KiloSwiss Posted January 3, 2015 Author Report Share Posted January 3, 2015 Someone already wrote me the idea of a minefield but I forgot to add it on my To-Do list, thanks for the reminder. I think it's a good idea to keep people away from roadkilling the AI. Static guns are possible, of course. I will look what's the best way to implement these two things, along with the other changes from my To-Do list. Greez KiloSwiss Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
nishma Posted January 3, 2015 Report Share Posted January 3, 2015 nice one thanks kilo .My player base loves the missions and i think those 2 additions would really make the missions that bit harder for them . keep up the good work. Nishma KiloSwiss 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pr0dukt Posted January 4, 2015 Report Share Posted January 4, 2015 Loving the new bandit camps you integrated in. Keep on keepin' on. =) One idea that may be cool for down the road - a Hostage situation mission. Civilians guarded by bandits in one of these camps. The less hostages (civis in some kind of cage or fence) die in the cross fire or outright killed by the bandits, the better the loot yield at the end. Something along those lines. Would really encourage some tactics. I know this may difficult as you'd have to setFriend then unset it to get the Ai to hurt the Hostages, and then stop hurting them. lol but maybe eventually something we could put on paper. Cheers. KiloSwiss 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ilganna Posted January 4, 2015 Report Share Posted January 4, 2015 Hi Kilo, thanks for the great mission system; I have a quick question: is it possible to have the mission not despawn if a player engaged AIs or is within a defined range? (like 800 meters). I think I saw this feature in another (most likely Arma2) mission system. Sorry if you already implemented in the latest release, but as per 0.5.1 I had a mission despawn while I were doing it. Thanks! -Michel Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BFranek Posted January 4, 2015 Report Share Posted January 4, 2015 Sea Battles. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cyncrwler Posted January 4, 2015 Report Share Posted January 4, 2015 Loving the BanditCamps KiloSwiss. A very nice addition, to an already very well written mission system. Thank you! KiloSwiss 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KiloSwiss Posted January 4, 2015 Author Report Share Posted January 4, 2015 @pr0dukt Already on my To-Do list :) @ilganna See this post: Every player closer than 500m to the running mission, will prevent it from timing out. @BFranek Not planned to do, but will make a note aout this. Greez KiloSwiss Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ProtossMaster Posted January 4, 2015 Report Share Posted January 4, 2015 @KiloSwiss I got around the battleye set damage kick by changing the the bottom of the init.sqf (client) if(toLower worldName in ["chernarus","chernarus_summer"])then{ private ["_randomobject1","_randomobject2"] _randomobject2 = ([4654.62,9593.63,0] nearestObject 145259); _randomobject2 setDamage 1; _randomobject1 = ([4654.62,9593.63,0] nearestObject 145260); _randomobject1 setDamage 1; }; Then creating filters for the set damage !="_randomobject2 setDamage 1;" !="_randomobject1 setDamage 1;" and for scripts txt line 7 setDamage !="_randomobject2 setDamage 1;" !="_randomobject1 setDamage 1;" Or I just simply broke the script. I know you noted that a fresh install fixed your issue, however that wasn't my remedy. Very well written script :) Will keep those advertisements running. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BFranek Posted January 4, 2015 Report Share Posted January 4, 2015 Been wanting to put in armed boats but not much reason to yet .Maybe could get some great whites to spawn once we can go out for sunken treasure again. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tricks Posted January 4, 2015 Report Share Posted January 4, 2015 I had 0.4 working find and decided to upgrade to the new version. Instead of running it from the @sem folder in the root of my server I have opted to run it from my "@epochhive/addons/" folder. I have copied the Chernarus init.sqf and added the two simple scripts I am using: if(isDedicated)exitWith{}; //Everything below this line is only executed on the client (player or local host) //Wait until these variables are broadcasted to the client (usually happens before the init gets executed) waitUntil{!isNil {SEM_removeWeaponsFromDeadAI}}; waitUntil{!isNil {SEM_removeMagazinesFromDeadAI}}; //diag_log format["#SEM DEBUG: variables received: Weapons %1 - Magazines %2", SEM_removeWeaponsFromDeadAI, SEM_removeMagazinesFromDeadAI]; fn_createMissionMarker = { private["_create","_markerPos","_markerName","_marker"]; _create = _this select 0; if(!_create)then[{ //delete marker if (getMarkerColor "MissionMarker" != "")then{ //Only delete existing Marker deleteMarkerLocal "MissionMarker"; }; },{ //else create marker _markerPos = _this select 1; _markerName = _this select 2; _marker = createMarkerLocal ["MissionMarker", _markerPos]; _marker setMarkerPosLocal _markerPos; _marker setMarkerTypeLocal "hd_destroy"; _marker setMarkerTextLocal format["%1",_markerName]; _marker setMarkerColorLocal "ColorRed"; _marker setMarkerDirLocal -37; _marker setMarkerSizeLocal [0.8,0.8]; }]; }; fn_AIaddKilledEH = { if(isPlayer _this || !local _this)exitWith{systemChat "NEIN!"}; call compile format[" _this addEventHandler ['Fired',{ if(_this select 2 in %1)then{ _this select 0 addMagazines [_this select 5, 1]; }; }]; _this addEventHandler ['Killed',{ private ['_unit','_z']; _unit = _this select 0; removeBackpackGlobal _unit; {_unit removeWeaponGlobal _x}count (%1 + ['EpochRadio0','ItemMap','ItemRadio','ItemWatch','ItemCompass','ItemGPS']); {if(_x in (magazines _unit))then{_unit removeMagazines _x}}count %2; _unit spawn{ sleep 1; { _z = _x; if(_x in (getweaponcargo _z))then{deleteVehicle _z}count %1; if(_x in (getmagazinecargo _z))then{deleteVehicle _z}count %2; }forEach nearestObjects [(getPos _this), ['GroundWeaponHolder','WeaponHolderSimulated','WeaponHolder'], 12]; }; }]; ", SEM_removeWeaponsFromDeadAI, SEM_removeMagazinesFromDeadAI]; }; /* DO NOT CALL "fn_animateAI" because the sleep commands will cause errors when used in a non-scheduled environment */ fn_animateAI = { private["_group","_pos","_checkPos","_firstLoop","_nearPlayers","_doMove","_dir","_dist","_posX","_posY","_oldPos","_newPos","_z"]; _group = _this select 0; _pos = _this select 1; _checkPos = _pos; _checkPos set [2,2]; waitUntil{{owner _x == owner player}forEach units _group}; //Wait until the server gives You the ownership of the AI diag_log format["#SEM: Client taking over AI ownership at Pos %1, Distance %2", _pos, (vehicle player) distance _pos]; { _x call fn_AIaddKilledEH; _x enableAI "AUTOTARGET"; //_x enableAI "TARGET"; _x enableAI "MOVE"; _x enableAI "ANIM"; _x enableAI "FSM"; _x stop false; _x setUnitPos "Auto"; }count units _group; _group setCombatMode "YELLOW"; _group setBehaviour "COMBAT"; //"AWARE"; //waitUntil{{alive _x}count units _group < 1 || ({owner _x != owner player}forEach units _group)}; while{{alive _x}count units _group > 0 && ({owner _x == owner player}forEach units _group)}do{ _nearPlayers = _pos nearEntities [["Epoch_Man_base_F","Epoch_Female_base_F","Helicopter","Car","Motorcycle"], 1200]; //"Epoch_Man_base_F","Epoch_Female_base_F" {if(alive _x && isPlayer _x)then{ _z = _x; if({!(lineIntersects [eyePos _x, eyePos _z, _x, _z])}count units _group > 0)then{ _group reveal _z; {if((secondaryWeapon _x) == "")then{ _x doWatch _z; _x doTarget _z; _x commandFire _z; _x suppressFor 10; }}count units _group; UIsleep (5+(random 10)); }}}forEach _nearPlayers; UIsleep 3; }; diag_log format["#SEM: AI ownership lost - Remaining AIs: %1", count units _group]; }; "GlobalHint" addPublicVariableEventHandler { private "_sound"; _sound = (_this select 1) select 0; switch(_sound)do{ case 0:{playSound "UAV_05"}; //Mission start case 1:{playSound "UAV_01"}; //Mission fail (object destroyed) case 2:{playSound "UAV_04"}; //Mission fail (time out) case 3:{playsound "UAV_03"}; //Mission success }; hint parseText format["%1", (_this select 1) select 1] }; if(!isNil "GlobalMissionMarker")then{GlobalMissionMarker call fn_createMissionMarker}; "GlobalMissionMarker" addPublicVariableEventHandler {_this select 1 call fn_createMissionMarker}; if(!isNil "takeAIownership")then{takeAIownership call fn_animateAI}; "takeAIownership" addPublicVariableEventHandler {_this select 1 spawn fn_animateAI}; //DO NOT CALL! if(toLower worldName in ["chernarus","chernarus_summer"])then{ ([4654.62,9593.63,0] nearestObject 145259) setDamage 1; ([4654.62,9593.63,0] nearestObject 145260) setDamage 1; }; //Fix for something, find out ;) [] execVM "Scripts\Menu\welcome.sqf"; [] execVM "Scripts\StatusBar\fn_statusBar.sqf"; [] execVM "Scripts\IgiLoad\IgiLoadInit.sqf"; Now I am getting this error 1000 times in my .RPT and AI missions arent running: Bad conversion: bool Not sure what I have done wrong. All the BE filters are in and nobody is getting kicked. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darth_Rogue Posted January 4, 2015 Report Share Posted January 4, 2015 I get that error too. But I thought it was part of Epoch. Been getting that for quite a while. But when I look back through some of my old logs before we ran AI it doesn't have any of that. Interesting..... Any ideas, Kilo? Everything runs alright as far as that goes. But I admit that it's quite annoying to have to sift through over 2000 lines of that bool crap. lol Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KiloSwiss Posted January 4, 2015 Author Report Share Posted January 4, 2015 The several hundret lines filled with "Bad conversion: bool" are not caused by my script.Remove the sem.pbo and start the server, this annoying "error" is still cluttering the RPT log.