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[PreRelease] Working AI-Mission System


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A3noob here. I have no init in mission. What is required to not only make one but make the server read it? I added the init provided but nothing happens? Am I to tell the desc. to include init?

I am unsure what will break this conglomeration. When is the lock coming off? The contest is over.

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 This system was created for Altis map. (perhaps i forgot to tell )

It works great on chernarus, you only have to change 

_missionPos = [_worldCenterPos,[_centerPos,0,-1,35,0,0.8,0]] call EM_fnc_findMissionPos;


_missionPos = [_worldCenterPos,[_centerPos,0,6000,35,0,0.8,0]] call EM_fnc_findMissionPos;

(You edit this in the InitMissions.sqf file.)


There is another issue tho, some AIs dosen't like to stay inside the mission area and they will randomly walk around the map.


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Ki dont shoot on Helis  :unsure:

AI also won't shoot at tanks with their pistols.

As soon as You fly low enough so they can hit the pilot trough the cockpit window, they will start firing their bullets at it (testet and died trying XD)


kicked off by BattlEye: Script Restriction #20

 #20 "(_this select 0) execVM "\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\scripts\randomize_colors.sqf""

Has nothing to do with my mission System.


Does it work with Chrenarus

Missions spawn outside of map on chernarus. What's the fix?

Support for all kind of custom Islands has been added to the new update, so Yes it will work with Chernarus and every other Island You run this addon.


If you are running infi you need to turn these two setting in run.sqf to false:


/*  Check Global Markers */ _CGM = false; /* true or false */

/*  Check Local Markers  */ _CLM = false; /* true or false */

Thanks, will add this to a install/how-to in one of the upcoming versions.


Anyway to stop some of the AI from wandering off when no one is near them? They seem pretty dumb at night as well. Other than that, this is a great addition. Thank you again. And merry christmas  ;)

This issue is fixed in the new version.

only issue I have sen is I can walk right up to the AI. Eventually they may shoot me if I am like 50 meters from them.

This should be fixed in the next version by choosing a player that is near to the Mission when the current "owner" of the AI is too far away (resulting in getting lesser position updates from the server, which was one of the bigger issues with the early versions of the HC back then in ArmA2)

New version of the epoch Missions is currently testing and will be released ASAP.

Maybe later today (European Timezone here) or tomorrow.

Stay tuned for further updates

Greez KiloSwiss

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I used the one provided and put it in the mission.pbo. How to get the server to read it?

I know A2 but this is very different. I have no init in the mission.pbo unlike in A2. So how do you make the server know it is there and to do what it says? I guess I mean how does the .ini,that never existed, get called by simply placing it in the .pbo?

Thanks by the way Richie.

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"Automagically".. LOL

I'm stealing that.


/*This has to be added to the clients init*/

fn_createMissionMarker ={    private["_create","_markerPos","_markerName","_marker"];
    //_this = _this select 1;
    _create = _this select 0;
    if(!_create)then[{    //delete marker
        if !(getMarkerColor "MissionMarker" == "")then{    //Only delete existing Marker
            deleteMarkerLocal "MissionMarker";
    },{    //else create marker
    _markerPos = _this select 1;
    _markerName = _this select 2;
    _marker = createMarkerLocal ["MissionMarker", _markerPos];
    _marker setMarkerPosLocal _markerPos;
    _marker setMarkerTypeLocal "mil_destroy";  
    _marker setMarkerTextLocal format["%1",_markerName];  
    _marker setMarkerColorLocal "ColorRed";
    _marker setMarkerDirLocal -30;
    _marker setMarkerSizeLocal [1.5,1.5];

if(!isNil "GlobalMissionMarker")then{GlobalMissionMarker call fn_createMissionMarker};
"GlobalMissionMarker" addPublicVariableEventHandler {_this select 1 call fn_createMissionMarker};
"GlobalHint" addPublicVariableEventHandler {hint parseText format["%1", _this select 1]};

//[]spawn{while{alive player}do{player allowDamage true;vehicle player allowDamage true;}};


SHOULD work? This is what was provided in the missions zip.

If this is all I need,why is it not funtioning? I placed it in the altis.pbo,we are running altis....so I should have missions?


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Yeah works great on cherno once modified... currently working on some modifications so that the loot doesnt spawn until after mission is completed

I can implement this if You wish, the new update is ready, but it will be just a change of a few lines in the existing code.


Already changed it.

But i found a new problem, update is delayed for approx 1h

Greez KiloSwiss

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New Version 0.2

The change that happydayz mentioned is included.

The box will spawn empty and the loot inside is then generated, as soon as the AI is killed.

Also support for all larger maps included in the AiA Mappack has been added (including a little fix for cherno).

Download:a3EpochMissions_0.2.zip (updated)

A step-by-step installation and the changelog are included inside the download.

Have fun and please report any bugs!

I will later come back and read the feedback + work on a better system that will not only transfer the AI to the client, but also gives the client more control over their behaviour.

But for now, I have some other stuff to do.

Have fun


Uploaded a fixed version, thanks to CH!LL3R for pointing this out *thumbsup*

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Script kicks when running chernarus on the new version, doesn't happen on the old version

_marker = createMarkerLocal ["MissionMarker", _markerPos];
_marker setMarkerPosL"
26.12.2014 18:56:05: Richie (IP REMOVED) GUID REMOVED - #50 "_summer"])then{
([4654.62,9593.63,0] nearestObject 145259) setDamage 1;
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