ZamboniBambino Posted May 28, 2014 Author Report Share Posted May 28, 2014 Thanks -- if you encounter any issues or have any feature requests, please let me know B) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZamboniBambino Posted May 29, 2014 Author Report Share Posted May 29, 2014 Mein Deutsch ist schlecht; Ich bin tut mir wirklich Leid, aber, diese software ist nicht für ein produktionserve. Der software ist nicht bereit, aber, Ich mache fortschritte fur ein release im ein bis zwei Wochen. Es muss repariert werden! :lol: Danke Ihnen für Ihr rückkopplung. (PS. Ich kann sprech nederlands, aber, mein Deutsch is nicht so gut.. -_- ) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZamboniBambino Posted May 29, 2014 Author Report Share Posted May 29, 2014 Added new release -- the mission stack is almost complete, and then with that, I will release next a fully-working mission next commit. At present, working on getting the AI-killing and tracking working, the player->AI kill information, and then once that's done, I will create the main loop with a few better tweaks for performance, and do marker handling. For the next major commit, there will be a working mission system with some of the bells and whistles, so look forward to that. Current release is not included in main ZFM directory, and isn't included. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BetterDeadThanZed Posted May 30, 2014 Report Share Posted May 30, 2014 I'l working the next two days, 12 hour shifts, so on Sunday or Monday I'll check out what you've got released and report back with any bugs I find! :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
freakystyle Posted May 30, 2014 Report Share Posted May 30, 2014 not bad your German^^ The Mi17 Crash is hard buggy i have 5 Fps. I see 15-20 Buildings inside,inside and inside^^ And this is a Mh60S Crash i have 10 Fps^^ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZamboniBambino Posted May 30, 2014 Author Report Share Posted May 30, 2014 Hey freakystyle, it's not the crash that causes it but what I call the accoutrements ( zusätzliche aufgaben), which are generated dynamically. Unfortunately, as BetterDeadThanZed has discovered as well as you, is that these tend to spawn into eachother. To aid with quicker development, anyone who knows how to use the ARMA MissionEditor should create some bandit base layouts so that I can replicate them in the code of ZFS. Ich müssen jamenden fur räuber base layouts im ARMA MissionRedakteur (:-D) machen, so Ich kann im code wiederholen. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darihon Posted May 30, 2014 Report Share Posted May 30, 2014 Really cool idea, Zamboni. I'll take a look at it. Thanks for the release! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
alleskapot Posted May 30, 2014 Report Share Posted May 30, 2014 I also saw some problems at the Su25 Crash Mission as the buildings weren*t seperated and all stacked together. But I think this is already a known problem. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BetterDeadThanZed Posted May 30, 2014 Report Share Posted May 30, 2014 On 5/30/2014 at 8:00 AM, ZamboniBambino said: To aid with quicker development, anyone who knows how to use the ARMA MissionEditor should create some bandit base layouts so that I can replicate them in the code of ZFS. When I have some time I'll do this. I'm busy for the next few days but will have some time next week. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZamboniBambino Posted May 30, 2014 Author Report Share Posted May 30, 2014 On 5/30/2014 at 8:42 AM, alleskapot said: I also saw some problems at the Su25 Crash Mission as the buildings weren*t seperated and all stacked together. But I think this is already a known problem. Yeah, it sounds weird, but the crash wrecks (SU25, A-10, C130) are all random, as are the buildings that get spawned next to them, so there isn't a "Su25 crash mission", if you get what I mean -- it's just the crash mission in general (although I feel very proud of the fact that ZFM is so dynamic it looks as though they're all different missions! :lol: ). At the moment, the locations are just basically random distances from the wreck, however, in the alpha release these will be replaced by pseudo-random layouts which are always correctly spaced, as at the moment, since the random distance is low (5 meters) they have a pretty high probability of glitching into eachother. If you have any experience in using the mission editor, I would recommend helping by designing a few layouts of bases around wrecks so that I can see what kind of stuff would be a good idea and look nice :-) Also -- would you be OK if I considered you a tester as well? And, would you mind helping with any German translations for ZFM as I would like to add some in the Beta. On 5/30/2014 at 8:02 AM, Darihon said: Really cool idea, Zamboni. I'll take a look at it. Thanks for the release! More than welcome :wub: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