@TricksYour init.sqf looks good.Do You have any errors showing up in the servers RPT Logfile?Does it possibly say that the Mission script waits for more players?@ProtossMasterI had the misterious kicks after the update from EPOCH v0.2.5.1 to v0.2.5.2 and a wipe of the server, followed by a clean install fixed the problem.Even removing the lines with setdamage from the init.sqf did not help so I decided to do a fresh install with the v2.0.5.2.The EPOCH MOD is a early Alpha, server admins should consider to wipe their install and do a clean one from time to time e.g. on updates.btwYou forgot a ";" after the private Array ;)Greez KiloSwiss Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Humpabry Posted January 4, 2015 Report Share Posted January 4, 2015 so mr swiss i know your a busy guy and just wanna say loving the missions now they great for the server!!!! ill ask nicely cause i know your a busy person with all these requests. any chance u could give us a custom spawn section at some point so then we could make a ai city on our servers this would be very nice ty for your work mate Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KiloSwiss Posted January 4, 2015 Author Report Share Posted January 4, 2015 You mean something like a static AI invaded town besides the running missions?Greez KiloSwiss Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Humpabry Posted January 4, 2015 Report Share Posted January 4, 2015 ya static ai spawns mate we can add them to any place on map for example by putting the cords in the files and they will spawn there and stay there untill killed. they will respawn at every restart. just so we can add a ai city to the map already made my ai city just dont have ai in there and no boxes in there yet :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Richie Posted January 4, 2015 Report Share Posted January 4, 2015 +1 for static Ai if possible and static weapons Humpabry 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Snakeyes Posted January 4, 2015 Report Share Posted January 4, 2015 @Kilo The new outposts are bad ass! SEM just keeps getting better. :) I wondered if there is a way to associate a bounty for each mission AI kill? Say for example, 100 krypto for each kill? That would give players more incentive to do the missions besides the loot at the mission site. Make it a toggle that can be turned on or off by the server operators. We did that with humanity on the A2 Epoch servers. I think it was DZAI that had a parameter toggle that awarded humanity to the player for each mission AI kill. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tricks Posted January 4, 2015 Report Share Posted January 4, 2015 The several hundret lines filled with "Bad conversion: bool" are not caused by my script. Remove the sem.pbo and start the server, this annoying "error" is still cluttering the RPT log. @Tricks Your init.sqf looks good. Do You have any errors showing up in the servers RPT Logfile? Does it possibly say that the Mission script waits for more players? @ProtossMaster I had the misterious kicks after the update from EPOCH v0.2.5.1 to v0.2.5.2 and a wipe of the server, followed by a clean install fixed the problem. Even removing the lines with setdamage from the init.sqf did not help so I decided to do a fresh install with the v2.0.5.2. The EPOCH MOD is a early Alpha, server admins should consider to wipe their install and do a clean one from time to time e.g. on updates. btw You forgot a ";" after the private Array ;) Greez KiloSwiss Hey KiloSwiss, I can't find whats not working, I have gone over this whole .RPT. Kilo, mind having a look? InitSound ... 13:30:30 InitSound - complete 13:30:30 PhysX3 SDK Init started ... 13:30:30 PhysX3 SDK Init ended. 13:30:31 Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_init 13:30:32 Initializing Steam server - Game Port: 2452, Steam Query Port: 2453 13:30:33 Connected to Steam servers 13:30:40 Server error: Player without identity Player1 (id xxxxxxxxxx) 13:30:40 Server error: Player without identity Player1 (id xxxxxxxxxx) 13:30:40 Server error: Player without identity Player1 (id xxxxxxxxxx) 13:30:40 Server error: Player without identity Player1 (id xxxxxxxxxx) 13:32:09 Starting mission: 13:32:09 Mission file: Epoch (__cur_mp) 13:32:09 Mission world: Chernarus 13:32:09 Mission directory: mpmissions\__cur_mp.Chernarus\ 13:32:13 Strange convex component07 in ca\buildings\misc\lampa_sidl_2.p3d:geometry 13:32:18 Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_list 13:32:18 Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_listpreinit 13:32:18 Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_listpostinit 13:32:18 Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_listrecompile 13:32:18 Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_missiontaskslocal 13:32:18 Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_missionconversationslocal 13:32:18 Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_missionflow 13:32:18 "Epoch: Init Compiles" 13:32:19 Animation a3\cargoposes_f_heli\anim\passenger_inside_4aim.rtm not found or empty 13:32:19 Animation a3\cargoposes_f_heli\anim\passenger_inside_4aim1.rtm not found or empty 13:32:19 Animation a3\cargoposes_f_heli\anim\passenger_inside_4idle.rtm not found or empty 13:32:19 Animation a3\cargoposes_f_heli\anim\passenger_inside_4idle1.rtm not found or empty 13:32:19 Animation a3\cargoposes_f_heli\anim\passenger_inside_4aimpistol.rtm not found or empty 13:32:19 Animation a3\cargoposes_f_heli\anim\passenger_inside_4aimpistol1.rtm not found or empty 13:32:19 Animation a3\cargoposes_f_heli\anim\passenger_inside_4idlepistol.rtm not found or empty 13:32:19 Animation a3\cargoposes_f_heli\anim\passenger_inside_4idlepistol1.rtm not found or empty 13:32:19 Animation a3\cargoposes_f_heli\anim\passenger_inside_4aimtopistol.rtm not found or empty 13:32:19 Animation a3\cargoposes_f_heli\anim\passenger_inside_4aimtopistol_end.rtm not found or empty 13:32:19 Animation a3\cargoposes_f_heli\anim\passenger_inside_4aimfrompistol.rtm not found or empty 13:32:19 Animation a3\cargoposes_f_heli\anim\passenger_inside_4aimfrompistol_end.rtm not found or empty 13:32:19 Animation a3\cargoposes_f_heli\anim\passenger_inside_4aim_binoc.rtm not found or empty 13:32:19 Animation a3\cargoposes_f_heli\anim\passenger_inside_4aimpistol_binoc.rtm not found or empty 13:32:19 Animation a3\cargoposes_f_heli\anim\passenger_inside_4aim_tobinoc.rtm not found or empty 13:32:19 Animation a3\cargoposes_f_heli\anim\passenger_inside_4aim_tobinoc_end.rtm not found or empty 13:32:19 Animation a3\cargoposes_f_heli\anim\passenger_inside_4aim_frombinoc.rtm not found or empty 13:32:19 Animation a3\cargoposes_f_heli\anim\passenger_inside_4aim_frombinoc_end.rtm not found or empty 13:32:19 Animation a3\cargoposes_f_heli\anim\passenger_inside_4aimpistol_tobinoc.rtm not found or empty 13:32:19 Animation a3\cargoposes_f_heli\anim\passenger_inside_4aimpistol_tobinoc_end.rtm not found or empty 13:32:19 Animation a3\cargoposes_f_heli\anim\passenger_inside_4aimpistol_frombinoc.rtm not found or empty 13:32:19 Animation a3\cargoposes_f_heli\anim\passenger_inside_4aimpistol_frombinoc_end.rtm not found or empty 13:32:19 Animation a3\cargoposes_f_heli\anim\passenger_inside_4idleunarmed.rtm not found or empty 13:32:19 Animation a3\cargoposes_f_heli\anim\passenger_inside_4idleunarmed1.rtm not found or empty 13:32:19 Animation a3\cargoposes_f_heli\anim\passenger_inside_4aimunarmed_binoc.rtm not found or empty 13:32:19 Animation a3\cargoposes_f_heli\anim\passenger_inside_4aimunarmed_tobinoc.rtm not found or empty 13:32:19 Animation a3\cargoposes_f_heli\anim\passenger_inside_4aimunarmed_tobinoc_end.rtm not found or empty 13:32:19 Animation a3\cargoposes_f_heli\anim\passenger_inside_4aimunarmed_frombinoc.rtm not found or empty 13:32:19 Animation a3\cargoposes_f_heli\anim\passenger_inside_4aimunarmed_frombinoc_end.rtm not found or empty 13:32:19 Animation a3\cargoposes_f_heli\anim\passenger_inside_4die.rtm not found or empty 13:32:19 Animation a3\cargoposes_f_heli\anim\passenger_inside_4diepistol.rtm not found or empty 13:32:22 "#SEM: Start Simple Epoch Missions" 13:32:22 Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_init 13:32:22 c:\w\stable\futura\lib\network\networkserver.cpp NetworkServer::OnClientStateChanged:NOT IMPLEMENTED - briefing! 