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[WIP] Building custom bases


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Hello All,

Just wondering if anyone has roads working yet for Chernarus?

I'm more than likely overlooking something really obvious though  :rolleyes:

Also maybe a Dev could chime in here,will in the upcoming version update

there be the DayZero enterable buildings for ported maps ie CHERNARUS?

I totally agree with what ritchie said about non-enterable buildings.

Merry Xmas All


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i have no clue what goes on making maps and editing them and such... but is it possible to delete some of the non-enter able buildings in chenaraus and replacing them with arma 3 houses?


i know there is some talk about having some buildings hollowed out and throwing in custom interiors, but just replacing them seems a little simpler and has the same effect.


im sure this has been thought of already but i had to ask 

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Added to my Dropbox account, if the version changes just PM me and i'll reupload if people want it.

that link works.... thankz.....


this is great now we can actually add custom compounds and cities....


so where is the tutorial on how to add custom buildings ??

is it the same alt E as arma 2 ??

about to find out...

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Does anyone know how to get round the building limit ? you can only have a set number of buildings added to the server this way.

I'm positive it isn't caused by the buildingslot limit as my test server has 0 base parts built and i haven't added over 1500 buildings, something is limiting how much you can add :unsure:

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There is.


Follow this tutorial:


Launch Arma 3, and launch the editor. Save the map as a user mission, and then close down Arma 3 completely.

Go to your Mission FOLDER. IE - May be in Documents\Arma 3\User Missions\

And create a new file called *missionName*.BEIDI


Must match your mission.SQM FILE NAME!


Just create a .BEIDI file with the same name really.




Create a shortcut of your Arma3.exe to your desktop.

Right click on the shortcut, and go to properties.


at the END of your shortcut path, i.e. - C:\program files (x86)\Steam\Steamapps\Common\Arma3\


Add the location of your .BEIDI File.


For example


Arma3.exe Properties>

"C:\program files (x86)\Steam\Steamapps\Common\Arma3\" "C:\Users\YOURNAME\Documents\Arma 3\Missions\Somemissionname\missionname.BEIDI"


Click apply, okay.


Launch the SHORTCUT. You should be able to go directly into the editor now.

this didnt work for me when i tried to edit chernarus.. in the "stock obsolete 3d editor" all i could place were arma 2 buildings... and when i tried to rotate with SHIFT my camera shot up in the air... can you tell me what im doing wrong? or is this just for altis? 

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Hey guys I been trying to add the lootable trash on my server I found this

// AiA chernarus 

// Trash = ["popelnice.p3d","kontejner.p3d","junkpile.p3d","garbage_misc.p3d","garbage_paleta.p3d","misc_postbox.p3d","zastavka_stojan.p3d"]
I have tried many different combos of item names and it just wont let me loot it or it wont show up in the server. Anyone got this working and if so what did you do.
ps.all my other buildings spawn loot using this threads method nice work.
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Hey guys I been trying to add the lootable trash on my server I found this

// AiA chernarus 

// Trash = ["popelnice.p3d","kontejner.p3d","junkpile.p3d","garbage_misc.p3d","garbage_paleta.p3d","misc_postbox.p3d","zastavka_stojan.p3d"]
I have tried many different combos of item names and it just wont let me loot it or it wont show up in the server. Anyone got this working and if so what did you do.
ps.all my other buildings spawn loot using this threads method nice work.



If you use the Lootspawner script you need to add the buildings to the config (LSlootBuildings.sqf):

