" 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_MsnCtrl_Util_XPos" 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_MsnCtrl_Util_PullData" 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_MsnCtrl_Util_GetSafeMissionSpawnPos" 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_Triggers_AllDeadorGone" 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_Triggers_BodyCount" 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_Triggers_Detect" 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_Triggers_ProxPlayer" 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_Triggers_Timer" 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_Triggers_UnitCount" 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_Util_FindNearestLand" 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_Util_FindNearestRoad" 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_Util_FindNearestWater" 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_Util_FindTown" 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_Util_GetBuildingPositions" 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_Util_KKcommonTurrets" 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_Util_GetShortName" 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_Util_GetWorldInfo" 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_Util_Effects" 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_Util_HC_AddObject" 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_Util_HC_RemoveObject" 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_Util_HC_CreateVehicle" 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_Util_HC_InitHCVariables" 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_Val_ValidateLootData" 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_Val_ValidateSoldierData" 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_Val_ValidateThemeData" 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_Val_ValidateServerData" 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_Val_VerifyLoot" 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_Val_VerifySoldier" 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_Val_VerifyTheme" 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_Val_ValidateMissionData" 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_Val_Msn_GroupConfiguration" 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_Val_Msn_MissionBuildingConfig" 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_Val_Msn_MissionLootConfig" 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_Val_Msn_MissionTriggerConfig" 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_Val_Msn_MissionVehicleConfiguration" 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_Val_Msn_ValidateBuildings" 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_Val_Msn_VerifyAILogic" 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_Val_Msn_VerifyMission" 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_Val_Util_CheckArray" 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_Val_Util_VerifyLocation" 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_Zombies_Logic_attack" 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_Zombies_Logic_contact" 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_Zombies_Logic_investigating" 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_Zombies_Logic_roam" 13:41:04 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_Zombies_Logic_roaming" 13:41:05 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_Zombies_Logic_ZNearestTarget" 13:41:05 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_Zombies_Logic_Znoise" 13:41:05 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_Zombies_INF_fnc_nextSound" 13:41:05 "##LoadScriptsForHCv2 --var: FuMS_str_HC_Zombies_init" 13:41:05 "## HC Script load complete 93 Scripts in 0.61 secs " 13:41:05 No speaker given for Cheng Kung 13:41:05 No speaker given for Omari Okadigbo 13:41:06 "##\FuMS\Init.sqf: Server side FuMS initialized and operational." 13:41:06 "Epoch: Spawning NPC traders" 13:41:06 "Epoch: Loading vehicles" 13:41:07 Error: Wheel reference not initialized 13:41:09 Error: Wheel reference not initialized 13:41:10 "Heli Crashes Loaded" 13:41:10 "#SEM: Initialize Simple Epoch Missions" 13:41:10 Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_init 13:41:11 Performance warning: SimpleSerialization::Write 'BIS_fnc_preload_server' is using type of ',CODE' which is not optimized by simple serialization, falling back to generic serialization, use generic type or ask for optimizations for these types 13:41:11 Performance warning: SimpleSerialization::Read 'BIS_fnc_preload_server' is using type of ,'CODE' which is not optimized by simple serialization, falling back to generic serialization, use generic type or ask for optimizations for these types 13:41:13 B_Heli_Light_01_EPOCH: AddDoors - unknown animation source AddDoors 13:41:13 B_Heli_Light_01_EPOCH: GunL_Revolving - unknown animation source GunL_Revolving 13:41:13 B_Heli_Light_01_EPOCH: GunR_Revolving - unknown animation source GunR_Revolving 13:41:13 B_Heli_Light_01_EPOCH: AddFLIR - unknown animation source AddFLIR 13:41:13 B_Heli_Light_01_EPOCH: AddGunHolder - unknown animation source AddGunHolder 13:41:13 B_Heli_Light_01_EPOCH: hidePG_1 - unknown animation source Missiles_revolving 13:41:13 B_Heli_Light_01_EPOCH: zaslehROT - unknown animation source Muzzle_flash 13:41:13 class HitPoints::HitFuel not found in mosquito_epoch 13:42:16 "<FuMS> GetInitToken PVEH: player:HC_HAL owner id:4 holds Init Token" 13:42:18 "<FuMS> GetHCIndex PVEH: player:HC_HAL owner id:4" 13:42:18 "<FuMS> HeartMonitor: Server-HC Heart Monitor Slot #4 operational for HC_HAL" 13:42:18 "##FuMsnInit: Global variables being handed off too HC HC_HAL id:4" 13:42:35 "##FuMsnInit: Starting transfer of 93 Scripts to Headless Client <4>." 