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Fulcrum Mission System v2.1a


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1. Look at \FuMS\HC\AI\AIKilled.sqf line 15-16.  AND line 26-32  If there are additional weapons other than "launch_RPG32_F" you do not want players to have access too, you can code it here.


Next update I will add an option to have an 'excluded weapons' list similar to the 'excluded vehicles' list already in FuMS.


2.  Send me a copy of your LootData.sqf and the .rpt that is generating the error. This should be working for you.



I've been having problems with my test server crashing when I connect to it, so been a little OOC the last few days. Hopefully I get it back this weekend, and get the next update out the door.

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Hi All,

I have this installed in my test server, I am running on  dedicated box and keep getting the following error....server: player HC kicked off steam ticket check failed.

I have logged in as HC_HAL and accepted the Battleye license as well as followed the install information, and copied the HC_HAL profile to my server but it still keeps getting kicked.


Any idea on what I may be doing wrong? my RPT doesnt give me any info beyond .....Server error: Player without identity headlessclient (id 1537770944)

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This is driving me up a wall... I can NOT get the HC to stay connected, I have followed everything I could find in the forums and I still get the steam ticket check error. if anyone has this working on a dedicated box and would not mind assisting me please come to my Team speak and poke me.... my Teamspeak is ht.ts0.eu....... that is ht. ts zero .eu not TS oh, thanks.


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Convoy Patrol and Helo Patrol Themes fully implemented to work on any map.

Taking inputs! If anyone is looking for additional functionality or theme design let me know.  

Next update will include support for M3Editor designed bases/buildings. In the next update the mission files will support file names containing M3Editor data in addition to the building/base data currently supported.


  • Updated TrackPatrol and RoutePatrol to more effectively utilize 'named' locations. This update permits use of keywords 'Villages','Cities', and 'Capitals'. See \Docs folder for specifics on AI logic.

  • Fixed bug with TrackRoute that was causing 'track icons' to appear at position [0,0] on some maps.

  • Vehicle stuck code enhanced. AI vehicles now will 'teleport' to the nearest road in the event they become entangled on terrain. AI controlled vehicles will also no longer decide they are stuck because they are waiting on their group leader's vehicle. AI will now wait patiently for the group leader's vehicle to move, then proceed on mission. Change should lend to a more reliable persistence in vehicle traffic, especially when multiple vehicles are under a single AI group's control.

  • AI Controlled vehicles will no longer run out of fuel, but will always leave a vehicle with 1/4 a tank.

  • Modified "Tracked" AI so that their map symbol changes dynamically as they change vehicle types (Truck, Car, Air, Ship, Walking)

  • HC disconnect code optimized, once again......

  • Added Convoy Theme. (all map compatible) Based upon capability already in FuMS and AI map tracking icons, this theme has been added. FuMS will create and maintain two convoys of 3 pickup trucks. Each truck has 4 AI. Loot located in the trucks Convoy spawns at a random location on the map, then proceeds to two randomly selected villages. 1 vehicle is a 'Technical'. This vehicle, "B_G_Offroad_01_armed_F" is also added to the exclusions list in BaseServer.sqf to limit player use.

  • Updated Helo Patrol Theme (Now all map compatible) 2 patrols of 3 armed helo's are created. The patrol flys between 5 randomly selected village,city,capital locations on the map. Helo patrols once destroyed do not return until server restart.

    • AI Gear Exclusion List See BaseServer.sqf in the "Soldier Section". Gear can now be defined as AI only. Any equipment placed into these lists will be deleted from an AI when it dies. This will allow AI to utilize weapons not permitted by the player base.
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  On 4/19/2015 at 12:49 PM, horbin said:


Convoy Patrol and Helo Patrol Themes fully implemented to work on any map.

Taking inputs! If anyone is looking for additional functionality or theme design let me know.  

Next update will include support for M3Editor designed bases/buildings. In the next update the mission files will support file names containing M3Editor data in addition to the building/base data currently supported.


  • Updated TrackPatrol and RoutePatrol to more effectively utilize 'named' locations. This update permits use of keywords 'Villages','Cities', and 'Capitals'. See \Docs folder for specifics on AI logic.

  • Fixed bug with TrackRoute that was causing 'track icons' to appear at position [0,0] on some maps.

  • Vehicle stuck code enhanced. AI vehicles now will 'teleport' to the nearest road in the event they become entangled on terrain. AI controlled vehicles will also no longer decide they are stuck because they are waiting on their group leader's vehicle. AI will now wait patiently for the group leader's vehicle to move, then proceed on mission. Change should lend to a more reliable persistence in vehicle traffic, especially when multiple vehicles are under a single AI group's control.

  • AI Controlled vehicles will no longer run out of fuel, but will always leave a vehicle with 1/4 a tank.

