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Fulcrum Mission System v2.1a


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FuMS already does this admin thing, in a much more 'clean' manner.


If you are desiring AI to follow you around and be your buds, wait till mid April. I should have that sort of logic worked out :)


Aside from that, with FuMS you can spawn AI on yourself, or any other player,  you can even spawn a prison cell around a player if you so desire, then have a helo drop troops in the 'arena' with him.


Its up to you. It's what FuMS was built for...build what you want, without having to fat finger the code!

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Its coming...I have some code working right now that allows AI to discriminate based upon a player's name...just still in the works.


Trying hard right now to bust out this server side modification of FuMS...before I head to KeyWest for the next 10 days!....Last week of lobster season, and I'm looking for some good bottom time!



Edit:  Oh find my issue... Array1 = [] + Array2 will make independent copies of an array.

   Array1 = Array2    just makes another reference to the same array.


Give me C or C++ so I know when I am using pointers!!!!!..or atleast lets me override a constructor.

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1.5 is up.
Server side operation.  See github for specifics, but serverside FuMS enabled by default to make it easier for folks......
Encounters can now run on the server w/o a headless client....again see the GitHub.
Consider this a 'beta' 1.5 release if you are already running 1.4 on a live server.  I am off to Key West for the next week, but wanted to get this out before-hand.
Spam me with issues/recommendations.
*****Check new Installation instructions for the 'sounds' provided with the crazed clones.
*****Check the /DOCS/ folder.
'man' page is your friend.....
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1.5 is up.
Server side operation.  See github for specifics, but serverside FuMS enabled by default to make it easier for folks......
Encounters can now run on the server w/o a headless client....again see the GitHub.
Consider this a 'beta' 1.5 release if you are already running 1.4 on a live server.  I am off to Key West for the next week, but wanted to get this out before-hand.
Spam me with issues/recommendations.
*****Check new Installation instructions for the 'sounds' provided with the crazed clones.
*****Check the /DOCS/ folder.
'man' page is your friend.....


is it possible to yuse your stuff now without a HC Setup?I dont use one but iam looking forward to use this but is it possible to use this now without any HC setup?



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hey horbin, I jyst installed v1.5 and the crazed clones work well and spawn without a problem, although they dont seem to attack, they just walk around peacefully until you shoot them. there is also no notification or completion message. 


Am I doing something wrong or did I misunderstand what they are supposed to do?

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Did the installation instructions fall off the github? I will check

I didnt see there any notification or iam maybe blind well looking forward to this thread maybe someone can tell how to install this without HC now.


But nice that you make this work now without HC ;)


Kind Regards

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Hope you're enjoying your vacation!  I'm having some errors on this new version.  See below.



This shows up once pretty early on

12:55:18 Error in expression <ect 3;
FuMS_ActiveThemes pushback (_x select 0);
FuMS_ActiveThemesHC pushback >
12:55:18   Error position: <select 0);
FuMS_ActiveThemesHC pushback >
12:55:18   Error select: Type Bool, expected Array,String,Config entry
12:55:18 File FuMS\Functions\LoadCommonData.sqf, line 36
12:55:18 "##\FuMS\Init.sqf:  Server side FuMS initialized and operational."



And this one starts and repeats on and on ad infinitum:


12:56:03 "##GetHCIndex PVEH: player:B Alpha 1-1:1 (HC_HAL2) REMOTE owner id:3"
12:56:03 "##Server-HC Heart Monitor Slot #3 operational for B Alpha 1-1:1 (HC_HAL2) REMOTE"
12:56:03 "##FuMsnInit: Global variables being handed off too HC B Alpha 1-1:1 (HC_HAL2) REMOTE id:3"
12:56:03 Error in expression <MS_FPSMinimum";
waitUntil {  diag_fps > FuMS_FPSMinimum};
_hc publicVariableClie>
12:56:03   Error position: <FuMS_FPSMinimum};
_hc publicVariableClie>
12:56:03   Error Undefined variable in expression: fums_fpsminimum
12:56:03 File FuMS\Functions\InitHeadlessClient.sqf, line 13



Here is my base server file:


// Horbin
// 1/10/25
// Data specifc to your server's map.
FuMS_ServerData =
    [ // Map Definition and FuMS configuration
        [11264, 11264, 0],    // Map Center
        22528,                 // Map Range in meters
		true,				//Enable AdminControls! See Docs\AdminControls.txt
         15   //minimum Server FPS. Below this FPS FuMS will not load new missions. 
    [  // Exclusion Areas
        // Areas to be excluded from Global Random generation of mission spawn points
        // Points listed are for the upper left and lower right corners of a box.
        [[3144.52,8255.61,0],[4144.52,9255.61,0]],	// West Spawn
        [[11466.9,12192.4,0],[12466.9, 13192.4,0]], // East spawn
        [[3537.25,15053.3,0],[4537.25, 16053.3,0]],   // North spawn
        [[13514,6383,0],[14314,7383,0]]   //Cloning Lab
        // ActiveThemes
        // A folder matching the names below needs to exist in the ..\Encounters folder.
        // use this block to easily turn off/on your various mission sets.
        // -1 = all HC's.  0= Server only,  1=1st HC to connect, 2=2nd, etc.
        //  Note: Server option not currenty operational.
        // ["StressTest",-1],
    [  // Event and AI Radio messsage behavior
        false, // EnableRadioChatterSystem: turns on the system, allowing below options to function
        false, // EnableRadioAudio: turns on 'audio' effects for radio chatter
        true, // RadioRequired: if false, messages are heard without a radio on the player's belt.
        false, // RadioFollowTheme: Conforms with Theme radio channel choices. False:any radio works for all channels.
        true, 800 // EnableAIChatter: enables random radio chatter between AI when players get within the specified range (meters) as default.
              // NOTE: Theme 'Radio Range' will override this setting.
	[ // Soldier Defaults

		3, // default number of rifle magazines for each AI
		3, // default number of pistol magazines
		true, // Turns ON VCOM_Driving V1.01 = Genesis92x for all land/boat vehicle drivers
		  //Skill Override options:
		  // Values here will override values for individual units defined in SoldierData.
		  // values ranges 1.0 -0.0      0= uses GlobalSoldierData.sqf setting for each soldier.
		  // defaults 'stock' ai based around values indicated below.
		  // if unique AI are desired, modify these numbers in GlobalSoldierData.sqf or SoldierData.sqf as applicable.
		  // values here OVERRIDE any value set in the other files! (value of zero = use other files values).
		0.2, // aimingAccuracy .05 : target lead, bullet drop, recoil
		0.5,	// aimingShake .9 : how steady AI can hold a weapon
		0.2,	// aimingSpeed .1 : how quick AI can rotate and stabilize its aim and shoot.
		0.5,	// spotDistance .5 : affects ability to spot visually and audibly and the accuracy of the information
		0.5,	// spotTime .5 : affects how quick AI reacts to death, damage or observing an enemy.
		0.2,	// courage .1 : affects unit's subordinates morale
		0.5,	// reloadSpeed .5 :affects delay between weapon switching and reloading
		0.5	// commanding .5 : how quickly recognized targets are shared with the AI's group.

	[ // Loot Defaults

		20, // number of minutes after mission completion before deleting a loot box.
		// NOTE: This is not based on when the box is spawned, but WHEN the mission completes!
		[  // SMOKE BOX Options
            true, // true= smoke created with box for ease of location.
            100,  // proximity character has to get to box before smokes start. 0=unlimited
            ["Red","White","Blue"],  // colors of smoke
             5     // Duration, in minutes, smoke lasts once triggered.
		true,  // vehicles occupied by players persist through server reset and are sellable!
		// List of box types used by "Random" in LootData and GlobalLootData files.
		// List of vehicles prohibited to use by players. This list allows them to be on the map for AI use
		// but will prevent players from entering the vehicle.
          true  //VehicleAmmoFlag true= sets vehicle ammo to zero when an AI vehicle is 1st occupied by a player.