13:42:35 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:49.5356 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_FuMsnInit to HC:4 :" 13:42:35 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:49.6894 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_AI_AIKilled to HC:4 :" 13:42:36 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:50.3145 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_AI_AttachMuzzle to HC:4 :" 13:42:36 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:49.6894 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_AI_SpawnSoldier to HC:4 :" 13:42:37 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:49.8442 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_AI_TrackAI to HC:4 :" 13:42:37 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:50 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_AI_Logic_AIEvac to HC:4 :" 13:42:38 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:50 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_AI_Logic_DriverXFill to HC:4 :" 13:42:38 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:50.1567 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_AI_Logic_fnparadrop to HC:4 :" 13:42:39 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:49.8442 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_AI_Logic_AddWaypoint to HC:4 :" 13:42:39 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:49.5356 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_AI_Logic_VehStuck to HC:4 :" 13:42:40 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:50 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_AI_Logic_AIGuardBuilding to HC:4 :" 13:42:40 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:50.1567 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_AI_Logic_AIPB to HC:4 :" 13:42:41 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:50 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_AI_Logic_AreaPatrol to HC:4 :" 13:42:41 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:49.8442 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_AI_Logic_BoxPatrol to HC:4 :" 13:42:42 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:49.8442 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_AI_Logic_Paradrop to HC:4 :" 13:42:42 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:49.8442 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_AI_Logic_PolygonPatrol to HC:4 :" 13:42:43 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:49.8442 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_AI_Logic_Convoy to HC:4 :" 13:42:43 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:49.8442 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_AI_Logic_PatrolRoute to HC:4 :" 13:42:44 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:50.1567 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_AI_Logic_ScriptPatrol to HC:4 :" 13:42:44 No speaker given for Abdul-Aziz Ghafurzai 13:42:44 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:30.5344 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_AI_Logic_TrackRoute to HC:4 :" 13:42:44 Speaker Male01_F not found in CfgVoiceTypes 13:42:44 "DEBUG: player auth token set ["hnqkxivlqjovwsarsqkfvdujqveiogvlqxukv",B Alpha 1-1:1 (HC_HAL) REMOTE,"qaonqfd"]" 13:42:45 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:49.3827 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_AI_RC_FormatAndBroadcast to HC:4 :" 13:42:45 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:49.8442 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_AI_RC_FormatAndBroadcastAI to HC:4 :" 13:42:46 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:50.4732 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_AI_RC_RadioChatter to HC:4 :" 13:42:46 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:49.6894 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_AI_RC_AIRadio to HC:4 :" 13:42:47 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:50 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_AI_RC_BaseOps to HC:4 :" 13:42:47 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:50 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_Loot_AddIt to HC:4 :" 13:42:48 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:50.1567 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_Loot_GetBox to HC:4 :" 13:42:48 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:50.1567 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_Loot_GetQuantity