13:32:22 "Epoch: Starting ArmA3 Epoch Server, Version" 13:32:22 "Epoch: Init Variables" 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad 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conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad 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conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:22 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 Bad conversion: bool 13:32:23 "Epoch: Start Hive, Instance ID: '1'" 13:32:23 "Epoch: Init PublicEH" 13:32:23 "Epoch: Setup Side Settings" 13:32:23 "Epoch: Setup World Settings for Chernarus" 13:32:23 "Epoch: Set Weather" 13:32:23 Weather was forced to change 13:32:23 "Weather Change: fog: [0,0,0] rain: 0 overcast: 0 windx: -1.4421 windz: -1.87159 forced: true" 13:32:23 "Epoch: Loading buildings" 13:32:24 "Epoch: Loading teleports and static props" 13:32:25 Strange convex component08 in a3\structures_f_epb\civ\garbage\garbagecontainer_closed_f.p3d:geometryView 13:32:25 Strange convex component10 in a3\structures_f_epb\civ\garbage\garbagecontainer_closed_f.p3d:geometryView 13:32:25 SW keep height animation used for a3\structures_f\civ\accessories\timbers_f.p3d 13:32:25 SW keep height animation used for a3\structures_f_epb\civ\accessories\woodpile_large_f.p3d 13:32:25 Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted. aia_misc3_config 13:32:26 "Epoch: Loading NPC traders" 13:32:29 "Epoch: Spawning NPC traders" 13:32:29 "Epoch: Loading vehicles" 13:32:29 152 13:32:29 class HitPoints::HitFuel not found in mosquito_epoch 13:32:29 class HitPoints::HitLight not found in mosquito_epoch 13:32:29 class HitPoints::HitHydraulics not found in mosquito_epoch 13:32:29 class HitPoints::HitGear not found in mosquito_epoch 13:32:29 class HitPoints::HitHStabilizerL1 not found in mosquito_epoch 13:32:29 class HitPoints::HitHStabilizerR1 not found in mosquito_epoch 13:32:29 class HitPoints::HitVStabilizer1 not found in mosquito_epoch 13:32:29 class HitPoints::HitTail not found in mosquito_epoch 13:32:29 class HitPoints::HitPitotTube not found in mosquito_epoch 13:32:29 class HitPoints::HitStaticPort not found in mosquito_epoch 13:32:29 class HitPoints::HitEngine2 not found in mosquito_epoch 13:32:29 class HitPoints::HitEngine3 not found in mosquito_epoch 13:32:29 "FILLING: _vehicle 2a030100# 1055770: mosquito.p3d pos: [8077.01,9892.64,0.00109863]" 13:32:30 "FILLING: _vehicle 2a184100# 1055771: heli_transport_04_f.p3d pos: [13859.6,11694.9,0.0821481]" 13:32:30 "FILLING: _vehicle 2a782b00# 1055775: heli_transport_04_bench_f.p3d pos: [6507.7,9043.03,0.0661926]" 13:32:30 "FILLING: _vehicle 2a6d0100# 1055779: sdv_01_f.p3d pos: [7670.36,3063.62,1.7535]" 13:32:30 "FILLING: _vehicle 2a662b00# 1055780: boat_transport_01_f.p3d pos: [11149.9,2959.08,5.00214]" 13:32:30 "FILLING: _vehicle 2a51ab00# 1055781: boat_transport_01_f.p3d pos: [11624.2,3335.25,0.15394]" 13:32:30 "FILLING: _vehicle 2aa70100# 1055783: heli_transport_02_f.p3d pos: [13892.5,11794.4,0.0502343]" 13:32:30 "FILLING: _vehicle 2abf1600# 1055800: heli_light_01_f.p3d pos: [12968.3,8467.46,0.127895]" 13:32:30 "FILLING: _vehicle 2af1d600# 1055806: mosquito.p3d pos: [7010.75,13364.3,0.00857544]" 13:32:30 Error: Wheel reference not initialized 13:32:30 "FILLING: _vehicle 2aeb4100# 1055807: kart_01_f.p3d pos: [5754.37,4852.07,0.0484009]" 13:32:31 "FILLING: _vehicle 2ade2b00# 1055808: truck_02_covered_f.p3d pos: [13105.5,6244,0.000311375]" 13:32:31 Error: Wheel reference not initialized 13:32:31 "FILLING: _vehicle 2ad61600# 1055809: kart_01_f.p3d pos: [10848.8,8192.28,0.0827637]" 13:32:31 "FILLING: _vehicle 2acd1600# 1055812: boat_civil_01_f.p3d pos: [7584.11,1206.68,99.97]" 13:32:31 "playerConnected:1.51252e+009:76561198069298748:Kushti" 13:32:31 "FILLING: _vehicle 2b068100# 1055813: boat_transport_01_f.p3d pos: [11188.8,2948.13,9.14622]" 13:32:31 "playerConnected:2::__SERVER__" 13:32:31 "FILLING: _vehicle 2b26ab00# 1055814: mrap_01_unarmed_f.p3d pos: [13830.6,11751.5,0.0344605]" 13:32:31 "FILLING: _vehicle 2b4c9600# 1055850: truck_02_covered_f.p3d pos: [13829.3,11757.2,-0.0219579]" 13:32:31 "FILLING: _vehicle 2b7e0100# 1055851: quadbike_01_f.p3d pos: [10213,2129.31,7.15256e-005]" 13:32:31 "FILLING: _vehicle 2b7a8100# 1055852: boat_transport_01_f.p3d pos: [13015.7,8573.1,1.53098]" 13:32:31 "FILLING: _vehicle 2b944100# 1055854: heli_transport_04_box_f.p3d pos: [10294,13389,0.411606]" 13:32:32 "FILLING: _vehicle 2c314100# 1055862: heli_transport_02_f.p3d pos: [9455.48,12442,0.107574]" 13:32:32 "FILLING: _vehicle 2c19ab00# 1055880: boat_transport_01_f.p3d pos: [7301.33,2582.02,2.04478]" 13:32:32 "FILLING: _vehicle 2c199600# 1055882: boat_transport_01_f.p3d pos: [12977.7,8944.48,19.6986]" 13:32:32 "FILLING: _vehicle 2be9eb00# 1055883: mosquito.p3d pos: [7788.09,9786.93,0.0119324]" 13:32:32 "FILLING: _vehicle 2c04c100# 1055895: heli_transport_04_f.p3d pos: [2440.43,11267.6,0.181549]" 13:32:32 "FILLING: _vehicle 2c01d600# 1055899: boat_civil_01_f.p3d pos: [7907.64,3011.37,1.57529]" 13:32:32 "FILLING: _vehicle 2c01c100# 1055901: sdv_01_f.p3d pos: [12928.9,8983.95,-0.219688]" 13:32:32 Error: Wheel reference not initialized 13:32:32 "FILLING: _vehicle 2bfa9600# 1055902: kart_01_f.p3d pos: [11442.3,5540.82,0.0037384]" 13:32:32 "FILLING: _vehicle 2bd29600# 1055903: heli_light_01_f.p3d pos: [9405.24,12200.9,0.00480652]" 13:32:32 Error: Wheel reference not initialized 13:32:32 "FILLING: _vehicle 2bceab00# 1055908: ebike.p3d pos: [10599,2179.35,-3.91006e-005]" 13:32:32 "FILLING: _vehicle 2be3c100# 1055923: truck_02_covered_f.p3d pos: [10317.5,5531.97,-0.040802]" 13:32:32 "FILLING: _vehicle 2bdf5600# 1055924: jetski.p3d pos: [11213.6,2964.68,9.98044]" 13:32:32 "FILLING: _vehicle 2bdd5600# 1055925: boat_civil_01_f.p3d pos: [8481.14,2382.14,1.05066]" 13:32:32 "FILLING: _vehicle 2be5d600# 1055926: mosquito.p3d pos: [3136.53,8842.66,0.258179]" 13:32:32 "FILLING: _vehicle 2bb7eb00# 1055928: kart_01_f.p3d pos: [2519.38,6463.28,0.0680542]" 13:32:32 "FILLING: _vehicle 2bb7d600# 1055929: boat_transport_01_f.p3d pos: [12983.1,8594.24,1.86452]" 13:32:32 "FILLING: _vehicle 2bb7c100# 1055930: boat_civil_01_f.p3d pos: [7701.25,3089.71,1.16125]" 13:32:32 "FILLING: _vehicle 2bae8100# 1055931: van_01_transport_f.p3d pos: [11174.3,12133.1,0.0111084]" 13:32:32 "FILLING: _vehicle 2bdd6b00# 1055933: quadbike_01_f.p3d pos: [12012.7,8927.91,0.00785446]" 13:32:32 "FILLING: _vehicle 2c752b00# 1055934: boat_civil_01_f.p3d pos: [12986.7,9269.72,9.49728]" 13:32:32 "FILLING: _vehicle 2c751600# 1055936: boat_civil_01_f.p3d pos: [12956.2,8695.19,0.14968]" 13:32:32 "FILLING: _vehicle 2c656b00# 1055939: truck_03_covered_f.p3d pos: [11129.9,5344.48,0.00686646]" 13:32:33 "FILLING: _vehicle 2c5b8100# 1055940: truck_02_box_f.p3d pos: [10293.9,2118.84,-0.00816679]" 13:32:33 "FILLING: _vehicle 2c4e1600# 1055954: boat_transport_01_f.p3d pos: [11246.2,3183.28,0.410313]" 13:32:33 "FILLING: _vehicle 2c842b00# 1055955: hatchback_01_f.p3d pos: [4478.15,4580.65,0.00209045]" 13:32:33 B_Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_EPOCH: MainTurret - unknown animation source mainturret 13:32:33 B_Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_EPOCH: MainGun - unknown animation source maingun 13:32:33 B_Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_EPOCH: RightDoorTurret - unknown animation source mainturret2 13:32:33 B_Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_EPOCH: RightDoorGun - unknown animation source maingun2 13:32:33 "FILLING: _vehicle 2cb30100# 1055959: heli_transport_03_f.p3d pos: [5776.46,14002.6,0.14978]" 13:32:33 "FILLING: _vehicle 2c968100# 1055980: hatchback_01_f.p3d pos: [2558.56,9788.63,0.00109863]" 13:32:33 "FILLING: _vehicle 2c8b1600# 1055987: hatchback_01_f.p3d pos: [12825.1,3652.38,-0.22566]" 13:32:33 "FILLING: _vehicle 2c8b0100# 1055989: boat_transport_01_f.p3d pos: [7395.38,2599.21,6.3698]" 13:32:33 "FILLING: _vehicle 2cbed600# 1055991: offroad_01_unarmed_f.p3d pos: [4243.75,4833.82,0.0035553]" 13:32:33 "FILLING: _vehicle 2cf89600# 1055993: jetski.p3d pos: [12965.4,8683.58,1.01002]" 13:32:33 "FILLING: _vehicle 2cf88100# 1055995: boat_transport_01_f.p3d pos: [7816.59,3088.06,3.15047]" 13:32:33 "FILLING: _vehicle 2ce81600# 1055996: heli_light_02_f.p3d pos: [7771.36,8929.52,0.373138]" 13:32:33 "FILLING: _vehicle 2ce28100# 1056005: ebike.p3d pos: [6069.58,10472,-3.05176e-005]" 13:32:33 "FILLING: _vehicle 2cdf9600# 1056006: boat_transport_01_f.p3d pos: [11015.5,2645.87,8.2521]" 13:32:33 "FILLING: _vehicle 2cddd600# 1056007: ebike.p3d pos: [4908.11,10209.4,0.0595093]" 13:32:33 "FILLING: _vehicle 2cce6b00# 1056009: van_01_box_f.p3d pos: [9345.99,8857.99,0.132507]" 13:32:34 "FILLING: _vehicle 2d071600# 1056010: jetski.p3d pos: [11193.5,3009.11,8.93375]" 13:32:34 "FILLING: _vehicle 2d056b00# 1056011: quadbike_01_f.p3d pos: [8439.12,6761.4,0.000152588]" 13:32:34 "FILLING: _vehicle 2d322b00# 1056012: heli_transport_04_covered_f.p3d pos: [12433,10525.4,0.329216]" 13:32:34 "FILLING: _vehicle 2d259600# 1056033: jetski.p3d pos: [10389.5,1759.67,0.799899]" 13:32:34 "FILLING: _vehicle 2d1d9600# 1056036: boat_transport_01_f.p3d pos: [8475.89,2405.73,0.952342]" 13:32:34 "FILLING: _vehicle 2d1d8100# 1056038: van_01_box_f.p3d pos: [4938.5,10147.8,0.036438]" 13:32:34 "FILLING: _vehicle 2d3e5600# 1056039: truck_01_box_f.p3d pos: [4278.23,2577.62,0.000591278]" 13:32:34 "FILLING: _vehicle 2d77eb00# 1056040: hatchback_01_f.p3d pos: [10468.8,2551.13,0.0649123]" 13:32:34 "FILLING: _vehicle 2d72d600# 1056047: boat_transport_01_f.p3d pos: [12959.3,8996.54,11.0553]" 13:32:34 "FILLING: _vehicle 2d52d600# 1056048: heli_light_03_unarmed_f.p3d pos: [3946.58,10615.8,0.00323486]" 13:32:34 "FILLING: _vehicle 2d500100# 1056056: boat_transport_01_f.p3d pos: [12967.5,9104.64,11.1442]" 13:32:34 "FILLING: _vehicle 2d88ab00# 1056057: kart_01_f.p3d pos: [3526.79,4910.95,4.57764e-005]" 13:32:34 "FILLING: _vehicle 2d7eab00# 1056058: truck_01_mover_f.p3d pos: [8430.41,12078,0.0186462]" 13:32:34 "FILLING: _vehicle 2d7b8100# 1056059: boat_transport_01_f.p3d pos: [12244.5,3378.04,0.93446]" 13:32:34 "FILLING: _vehicle 2db76b00# 1056061: mrap_01_unarmed_f.p3d pos: [12311.3,10734,-0.00206757]" 13:32:34 "FILLING: _vehicle 2db3c100# 1056073: hatchback_01_f.p3d pos: [10192.8,2219.23,0.056283]" 13:32:34 "FILLING: _vehicle 2dab6b00# 1056076: mosquito.p3d pos: [2953.96,8899.18,0.000244141]" 13:32:34 "FILLING: _vehicle 2da05600# 1056078: suv_01_f.p3d pos: [4607.02,6421.21,0.000183105]" 13:32:34 "FILLING: _vehicle 2d986b00# 1056079: jetski.p3d pos: [7387,2672.01,2.9288]" 13:32:34 "FILLING: _vehicle 2d985600# 1056081: mrap_01_unarmed_f.p3d pos: [7137.91,7574.64,0.0242004]" 13:32:34 Error: Bone cheek_lf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:34 