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bad admins!!

DayZ Vet

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Now ive been banned after not playing for 2 days, had not played because i had been racial discrimination and harassed by 3 of there players infront of two of there admins one being the owner, and they didnt do anything about it because im from the uk, and now they have admin banned me with the dart thing, is there a way to get off the list when you have been put on there unfairly. these kids should not have this power!!

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Banned with the dart tool is a problem, because even the admins that use this tool, can not unban.


The next problem is, that every Server-owner is a little god on his server. If he does not unban you for "his" server, no one will do.


Best will be, you change the server, Try the pve server in my signature or any else.

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Of course you can unban someone you ban with Dart. Just edit the bans.txt on the server. Personally, I use BigBrotherBot and ban players from in-game but that's not really relevant.


Server owners pay for their servers, so they have every right to do what they want on the server when it comes to deciding who they allow to play on it. I have never understood the people that complain they were banned from a server. Obviously if they are banning you and you didn't do anything wrong it's just a bad server to be on so why even bother? Find another server. There's plenty of good ones out there.

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Banned with the dart tool is a problem, because even the admins that use this tool, can not unban.


The next problem is, that every Server-owner is a little god on his server. If he does not unban you for "his" server, no one will do.


Best will be, you change the server, Try the pve server in my signature or any else.

Ok thanks for the feedback, ill try out your server

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Of course you can unban someone you ban with Dart. Just edit the bans.txt on the server. Personally, I use BigBrotherBot and ban players from in-game but that's not really relevant.


Server owners pay for their servers, so they have every right to do what they want on the server when it comes to deciding who they allow to play on it. I have never understood the people that complain they were banned from a server. Obviously if they are banning you and you didn't do anything wrong it's just a bad server to be on so why even bother? Find another server. There's plenty of good ones out there.

yeah ill have to try another server as this one has had one of the worst admins i have ever came across in over 1600hrs of gameplay,


P.s thanks for the feedback

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Most people just want to be admins as ignorant children abusing the tools.


And sometimes you just have to settle with a slight negative side  on a admin. But we need them cus a full server doesnt administrate itself and meself have any time doing it for example.


It's hard to get decent admins, when you have a full server, it's okish, you will find 2 decent guys that would do a great job. 


BUT, admins will never play the game again. They don't have time playing the game in a decent way. It basicly sucks to be an admin. 


If you tire dof the game and you like helping people and you got nothing else to do, ya, then you are the best admin ever ^^

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Simple solution. Find new server. Why would you want go back on that if admins are shit.

i didnt want to go back, just wanted to know more about that tool and if it stopped me going on another server that was running it, they where the worst admins ive have ever came across i had to teach them so much, apart from booch he was cool.

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Here try this one. It's on of the communities i personnally script for:




It's a server with all latest the latest stuff. It requires Overwatch and Epoch ( easy with DayZLauncher nowadays)


Our head admin is an older laidback Canadian ( for real, i never seen a better admin than him). You probably will get quite good along. 


We got a full server in the evenings, and almost at least  1 admin online ( always def 1 on teamspeak). We have a global team so someone is always up. 


We are currently ranked 33th listed as dayz servers.


And sure you will find some kids in chat ( no voice) in side from time to time, but ya, thats everywhere.


As soon as we see an admin abuse his powers he gets demoted straight away. ( 1 yesterday even). We dont tollerance anything. Any rule breaking will result a minimum 24 hours ban ingame.

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Oh oh, can I also advertise my server? We are like totally rad an hip. I'm the oldest by age in my admin team! How great is that! We have like no admin abuse except that we spawn as50 to new people who join! For more pvp!!!!!1  Pls follow  me on instagram., twitter, facebook and youtube


Jokes aside, we have actually cut back on a lot of our rules because it was just too much work for our admins to constantly monitor stuff like pvp within 500m of the safezone. This made some players unhappy and some players happy.

In the end, you do what you think is best for the server and the players, and people will always find a way to complain to or about the admins.

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Jokes aside, we have actually cut back on a lot of our rules because it was just too much work for our admins to constantly monitor stuff like pvp within 500m of the safezone. This made some players unhappy and some players happy.

In the end, you do what you think is best for the server and the players, and people will always find a way to complain to or about the admins.



isn't the whole deal of the safezone to not allow pvp ^^


If you want a rule for 500m no pvp from safezone? ^^ then make the safezone 500m ^^

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isn't the whole deal of the safezone to not allow pvp ^^


If you want a rule for 500m no pvp from safezone? ^^ then make the safezone 500m ^^


That would work in theory but people would still wait at the limit and then kill people. Which would turn out to safezone camping anyway. 


We came to the conclusion that killing on the border of the safezone is not acceptable but you are allowed to camp outside of it, just not excessively.



just run a realistic server like mine, turn off safezones and encourage camping


We do encourage camping, or atleast I do. Safezones is only there to remove the annoyance of zombies and people greifing during trading. We still allow stealing and what not.


Stealing is a prime example. I've gotten a lot of shit from my players because we allow stealing.

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Interessting, even if you have used the function "dart ban relay server"?


No, why would I want to use someone else's bans? For all I know, they are banning players because they have the letter "q" in their name, or the player said "Good morning" and the admin didn't like that. I prefer to only use my own ban list.

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DayZ Vet, the best possible solution for this is to find an new enjoyable server which you like playing on ^_^  There is plenty out there which are great.

me and a friend are thinking of starting are own one to make sure we have a solid and respectful community, (not saying others don't) only had one server with this problem in the whole time of playing!


p.s can anyone tell me how to delete my old threads on here?

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