to HC:4 :" 13:42:49 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:50.4732 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_Loot_FillLoot to HC:4 :" 13:42:49 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:49.5356 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_Loot_GetChoice to HC:4 :" 13:42:50 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:49.5356 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_Loot_Scatter to HC:4 :" 13:42:50 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:49.8442 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_Menus_initHCMenus to HC:4 :" 13:42:51 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:50 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_MsnCtrl_LogicBomb to HC:4 :" 13:42:51 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:49.8442 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_MsnCtrl_MissionInit to HC:4 :" 13:42:52 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:50 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_MsnCtrl_ControlLoop to HC:4 :" 13:42:52 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:49.6894 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_MsnCtrl_StaticMissionControlLoop to HC:4 :" 13:42:53 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:50.1567 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_MsnCtrl_Spawn_SpawnNotifications to HC:4 :" 13:42:53 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:50.1567 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_MsnCtrl_Spawn_SpawnMissionLoot to HC:4 :" 13:42:54 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:50 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_MsnCtrl_Spawn_CreateGroup to HC:4 :" 13:42:54 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:49.8442 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_MsnCtrl_Spawn_SpawnGroup to HC:4 :" 13:42:55 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:49.8442 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_MsnCtrl_Spawn_SpawnVehicle to HC:4 :" 13:42:55 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:50.1567 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_MsnCtrl_Spawn_SpawnBuildings to HC:4 :" 13:42:56 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:50.1567 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_MsnCtrl_Util_SetSpecialNameandLocation to HC:4 :" 13:42:56 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:50.1567 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_MsnCtrl_Util_GetSafeSpawnVehPos to HC:4 :" 13:42:57 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:49.8442 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_MsnCtrl_Util_XPos to HC:4 :" 13:42:57 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:50.1567 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_MsnCtrl_Util_PullData to HC:4 :" 13:42:58 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:50.1567 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_MsnCtrl_Util_GetSafeMissionSpawnPos to HC:4 :" 13:42:58 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:49.8442 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_Triggers_AllDeadorGone to HC:4 :" 13:42:59 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:50 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_Triggers_BodyCount to HC:4 :" 13:42:59 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:49.8442 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_Triggers_Detect to HC:4 :" 13:43:00 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:50.1567 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_Triggers_ProxPlayer to HC:4 :" 13:43:00 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:50.1567 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_Triggers_Timer to HC:4 :" 13:43:01 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:50.1567 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_Triggers_UnitCount to HC:4 :" 13:43:01 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:49.8442 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_Util_FindNearestLand to HC:4 :" 13:43:02 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:50 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_Util_FindNearestRoad to HC:4 :" 13:43:02 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:50.3145 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_Util_FindNearestWater to HC:4 :" 13:43:03 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:50 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_Util_FindTown to HC:4 :" 13:43:03 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:50.1567 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_Util_GetBuildingPositions to HC:4 :" 13:43:04 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:49.8442 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_Util_KKcommonTurrets to HC:4 :" 13:43:04 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:49.6894 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_Util_GetShortName to HC:4 :" 13:43:05 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:50 