// init.sqf
// Horbin
// 2/7/15
// Server side init for FuMS.pbo addon
if (!isServer) exitWith {};
private ["_handle"];
FuMS_HCIDs = [];
FuMS_HCNames = [];
FuMS_HCIDs set [0,0]; // set the 1st slot to be the actual server's ID.
FuMS_HCNames set [0, "SERVER"];
FuMS_AdminListofMissions = []; //Full list of all missions on the server. [themeIndex, themeName, missionName] format.

FuMS_ServerFuMSEnable = false; // will be set in LoadCommonData.sqf

_handle = [] execVM "\FuMS\Menus\init.sqf";
waitUntil {ScriptDone _handle};

// Preprocess all HC files and prepare variables for transfer of HC files to HC's as they connect
_handle = [] execVM "\FuMS\HC\LoadScriptsForHCv2.sqf";
waitUntil {ScriptDone _handle};

_handle = [] execVM "\FuMS\Functions\PVEH.sqf";
waitUntil {ScriptDone _handle};

_handle = [] execVM "\FuMS\Functions\LoadCommonData.sqf";
waitUntil {ScriptDone _handle};

//Code to start and initialize FuMS ON the SERVER!
if (FuMS_ServerFuMSEnable) then
    FuMS_HCThemeControlID = 0;
    FuMS_ThemeControlID = 0;
    FuMS_HC_SlotNumber = 0;    
    diag_log format ["##HC_INIT: Script List size = %1",count FuMS_HC_ScriptList];
        private ["_code"];
      _code = compile (missionNamespace getVariable _x);
	// find and replace _str_ with _fnc_
	_ary = toArray _x;
	_string = "FuMS_fnc_";
	for [{_i=9},{_i< count _ary},{_i=_i+1}]do {_string = format ["%1%2",_string,toString [_ary select _i]];};	
	diag_log format ["##HC_Init: Compiling %1  into %2",_x,_string];
	missionNamespace setVariable [_string, _code];	
    }foreach FuMS_HC_ScriptList;

    [] call FuMS_fnc_HC_FuMSNInit;

FuMS_ServerIsClean = true;
diag_log format ["##\FuMS\Init.sqf:  Server side FuMS initialized and operational."];
FuMS_Server_Operational = true;
publicVariable "FuMS_Server_Operational";



Do I actually have to list all the missions on line 12?  Shouldn't that be pulled automatically from baseserver.sqf?  What about HCIDs?

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On Chernarus map the water missions are a bit...weird.


They spawn near lakes - no water in lakes so the SDV's...beach.


When they spawn on the coast, the AI run along roads etc and don't fire and cannot be looted.


Plus they spawn a new water mission 30 seconds after you clear the last.



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On Chernarus map the water missions are a bit...weird.


They spawn near lakes - no water in lakes so the SDV's...beach.


When they spawn on the coast, the AI run along roads etc and don't fire and cannot be looted.


Plus they spawn a new water mission 30 seconds after you clear the last.




Have you changed the map data in BaseServer.sqf?  There's a place in there to enter the map center and world size as well as safe zone coords for the trader spawn areas.  Tweaking those values may help.

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ok i got this to work serverside only without HC Setup...........


The only Problem is the Zombie Ai in Towns are Friendly and running over the town they dont attack anyone how can i fix this last problem?

I don't think it's working for anyone at the moment, we'll just have to wait for Horbin to come back off holiday to have a look at it :)

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On Chernarus map the water missions are a bit...weird.


They spawn near lakes - no water in lakes so the SDV's...beach.


When they spawn on the coast, the AI run along roads etc and don't fire and cannot be looted.


Plus they spawn a new water mission 30 seconds after you clear the last.



In v1.4x, I ended up making the water missions static for Chernarus. They would tend to spawn in lakes and dried up dam areas, so I put them along the coast. I did away with a couple of them as well, iirc. You can edit the respawn times. Look into the Theme.sqf for the water missions (I think that's the file).

One thing to keep in mind about the this mission system is....it is just that... a system. The missions included are basically just proof of concept missions. From my understanding, this mission system is being created to give the admin the ability to more easily add/modify missions to suit to his/her server. Make them unique. I'm in limbo waiting for 0.3 to be released before adding some missions.

I haven't downloaded the latest version, but the HC part of the prior version has been working almost flawlessly for me.

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