//	Lootspawner junction list for buildings to classes
//	Author: Na_Palm (BIS forums)
//"Buildingstoloot_list" array of [buildingname, class]
//								buildingname: 	building class name (in editor debug console use "typeof BIS_fnc_camera_target"
//												to monitor and then copy/paste or any other method you know...)
//								class: 			0-civil, 1-military, ... (add more as you wish)
//!!!EVERY building must have only ONE entry here AND be in only ONE class!!!
Buildingstoloot_list = [
["Land_A_BuildingWIP", 2],
["Land_u_Barracks_V2_F", 1],
["Land_MilOffices_V1_F", 1],
["Land_Airport_left_F", 1],
["Land_Airport_center_F", 1],
["Land_Airport_right_F", 1],
["Land_i_Barracks_V2_F", 1],
["Land_Cargo_Tower_V1_F", 1],
["Land_Cargo_HQ_V1_F", 1],
["Land_i_House_Big_01_V2_F", 0],
["Land_i_House_Big_02_V1_F", 0],
["Land_i_House_Small_02_V1_F", 0],
["Land_i_House_Small_03_V1_F", 0],
["Land_i_Stone_HouseBig_V1_dam_F", 0],
["Land_d_House_Big_01_V1_F", 0],
["Land_i_Stone_HouseBig_V3_dam_F", 0],
["Land_i_House_Small_02_V3_dam_F", 0],
["Land_i_House_Small_01_V3_F", 0],
["Land_Factory_Main_F", 2],
["Land_i_Shed_Ind_F", 2],
["Land_A_FuelStation_Build", 2],
["Land_A_GeneralStore_01", 0],
["Land_A_GeneralStore_01a", 0],
["Land_A_Hospital", 0],
["Land_A_Pub_01", 0],
["Land_a_stationhouse", 1],
["Land_A_TVTower_Base", 1],
["Land_Barn_Metal", 2],
["Land_Barn_W_01", 0],
["Land_Church_03", 0],
["Land_Farm_Cowshed_a", 0],
["Land_Farm_Cowshed_b", 0],
["Land_Farm_Cowshed_c", 0],
["Land_Hangar_2", 2],
["Land_Hlidac_budka", 1],
["Land_HouseBlock_A1", 0],
["Land_HouseB_Tenement", 0],
["Land_HouseV2_01A", 0],
["Land_HouseV2_02_interier", 0],
["Land_HouseV2_04_interier", 0],
["Land_HouseV_1I1", 0],
["Land_HouseV_1I4", 0],
["Land_HouseV_1L1", 0],
["Land_HouseV_1L2", 0],
["Land_HouseV_2L", 0],
["Land_IndPipe2_bigBuild2_L", 2],
["Land_IndPipe2_big_18", 2],
["Land_IndPipe2_big_9", 2],
["Land_IndPipe2_big_ground2", 2],
["Land_Ind_Expedice_1", 2],
["Land_Ind_Expedice_3", 2],
["Land_Ind_Garage01", 2],
["Land_Ind_IlluminantTower", 1],
["Land_Ind_Mlyn_01", 2],
["Land_Ind_Pec_01", 2],
["Land_Ind_Vysypka", 2],
["Land_Ind_Workshop01_01", 2],
["Land_Ind_Workshop01_02", 2],
["Land_Ind_Workshop01_04", 2],
["Land_Ind_Workshop01_L", 2],
["Land_kulna", 0],
["Land_Mil_Barracks_i", 1],
["Land_Mil_ControlTower", 1],
["Land_Misc_deerstand", 1],
["Land_Panelak", 0],
["Land_Panelak2", 0],
["Land_Rail_House_01", 0],
["Land_rail_station_big", 0],
["Land_Shed_Ind02", 2],
["Land_Shed_W01", 0],
["Land_SS_hangar", 1],
["Land_stodola_old_open", 0],
["Land_Tovarna2", 2],
["Land_vez", 1]

One thing I have noticed is a couple of the buildings at Balota airfield (the 2 story one with lots of enterable rooms), when you walk in the door you dont walk up the stairs into the building and end up with part of your legs below the floor.

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I cant get my file into this format


_vehicle_10 = objNull;
if (true) then
        _this = createVehicle ["Land_HBarrierBig_F", [23565.727, 18799.27, -1.9073486e-006], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
        _vehicle_10 = _this;
        _this setPos [23565.727, 18799.27, -1.9073486e-006];


Its in this format

        class Item3


If I do the Beidi file thing it does not take me into the editor unless I spell the file and target .biedi and then nothing loads up just an empty map,


"D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\arma3.exe" "C:\Users\Aaron\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\[ASM]%20Liqu1dShadow\missions\nwaf3.Chernarus\mission.beidi"


Don't quite know what I am doing wrong??

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If I want this loading server side do I do the following?


- Open up my init.sqf in my "epoch.Chernarus.pbo" in MPMissions


- Add this:


if (isServer) then {

execVM "EpochHive\Addons\a3_epoch_server_building.pbo\buildings\nwafbase.sqf";



- Put the map (nwafbase.sqf) into a PBO and place it



then put


!="execVM "path\to\your\external\server.pbo\map.sqf";"


at the very end of the line in scripts.txt in the battleye folder


is that correct and does that stop people downloading my content?

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