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_Util_GetWorldInfo to HC:4 :" 13:43:05 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:49.6894 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_Util_Effects to HC:4 :" 13:43:06 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:50 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_Util_HC_AddObject to HC:4 :" 13:43:06 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:50 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_Util_HC_RemoveObject to HC:4 :" 13:43:07 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:50.1567 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_Util_HC_CreateVehicle to HC:4 :" 13:43:07 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:49.6894 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_Util_HC_InitHCVariables to HC:4 :" 13:43:08 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:50 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_Val_ValidateLootData to HC:4 :" 13:43:08 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:50 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_Val_ValidateSoldierData to HC:4 :" 13:43:09 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:50 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_Val_ValidateThemeData to HC:4 :" 13:43:09 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:50 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_Val_ValidateServerData to HC:4 :" 13:43:10 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:39.801 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_Val_VerifyLoot to HC:4 :" 13:43:11 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:49.6894 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_Val_VerifySoldier to HC:4 :" 13:43:11 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:49.8442 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_Val_VerifyTheme to HC:4 :" 13:43:12 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:49.0798 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_Val_ValidateMissionData to HC:4 :" 13:43:12 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:51.6129 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_Val_Msn_GroupConfiguration to HC:4 :" 13:43:13 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:50 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_Val_Msn_MissionBuildingConfig to HC:4 :" 13:43:13 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:50 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_Val_Msn_MissionLootConfig to HC:4 :" 13:43:14 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:50.1567 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_Val_Msn_MissionTriggerConfig to HC:4 :" 13:43:14 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:50.3145 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_Val_Msn_MissionVehicleConfiguration to HC:4 :" 13:43:15 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:49.8442 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_Val_Msn_ValidateBuildings to HC:4 :" 13:43:15 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:49.8442 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_Val_Msn_VerifyAILogic to HC:4 :" 13:43:16 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:50.3145 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_Val_Msn_VerifyMission to HC:4 :" 13:43:16 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:49.8442 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_Val_Util_CheckArray to HC:4 :" 13:43:17 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:50 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_Val_Util_VerifyLocation to HC:4 :" 13:43:17 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:49.6894 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_Zombies_Logic_attack to HC:4 :" 13:43:18 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:49.8442 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_Zombies_Logic_contact to HC:4 :" 13:43:18 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:49.8442 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_Zombies_Logic_investigating to HC:4 :" 13:43:19 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:49.8442 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_Zombies_Logic_roam to HC:4 :" 13:43:19 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:50 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_Zombies_Logic_roaming to HC:4 :" 13:43:20 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:50 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_Zombies_Logic_ZNearestTarget to HC:4 :" 13:43:20 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:50 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_Zombies_Logic_Znoise to HC:4 :" 13:43:21 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:49.8442 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_Zombies_INF_fnc_nextSound to HC:4 :" 13:43:21 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:50.1567 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_Zombies_init to HC:4 :" 13:43:22 "##FuMsnInit: Script Transfer complete to Headless Client <4> in 46.737 