Error: Bone nose_tip doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:34 Error: Bone lip_uplb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:34 Error: Bone jaw_ls doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:34 Error: Bone lip_uplf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:34 Error: Bone lip_lc doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:34 Error: Bone lip_lwlb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:34 Error: Bone lip_lwlf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:34 Error: Bone jaw_lm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:34 Error: Bone zig_lb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:34 Error: Bone lip_lwm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:34 Error: Bone lip_upm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:34 Error: Bone ear_l doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:34 Error: Bone corr doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:34 Error: Bone tongue_m doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:34 Error: Bone tongue_f doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:34 Error: Bone eyebrow_lb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:34 Error: Bone eyebrow_lf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:34 Error: Bone eyebrow_lm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:34 Error: Bone zig_lm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:34 Error: Bone eye_upl doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:35 Error: Bone eye_lwl doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:35 Error: Bone cheek_l doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:35 Error: Bone cheek_lb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:35 Error: Bone zig_lt doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:35 Error: Bone nose_l doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:35 Error: Bone cheek_lm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:35 Error: Bone nose_r doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:35 Error: Bone forehead_r doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:35 Error: Bone forehead_m doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:35 Error: Bone forehead_l doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:35 Error: Bone cheek_rb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:35 Error: Bone eye_lwr doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:35 Error: Bone cheek_r doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:35 Error: Bone zig_rt doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:35 Error: Bone zig_rm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:35 Error: Bone cheek_rf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:35 Error: Bone cheek_rm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:35 Error: Bone eyebrow_rm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:35 Error: Bone eyebrow_rf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:35 Error: Bone eye_upr doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:35 Error: Bone eyebrow_rb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:35 Error: Bone tongue_b doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:35 Error: Bone ear_r doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:35 Error: Bone neck_l doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:35 Error: Bone lip_uprf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:35 Error: Bone neck_r doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:35 Error: Bone lip_uprb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:35 Error: Bone lip_rc doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:35 Error: Bone lip_lwrb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:35 Error: Bone lip_lwrf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:35 Error: Bone neck_b doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:35 Error: Bone zig_rb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:35 Error: Bone neck_t doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:35 Error: Bone jaw_rf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:35 Error: Bone jaw_lf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:35 Error: Bone chin doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:35 Error: Bone jaw_rm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:35 Error: Bone jaw_rs doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:35 Error: Bone jaw doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:35 Error: Bone headcutscene doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:35 "FILLING: _vehicle 2dc8ab00# 1056088: van_01_box_f.p3d pos: [5470.33,8636.55,-0.00012207]" 13:32:35 "FILLING: _vehicle 2dc89600# 1056090: van_01_transport_f.p3d pos: [4966.46,12573.2,0.00358582]" 13:32:35 "FILLING: _vehicle 2df05600# 1056102: truck_01_covered_f.p3d pos: [4635.52,2425.18,0.0405016]" 13:32:35 "FILLING: _vehicle 2de6c100# 1056108: quadbike_01_f.p3d pos: [9669.12,6427.05,0.0471039]" 13:32:35 "FILLING: _vehicle 2de59600# 1056109: offroad_01_unarmed_f.p3d pos: [12522.7,4436.59,0.044632]" 13:32:35 "FILLING: _vehicle 2de58100# 1056111: mosquito.p3d pos: [11129.5,10627.5,0.00912476]" 13:32:35 "FILLING: _vehicle 2de11600# 1056121: boat_transport_01_f.p3d pos: [7352.08,2631.46,3.04071]" 13:32:35 Error: Wheel reference not initialized 13:32:35 "FILLING: _vehicle 2de10100# 1056124: kart_01_f.p3d pos: [12906.6,9738.25,0.0205412]" 13:32:35 "FILLING: _vehicle 2b42d600# 1056125: boat_civil_01_f.p3d pos: [10888.5,2463.59,0.0380619]" 13:32:35 "FILLING: _vehicle 2dd72b00# 1056126: boat_civil_01_f.p3d pos: [13014,8509.78,1.36678]" 13:32:35 "FILLING: _vehicle 2dd71600# 1056127: ebike.p3d pos: [4855.7,6790.73,0.0681763]" 13:32:35 "FILLING: _vehicle 2dd70100# 1056129: van_01_transport_f.p3d pos: [5927.5,10087.7,0.000244141]" 13:32:35 "FILLING: _vehicle 2dd0ab00# 1056131: offroad_01_unarmed_f.p3d pos: [10269.5,5455.95,0.0508423]" 13:32:35 "FILLING: _vehicle 2dd09600# 1056133: van_01_box_f.p3d pos: [13404.9,5884.54,0.0294037]" 13:32:35 "FILLING: _vehicle 2dcc2b00# 1056137: boat_civil_01_f.p3d pos: [7303.59,2629.11,0.0153846]" 13:32:35 "FILLING: _vehicle 2dcc1600# 1056138: boat_civil_01_f.p3d pos: [9882.72,1761.4,7.84264]" 13:32:35 "FILLING: _vehicle 2dcc0100# 1056141: ebike.p3d pos: [10845,12442.1,0.0231781]" 13:32:35 "FILLING: _vehicle 2e066b00# 1056142: van_01_transport_f.p3d pos: [13467.4,6312.77,0.027627]" 13:32:35 "FILLING: _vehicle 2e064100# 1056143: offroad_01_unarmed_f.p3d pos: [10310.5,9960.54,0.00259399]" 13:32:35 "FILLING: _vehicle 2e006b00# 1056144: suv_01_f.p3d pos: [2630.08,5434.18,0.0128784]" 13:32:35 "FILLING: _vehicle 2e005600# 1056146: hatchback_01_f.p3d pos: [4545.07,6924.44,0.0039978]" 13:32:35 "FILLING: _vehicle 2e004100# 1056147: van_01_box_f.p3d pos: [10692.1,2370.55,0.0343237]" 13:32:35 "FILLING: _vehicle 2dfa6b00# 1056149: jetski.p3d pos: [11304.4,3203.5,0.878532]" 13:32:35 "FILLING: _vehicle 2dfa5600# 1056150: truck_01_covered_f.p3d pos: [3470.62,2421.14,0.0409613]" 13:32:35 "FILLING: _vehicle 2e33eb00# 1056160: van_01_box_f.p3d pos: [13011.1,8288.1,0.0382886]" 13:32:36 "FILLING: _vehicle 2a5aeb00# 1056163: offroad_01_unarmed_f.p3d pos: [6572.35,6235.92,0.0103455]" 13:32:36 "FILLING: _vehicle 2a5ad600# 1056164: ebike.p3d pos: [8588.84,11927.7,0.0104828]" 13:32:36 "FILLING: _vehicle 2a5ac100# 1056165: van_01_transport_f.p3d pos: [3958.98,8901.1,0.132813]" 13:32:36 "FILLING: _vehicle 2e25c100# 1056168: mosquito.p3d pos: [2824.68,4756.67,0.00856018]" 13:32:36 "FILLING: _vehicle 2e245600# 1056169: hatchback_01_f.p3d pos: [7716.11,4888.37,0.0634308]" 13:32:36 "FILLING: _vehicle 2e1f1600# 1056171: boat_civil_01_f.p3d pos: [12990.7,8776.42,9.75442]" 13:32:36 "FILLING: _vehicle 2e1ceb00# 1056172: ebike.p3d pos: [13367.7,12839.4,0.0823746]" 13:32:36 Error: Bone cheek_lf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:36 Error: Bone nose_tip doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:36 Error: Bone lip_uplb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:36 Error: Bone jaw_ls doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:36 Error: Bone lip_uplf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:36 Error: Bone lip_lc doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:36 Error: Bone lip_lwlb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:36 Error: Bone lip_lwlf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:36 Error: Bone jaw_lm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:36 Error: Bone zig_lb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:36 Error: Bone lip_lwm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:36 Error: Bone lip_upm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:36 Error: Bone ear_l doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:36 Error: Bone corr doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:36 Error: Bone tongue_m doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:36 Error: Bone tongue_f doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:36 Error: Bone eyebrow_lb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:36 Error: Bone eyebrow_lf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:36 Error: Bone eyebrow_lm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:36 Error: Bone zig_lm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:36 Error: Bone eye_upl doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:36 Error: Bone eye_lwl doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:36 Error: Bone cheek_l doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:36 Error: Bone