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Fulcrum Mission System v2.1a


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OK probably a really dumb question here, and I apologise if it's been asked elsewhere, but there's so much to read through in this thread and so much customization. I'd just like to check one thing before embarking on what looks like an incredible mission system.


Does this work without HC (with raptors preferably), or is the performance such that it needs an HC?

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Horbin, are there any potentially adverse side effects to having a static AI spawn inside a structure and forcing them to stay there via a very small patrol radius, like 1-2 meters?  I'm trying to create a scenario where players have to do a breach and clear on a building with multiple rooms and also get units to spawn in on upper level floors of a building, but with A3EAI I can't get the units to stay where I put them, even when I give them only a 1m patrol radius.  So before I go through setting it up with FuMS I want to make sure it will work.  

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  It has an option to run on the server, but it is VERY intensive.  If your focus is just on the Raptors, take a look in \FuMS\HC\AI\SpawnSoldier.sqf.  Once created with createvehicle, give the group some waypoints to go to, and the Raptor mod takes care of the rest of the behavior.



    Take a look at the "Buildings" AI logic:

syntax: ["BUILDINGS", [spawnloc], [actionloc], [range]]
-spawnloc: offset or specific map location group will spawn.
-actionloc: offset or specific map location at which group will begin their patrol.
-range: range from 'actionloc' that the group will look for buildings to search.
Behaviour: Units within the group will wait until they are on foot. At this piont they will proceed to 'actionloc'. Upon arrival, all buildings inside of 'range' radius will be identified. A random search of these buildings will begin. When a unit gets to a building, it will inspect all locations within the building before continuing onto another random building on its list. 
Note: There is a tendancy for units to get 'stuck' on certain structures. A routine has been added to try and identify when a unit is stuck and teleport it to a nearby road segment.
If no buildings are found within 'range'unit will continue to its current active waypoint (if any).

Set the range to 1 or 2 and spawn the AI in the building, the logic should only find the building they occupy.  From there, they will patrol all the 'mapped' points inside that structure.


Also take a look at Sentry:

syntax: ["SENTRY",    [spawnloc], [actionloc], [radius]]
-spawnloc: offset or specific map location group will spawn
-actionloc: offset or specific map location at which unit will take up its guard position.
-radius: distance from 'actionloc' that the group searchs for available buildings.
Behaviour: Group will proceed to 'actionloc'. Upon arrival, group will search 'radius' for available buildings. Individual units in the group will then enter the buildings and climb to the highest points in the buildings and take up a "COMBAT" ready position.

This one may work for you too.

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  On 4/29/2015 at 7:30 PM, Tobias Solem said:

Make sure that the headless client is connecting (check the headless clients' RPT-log).


I'm connected. I have HC_HAL in the spawn. I can teleport him to my base, all seems to work. I use infistar.de

Except I have no admin menu.

rpt shows FUMS initialized


 6:11:27 "FuMS initializing for player:C Alpha 1-1:1 (LuZifer)"


Admin Data and GUID is correctly set.

Any ideas for help.

Thank you


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Thanks horbin. That's pretty much what I was planning on. I have a large area that needs guarded. There's a total of 26 spawn points I've defined but all of them won't be active at a time. Maybe half that amount. In your opinion what's the best way to get them all spawned where I want them? I can divide up the area into quadrants and then use the offsets to move them around. But that method seems like am awful lot of guess work. I understand that an posloc array of [6,6] moves the units 6 meters North and 6 meters West but visualizing that to make sure that's actually where I want them to be is another story. Is there some formula you recommend for accurate placement or should I just do a different static mission for each unit that I need to be in a specific spot and then have a 0,0 offset?

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Hello to everyone.

Horbin, thanx for awesome mission system. I try to use this on my server but it running without issue only if i set IP of server and HC starter BAT's only to And in SC/config too,of course.
In this case HC connected but if server was restarted, HC has not connected again, client still running. Anybody know why?