secs" 13:43:22 "<FuMS> HeartMonitor: Server ID 0 detected as source heartbeat, not valid. exiting heartbeat monitor for id:0" 13:43:28 "##FuMS:Menus:init.sqf AdminUpdateData:[1,"AdminActiveThemes",[["HeloPatrols",-1],["SEM",-1],["TownRaid",-1],["Small",-1],["Aquatic",-1],["MadScience",-1],["Convoy",-1],["StaticSpawns",-1],["Jurassic",-1]]]" 13:43:28 "##FuMS:Menus:init.sqf AdminUpdateData:[1,"AdminActiveThemesHC",[["HeloPatrols",-1],["SEM",-1],["TownRaid",-1],["Small",-1],["Aquatic",-1],["MadScience",-1],["Convoy",-1],["StaticSpawns",-1],["Jurassic",-1]]]" 13:43:28 "##FuMS:Menus:init.sqf AdminUpdateData:[1,"AdminThemeOn",[true,true,false,true,true,true,true,true,true]]" 13:43:28 "##FuMS:Menus:init.sqf AdminUpdateData:[1,"AdminThemeSpawnLoc",[[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[]]]" 13:43:30 "playerConnected:76561198024951069:Rotter" 13:43:30 "##FuMS:Menus:init.sqf AdminUpdateData:[1,"AdminThemeOn",[true,true,false,true,true,true,true,true,true,any,true]]" 13:43:31 No speaker given for Jake Thompson 13:43:31 Speaker Male01_F not found in CfgVoiceTypes 13:43:31 "DEBUG: player auth token set ["hnqkxivlqjovwsarsqkfvdujqveiogvlqxukv",B Alpha 1-2:1 (Rotter) REMOTE,"akfum"]" 13:43:35 Error: Object(4 : 125) not found 13:43:35 Error: Object(4 : 126) not found 13:43:35 Error: Object(4 : 127) not found 13:43:35 Error: Object(4 : 128) not found 13:43:35 Error: Object(4 : 129) not found 13:43:35 Error: Object(4 : 130) not found 13:43:35 Error: Object(4 : 131) not found 13:43:35 Error: Object(4 : 132) not found 13:43:35 Server: Object 4:137 not found (message Type_372) 13:43:35 Server: Object 4:138 not found (message Type_112) 13:43:35 B_Heli_Light_01_armed_F: AddDoors - unknown animation source AddDoors 13:43:35 B_Heli_Light_01_armed_F: AddBenches - unknown animation source AddBenches 13:43:35 B_Heli_Light_01_armed_F: BenchL_Up - unknown animation source BenchL_Up 13:43:35 B_Heli_Light_01_armed_F: BenchR_Up - unknown animation source BenchR_Up 13:43:35 B_Heli_Light_01_armed_F: BenchL_Up_instant - unknown animation source BenchL_Up_instant 13:43:35 B_Heli_Light_01_armed_F: BenchR_Up_instant - unknown animation source BenchR_Up_instant 13:43:35 B_Heli_Light_01_armed_F: AddBackseats - unknown animation source AddBackseats 13:43:35 B_Heli_Light_01_armed_F: AddFLIR - unknown animation source AddFLIR 13:43:35 B_Heli_Light_01_armed_F: AddHoldingFrame - unknown animation source AddHoldingFrame 13:43:35 Error: Object(4 : 140) not found 13:43:35 Error: Object(4 : 141) not found 13:43:35 Error: Object(4 : 139) not found 13:43:35 Error: Object(4 : 144) not found 13:43:35 Error: Object(4 : 145) not found 13:43:35 Error: Object(4 : 146) not found 13:43:35 Error: Object(4 : 149) not found 13:43:35 Error: Object(4 : 150) not found 13:43:35 Error: Object(4 : 152) not found 13:43:35 Error: Object(4 : 151) not found 13:43:35 Error: Object(4 : 155) not found 13:43:35 Error: Object(4 : 157) not found 13:43:35 Error: Object(4 : 158) not found 13:43:35 Error: Object(4 : 159) not found 13:43:36 "##FuMS:Menus:init.sqf AdminUpdateData:[1,"AdminThemeOn",[true,true,false,true,true,true,true,true,true,any,true,true]]" 13:43:36 Error: Object(4 : 173) not found 13:43:36 Error: Object(4 : 174) not found 13:43:36 Error: Object(4 : 177) not found 13:43:36 Error: Object(4 : 178) not found 13:43:36 Error: Object(4 : 179) not found 13:43:36 Error: Object(4 : 185) not found 13:43:36 "##FuMS:Menus:init.sqf AdminUpdateData:[1,"AdminActiveMissionList",[[0,"HeloPatrolEast:["HeloPatrols",-1]"]]]" 13:43:38 Error: Object(4 : 197) not found 13:43:38 Error: Object(4 : 196) not found 13:43:39 Server: Object 4:238 not found (message Type_91) 13:43:39 Server: Object 4:239 not found (message Type_372) 13:43:39 Server: Object 4:237 not found (message Type_119) 13:43:39 Server: Object 4:240 not found (message Type_113) 13:43:39 Server: Object 4:243 not found (message Type_91) 13:43:39 Server: Object 4:242 not found (message Type_119) 13:43:39 Server: Object 4:245 not found (message Type_372) 13:43:39 Server: Object 4:246 not found (message Type_113) 13:43:39 Server: Object 4:241 not found (message Type_119) 13:43:39 Server: Object 4:244 not found (message Type_119) 13:43:39 Server: Object 4:247 not found (message Type_119) 13:43:39 Server: Object 4:249 not found (message Type_91) 13:43:39 Server: Object 4:248 not found (message Type_388) 13:43:39 Server: Object 4:250 not found (message Type_91) 13:43:39 Server: Object 4:253 not found (message Type_112) 13:43:39 Server: Object 4:252 not found (message Type_126) 13:43:39 Server: Object 4:251 not found (message Type_388) 13:43:39 Server: Object 4:254 not found (message Type_388) 13:43:39 Error: Object(4 : 248) not found 13:43:39 Error: Object(4 : 249) not found 13:43:39 Server: Object 4:255 not found (message Type_91) 13:43:39 Server: Object 4:256 not found (message Type_119) 13:43:39 Error: Object(4 : 251) not found 13:43:39 Error: Object(4 : 254) not found 13:43:39 "##FuMS:Menus:init.sqf AdminUpdateData:[1,"AdminActiveMissionList",[[0,"HeloPatrolEast:["HeloPatrols",-1]"],[1,"NukeDevice:["SEM",-1]"]]]" 13:43:40 Server: Object 4:272 not found (message Type_388) 13:43:40 