  • Modified "Tracked" AI so that their map symbol changes dynamically as they change vehicle types (Truck, Car, Air, Ship, Walking)

  • HC disconnect code optimized, once again......

  • Added Convoy Theme. (all map compatible) Based upon capability already in FuMS and AI map tracking icons, this theme has been added. FuMS will create and maintain two convoys of 3 pickup trucks. Each truck has 4 AI. Loot located in the trucks Convoy spawns at a random location on the map, then proceeds to two randomly selected villages. 1 vehicle is a 'Technical'. This vehicle, "B_G_Offroad_01_armed_F" is also added to the exclusions list in BaseServer.sqf to limit player use.

  • Updated Helo Patrol Theme (Now all map compatible) 2 patrols of 3 armed helo's are created. The patrol flys between 5 randomly selected village,city,capital locations on the map. Helo patrols once destroyed do not return until server restart.

    • AI Gear Exclusion List See BaseServer.sqf in the "Soldier Section". Gear can now be defined as AI only. Any equipment placed into these lists will be deleted from an AI when it dies. This will allow AI to utilize weapons not permitted by the player base.



Dude you are a hero!


Love this missions system!

Very small FPS impact with lots of customisation.

This mission system is win!


Thank you!



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hi new fums uploaded all install this error in HC rpt:


  Reveal hidden contents
16:10:46 "<FuMS> HC_Init: Compiling FuMS_str_HC_AI_RC_AIRadio  into FuMS_fnc_HC_AI_RC_AIRadio"
16:10:46 Error in expression <
missionNamespace setVariable [_string, _code];
}foreach FuMS_HC_ScriptList;
16:10:46   Error position: <_code];
}foreach FuMS_HC_ScriptList;
16:10:46   Error Undefined variable in expression: _code
16:10:46 File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Altis\HC\HC_Init.sqf, line 64
16:10:46 "<FuMS> HC_Init: Compiling FuMS_str_HC_AI_RC_BaseOps  into FuMS_fnc_HC_AI_RC_BaseOps"
16:10:46 Error in expression <
missionNamespace setVariable [_string, _code];
}foreach FuMS_HC_ScriptList;
16:10:46   Error position: <_code];
}foreach FuMS_HC_ScriptList;
16:10:46   Error Undefined variable in expression: _code
16:10:46 File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Altis\HC\HC_Init.sqf, line 64
16:10:46 "<FuMS> HC_Init: Compiling FuMS_str_HC_Loot_AddIt  into FuMS_fnc_HC_Loot_AddIt"
16:10:46 Error in expression <
missionNamespace setVariable [_string, _code];
}foreach FuMS_HC_ScriptList;
16:10:46   Error position: <_code];
}foreach FuMS_HC_ScriptList;
16:10:46   Error Undefined variable in expression: _code
16:10:46 File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Altis\HC\HC_Init.sqf, line 64
16:10:46 "<FuMS> HC_Init: Compiling FuMS_str_HC_Loot_GetBox  into FuMS_fnc_HC_Loot_GetBox"
16:10:46 Error in expression <
missionNamespace setVariable [_string, _code];
}foreach FuMS_HC_ScriptList;

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   Iam checking on why you might be getting that error. Make sure you installed the full FuMS.pbo.




     If the AI is patrolling to large an area, you can reduce their patrol size be modifying the information in the mission for each AI group.


   ["BoxPatrol",[0,0],[0,0], 0]


In the example above, the '0' at the end causes the AI using this logic to use the encounter radius as its max patrol distance. changing it to:


   ["BoxPatrol",[0,0],[0,0], 50]


would force that group of AI to only go 50m away from encounter center.


See AI_Logic.txt in the Docs folder.


Another option is to use the 'BodyCount' trigger as the win condition or LowUnitCount, and setting these to trigger when a number less than the total number of AI are dead. 

(EX: mission spawns 10 AI, so set BodyCount to 8 or LowUnitCount to 2). In this way 'victory' will be established in the event an AI or two is playing hide and seek with the players :)


It also gives the 'false' sense of security...."Hey we won"...but is it really safe to go get the loot now?" :)

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   I suspect you have some other addon that may be deleting the global mission variable space on your HC.