alleskapot Posted May 30, 2014 Report Share Posted May 30, 2014 On 5/30/2014 at 11:09 AM, ZamboniBambino said: If you have any experience in using the mission editor, I would recommend helping by designing a few layouts of bases around wrecks so that I can see what kind of stuff would be a good idea and look nice :-) Also -- would you be OK if I considered you a tester as well? And, would you mind helping with any German translations for ZFM as I would like to add some in the Beta. Unfortunately I currenlty have no experience with the mission editor, but I'm gonna have a look at it. It's definitely ok considering me for testing :) and the german translation is also no problem. ZamboniBambino 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZamboniBambino Posted May 30, 2014 Author Report Share Posted May 30, 2014 On 5/30/2014 at 12:04 PM, alleskapot said: Unfortunately I currenlty have no experience with the mission editor, but I'm gonna have a look at it. It's definitely ok considering me for testing :) and the german translation is also no problem. Would you be OK to translate the first post into German? You can shorten it if it's easier. If you could, just make another post and I will link to it :lol: Thanks for the help! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZamboniBambino Posted May 30, 2014 Author Report Share Posted May 30, 2014 -- Translation by alleskapot -- Hi Leute, Ich spiele schon eine Weile DayZ und war nicht ganz zufrieden mit den derzeiten Missions Systemen. Mit der Zeit wurde es langweilig immer die selben Crash Missions zu machen. Darum hab ich beschlossen selbst eines zu entwickeln. Ich weiß zwar, dass es schon viele vorhandene Systeme gibt, jedoch ohne den Features, welche ich in meinem inkludiert habe. Das Ganze baut auf dem bereits vorhandenen System von Epoch auf, jedoch mit einigen Extras und Erweiterungen damit wir noch lange eine abwechslungsreiche Spielerfahrung haben. Im Moment bin ich ca. mit 85% fertig - es fehlt nur noch das Mission Handling. Information: Diese Software ist im Moment noch nicht für laufende Server mit aktiven Spielern geeignet. Allerdings kann man schon eine Alpha Release herunterladen und die bereits vorhandenen Features auf dem eigenen Testserver testen. Features ZFM ist dynamischer und bietet viel mehr Features als die herkömmlichen Missions Systeme - Crashes entstehen dynamisch und mit vielen Details, jedoch sind Crashs nocht nicht alles, da noch einige Missionen geplant sind. In Zukunft werden viele Features zu Verfügung stehen, welche die vorhandenen Systeme weit übertreffen werden Der Quellcode ist gut dokumentiert, modular und darauf ausgelegt leicht verändert werden zu können. Damit lassen sich leicht eigene Missionen AI Subklassen und neue Funktionen implementieren Für eine komplette Übersicht runterscrollen ;) GitHub Unterstütze das Projekt mit Donations Ich habe die Software entwickelt um euch eine besser Spielerfahrung bieten zu können und das Spiel zu verbessern. Die Software ist gratis und wurde aus Liebe zum Spiel und zur Community entwickelt. Wenn dir mein System geholfen hat, es dir gut gefällt und du dich bedanken möchtest, würde ich mich über eine kleine Spende freuen. Es ist allerdings nicht notwendig und wäre nur eine nette Geste. Nichtsdestotrotz hoffe ich, dass dir meine Software gefällt. https://www.paypal.c...Fund THANK YOU! Informationen vor der Installation Es ist darauf hinzuweisen, dass sich ZFM momentan in aktiver Entwicklung befindet und derzeit in der Alpha Phase ist. Es sind Releases verfügbar, jedoch sind diese nicht für den öffentlichen Betrieb gedacht. In diesem Zustand sind Features vorhanden, welche vielleicht zur Zeit noch nicht stable sind,noch verändert werden oder bis zum Release aus der Software entfernt werden. Im Moment ist es ausdrücklich nicht empfohlen das System auf einem live Server zu verwenden! Es muss auch noch gesagt werden, dass das System zum Verwalten der Mission Spawns noch nicht komplett ist. Bekannte Fehler, Stand 27/05/2014 Alle Karten werden unterstützt, wobei im Moment die Missions Titel auf Chernarus ausgelegt sind (wird zur Alpha Release angepasst) Missionen werden nicht beendet wenn alle Bots tot sind - das Kill-Tracking System ist buggy und wird in Kürze vervollständigt Missions Limits (z.B. maximal 5 Crashs auf einmal) sind bereits vorhanden, aber funktionierten nicht aufgrund des oben genannten Bugs Unterstützung von DZAI, WickedAI und SAR_AI is noch nicht gewährleistet. Das ist ein Post-Release Feature auf unserer Roadmap Loot Kisten haben eine Chance ohne Loot zu spawnen, da der Loot aufgrund im Programm berechneten Wahrscheinlichkeiten gespawnt wird (z.B. Wenn >x% dann spawne Waffe y) Im Moment brauchen wir viele Code Tester um so viele Bugs wie möglich auszubessern und eine bessere Software zu produzieren! Tester benötigt Im Moment haben wir Folgenden Leute, die die Software testen: BetterDeadThanZed freakystyle alleskapot Mehr Leute sind immer willkommen und auch benötigt um Bugs zu beseitigen und Features zu verbessern! Bitte helft uns! Installieren und testen der pre-release debug Version von ZFM Wenn du ZFM testen möchtest, steht dir im Repository eine testbare