And second issue, if i change server start IP to my typically PC IP address, change in HC start BAT to the same, HC is not connected anymore.
This I set to config:
headlessClients[] = {"",""};
But client not connect.

Thanx for help
Best regards from Czech rep. Martin.

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  On 4/30/2015 at 6:25 AM, Kenobi said:

Hello to everyone.

Horbin, thanx for awesome mission system. I try to use this on my server but it running without issue only if i set IP of server and HC starter BAT's only to And in SC/config too,of course.

In this case HC connected but if server was restarted, HC has not connected again, client still running. Anybody know why?

And second issue, if i change server start IP to my typically PC IP address, change in HC start BAT to the same, HC is not connected anymore.

This I set to config:


headlessClients[] = {"",""};


But client not connect.

Thanx for help

Best regards from Czech rep. Martin.


I would help you if your admin friends didn't steal stuff from other servers at first place.. ( From Reminiscence.cz and Second coming's EpochYorkshire.co.uk ).. :)

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  On 4/30/2015 at 11:49 AM, bombajack said:

Scripts are public release on internet, so shut the fuck up Spire...

Have a nice day.


  On 4/30/2015 at 11:53 AM, bombajack said:

Btw spire..if you are so big mr.coder why you have all on MP side? Not server side?



Well since you stole my stuff i banned all of you and have everything that is not public on the server side :).


And it's really shame that second server in our country is filled with copy pasters like you :).


Atleast you admitted that you stole, that's all i needed.




I made a topic with shared bans, so if anyone didn't want them on their server .

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  On 4/30/2015 at 12:22 AM, horbin said:


  It has an option to run on the server, but it is VERY intensive.  If your focus is just on the Raptors, take a look in \FuMS\HC\AI\SpawnSoldier.sqf.  Once created with createvehicle, give the group some waypoints to go to, and the Raptor mod takes care of the rest of the behavior.

Thanks Horbin. On looking at the raptors, I'm thinking I might pass on those, simply because of the startup parameters for clients. They have enough trouble getting connected without getting them to manually install mods!


Been looking through the install guide though, and it all seems related to HC, and I can't tell whats needed to just install it server side. For those of us without a dedi box, or ability to setup a headless client, I'd really appreciate some help on this. I'm removing 2 mission systems to make way for FuMS, so I'm hoping the performance impact isn't too bad.

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  On 4/30/2015 at 12:07 PM, SpiRe said:

Well since you stole my stuff i banned all of you and have everything that is not public on the server side :).


And it's really shame that second server in our country is filled with copy pasters like you :).


Atleast you admitted that you stole, that's all i needed.




I made a topic with shared bans, so if anyone didn't want them on their server .

:D :D ....Spire listen...The worst is the death of scared ... You're a child who stole a toy...You are kid,you must be a kid.


AND PLEASE..stop crying.PLS.Thx.


Again.Have a nice day and Cheers! :D

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Ok on to better things.


I have now started to customize and rework your initial code for Zombies.

I have accomplished a lot and several different ways too.

Ok to get you on the same page as I am.

I have found the route it all takes from trigger to spawning in the AI as case "ZOMBIE" yada yada yada.

I made the necessary changes for the sounds to not error out and process completely.

I edited the damage taken from the zombies so that its manageable to escape and kill them.

I got it in the loop to give them damage(several ways I might add, and thank you for the commented out lines they helped start me out)

Here is where the issues started even though the tests were successful and I saw the damage and heard the sounds, the regular players in my server were not.

Now I noticed you do have the publicvariable for the sounds and they are being pushed to me fine, but not to anyone else...

I have not tested it with another admin to check if its an admin things as to why we get it and they don't, but maybe its the FUMS admins only that hear it...

I spent hours on it yesterday and the end result was ZILCH lol the lovelies of testing!

Well sharing is caring.

All the info I used to attempt this was found here and on BIS forums/BIKI.

setObjectTexture [0 [1 etc should get those that understand a start to how I got it working in the first place without A MOD.