cheek_lb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:36 Error: Bone zig_lt doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:36 Error: Bone nose_l doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:36 Error: Bone cheek_lm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:36 Error: Bone nose_r doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:36 Error: Bone forehead_r doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:36 Error: Bone forehead_m doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:36 Error: Bone forehead_l doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:36 Error: Bone cheek_rb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:36 Error: Bone eye_lwr doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:36 Error: Bone cheek_r doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:36 Error: Bone zig_rt doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:36 Error: Bone zig_rm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:36 Error: Bone cheek_rf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:36 Error: Bone cheek_rm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:36 Error: Bone eyebrow_rm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:36 Error: Bone eyebrow_rf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:36 Error: Bone eye_upr doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:36 Error: Bone eyebrow_rb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:36 Error: Bone tongue_b doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:36 Error: Bone ear_r doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:36 Error: Bone neck_l doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:36 Error: Bone lip_uprf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:36 Error: Bone neck_r doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:36 Error: Bone lip_uprb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:36 Error: Bone lip_rc doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:36 Error: Bone lip_lwrb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:36 Error: Bone lip_lwrf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:36 Error: Bone neck_b doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:36 Error: Bone zig_rb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:36 Error: Bone neck_t doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:36 Error: Bone jaw_rf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:36 Error: Bone jaw_lf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:36 Error: Bone chin doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:36 Error: Bone jaw_rm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:36 Error: Bone jaw_rs doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:36 Error: Bone jaw doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:36 Error: Bone headcutscene doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton 13:32:36 "FILLING: _vehicle 2e16eb00# 1056178: hatchback_01_f.p3d pos: [4888.89,5681.47,0.0567627]" 13:32:36 "FILLING: _vehicle 2e16d600# 1056179: suv_01_f.p3d pos: [3121.46,4043.12,0.0172272]" 13:32:36 "FILLING: _vehicle 2e10ab00# 1056182: van_01_transport_f.p3d pos: [4344.97,2444.57,0.00383425]" 13:32:36 "FILLING: _vehicle 2e109600# 1056184: quadbike_01_f.p3d pos: [2936.57,5415.39,0.657516]" 13:32:36 "FILLING: _vehicle 2e108100# 1056185: quadbike_01_f.p3d pos: [1631.61,2225.53,-0.00244236]" 13:32:36 "FILLING: _vehicle 1cde2b00# 1056186: van_01_transport_f.p3d pos: [12698,4462.89,0.0375671]" 13:32:36 "FILLING: _vehicle 1cde1600# 1056193: quadbike_01_f.p3d pos: [7538.01,5015.37,0.0554962]" 13:32:36 "VEH SPAWN TIMER 6.819" 13:32:36 ["25","27","30","32","50","57","64","74","75","76","79","80","86","88","90","92","95","96","99","101","102","103","105","108","118","122","125","126","129","131","140","143","145","146","147","148","151"] 13:32:36 "Epoch: Spawning vehicles" 13:32:38 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: C_Rubberboat_EPOCH Food meatballs_epoch type:magazine" 13:32:38 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: C_Rubberboat_EPOCH Pistols 1911_pistol_epoch type:weapon" 13:32:38 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: C_Rubberboat_EPOCH PistolAmmo 6Rnd_GreenSignal_F type:magazine" 13:32:38 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: C_Rubberboat_EPOCH RifleAmmoBoat spear_magazine type:magazine" 13:32:38 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: K02 Generic meatballs_epoch type:magazine" 13:32:38 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: K02 Scopes optic_Aco_smg type:item" 13:32:38 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: K02 SniperRifleAmmo 5Rnd_127x108_APDS_Mag type:magazine" 13:32:38 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: K02 Pistols Hatchet type:weapon" 13:32:39 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: C_Rubberboat_EPOCH Scopes optic_DMS type:item" 13:32:39 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: C_Rubberboat_EPOCH Muzzles muzzle_snds_acp type:item" 13:32:39 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: C_Rubberboat_EPOCH RifleAmmoBoat spear_magazine type:magazine" 13:32:39 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: C_Rubberboat_EPOCH Pistols hgun_Pistol_Signal_F type:weapon" 13:32:39 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: C_Boat_Civil_01_EPOCH Food ItemCoolerE type:magazine" 13:32:39 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: C_Boat_Civil_01_EPOCH Scopes optic_Yorris type:item" 13:32:39 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: C_Boat_Civil_01_EPOCH Generic ColdPack type:magazine" 13:32:39 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: C_Boat_Civil_01_EPOCH Generic PaintCanBlk type:magazine" 13:32:39 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: C_Boat_Civil_01_rescue_EPOCH Muzzles muzzle_snds_L type:item" 13:32:39 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: C_Boat_Civil_01_rescue_EPOCH Food FoodSnooter type:magazine" 13:32:39 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: C_Boat_Civil_01_rescue_EPOCH Equipment Binocular type:item" 13:32:39 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: C_Boat_Civil_01_rescue_EPOCH Food FoodWalkNSons type:magazine" 13:32:40 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: jetski_epoch Backpack B_FieldPack_blk type:backpack" 13:32:40 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: jetski_epoch Hand Chemlight_yellow type:magazine" 13:32:40 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: jetski_epoch RifleAmmoBoat 5Rnd_rollins_mag type:magazine" 13:32:40 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: jetski_epoch Vests V_24_EPOCH type:item" 13:32:41 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: C_Rubberboat_EPOCH Hand SmokeShellBlue type:magazine" 13:32:41 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: C_Rubberboat_EPOCH PistolAmmo 9Rnd_45ACP_Mag type:magazine" 13:32:41 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: C_Rubberboat_EPOCH Vests V_9_EPOCH type:item" 13:32:41 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: C_Rubberboat_EPOCH Food sardines_epoch type:magazine" 13:32:44 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: C_Rubberboat_04_EPOCH GenericAuto CircuitParts type:magazine" 13:32:44 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: C_Rubberboat_04_EPOCH Backpack smallbackpack_red_epoch type:backpack" 13:32:44 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: C_Rubberboat_04_EPOCH Pistols hgun_Pistol_heavy_02_F type:weapon" 13:32:44 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: C_Rubberboat_04_EPOCH RifleBoat SMG_02_F type:weapon" 13:32:49 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: C_Boat_Civil_01_EPOCH Backpack B_Carryall_khk type:backpack" 13:32:49 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: C_Boat_Civil_01_EPOCH Food ItemSodaBurst type:magazine" 13:32:49 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: C_Boat_Civil_01_EPOCH Generic ColdPack type:magazine" 13:32:49 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: C_Boat_Civil_01_EPOCH Backpack smallbackpack_green_epoch type:backpack" 13:32:49 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: C_Boat_Civil_01_EPOCH Grenades UGL_FlareWhite_F type:magazine" 13:32:49 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: C_Boat_Civil_01_EPOCH PistolAmmo EnergyPack type:magazine" 13:32:49 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: C_Boat_Civil_01_EPOCH GenericAuto ItemCorrugated type:magazine" 13:32:49 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: C_Boat_Civil_01_EPOCH Uniforms U_OG_leader type:item" 13:32:51 Land_Ind_Mlyn_02: light_1 - unknown animation source Light_1_source 13:32:51 Land_Ind_Mlyn_02: light_2 - unknown animation source Light_2_source 13:32:54 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: C_Hatchback_02_EPOCH Hand SmokeShellBlue type:magazine" 13:32:54 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: C_Hatchback_02_EPOCH RifleAmmo 30Rnd_45ACP_Mag_SMG_01 type:magazine" 13:32:54 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: C_Hatchback_02_EPOCH PistolAmmo 9rnd_45X88_magazine type:magazine" 13:32:54 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: C_Hatchback_02_EPOCH Items ItemGPS type:item" 13:32:55 "Epoch: Loading storage" 13:32:55 "STORAGE: created storage LockBoxProxy_EPOCH at [10441,1857,0.00399065]" 13:32:55 "FILLING: storage 2fb83200# 1056217: dummyweapon.p3d pos: [10441,1857,-10]" 13:32:56 "Storage SPAWN TIMER 1.168" 13:32:56 "Epoch: Loading static loot" 13:32:56 "Epoch: Server Start Complete: 34.185 seconds" 