Error: Object(4 : 272) not found 13:43:40 Server: Object 4:277 not found (message Type_125) 13:43:40 Server: Object 4:278 not found (message Type_113) 13:43:40 Server: Object 4:275 not found (message Type_119) 13:43:40 Server: Object 4:276 not found (message Type_388) 13:43:40 Server: Object 4:281 not found (message Type_388) 13:43:40 Server: Object 4:283 not found (message Type_113) 13:43:40 Server: Object 4:282 not found (message Type_390) 13:43:40 Server: Object 4:280 not found (message Type_388) 13:43:40 Server: Object 4:286 not found (message Type_119) 13:43:40 Server: Object 4:287 not found (message Type_390) 13:43:40 Server: Object 4:288 not found (message Type_113) 13:43:40 Server: Object 4:285 not found (message Type_388) 13:43:40 Server: Object 4:284 not found (message Type_388) 13:43:40 Server: Object 4:291 not found (message Type_119) 13:43:40 Server: Object 4:293 not found (message Type_113) 13:43:40 Server: Object 4:292 not found (message Type_390) 13:43:40 Server: Object 4:289 not found (message Type_91) 13:43:40 Server: Object 4:290 not found (message Type_388) 13:43:40 Server: Object 4:295 not found (message Type_91) 13:43:40 Server: Object 4:294 not found (message Type_91) 13:43:40 Server: Object 4:296 not found (message Type_107) 13:43:40 Error: Object(4 : 285) not found 13:43:40 Server: Object 4:299 not found (message Type_389) 13:43:40 Server: Object 4:298 not found (message Type_91) 13:43:40 Server: Object 4:297 not found (message Type_388) 13:43:40 Server: Object 4:300 not found (message Type_113) 13:43:40 Server: Object 4:301 not found (message Type_119) 13:43:40 Server: Object 4:302 not found (message Type_107) 13:43:40 Server: Object 4:306 not found (message Type_113) 13:43:40 Server: Object 4:305 not found (message Type_126) 13:43:40 Error: Object(4 : 303) not found 13:43:41 Server: Object 4:313 not found (message Type_125) 13:43:41 Server: Object 4:314 not found (message Type_113) 13:43:41 Server: Object 4:316 not found (message Type_388) 13:43:41 Server: Object 4:315 not found (message Type_388) 13:43:41 Server: Object 4:320 not found (message Type_113) 13:43:41 "##FuMS:Menus:init.sqf AdminUpdateData:[1,"AdminThemeOn",[false,true,false,true,true,true,true,true,true,any,true,true]]" 13:43:41 "##FuMS:Menus:init.sqf AdminUpdateData:[1,"AdminActiveMissionList",[[0,"HeloPatrolEast:["HeloPatrols",-1]"],[1,"NukeDevice:["SEM",-1]"],[2,"HeloPatrolEast:["HeloPatrols",-1]"]]]" 13:43:42 "playerDisconnected:76561198024951069:Rotter" 13:43:42 Client: Remote object 5:7 not found 13:43:48 Error: Object(4 : 347) not found 13:43:48 Error: Object(4 : 346) not found 13:43:48 Error: Object(4 : 355) not found 13:43:48 Error: Object(4 : 356) not found 13:43:48 Error: Object(4 : 358) not found 13:43:48 Error: Object(4 : 357) not found 13:43:48 Error: Object(4 : 373) not found 13:43:48 Error: Object(4 : 372) not found 13:43:49 Error: Object(4 : 395) not found 13:43:49 Error: Object(4 : 393) not found 13:43:49 Error: Object(4 : 394) not found 13:43:49 Server: Object 4:396 not found (message Type_91) 13:43:49 "##FuMS:Menus:init.sqf AdminUpdateData:[1,"AdminActiveMissionList",[[0,"HeloPatrolEast:["HeloPatrols",-1]"],[1,"NukeDevice:["SEM",-1]"],[2,"HeloPatrolEast:["HeloPatrols",-1]"],[3,"Ifestiona:["Small",-1]"]]]" 13:43:51 "##FuMS:Menus:init.sqf AdminUpdateData:[1,"AdminThemeOn",[false,true,false,true,true,true,true,true,true,any,true,true,true]]" 13:43:55 EPE manager release (0|73|0) 13:43:55 EPE manager release (0|0|0) 13:43:56 EPE manager release (0|1|0) 13:43:56 EPE manager release (0|0|0) 13:43:56 Deinitialized shape [Class: "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; Shape: "a3\characters_f\common\invisibleman.p3d";] 13:43:56 Deinitialized shape [Class: "VirtualMan_F"; Shape: "a3\characters_f\common\invisibleman.p3d";] 13:43:56 Deinitialized shape [Class: "Epoch_Female_F"; Shape: "x\addons\a3_epoch_assets_3\cfgvehicles\characters\keesha_character.p3d";] 13:43:56 Deinitialized shape [Class: "FemaleUnderwear_F"; Shape: "x\addons\a3_epoch_assets_3\cfgvehicles\characters\keesha_character.p3d";] 13:43:56 Deinitialized shape [Class: "I_Soldier_02_F"; Shape: "a3\characters_f_beta\indep\ia_soldier_02.p3d";] 13:43:56 Deinitialized shape [Class: "C_man_hunter_1_F"; Shape: "a3\characters_f\civil\c_hunter_f.p3d";] 13:43:56 Deinitialized shape [Class: "O_Soldier_02_F"; Shape: "a3\characters_f\common\pilot_f.p3d";] 13:43:56 Deinitialized shape [Class: "C_man_p_fugitive_F"; Shape: "a3\characters_f\civil\c_poor.p3d";] 13:43:56 Deinitialized shape [Class: "C_man_p_fugitive_F_afro"; Shape: "a3\characters_f\civil\c_poor.p3d";] 13:43:56 Deinitialized shape [Class: "O_ghillie_ard_F"; Shape: "a3\characters_f_mark\opfor\o_fullghillie_f.p3d";] 13:43:56 Deinitialized shape [Class: "O_ghillie_sard_F"; Shape: "a3\characters_f_mark\opfor\o_fullghillie_f.p3d";] 13:43:56 Deinitialized shape [Class: "C_journalist_F"; Shape: "a3\characters_f_epc\civil\c_journalist.p3d";] 13:43:56 Deinitialized shape [Class: "O_G_Soldier_AR_F"; Shape: "a3\characters_f_gamma\guerrilla\ig_guerrilla2_1.p3d";] 13:43:56 Deinitialized shape [Class: "O_G_medic_F"; Shape: "a3\characters_f_gamma\guerrilla\ig_guerrilla2_1.p3d";] 