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   Multi-HC's work, just have to coordinate the connection issue if you ONLY want FuMS on one of them. (Have the FuMS HC connect 1st).



   Look in the \FuMS\Themes\BaseServer.sqf. Under 'Map Definitions and FuMS configuration' set to  true, //Enable FuMS mission to run on the main server.

  Also, if you don't want to use the Raptor theme, just comment it out of the 'Active Themes' section.

  Best to read through the BaseServer.sqf, \Themes\Test\ThemeData.sqf, and \Themes\Test\TestMission01.sqf to get a fell for how to modify things if you want to go outside the generic install.



  I will double check the code, but all players should be hearing the sounds.  It is controlled by a PV.  When the zombies spot someone, the script searches for all players within ear shot, and then pushes the PV to them, triggering the sound effects.

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Great stuff Horbin, I had actually already spotted that and have it running pretty well currently.Absolutely amazing missions and the players love it so far, so fantastic work sir! :D


Been combing through all the configurations, and just a quick question regarding launchers. Even though the following code is in place, players have still been able to loot launchers after killing AI. 

// soldier only equipment. Items in this list are only available to AI.
        //  when an AI dies, gear on this list is deleted from the AI's inventory.
            [], //Uniforms
            [], // Vests
            [], // Backpacks.
            [], // Helmets
            ["launch_RPG32_F","launch_I_Titan_F"], // Weapons
            ["RPG32_HE_F","RPG32_F","Titan_AA"], // Magazines
            [] // Items

Any idea?


EDIT: Also, heli crashes, and horde (zombie infected town thingy) don't appear to be spawning loot

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  On 4/30/2015 at 7:57 PM, horbin said:

Kroenen, Thanks!


Yea, quite possibly a 'server-side' FuMS issue. I will look into it.  FuMS was built to run on an HC, so the code that allows it to run on the server may have some 'holes' in it :)


I will check it out.

Added a couple more things I noticed above. This may help with the launcher removal though;

22:00:40 "<FuMS> AI_Killed: Trying to delete RPG from 8ca4d600# 2253997: dummyweapon.p3d which contains [["launch_I_Titan_F"],[1]]"
22:00:40 "<FuMS> AI_Killed: comparing launch_I_Titan_F and ["launch_RPG32_F","launch_I_Titan_F"]"
22:00:40 Error in expression <if ((_firstItem select 0) == _x) then { clearWeaponCargo _x;}; 
}foreach _x;
22:00:40 Error position: <clearWeaponCargo _x;}; 
}foreach _x;
22:00:40 Error clearweaponcargo: Type String, expected Object
22:00:40 File FuMS\HC\AI\AIKilled.sqf, line 84

Just wanted to say massive thanks again, I know I'm probably causing more work by trying to run this server side, but it's actually performing really well :D

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Yeah Horbin,

I think I have the sequence of ops down for the ZOMBIEs from file to file, starting with the trigger.

I have the sounds triggered like you uncommented in several files.

The first comment was in spawnai and the second was in the fn_nextsound.

Through testing the only push of the damage was at first alert which in turn triggered the fnc_Nextsound which in turn triggered the PV and pushed the sounds to me.

However even with the setobjecttexture in the spawnai the damage would not show up until the sound was triggered yet the regular players around me could not hear the sounds.

I have done a lot of research and im pretty sure my concept will get this rolling with full texture control over the spawned in AI but we are missing the regular players from getting the PV on all ends, damage as well as sounds.

Thanks Horbin.

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Can you make the same as in A3AEI who has the addon in the start parameter has the control over the AI



i hope you understand me  





HC1 Startparameter:


-mod=@Epoch,@FumS; -----> this hc controll only The FumS Mission and not the A3AEI 


HC2 Startparameter:


-mod=@Epoch;@A3AEI -----> this HC have no Controll over FumS only A3AEI

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