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Will there be Taviana Map for Epoch A3?


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Epoch Taviana 3.0 ATM's


These ATM's are placed on the following places:

  • train stations (small and big ones)
  • bus stops
  • supermarkets (taviana and standard ones)
  • pubs
  • gas stations

​There are placed 117 ATM's over the whole map (the Origins islands included)












can we make it an actual ATM rather than phone booth? if so what is the class name for an ATM?

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I just confirmed that if you run Origins with the 2015 version of AiATP then your client will crash when loading into the server.  This is a huge deal guys.  If we are going to run this then people need to know that they need to have the old version.  They will have to probably keep the new version too in order to join other servers that may be running the new version.

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Ok so here are some files to help some folks out.  Here is a working mission as well as the a3 epoch server settings pbo which contains Taviana teleporter positions, static trader positions, phone booth positions and loot container positions on the beach.  Much more needs done to make this 100%, such as trader "cities" to go along with the static traders, but since I don't plan to make a live Tavi server I won't be investing the time to create them.  It's easy enough to do with the A3 editors.  There are TONS of server and client RPT errors.  Some relating to missing PBOs and files from Origins and others from the loot spawner not having loot positions in building classes, but they do not affect the overall operation of the game.   I offer NO support for these files.  Just trying to help out.  Credit and thanks goes to Spear for the phone booth positions list posted a few posts back and also to the RiotControlGaming team for their modified LSpawner addon.


****IMPORTANT**** YOU MUST use the old AiA TP (2014 version) with Origins.  If you try to use the new 2015 version it will freeze up your Arma 3 client when loading into the map.  Consider too that other mods and/or servers may require the new TP version, so your players will have to keep both versions and know when to use each of them.  Quite a PITA if you ask me, but it is what it is.  



Good luck!   :)

Epoch Taviana Stuff.zip

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Ok so here are some files to help some folks out.  Here is a working mission as well as the a3 epoch server settings pbo which contains Taviana teleporter positions, static trader positions, phone booth positions and loot container positions on the beach.  Much more needs done to make this 100%, such as trader "cities" to go along with the static traders, but since I don't plan to make a live Tavi server I won't be investing the time to create them.  It's easy enough to do with the A3 editors.  There are TONS of server and client RPT errors.  Some relating to missing PBOs and files from Origins and others from the loot spawner not having loot positions in building classes, but they do not affect the overall operation of the game.   I offer NO support for these files.  Just trying to help out.  Credit and thanks goes to Spear for the phone booth positions list posted a few posts back.


****IMPORTANT**** YOU MUST use the old AiA TP (2014 version) with Origins.  If you try to use the new 2015 version it will freeze up your Arma 3 client when loading into the map.  Consider too that other mods and/or servers may require the new TP version, so your players will have to keep both versions and know when to use each of them.  Quite a PITA if you ask me, but it is what it is.  



Good luck!   :)


Awesome man! Where did you get all the files from? 

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I just confirmed that if you run Origins with the 2015 version of AiATP then your client will crash when loading into the server.  This is a huge deal guys.  If we are going to run this then people need to know that they need to have the old version.  They will have to probably keep the new version too in order to join other servers that may be running the new version.

Running 01-01-2015.

Game works fine tho :D

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Propably he made them on his own :D ? The only things you have to write on your own are the mission.sqm and some cords for traders, spawns etc.


I would say that, he took our pbo anyway, even left in my lspawnerBACKUP file that I made when I added in the mas weapon class to the main list plus the building classes. Oddball and Jmay Onzo credit for the spawn building list, 20% lspawner file etc. If you're going to take things at least credit people man. 

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I would say that, he took our pbo anyway, even left in my lspawnerBACKUP file that I made when I added in the mas weapon class to the main list plus the building classes. Oddball and Jmay Onzo credit for the spawn building list, 20% lspawner file etc. If you're going to take things at least credit people man. 


My sincerest apologies for forgetting!  It's been a rough couple days trying to get this stuff working.  lol  The LSpawner files were edited from stock by the RiotControlGaming folks and are not my original work.  Original posts have been updated with appropriate credits.