13:43:56 Deinitialized shape [Class: "O_G_Soldier_M_F"; Shape: "a3\characters_f_gamma\guerrilla\ig_guerrilla3_1.p3d";] 13:43:56 Deinitialized shape [Class: "O_G_Soldier_LAT_F"; Shape: "a3\characters_f_bootcamp\guerrilla\ig_guerrilla_6_1.p3d";] 13:43:56 Deinitialized shape [Class: "I_Soldier_EPOCH"; Shape: "a3\characters_f_beta\indep\ia_soldier_01.p3d";] 13:43:56 Deinitialized shape [Class: "O_G_Soldier_F"; Shape: "a3\characters_f_gamma\guerrilla\ig_guerrilla1_1.p3d";] 13:43:56 Deinitialized shape [Class: "C_Orestes"; Shape: "a3\characters_f\civil\c_orestes.p3d";] 13:43:56 Deinitialized shape [Class: "O_G_Soldier_TL_F"; Shape: "a3\characters_f_gamma\guerrilla\ig_leader.p3d";] 13:43:56 Deinitialized shape [Class: "C_man_w_worker_F"; Shape: "a3\characters_f\common\coveralls.p3d";] 13:43:56 Deinitialized shape [Class: "C_scientist_F"; Shape: "a3\characters_f\common\coveralls.p3d";] 13:43:56 Deinitialized shape [Class: "O_Soldier_F"; Shape: "a3\characters_f\opfor\o_soldier_01.p3d";] 13:43:56 Deinitialized shape [Class: "C_man_polo_2_F"; Shape: "a3\characters_f\civil\c_poloshirt.p3d";] 13:43:56 Deinitialized shape [Class: "C_man_shorts_4_F_asia"; Shape: "a3\characters_f\civil\c_poloshirt.p3d";] 13:43:56 Deinitialized shape [Class: "C_man_shorts_4_F"; Shape: "a3\characters_f\civil\c_poloshirt.p3d";] 13:43:56 Deinitialized shape [Class: "C_man_1"; Shape: "a3\characters_f\civil\c_poloshirt.p3d";] 13:43:56 Deinitialized shape [Class: "C_man_polo_3_F"; Shape: "a3\characters_f\civil\c_poloshirt.p3d";] 13:43:56 Deinitialized shape [Class: "C_man_polo_1_F"; Shape: "a3\characters_f\civil\c_poloshirt.p3d";] 13:43:56 Deinitialized shape [Class: "Underwear_F"; Shape: "a3\characters_f\common\basicbody.p3d";] 13:43:56 Deinitialized shape [Class: "Epoch_Male_F"; Shape: "a3\characters_f\common\basicbody.p3d";] 13:43:56 Deinitialized shape [Class: "C_Driver_1_white_F"; Shape: "a3\characters_f_kart\civil\c_driver_f.p3d";] 13:43:56 Deinitialized shape [Class: "C_Driver_1_red_F"; Shape: "a3\characters_f_kart\civil\c_driver_f.p3d";] 13:43:56 Deinitialized shape [Class: "C_Driver_1_orange_F"; Shape: "a3\characters_f_kart\civil\c_driver_f.p3d";] 13:43:56 Deinitialized shape [Class: "Epoch_Female_Camo_F"; Shape: "x\addons\a3_epoch_assets_3\cfgvehicles\characters\female_camo.p3d";] 13:43:56 Deinitialized shape [Class: "Epoch_Female_CamoRed_F"; Shape: "x\addons\a3_epoch_assets_3\cfgvehicles\characters\female_camo.p3d";] 13:43:56 Deinitialized shape [Class: "Epoch_Female_CamoBlue_F"; Shape: "x\addons\a3_epoch_assets_3\cfgvehicles\characters\female_camo.p3d";] 13:43:56 Deinitialized shape [Class: "Epoch_Female_CamoBrn_F"; Shape: "x\addons\a3_epoch_assets_3\cfgvehicles\characters\female_camo.p3d";] 13:43:56 Deinitialized shape [Class: "O_sniper_F"; Shape: "a3\characters_f\opfor\o_sniper.p3d";] 13:43:56 Deinitialized shape [Class: "Epoch_Female_Ghillie2_F"; Shape: "x\addons\a3_epoch_assets_3\cfgvehicles\characters\female_ghillie.p3d";] 13:43:56 Deinitialized shape [Class: "Epoch_Female_Ghillie3_F"; Shape: "x\addons\a3_epoch_assets_3\cfgvehicles\characters\female_ghillie.p3d";] 13:43:56 Deinitialized shape [Class: "Epoch_Female_Ghillie1_F"; Shape: "x\addons\a3_epoch_assets_3\cfgvehicles\characters\female_ghillie.p3d";] 13:43:56 Deinitialized shape [Class: "Epoch_Female_wetsuitP_F"; Shape: "x\addons\a3_epoch_assets_3\cfgvehicles\characters\female_wetsuit.p3d";] 13:43:56 Deinitialized shape [Class: "Epoch_Female_wetsuitW_F"; Shape: "x\addons\a3_epoch_assets_3\cfgvehicles\characters\female_wetsuit.p3d";] 13:43:56 Deinitialized shape [Class: "Epoch_Female_wetsuit_F"; Shape: "x\addons\a3_epoch_assets_3\cfgvehicles\characters\female_wetsuit.p3d";] 13:43:56 c:\w\stable\futura\lib\network\networkserver.cpp ClearNetServer:NOT IMPLEMENTED - briefing! 13:43:57 Error: weapon [bipod_01_F_snd] still has its shape, ref_count=29 13:43:57 Error: weapon [bipod_01_F_blk] still has its shape, ref_count=1 13:43:57 Error: weapon [bipod_01_F_mtp] still has its shape, ref_count=3 13:43:57 Error: weapon [bipod_02_F_tan] still has its shape, ref_count=7 13:43:57 Error: weapon [bipod_02_F_hex] still has its shape, ref_count=3 13:43:58 Extensions: 13:43:58 epochserver (C:\Users\xbelanch\Desktop\ZonaServer\@EpochHive\epochserver.dll) [] [] The headless client connects but not the player. Any ideas? Thanks in advance :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
laurent09 Posted May 7, 2015 Report Share Posted May 7, 2015 hi I managed to installed FUMS with HC . but I do not understand how to set up missions ( helipatrol, zombie or sem). how to do? thanks Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
