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How close, is too close, when logging out near other players?


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I was recently running around with some friends when we got a sudden server restart. I logged back in and saw my bag had been wiped and I'd lost the main rotor assembly I had in there and some ammo. (We were on our way to fix a chopper. I got lucky, I didn't have much else with me.)

I asked the Admin if he had any ideas and he pointed out the patch note:


  • [ADDED] If you logout near another player your backpack contents will be wiped. It it very important you do not logout next to another player. Change with DZE_BackpackGuard Default: true;


That's fair enough, it's there to prevent cheating/duping/cloning/etc. But can we get some clarification on what a safe distance is please?


There's 3/4 of us in my regular group that build and gather together. Disconnects, crashes and server restarts are.... maybe not "common" but they happen enough to make us paranoid about where we stand and how we move around together.


Is a backpack/main inventory wipe really the best solution? (I realize the options are very very limited.)


What happens if 4 of us are in a car and the server crashes or the Admin restarts it to apply something new?


Again, I don't have a problem with these anti-cheat measures, I just want to avoid false-positives like I previously had.


Great mod, keep up the good work!

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  • 3 months later...

Sorry for the lazarus on this, but I've been bitten by this a few times as my clanmates are on the same ISP as myself, so if there's a glitch on the peering to the states (We're in the UK, server is stateside) we both get disconnected at the same time leading to us both having our pack contents wiped :( Okay, it only happens if we're in a vehicle together or when for some other reason we're close to each other.


From reading up on the mechanics of the duping bug this is trying to protect, is there any reason why the pack wiping shouldn't be restricted to only trigger if the player disconnecting has their inventory opened at the time of disconnection ??



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