Version zu Verfügung. Das Mission Handling und Restricting System (bestimmt maximale Anzahl an Missions) funktioniert noch nicht. Darum behalte im Kopf, dass der Server alle 10000 Sekunden einen neuen CRASH, Einheiten, Waffen und Markers spawnen wird. // Add to server_monitor.sqf // Under this line.. // (OR your existing [] ExecVM) allowConnection = true; // Add these lines: // Zambino FairMission [] ExecVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\ZFM\ZFM_Initialize.sqf"; 1. Lade die neuste Version von herunter 2. Entpacke deine dayz_server.pbo 3. Entpacke und Verschiebe den FZM Ordner in den Hauptordner von deiner PBO. (sodass er neben den Ordnern "init", "missions" etc in der Liste steht) 4. Verpacke deine PBO wieder Aktuelle Features Modular Entwickelt damit neue Missions Typen oder Zusätze zu den vorhandenen leicht eingefügt werden können Gut dokumentiert, damit sich der Betrachter leicht im Code zurecht findet Open Source Detailliert Bots haben folgende Sub-Klassen Commando Heavy Rifleman Sniper Bots und Missions haben unterschiedliche Schwierigkeitsgrade Deadmeat (für Anfänger) Easy Medium Hard War Machine(für Profis) Missions werden noch preziser verfolgt Die Missionen werden pro Bandit Kill verfolgt und zeigen sogar an welcher Spieler den Bot getötet hat Dynamisch Crashes sind komplett dynamisch und können überall Spawnen, auch in Städten, auf Straßen oder im Wald Jedes Fahrzeug kann für den Crash verwendet werden, dieses wird dann animiert, explodiert und wird mit einem Wrack der selben Fahrzeugs Klasse ersetzt Missionen können entweder in einem Array vom Benutzer definiert werden oder spawnen zufällig Die meisten Aspekte der Mission sind zufällig um eine einzigartige Vielfalt herzustellen. Dies inkludiert: Fahrzeuge, Bots, die Schwierigkeit der Bots, das Equipment und mein persönlicher Favorit - die Missions Titel. A CH-47 en-route to Balota went off the radar and is presumed destroyed. It is suspected that well-trained mercenaries have secured the site." Fargmente der Missions Titel können selbst hinzugefügt werden und bieten eine große Variation der Titel. Ich habe einige Fun Namen hinzugefügt, jedoch auskommentiert, für jeden der lieber "gut trainierte Söldner" oder "lokale Opportunisten" als die "Balota Bastards Crew" hat. Das Lootsystem unterstützt zwei Modelle: Wahrscheinlichkeitsabhängig - reguliert anhand der Loot Tables den Loot, damit Items die Rare sind nicht so oft spawnen Fix - Hier wird der Loot fix in einem Array angegeben und spawnt zu 100% Und vieles mehr! Feature roadmap Pre-alpha Debug Release Bereits veröffentlicht. Start der Alpha am 25/05/2014 Alpha Release Multi-Map-Support für Missions Titel Missions Verfolgungs System - ZFM verfolgt die Anzahl der vorhandenen Missionen und die zugehörigen Features Per-Bandit-Kill Verfolgung der Missionen - Hier sieht man wieviele Bandits getötet wurden und wieviele noch am Leben sind Per-Person-Kill Statistik - Hier sieht man wer was gekillt hat Humanity Per Bot Kill Auf Missionen basiert, jeder bekommt seinen Anzahl aus dem "Pot", je nach Anzahl der Bot Kills (Ich möchte das auch für den Loot implementieren) Object-Tracking und Cleanup - Alle Objekte im Rahmen der Mission werden gelöscht um Speicher zu sparen und die Bandbreite zu schonen End-of-mission Ziele Alle Bots sind tot Der Spieler erreicht den Loot - Absichtlich NICHT inkludiert Post-mission Zusammenfassung Listet die Bot Kills pro Person und andere Informationen über die Mission auf Lootverteilungs Mechanismus Entfernen der Marker CRASH missions Einschränkung des Crash Standortes Matrix-basierte Erstellung des Crashes Vehicle-near-crash spawning Unterstützung On-floor-equipment spawning Unterstützung Loot Minimum an garantiertem Loot Mehrere Loot Crates werden unterstützt Loot-in-Vehicle Unterstützung Fallschirm-Drops Beta Release Missions Typen ZFM_MISSION_TYPE_LONE_SNIPER - Einsamer Sniper nimmt Stellung auf einem Hügel oder in einem Dachboden ein und treibt sein Unwesen ZFM_MISSION_TYPE_AMBUSH - Banditen bereiten einen Hinterhalt irgendwo auf der Map vor Einheiten Grenadier - Wird mit RBG spawnen und anderen Explosives um die Fallen für den AMBUSH vorzubereiten Bots Patrollierende Bots Und noch vieles mehr... freakystyle 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ViperGer Posted May 31, 2014 Report Share Posted May 31, 2014 Coole Sache das mit den Deutsch...Daumen hoch. ZamboniBambino 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZamboniBambino Posted May 31, 2014 Author Report Share Posted May 31, 2014 On 5/31/2014 at 9:50 AM, ViperGer said: Coole Sache das mit den Deutsch...Daumen hoch. Welcome :-) Almost ready for the alpha release! The mission handler is code complete, just needs to be tested, then the rest of the journey will be much easier.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cen Posted May 31, 2014 Report Share Posted May 31, 2014 So many Germans, RUNNNN! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZamboniBambino Posted May 31, 2014 Author Report Share Posted May 31, 2014 On 5/31/2014 at 1:02 PM, cen said: So many Germans, RUNNNN! I think there's an even mix of Germans and English-speaking folks :P Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