13:32:56 "Loaded Server FSM" 13:32:57 No speaker given for Abdul-Aziz Ghafurzai 13:32:58 Speaker Male01_F not found in CfgVoiceTypes 13:33:43 "SKN AdminLog ["Map to Teleport",2,B Alpha 1-1:1 (Kushti) REMOTE,"zvewkrqiy"]" 13:33:43 "SKN2 AdminRequest [["13:33","Dead"," -ON-","Map to Teleport"]]" 13:33:45 "SKN AdminRequest [105,[4592.94,4495.01,0],B Alpha 1-1:1 (Kushti) REMOTE,"zvewkrqiy"]" 13:34:16 "SKN AdminRequest [105,[4783.65,9584.12,0],B Alpha 1-1:1 (Kushti) REMOTE,"zvewkrqiy"]" 13:34:23 "#SEM: Waiting for players (/6)" 13:34:29 Error: Object(3 : 5) not found 13:34:29 Error: Object(3 : 6) not found 13:34:52 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: GroundWeaponHolder Headgear H_102_EPOCH type:item" 13:34:59 Error: Object(3 : 7) not found 13:35:20 "DEBUG: lootContainer 1c860800# 1056230: filing.p3d REMOTE" 13:35:20 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: FilingProxy_EPOCH Hand SmokeShellGreen type:magazine" 13:35:20 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: FilingProxy_EPOCH Pistols hgun_ACPC2_F type:weapon" 13:35:20 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: FilingProxy_EPOCH PistolAmmo 6Rnd_45ACP_Cylinder type:magazine" 13:35:20 bin\config.bin/CfgMovesMaleSdr2/States/AmovPknlMevaSrasWpstDr.InterpolateTo: Bad move AmovPknlMsprSlowWpstDf_AmovPpneMstpSrasWpstDnon 13:35:20 bin\config.bin/CfgMovesMaleSdr2/States/AmovPknlMevaSrasWpstDl.InterpolateTo: Bad move AmovPknlMsprSlowWpstDf_AmovPpneMstpSrasWpstDnon 13:35:21 Warning: looped for animation: a3\anims_f\data\anim\sdr\idl\knl\stp\low\rfl\aidlpknlmstpslowwrfldnon_g01.rtm differs (looped now 1)! MoveName: aidlpknlmstpsraswrfldnon_g01 13:35:21 Warning: looped for animation: a3\anims_f\data\anim\sdr\idl\knl\stp\low\rfl\aidlpknlmstpslowwrfldnon_g02.rtm differs (looped now 1)! MoveName: aidlpknlmstpsraswrfldnon_g02 13:35:24 No default vars in bin\config.bin/CfgMovesMaleSdr2/States/Acts_UnconsciousStandUp_part1.variantsPlayer 13:35:24 No default vars in bin\config.bin/CfgMovesMaleSdr2/States/Acts_UnconsciousStandUp_part2.variantsPlayer 13:35:24 No such side 13:35:24 Error: Object(3 : 14) not found 13:35:24 Error: Object(3 : 14) not found 13:35:24 Client: Object 3:9 (type Type_88) not found. 13:35:24 Client: Object 3:9 (type Type_89) not found. 13:35:24 Client: Object 3:10 (type Type_88) not found. 13:35:24 Client: Object 3:10 (type Type_89) not found. 13:36:16 "DEBUG: lootContainer 1c98eb00# 1056231: coffee_table.p3d REMOTE" 13:36:16 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: TableProxy_EPOCH Hand SmokeShellPurple type:magazine" 13:36:16 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: TableProxy_EPOCH RifleAmmo 20Rnd_556x45_UW_mag type:magazine" 13:36:16 Client: Object 3:17 (type Type_89) not found. 13:36:16 Client: Object 3:16 (type Type_88) not found. 13:36:16 Client: Object 3:16 (type Type_89) not found. 13:36:16 Client: Object 3:17 (type Type_88) not found. 13:36:21 Server: Object 2:1248 not found (message Type_324) 13:36:21 Server: Object 2:1248 not found (message Type_325) 13:36:21 Server: Object 2:1248 not found (message Type_325) 13:37:40 Error: Object(3 : 19) not found 13:37:40 Error: Object(3 : 20) not found 13:37:41 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: GroundWeaponHolder Headgear H_13_EPOCH type:item" 13:37:50 Error: Object(3 : 22) not found 13:37:50 Error: Object(3 : 23) not found 13:37:50 Error: Object(3 : 21) not found 13:38:07 Server: Object 3:24 not found (message Type_89) 13:38:07 Server: Object 3:25 not found (message Type_114) 13:38:11 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: GroundWeaponHolder Epoch_Sapper_F HeatPack type:magazine" 13:39:12 Error: Object(3 : 28) not found 13:39:35 "DEBUG: lootContainer 1cf61d00# 1056339: toolrack.p3d REMOTE" 13:39:35 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: ToolRackProxy_EPOCH RifleAmmo 30Rnd_45ACP_Mag_SMG_01 type:magazine" 13:39:35 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: ToolRackProxy_EPOCH Equipment acc_flashlight type:item" 13:39:35 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: ToolRackProxy_EPOCH Generic Towelette type:magazine" 13:39:35 No such side 13:39:36 Error: Object(3 : 34) not found 13:39:43 Server: Object 2:1252 not found (message Type_324) 13:39:43 Server: Object 2:1252 not found (message Type_325) 13:39:43 Server: Object 2:1252 not found (message Type_325) 13:40:34 "DEBUG: lootContainer 31a85d00# 1056297: shoebox.p3d REMOTE" 13:40:34 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: ShoeboxProxy_EPOCH Items ItemCompass type:item" 13:40:34 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: ShoeboxProxy_EPOCH Pistols hgun_ACPC2_F type:weapon" 13:40:35 Error: Object(3 : 38) not found 13:40:35 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #1697148107, users.card=1 13:40:35 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 1697148107 13:40:35 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 1697148107 (Nevada) 13:41:11 "DEBUG: lootContainer 31a84f00# 1056303: metalstorage.p3d REMOTE" 13:41:11 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: ShelfProxy_EPOCH PistolAmmo 16Rnd_9x21_Mag type:magazine" 13:41:11 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: ShelfProxy_EPOCH Items FAK type:item" 13:41:11 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: ShelfProxy_EPOCH MachinegunAmmo 30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer type:magazine" 13:41:12 Client: Object 3:39 (type Type_89) not found. 13:41:12 Client: Object 3:40 (type Type_89) not found. 13:41:12 Client: Object 3:40 (type Type_88) not found. 13:41:12 Client: Object 3:39 (type Type_88) not found. 13:41:16 Server: Object 2:1254 not found (message Type_324) 13:41:16 Server: Object 2:1254 not found (message Type_325) 13:41:18 Server: Object 2:1254 not found (message Type_325) 13:41:19 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: Fridge_EPOCH Food emptyjar_epoch type:magazine" 13:41:19 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: Fridge_EPOCH Food scam_epoch type:magazine" 13:41:26 "DEBUG: lootContainer 1c71a400# 1056305: shoebox.p3d REMOTE" 13:41:26 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: ShoeboxProxy_EPOCH Generic PaintCanTeal type:magazine" 13:41:27 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: ShoeboxProxy_EPOCH Explosives SatchelCharge_Remote_Mag type:magazine" 13:41:27 Client: Object 3:42 (type Type_88) not found. 13:41:27 Client: Object 3:42 (type Type_89) not found. 13:41:27 Client: Object 3:43 (type Type_88) not found. 13:41:27 Client: Object 3:43 (type Type_89) not found. 13:41:57 "_current_crypto: 0 _cIndex:10" 13:41:57 "_itemClasses: ["20Rnd_556x45_UW_mag"] _itemQtys:[1]" 13:41:57 "_itemClasses: ["20Rnd_556x45_UW_mag","16Rnd_9x21_Mag"] _itemQtys:[1,1]" 13:41:57 "_itemClasses: ["20Rnd_556x45_UW_mag","16Rnd_9x21_Mag","acc_flashlight"] _itemQtys:[1,1,1]" 13:41:57 "_itemClasses: ["20Rnd_556x45_UW_mag","16Rnd_9x21_Mag","acc_flashlight","PaintCanTeal"] _itemQtys:[1,1,1,1]" 13:41:57 "UPDATED DB FOR TRADER: Agent 0x296ae0c0 SLOT: 8 DATA: [["20Rnd_556x45_UW_mag","16Rnd_9x21_Mag","acc_flashlight","PaintCanTeal"],[1,1,1,1]]" 13:41:57 "ADMIN: [Agent 0x296ae0c0,["20Rnd_556x45_UW_mag","16Rnd_9x21_Mag","acc_flashlight","PaintCanTeal"],[],B Alpha 1-1:1 (Kushti) REMOTE,"zvewkrqiy"] TRADETOTAL:10" 13:42:03 Server: Object 3:44 not found (message Type_88) 13:42:03 Server: Object 3:45 not found (message Type_114) 13:42:08 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: GroundWeaponHolder Epoch_Sapper_F HeatPack type:magazine" 13:42:13 Error: Object(3 : 46) not found 13:42:19 "_current_crypto: 10 _cIndex:10" 13:42:19 "_itemClasses: ["HeatPack"] _itemQtys:[1]" 13:42:19 "UPDATED DB FOR TRADER: Agent 0x29e9a080 SLOT: 35 DATA: [["HeatPack"],[1]]" 13:42:19 "ADMIN: [Agent 0x29e9a080,["HeatPack"],[],B Alpha 1-1:1 (Kushti) REMOTE,"zvewkrqiy"] TRADETOTAL:2" 13:42:40 "DEBUG: lootContainer 1c64f900# 1056223: metalstorage.p3d REMOTE" 13:42:40 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: ShelfProxy_EPOCH PistolAmmo 9rnd_45X88_magazine type:magazine" 13:42:40 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: ShelfProxy_EPOCH SniperRifle m107Tan_EPOCH type:weapon" 13:42:40 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: ShelfProxy_EPOCH Hand SmokeShellPurple type:magazine" 13:42:40 Client: Object 3:48 (type Type_88) not found. 13:42:40 Client: Object 3:48 (type Type_89) not found. 13:42:40 Client: Object 3:49 (type Type_88) not found. 13:42:40 Client: Object 3:49 (type Type_89) not found. 