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My sincerest apologies for forgetting!  It's been a rough couple days trying to get this stuff working.  lol  The LSpawner files were edited from stock by the RiotControlGaming folks and are not my original work.  Original posts have been updated with appropriate credits.

Ah no problem! Just thought id point it out lol.   :)

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RiotControlGaming is an a absolute idiot ! accusing people people of stealing shit of him! in this case thought it was me! no apology received for his abusive comments here yet !


Threatening to ban me from his server! for something i didn't do! when i was glad someone made a Taviana server public and happy to be part of it! be aware when you decide to go and play there!


Another admin with power going to his head! all i am saying! you had your chance to apologies since you decided to hijack my post to advertise your server!


you guys at RiotControlGaming have not contributed a thing, you could have posted your mission file long time ago, made suggestions, recommendations, a clue at least! instead jumping on Darth_Rogue for credit!


Why not post it here! lets see if you gonna post the vehicle fix like one of your admins at your community said! or you gonna wait for it to be released by someone else and ask for credit for it?

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RiotControlGaming  is his forum name. We liked the name so we used it on our server. He took back his comment because we said it was not the right thing to do and out of order tbh. He does not represent all of us so sorry about his mistake. He is not the server owner.


About the server pbo, were fixing glitches, replacing buildings and adding stuff to make it a better map to play on as it was buggy as hell. There is no need to "share" a pbo when any one can get it if you put some effort in. If you get it now enjoy the buggy map without fixes. Look up the fixes, we spend ages on searching things and fixes, many hours a day. Easy as hell bruh.


*Plus you don;t want code from me I spent 4 hours trying to find a wrong comma and }* :D

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Guys calm down please.


Any news about the vehcile spawn prob? I got the loot spawning on Tavi-Builings also now.


I placed one static trader in Branibor, I got the black marker on the map, but this trader can be killed, don't know why, any ideas ? Got the smae classname then other static traders.


To get the epoch.Tavi.pbo from an other server, it would take 1 min. .

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I got a server ready, with the tradercities from Altis, but until the problem with the cars spawning in water, I will not start a public server, everything else is running, loot spawning in most of the open building also tav/origin buildings, sorted the kind of loot to the kind of buildings and I got the SEM missions running.


So any news about the car spawn?


Is there a classname for the lootable trashcan,fountain, garbage bags and water barrel?


I'd like to place some on the map, on the new island on tavi are some trashcans, but not on the old islands.

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I got a server ready, with the tradercities from Altis, but until the problem with the cars spawning in water, I will not start a public server, everything else is running, loot spawning in most of the open building also tav/origin buildings, sorted the kind of loot to the kind of buildings and I got the SEM missions running.


So any news about the car spawn?


Is there a classname for the lootable trashcan,fountain, garbage bags and water barrel?


I'd like to place some on the map, on the new island on tavi are some trashcans, but not on the old islands.


vehicle spawning in arma 3 epoch,


look at  the following code;


LAND vehicles will spawn on citys , and taviana prob has no citie names defind or u do'n't use there correct file ofc