Check your server's .RPT.  You should see messages that look like this:

12:33:40 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:43.1267 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_AI_Logic_PatrolRoute to HC:3    :"
12:33:41 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:45.8453 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_AI_Logic_ScriptPatrol to HC:3    :"
12:33:41 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:47.3373 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_AI_Logic_TrackRoute to HC:3    :"
12:33:42 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:45.4545 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_AI_RC_FormatAndBroadcast to HC:3    :"
12:33:42 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:45.7143 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_AI_RC_FormatAndBroadcastAI to HC:3    :"
12:33:43 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:45.8453 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_AI_RC_RadioChatter to HC:3    :"
12:33:43 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:48.9297 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_AI_RC_AIRadio to HC:3    :"
12:33:44 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:48.048 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_AI_RC_BaseOps to HC:3    :"
12:33:44 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:41.0256 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_Loot_AddIt to HC:3    :"
12:33:45 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:47.1976 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_Loot_GetBox to HC:3    :"
12:33:45 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:42.1053 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_Loot_GetQuantity to HC:3    :"
12:33:46 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:34.8584 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_Loot_FillLoot to HC:3    :"
12:33:46 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:43.8356 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_Loot_GetChoice to HC:3    :"
12:33:47 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:45.4545 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_Menus_initHCMenus to HC:3    :"
12:33:47 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:44.4444 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_MsnCtrl_LogicBomb to HC:3    :"
12:33:48 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:45.7143 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_MsnCtrl_MissionInit to HC:3    :"
12:33:48 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:44.8179 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_MsnCtrl_ControlLoop to HC:3    :"
12:33:49 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:44.5682 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_MsnCtrl_StaticMissionControlLoop to HC:3    :"
12:33:49 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:45.977 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_MsnCtrl_Spawn_SpawnNotifications to HC:3    :"
12:33:50 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:45.977 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_MsnCtrl_Spawn_SpawnMissionLoot to HC:3    :"
12:33:50 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:43.5967 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_MsnCtrl_Spawn_CreateGroup to HC:3    :"
12:33:51 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:47.619 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_MsnCtrl_Spawn_SpawnGroup to HC:3    :"
12:33:52 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:44.1989 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_MsnCtrl_Spawn_SpawnVehicle to HC:3    

If you do, then something is deleting your global variables on your HC.  If you are getting an error on the server, let me know what it is!

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Looks like you are missing some files. Send me your SERVER .rpt please ;)


Also, something is going on with your HC, maybe it is lagging out or is mis-configured.


It is loggining in at time 16:01:36  and then again at 16:01:54. I am not too sure what is up with that.

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  On 4/19/2015 at 9:04 PM, horbin said:

Looks like you are missing some files. Send me your SERVER .rpt please ;)


Also, something is going on with your HC, maybe it is lagging out or is mis-configured.


It is loggining in at time 16:01:36  and then again at 16:01:54. I am not too sure what is up with that.



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16:00:33 Warning Message: Error: creating weapon optic_AMS_base with scope=private
16:00:34 Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.
16:00:34 Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.
Your HC was disconnected.
16:01:48 "<infiSTAR.de> ******ADMIN-LOGIN******: Alexander(76561198001870757)"
16:01:49 "<infiSTAR.de> ---PlayerDisconnected: headlessclient(HC3124)"
16:01:49 Client: Remote object 4:0 not found
Then Reconnected.
16:01:54 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:50 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_Util_FindTown to HC:4    :"
16:01:54 "<infiSTAR.de> +++PlayerConnected: headlessclient(HC3124)"
16:01:54 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:50.7937 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_Util_GetBuildingPositions to HC:4    :"
16:01:54 No speaker given for Majeed Amin
Also, based on the top messages...I don't know if the HC needs those files, like a player would?
Outside of this, once You get logged in.  Kick the HC, and see if things work when it reconnects...but it looks like your HC is being disconnected from the server while it is initializing.
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  On 4/19/2015 at 9:58 PM, horbin said:


16:00:33 Warning Message: Error: creating weapon optic_AMS_base with scope=private
16:00:34 Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.
16:00:34 Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.
Your HC was disconnected.
16:01:48 "<infiSTAR.de> ******ADMIN-LOGIN******: Alexander(76561198001870757)"
16:01:49 "<infiSTAR.de> ---PlayerDisconnected: headlessclient(HC3124)"
16:01:49 Client: Remote object 4:0 not found
Then Reconnected.
16:01:54 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:50 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_Util_FindTown to HC:4    :"
16:01:54 "<infiSTAR.de> +++PlayerConnected: headlessclient(HC3124)"
16:01:54 "##InitHeadlessClient: FPS:50.7937 ---transmitting FuMS_str_HC_Util_GetBuildingPositions to HC:4    :"
16:01:54 No speaker given for Majeed Amin
Also, based on the top messages...I don't know if the HC needs those files, like a player would?
Outside of this, once You get logged in.  Kick the HC, and see if things work when it reconnects...but it looks like your HC is being disconnected from the server while it is initializing.


I had issues with the headless client connecting when I didn't run the same addons as the server. Once I added mas, and others it connected fine as it checks the headless just like a player for missing addons. You don't need the epochhive though unless you are running A3EAI then it's just for the file stucture. 

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