13:42:54 Server: Object 2:1258 not found (message Type_324) 13:42:54 Server: Object 2:1258 not found (message Type_325) 13:42:55 Server: Object 2:1258 not found (message Type_325) 13:43:03 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: locker_epoch Pistols hgun_P07_F type:weapon" 13:43:03 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: locker_epoch Uniforms U_C_Driver_1_green type:item" 13:43:03 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: locker_epoch Generic PaintCanGrn type:magazine" 13:44:08 "_current_crypto: 12 _cIndex:10" 13:44:08 "_itemClasses: ["hgun_ACPC2_F"] _itemQtys:[1]" 13:44:08 "_itemClasses: ["hgun_ACPC2_F","9rnd_45X88_magazine"] _itemQtys:[1,1]" 13:44:08 "_itemClasses: ["hgun_ACPC2_F","9rnd_45X88_magazine","PaintCanGrn"] _itemQtys:[1,1,1]" 13:44:08 "_itemClasses: ["hgun_ACPC2_F","9rnd_45X88_magazine","PaintCanGrn","SmokeShellPurple"] _itemQtys:[1,1,1,1]" 13:44:08 "_itemClasses: ["hgun_ACPC2_F","9rnd_45X88_magazine","PaintCanGrn","SmokeShellPurple","30Rnd_45ACP_Mag_SMG_01"] _itemQtys:[1,1,1,1,1]" 13:44:08 "UPDATED DB FOR TRADER: Agent 0x29bbc7c0 SLOT: 33 DATA: [["hgun_ACPC2_F","9rnd_45X88_magazine","PaintCanGrn","SmokeShellPurple","30Rnd_45ACP_Mag_SMG_01"],[1,1,1,1,1]]" 13:44:08 "ADMIN: [Agent 0x29bbc7c0,["hgun_ACPC2_F","9rnd_45X88_magazine","PaintCanGrn","SmokeShellPurple","30Rnd_45ACP_Mag_SMG_01"],[],B Alpha 1-1:1 (Kushti) REMOTE,"zvewkrqiy"] TRADETOTAL:12" 13:44:27 "SKN AdminRequest [105,[5036.43,9727.68,0],B Alpha 1-1:1 (Kushti) REMOTE,"zvewkrqiy"]" 13:45:36 "DEBUG: lootContainer 1d1f1600# 1056552: metalstorage.p3d REMOTE" 13:45:36 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: ShelfProxy_EPOCH MachinegunAmmo 200Rnd_556x45_M249 type:magazine" 13:45:36 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: ShelfProxy_EPOCH Equipment NVG_EPOCH type:item" 13:45:36 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: ShelfProxy_EPOCH Explosives SatchelCharge_Remote_Mag type:magazine" 13:45:49 "DEBUG: lootContainer 1bf5b200# 1056554: tarp.p3d REMOTE" 13:45:49 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: TarpProxy_EPOCH GenericLarge MortarBucket type:magazine" 13:45:49 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: TarpProxy_EPOCH GenericLarge MortarBucket type:magazine" 13:45:49 Error: Object(3 : 61) not found 13:45:52 Error: Object(3 : 64) not found 13:45:52 Error: Object(3 : 63) not found 13:45:59 "DEBUG: lootContainer 1d1f0f00# 1056553: filing.p3d REMOTE" 13:45:59 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: FilingProxy_EPOCH RifleAmmo 30Rnd_65x39_caseless_green type:magazine" 13:45:59 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: FilingProxy_EPOCH Headgear H_67_EPOCH type:item" 13:45:59 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: FilingProxy_EPOCH Hand SmokeShellGreen type:magazine" 13:46:20 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: cooker_epoch Food ItemSodaPurple type:magazine" 13:46:20 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: cooker_epoch Food emptyjar_epoch type:magazine" 13:46:26 "DEBUG: lootContainer 1bf20100# 1056588: chair_adult.p3d REMOTE" 13:46:26 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: ChairProxy_EPOCH Muzzles muzzle_snds_L type:item" 13:46:26 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: ChairProxy_EPOCH Food emptyjar_epoch type:magazine" 13:46:26 No such side 13:46:26 Client: Object 3:69 (type Type_88) not found. 13:46:26 Client: Object 3:69 (type Type_89) not found. 13:46:26 Client: Object 3:70 (type Type_88) not found. 13:46:26 Client: Object 3:70 (type Type_89) not found. 13:46:34 Server: Object 2:1263 not found (message Type_324) 13:46:34 Server: Object 2:1263 not found (message Type_325) 13:46:34 Server: Object 2:1263 not found (message Type_325) 13:46:36 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: locker_epoch Generic HeatPack type:magazine" 13:46:36 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: locker_epoch PistolAmmo 11Rnd_45ACP_Mag type:magazine" 13:46:36 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: locker_epoch Pistols Rangefinder type:weapon" 13:48:34 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: GroundWeaponHolder Epoch_Sapper_F ColdPack type:magazine" 13:48:58 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: Fridge_EPOCH Food ItemSodaMocha type:magazine" 13:48:58 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: Fridge_EPOCH Food ItemSodaOrangeSherbet type:magazine" 13:48:59 Error: Object(3 : 80) not found 13:50:12 "_current_crypto: 24 _cIndex:10" 13:50:12 "_itemClasses: ["C_Offroad_01_EPOCH","C_Hatchback_01_EPOCH","C_Van_01_transport_EPOCH","hgun_Rook40_F","V_4_EPOCH","hgun_ACPC2_F","ruger_pistol_epoch","30Rnd_556x45_Stanag","9Rnd_45ACP_Mag","10rnd_22X44_magazine","ItemScraps","150Rnd_762x51_Box","meatballs_epoch","5Rnd_127x108_Mag","HeatPack","ItemCoolerE","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer"] _itemQtys:[1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,1,1,1,1,1,1,1]" 13:50:12 "_itemClasses: ["C_Offroad_01_EPOCH","C_Hatchback_01_EPOCH","C_Van_01_transport_EPOCH","hgun_Rook40_F","V_4_EPOCH","hgun_ACPC2_F","ruger_pistol_epoch","30Rnd_556x45_Stanag","9Rnd_45ACP_Mag","10rnd_22X44_magazine","ItemScraps","150Rnd_762x51_Box","meatballs_epoch","5Rnd_127x108_Mag","HeatPack","ItemCoolerE","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer","200Rnd_556x45_M249"] _itemQtys:[1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1]" 13:50:12 "_itemClasses: ["C_Offroad_01_EPOCH","C_Hatchback_01_EPOCH","C_Van_01_transport_EPOCH","hgun_Rook40_F","V_4_EPOCH","hgun_ACPC2_F","ruger_pistol_epoch","30Rnd_556x45_Stanag","9Rnd_45ACP_Mag","10rnd_22X44_magazine","ItemScraps","150Rnd_762x51_Box","meatballs_epoch","5Rnd_127x108_Mag","HeatPack","ItemCoolerE","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer","200Rnd_556x45_M249"] _itemQtys:[1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,1,1,1,1,2,1,1,1]" 13:50:12 "_itemClasses: ["C_Offroad_01_EPOCH","C_Hatchback_01_EPOCH","C_Van_01_transport_EPOCH","hgun_Rook40_F","V_4_EPOCH","hgun_ACPC2_F","ruger_pistol_epoch","30Rnd_556x45_Stanag","9Rnd_45ACP_Mag","10rnd_22X44_magazine","ItemScraps","150Rnd_762x51_Box","meatballs_epoch","5Rnd_127x108_Mag","HeatPack","ItemCoolerE","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer","200Rnd_556x45_M249","ColdPack"] _itemQtys:[1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,1,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,1]" 13:50:12 "_itemClasses: ["C_Offroad_01_EPOCH","C_Hatchback_01_EPOCH","C_Van_01_transport_EPOCH","hgun_Rook40_F","V_4_EPOCH","hgun_ACPC2_F","ruger_pistol_epoch","30Rnd_556x45_Stanag","9Rnd_45ACP_Mag","10rnd_22X44_magazine","ItemScraps","150Rnd_762x51_Box","meatballs_epoch","5Rnd_127x108_Mag","HeatPack","ItemCoolerE","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer","200Rnd_556x45_M249","ColdPack","SmokeShellGreen"] _itemQtys:[1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,1,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,1,1]" 13:50:12 "_itemClasses: ["C_Offroad_01_EPOCH","C_Hatchback_01_EPOCH","C_Van_01_transport_EPOCH","hgun_Rook40_F","V_4_EPOCH","hgun_ACPC2_F","ruger_pistol_epoch","30Rnd_556x45_Stanag","9Rnd_45ACP_Mag","10rnd_22X44_magazine","ItemScraps","150Rnd_762x51_Box","meatballs_epoch","5Rnd_127x108_Mag","HeatPack","ItemCoolerE","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer","200Rnd_556x45_M249","ColdPack","SmokeShellGreen","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_green"] _itemQtys:[1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,1,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,1,1,1]" 13:50:12 "_itemClasses: ["C_Offroad_01_EPOCH","C_Hatchback_01_EPOCH","C_Van_01_transport_EPOCH","hgun_Rook40_F","V_4_EPOCH","hgun_ACPC2_F","ruger_pistol_epoch","30Rnd_556x45_Stanag","9Rnd_45ACP_Mag","10rnd_22X44_magazine","ItemScraps","150Rnd_762x51_Box","meatballs_epoch","5Rnd_127x108_Mag","HeatPack","ItemCoolerE","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer","200Rnd_556x45_M249","ColdPack","SmokeShellGreen","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_green","11Rnd_45ACP_Mag"] _itemQtys:[1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,1,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,1,1,1,1]" 13:50:12 "UPDATED DB FOR TRADER: Agent 0x293a0a80 SLOT: 6 DATA: [["C_Offroad_01_EPOCH","C_Hatchback_01_EPOCH","C_Van_01_transport_EPOCH","hgun_Rook40_F","V_4_EPOCH","hgun_ACPC2_F","ruger_pistol_epoch","30Rnd_556x45_Stanag","9Rnd_45ACP_Mag","10rnd_22X44_magazine","ItemScraps","150Rnd_762x51_Box","meatballs_epoch","5Rnd_127x108_Mag","HeatPack","ItemCoolerE","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer","200Rnd_556x45_M249","ColdPack","SmokeShellGreen","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_green","11Rnd_45ACP_Mag"],[1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,1,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,1,1,1,1]]" 13:50:12 "ADMIN: [Agent 0x293a0a80,["30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer","200Rnd_556x45_M249","HeatPack","ColdPack","SmokeShellGreen","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_green","11Rnd_45ACP_Mag"],[],B Alpha 1-1:1 (Kushti) REMOTE,"zvewkrqiy"] TRADETOTAL:19" 13:51:23 "DEBUG: lootContainer 1c13a400# 1056888: coffee_table.p3d REMOTE" 13:51:23 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: TableProxy_EPOCH PistolAmmo 16Rnd_9x21_Mag type:magazine" 13:51:23 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: TableProxy_EPOCH Food sardines_epoch type:magazine" 13:51:33 Server: Object 2:1266 not found (message Type_324) 13:51:33 Server: Object 2:1266 not found (message Type_325) 13:51:33 Server: Object 2:1266 not found (message Type_325) 13:51:49 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: GroundWeaponHolder Headgear H_79_EPOCH type:item" 13:52:03 "DEBUG: lootContainer 1c139600# 1056949: metalstorage.p3d REMOTE" 13:52:03 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: ShelfProxy_EPOCH Uniforms U_C_Poloshirt_redwhite type:item" 13:52:03 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: ShelfProxy_EPOCH Items ItemWatch type:item" 13:52:03 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: ShelfProxy_EPOCH Explosives ClaymoreDirectionalMine_Remote_Mag type:magazine" 13:52:04 Error: Object(3 : 93) not found 13:52:17 "DEBUG: lootContainer 1c139d00# 1056950: shoebox.p3d REMOTE" 13:52:17 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: ShoeboxProxy_EPOCH Scopes optic_LRPS type:item" 13:52:17 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: ShoeboxProxy_EPOCH Pistols hgun_Pistol_heavy_01_F type:weapon" 13:52:17 Client: Object 3:94 (type Type_88) not found. 13:52:17 Client: Object 3:94 (type Type_89) not found. 13:52:17 Client: Object 3:95 (type Type_88) not found. 