second_coming Posted May 7, 2015 Report Share Posted May 7, 2015 14:06:01 "<FuMS> HasAdminAceess: []" 14:06:01 Error in expression < %1",_pData];} else { _dataUID = _pData select 1; if (_pUID == _dataUID) then {_> 14:06:01 Error position: <select 1; if (_pUID == _dataUID) then {_> 14:06:01 Error Zero divisor 14:06:01 File FuMS\Menus\HasAdminAccess.sqf, line 18 Not sure if anyone has mentioned it before, but I am getting this error in the server log every time a player logs on who is not a FuMS admin: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scourge013 Posted May 7, 2015 Report Share Posted May 7, 2015 Hello Horbin, So I figured out why the headlessclient was joining as "headlessclient" and not HC_HAL. I didn't have the Jurassic dino mod installed on the server. I decided that dinos do not fit in well with the overall theme, so I used Mikero's .pbo tools to create a new FuMS.pbo without the Jurassic theme in the BaseServer.sqf. Now I receive this error, and despite its specificity I can't for the life of me figure out where the missing [ is in line 37. It appears to me like there is one there? Any assistance is appreciated. Here's the relevant part of the .rpt from the server. Quote "<FuMS> LoadCommonData: Preparing FuMS common data." Error in expression < ["Convoy",-1], ["StaticSpawns",-1], ], [ true, false, true, true, true> Error position: <], [ true, false, true, true, true> Error Missing [ File FuMS\Themes\BaseServer.sqf, line 37 Error in expression <\BaseServer.sqf" FuMS_ServerData = [ [ false, "testpath", > Error position: <[ [ false, "testpath", > Error Generic error in expression File FuMS\Themes\BaseServer.sqf, line 7 Error in expression < ["Convoy",-1], ["StaticSpawns",-1], ], [ true, false, true, true, true> Error position: <], [ true, false, true, true, true> Error Missing [ File FuMS\Themes\BaseServer.sqf, line 37 Error in expression < ["Convoy",-1], ["StaticSpawns",-1], ], [ true, false, true, true, true> Error position: <], [ true, false, true, true, true> Error Missing [ File FuMS\Themes\BaseServer.sqf, line 37 Error in expression < ["Convoy",-1], ["StaticSpawns",-1], ], [ true, false, true, true, true> Error position: <], [ true, false, true, true, true> Error Missing [ File FuMS\Themes\BaseServer.sqf, line 37 Error in expression < ["Convoy",-1], ["StaticSpawns",-1], ], [ true, false, true, true, true> Error position: <], [ true, false, true, true, true> Error Missing [ File FuMS\Themes\BaseServer.sqf, line 37 "<FuMS> LoadCommonData: ActiveThemes: []" "<FuMS> LoadCommonData: ActiveThemesHC: []" "<FuMS> LoadCommonData: THEMEDATA: []" "FuMsnInit: ERROR: NO Themes Found! Exiting!" Error in expression <ActiveMissions = []; _themeListData = FuMS_ServerData select 3; { FuMS_ActiveT> Error position: <FuMS_ServerData select 3; { FuMS_ActiveT> Error Undefined variable in expression: fums_serverdata File FuMS\Functions\LoadCommonData.sqf, line 35 "************************************************************************" "###Fulcrum Mission System Critical Error!" "### System is OFFLINE" "************************************************************************" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Silens Posted May 7, 2015 Report Share Posted May 7, 2015 Hi, great script, but we are having issues with being unable to get gear out of vehicles until someone gets in it, is there something we can do to fix this? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
horbin Posted May 7, 2015 Author Report Share Posted May 7, 2015 Silens, No with the gear out of AI owned vehicles. Until a player occupies the vehicle, FuMS considers the vehicle under AI control. Scourge013, You only needed to comment out the ["Jurassic",-1] line from the BaseServer.sqf. AND remove the comma from the next line above it. ["StaticSpawns",-1] // creates 10 Dayz style Helo crashes at random locations. // ["Jurassic",-1] // creates 3 encounters with wondering Raptors and some scattered loot. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
laurent09 Posted May 8, 2015 Report Share Posted May 8, 2015 hi I conecte hc_hal on the server, in baseserver.sqf I enabled SEM mission. but the server does not spawn mission. what should I do? thanks Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
horbin Posted May 9, 2015 Author Report Share Posted May 9, 2015 v1.5g is up: M3Editor support. You can now directly import bases/building layouts from M3Editor. Additionally, FuMS will support translation of the base to any location on ANY map. Static Weapon support New AI logic for static weapons New AI logic for posting guards in towers and upper stories of buildings New Trigger: Zupa Capture points: Missions can now be controlled off single/multiple capture points - based heavily upon Zupa's Capture points. Some bug fixes. (see GitHub) DirtySanchez, second_coming and Darth_Rogue 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DirtySanchez Posted May 9, 2015 Report Share Posted May 9, 2015 On 5/9/2015 at 1:28 AM, horbin said: v1.5g is up: M3Editor support. You can now directly import bases/building layouts from M3Editor. Additionally, FuMS will support translation of the base to any location on ANY map. Static Weapon support New AI logic for static weapons New AI logic for posting guards in towers and upper stories of buildings New Trigger: Zupa Capture points: Missions can now be controlled off single/multiple capture points - based heavily upon Zupa's Capture points. Some bug fixes. (see GitHub) Hell I would think all this deserved 1.6 Great news Horbin thanks a lot Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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