	if(count EPOCH_VehicleSlots <= 75 )exitWith{
		diag_log format["Keeping space for missions vehicles: Slots open: %1",count EPOCH_VehicleSlots];
	if(count EPOCH_VehicleSlots <=EPOCH_storedVehicleCount )exitWith{
		diag_log format["DEBUG at limit %1 %2",count EPOCH_VehicleSlots,EPOCH_storedVehicleCount];
		_countAllowedVeh=count EPOCH_allowedVehiclesList ;
		_randomVehicle=EPOCH_allowedVehiclesList select _randomVehicleIndex;
		_vehClass=_randomVehicle select 0;
		_velimit=_randomVehicle select 1;
		_vehicleCount={typeOf _x==_vehClass}count vehicles;
		if(_vehicleCount >=_velimit)then{
			EPOCH_allowedVehiclesList deleteAt _randomVehicleIndex;
			if(_vehicleCount==(_velimit - 1))then{
				EPOCH_allowedVehiclesList deleteAt _randomVehicleIndex;
	_isShip=_vehClass isKindOf "Ship";
	if(_isShip ||(_vehClass isKindOf "Air"))then{
		if(_isShip)then{_position=[epoch_centerMarkerPosition,0,EPOCH_dynamicVehicleArea,10,0,4000,1]call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;
			_position=[_position,0,100,10,2,4000,0]call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;
			_position=[epoch_centerMarkerPosition,0,EPOCH_dynamicVehicleArea,10,0,1000,0]call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;
			_spawnPositionSize set[_forEachIndex,[_x select 0,(_x select 1)+1]];
		}forEach _spawnPositionSize;
		if(_allCitysDync isEqualTo[])exitWith{
		_selectedCity=_allCitysDync select(floor random(count _allCitysDync));
		if(!isNil "_selectedCity")then{
			_find=_allowedTypes find(getText(_selectedCity >> "type"));
			if(_find >-1)then{
				_cityPos=getArray(_selectedCity >> "position");
				_range=getNumber(_selectedCity >> "radiusA")*1.3;
				_nearBy=count(_cityPos nearEntities[["LandVehicle","Ship","Air"],_range]);
				_limit=_spawnPositionSize select _find select 1;
				if(_limit > _nearBy)then{
					_roads=_cityPos nearRoads _range;
					if(_roads isEqualTo[])then{
						_road=_roads select(floor random(count _roads));
						if(!isNil "_road")then{
							_position=getPosATL _road;
		count _position==3 || diag_tickTime-_start>0.8
	if(count _position==3)then{_position deleteAt 2;
		_position=[_position,0,10,10,0,2000,0]call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;
	if(count _position==2)then{
		_vehObj call EPOCH_server_setVToken;
		_vehObj setdir(random 360);
		clearWeaponCargoGlobal    _vehObj;
		clearMagazineCargoGlobal  _vehObj;
		clearBackpackCargoGlobal  _vehObj;
		clearItemCargoGlobal	  _vehObj;
		_vehObj disableTIEquipment true;
		_vehObj lock true;
		_position set[2,0];
		if(surfaceIsWater _position)then{
			_vehObj setposASL _position;
			_vehObj setposATL _position;
		_config=(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _vehClass >> "availableColors");
			_textureSelectionIndex=configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _vehClass >> "textureSelectionIndex";
			_textures=_colors select 0;
			_color=floor(random(count _textures));
			_count=(count _colors)-1;
				if(_count >=_forEachIndex)then{
					_textures=_colors select _forEachIndex;
				_vehObj setObjectTextureGlobal[_x,(_textures select _color)];
			}forEach _selections;
			_vehObj setVariable["VEHICLE_TEXTURE",_color];
		if(_vehClass isKindOf "Ship")then{
			[_vehObj,["Items","Items","Equipment","Equipment","Pistols","Pistols","PistolAmmo","PistolAmmo","PistolAmmo","Scopes","Muzzles","Uniforms","Vests","Headgear","Food","Food","Generic","GenericAuto","GenericAuto","RifleBoat","RifleBoat","RifleAmmoBoat","RifleAmmoBoat","Hand","Grenades","Backpack"],4]call EPOCH_serverLootObject;
			[_vehObj,["Items","Items","Equipment","Equipment","Pistols","Pistols","PistolAmmo","PistolAmmo","PistolAmmo","Scopes","Muzzles","Uniforms","Vests","Headgear","Food","Food","Generic","GenericAuto","GenericAuto","Machinegun","MachinegunAmmo","MachinegunAmmo","Rifle","RifleAmmo","RifleAmmo","SniperRifle","SniperRifleAmmo","SniperRifleAmmo","Hand","Hand","Grenades","Backpack"],4]call EPOCH_serverLootObject;
		_vehObj setVariable["VEHICLE_SLOT",_x,true];
		_vehObj call EPOCH_server_save_vehicle;
		_vehObj call EPOCH_server_vehicleInit;
			_marker setMarkerShape "ICON";
			_marker setMarkerType "mil_dot";
			_marker setMarkerText _vehClass;
		EPOCH_VehicleSlots set[_forEachIndex,"REM"];
}forEach EPOCH_VehicleSlots;
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