13:52:17 Client: Object 3:95 (type Type_89) not found. 13:52:25 Server: Object 2:1272 not found (message Type_324) 13:52:25 Server: Object 2:1272 not found (message Type_325) 13:52:26 Server: Object 2:1272 not found (message Type_325) 13:52:45 "_current_crypto: 43 _cIndex:10" 13:52:45 "_itemClasses: ["hgun_Pistol_heavy_01_F"] _itemQtys:[1]" 13:52:45 "_itemClasses: ["hgun_Pistol_heavy_01_F","H_79_EPOCH"] _itemQtys:[1,1]" 13:52:45 "_itemClasses: ["hgun_Pistol_heavy_01_F","H_79_EPOCH","11Rnd_45ACP_Mag"] _itemQtys:[1,1,1]" 13:52:45 "_itemClasses: ["hgun_Pistol_heavy_01_F","H_79_EPOCH","11Rnd_45ACP_Mag"] _itemQtys:[1,1,2]" 13:52:45 "_itemClasses: ["hgun_Pistol_heavy_01_F","H_79_EPOCH","11Rnd_45ACP_Mag","ClaymoreDirectionalMine_Remote_Mag"] _itemQtys:[1,1,2,1]" 13:52:45 "UPDATED DB FOR TRADER: Agent 0x29da40c0 SLOT: 41 DATA: [["hgun_Pistol_heavy_01_F","H_79_EPOCH","11Rnd_45ACP_Mag","ClaymoreDirectionalMine_Remote_Mag"],[1,1,2,1]]" 13:52:45 "ADMIN: [Agent 0x29da40c0,["hgun_Pistol_heavy_01_F","H_79_EPOCH","11Rnd_45ACP_Mag","11Rnd_45ACP_Mag","ClaymoreDirectionalMine_Remote_Mag"],[],B Alpha 1-1:1 (Kushti) REMOTE,"zvewkrqiy"] TRADETOTAL:62" 13:52:57 "Weather Change: fog: [0.0848998,0.0632416,5.43235] rain: 0.895062 overcast: 0.262276 windx: -4.10279 windz: 1.64264 forced: false" 13:52:58 Error: selection end1 missing in memory LOD of model a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo20_orange_f.p3d 13:53:51 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: GroundWeaponHolder Equipment acc_flashlight type:item" 13:54:31 "DEBUG: lootContainer 1c449600# 1057123: filing.p3d REMOTE" 13:54:31 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: FilingProxy_EPOCH MachinegunAmmo 150Rnd_762x51_Box_Tracer type:magazine" 13:54:31 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: FilingProxy_EPOCH Vests V_40_EPOCH type:item" 13:54:31 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: FilingProxy_EPOCH MachinegunAmmo ItemScraps type:magazine" 13:54:33 Error: Object(3 : 100) not found 13:55:15 Error: Object(3 : 101) not found 13:55:36 "DEBUG: lootContainer 1c41c800# 1057195: metalstorage.p3d REMOTE" 13:55:36 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: ShelfProxy_EPOCH SniperRifleAmmo 5Rnd_127x108_APDS_Mag type:magazine" 13:55:36 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: ShelfProxy_EPOCH PistolAmmo 11Rnd_45ACP_Mag type:magazine" 13:55:36 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: ShelfProxy_EPOCH Pistols hgun_P07_F type:weapon" 13:55:37 Error: Object(3 : 104) not found 13:55:43 Server: Object 2:1277 not found (message Type_324) 13:55:43 Server: Object 2:1277 not found (message Type_325) 13:55:43 Server: Object 2:1277 not found (message Type_325) 13:57:20 "_current_crypto: 105 _cIndex:10" 13:57:20 "_itemClasses: ["150Rnd_762x51_Box_Tracer"] _itemQtys:[1]" 13:57:20 "_itemClasses: ["150Rnd_762x51_Box_Tracer","hgun_P07_F"] _itemQtys:[1,1]" 13:57:20 "_itemClasses: ["150Rnd_762x51_Box_Tracer","hgun_P07_F","11Rnd_45ACP_Mag"] _itemQtys:[1,1,1]" 13:57:20 "_itemClasses: ["150Rnd_762x51_Box_Tracer","hgun_P07_F","11Rnd_45ACP_Mag","ItemScraps"] _itemQtys:[1,1,1,1]" 13:57:20 "UPDATED DB FOR TRADER: Agent 0x29c90640 SLOT: 44 DATA: [["150Rnd_762x51_Box_Tracer","hgun_P07_F","11Rnd_45ACP_Mag","ItemScraps"],[1,1,1,1]]" 13:57:20 "ADMIN: [Agent 0x29c90640,["150Rnd_762x51_Box_Tracer","hgun_P07_F","11Rnd_45ACP_Mag","ItemScraps"],[],B Alpha 1-1:1 (Kushti) REMOTE,"zvewkrqiy"] TRADETOTAL:16" 13:58:06 Error: Object(3 : 106) not found 13:58:06 Error: Object(3 : 105) not found 13:58:21 "DEBUG: lootContainer 2c1b4800# 1057380: couch.p3d REMOTE" 13:58:21 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: CouchProxy_EPOCH RifleAmmo 30Rnd_65x39_caseless_green type:magazine" 13:58:21 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: CouchProxy_EPOCH Hand SmokeShellPurple type:magazine" 13:58:21 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: CouchProxy_EPOCH Headgear H_35_EPOCH type:item" 13:58:22 Error: Object(3 : 112) not found 13:58:37 "DEBUG: lootContainer 1c3a2b00# 1057383: tarp.p3d REMOTE" 13:58:37 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: TarpProxy_EPOCH GenericLarge VehicleRepair type:magazine" 13:58:37 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: TarpProxy_EPOCH GenericLarge VehicleRepair type:magazine" 13:58:38 Error: Object(3 : 115) not found 13:58:42 "DEBUG: lootContainer 1c3a3200# 1057382: toolrack.p3d REMOTE" 13:58:42 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: ToolRackProxy_EPOCH Generic ItemSodaRbull type:magazine" 13:58:42 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: ToolRackProxy_EPOCH Vests V_16_EPOCH type:item" 13:58:42 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: ToolRackProxy_EPOCH Generic ColdPack type:magazine" 13:58:51 "DEBUG: lootContainer 1c3c2400# 1057379: metalstorage.p3d REMOTE" 13:58:51 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: ShelfProxy_EPOCH RifleAmmo 30Rnd_65x39_caseless_green type:magazine" 13:58:51 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: ShelfProxy_EPOCH Food FoodWalkNSons type:magazine" 13:58:51 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: ShelfProxy_EPOCH Machinegun m249_EPOCH type:weapon" 13:58:51 Client: Object 3:119 (type Type_88) not found. 13:58:51 Client: Object 3:119 (type Type_89) not found. 13:58:51 Client: Object 3:120 (type Type_88) not found. 13:58:51 Client: Object 3:120 (type Type_89) not found. 13:59:05 "DEBUG: lootContainer 1c3a3900# 1057381: filing.p3d REMOTE" 13:59:05 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: FilingProxy_EPOCH Vests V_30_EPOCH type:item" 13:59:05 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: FilingProxy_EPOCH Pistols 1911_pistol_epoch type:weapon" 13:59:05 "DEBUG SPAWN LOOT IN VEH: FilingProxy_EPOCH Vests V_36_EPOCH type:item" 13:59:05 Client: Object 3:122 (type Type_88) not found. 13:59:05 Client: Object 3:122 (type Type_89) not found. 13:59:05 Client: Object 3:123 (type Type_88) not found. 13:59:05 Client: Object 3:123 (type Type_89) not found. 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KiloSwiss Posted January 4, 2015 Author Report Share Posted January 4, 2015 Open the RPT in Notepad++ and search for "#sem" 13:34:23 "#SEM: Waiting for players (/6)"The Missions won't start unless there are at least 6 players online (it's mentioned in the changelog, inside the readme.txt and ).It should then start the timer (time between missions) and write the following into the RPT log: "#SEM DEBUG: Starting next Mission"You can change the setting for min. players from 6 to 1 in the file initMissions.sqf and then re-pack the file into the sem.pbo. btw. There is a "bug" in initMissions.sqf Line 49 should look like this: diag_log format ["#SEM: Waiting for players (%1/%2)", playersNumber civilian, _minPlayers];You can fix it manually or wait for the next update, since it is nothing gamebraking, only the log is affected by this. Greez KiloSwiss Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tricks Posted January 4, 2015 Report Share Posted January 4, 2015 Thank you KiloSwiss you are so helpful thank you, I have made all your changes and am testing now. I will make it a point to read your changelogs. KiloSwiss 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EL BARTO Posted January 4, 2015 Report Share Posted January 4, 2015 Thx Kilo for the new version...i noticed that there is no clean up for the previous mission (crate and enemies) when the new one is starting! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KiloSwiss Posted January 4, 2015 Author Report Share Posted January 4, 2015 Yes the old missions will stay there until the server restarts.I can implement a cleanup that deletes finished missions after 30minutes or so if You want to./EditDone, a variable to define Your own cleanup time will come with the next update.Greez KiloSwiss Richie, Incsy and EL BARTO 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gen0cide Posted January 4, 2015 Report Share Posted January 4, 2015 KiloSwiss said, "On my To-Do List for the next release is to implement an option to make the AI remove all weapons and gear when they are killed, so only the loot inside the crates and boxes is left." Please make this the option not the default :-) Love your work thanks for it all! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KiloSwiss Posted January 4, 2015 Author Report Share Posted January 4, 2015 Nope, it will just be an option. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darth_Rogue Posted January 4, 2015 Report Share Posted January 4, 2015 @KiloSwiss I got around the battleye set damage kick by changing the the bottom of the init.sqf (client) if(toLower worldName in ["chernarus","chernarus_summer"])then{ private ["_randomobject1","_randomobject2"] _randomobject2 = ([4654.62,9593.63,0] nearestObject 145259); _randomobject2 setDamage 1; _randomobject1 = ([4654.62,9593.63,0] nearestObject 145260); _randomobject1 setDamage 1; }; Then creating filters for the set damage !="_randomobject2 setDamage 1;" !="_randomobject1 setDamage 1;" and for scripts txt line 7 setDamage !="_randomobject2 setDamage 1;" !="_randomobject1 setDamage 1;" Or I just simply broke the script. I know you noted that a fresh install fixed your issue, however that wasn't my remedy. Very well written script :) Will keep those advertisements running. This doesn't work btw. Players were still getting the setdamage restriction. I added this exception to my setdamage.txt : !="1.000000 1:-1478172821" !="1.000000 1:-1478172820" Fixed. ProtossMaster 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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