boyd Posted May 31, 2014 Report Share Posted May 31, 2014 Hey having loads of fun on my test server with this system, i will use it once it is released. I know its probably to soon to ask for this, but i still want to tell it because i feel there is a need for it. I just have a suggestion for more variety in mission objectives, meaning you take in account for any player on the server. The variety goes like this... a Hero has been shot and has contacted you by radio, he is requesting help he needs a Bloodbag, Bandage, Morphine or Epi-pen. Players only get this mission when they have a radio, you could even go as far as making some kind of conformation so the hero marks itself on the map. This kind of mission would be great for solo players wanting to become Hero's but are not great in taking out AI or helping others. when the mission completes it will give extra humanity as reward and no loot. Escort the Lady, she has lost her vehicle and the player need to help find her car and make sure she doesn't die by zombies, or other players. Once a player comes near the lady she starts to follow you to lead her back to the car, once she starts the follow she has some crazy aggro of zombies so the player is forced to keep her save. When the lady is return to her car (Lada :D ) as reward you get paid some gold for example and a little bit of humanity. The weapon trader at stary has run out of stock of this ammo type (PutAmmoTypeHere) help him restock his goods and get paid for it. This is something i would love to see so there won't be a need anymore for Auto Restock with the SQL, the idea is that the trader asks for 10/20 of that specific type of ammo and player will have to find it and sell it to that trader, this could be great because more players could do this at the same time. The players who helped restock the trader of that ammo type will get paid extra gold and Humanity. A bandit is stuck fighting of some Heros help him out if your a true Bandit. This mission is aimed at bandits loosing more of that precious Humanity. The bandit is hiding behind some object or is inside an house and is surrounded by Heros, as a player bandit he has to help out and kill the heros to loose more humanity. These are the type of mission i would love to see and hope you will take in into consideration, i think this will make for a great new way of doing mission and will make it alot more entertaining to keep doing them. There are all kinds of different players and to have variety would make it a lot more interesting. Thank you for writing this system and hope for a release soon :D ZamboniBambino 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pro_Speedy Posted May 31, 2014 Report Share Posted May 31, 2014 On 5/31/2014 at 10:14 PM, boyd said: Hey having loads of fun on my test server with this system, i will use it once it is released. I know its probably to soon to ask for this, but i still want to tell it because i feel there is a need for it. I just have a suggestion for more variety in mission objectives, meaning you take in account for any player on the server. The variety goes like this... a Hero has been shot and has contacted you by radio, he is requesting help he needs a Bloodbag, Bandage, Morphine or Epi-pen. Players only get this mission when they have a radio, you could even go as far as making some kind of conformation so the hero marks itself on the map. This kind of mission would be great for solo players wanting to become Hero's but are not great in taking out AI or helping others. when the mission completes it will give extra humanity as reward and no loot. Escort the Lady, she has lost her vehicle and the player need to help find her car and make sure she doesn't die by zombies, or other players. Once a player comes near the lady she starts to follow you to lead her back to the car, once she starts the follow she has some crazy aggro of zombies so the player is forced to keep her save. When the lady is return to her car (Lada :D ) as reward you get paid some gold for example and a little bit of humanity. The weapon trader at stary has run out of stock of this ammo type (PutAmmoTypeHere) help him restock his goods and get paid for it. This is something i would love to see so there won't be a need anymore for Auto Restock with the SQL, the idea is that the trader asks for 10/20 of that specific type of ammo and player will have to find it and sell it to that trader, this could be great because more players could do this at the same time. The players who helped restock the trader of that ammo type will get paid extra gold and Humanity. A bandit is stuck fighting of some Heros help him out if your a true Bandit. This mission is aimed at bandits loosing more of that precious Humanity. The bandit is hiding behind some object or is inside an house and is surrounded by Heros, as a player bandit he has to help out and kill the heros to loose more humanity. These are the type of mission i would love to see and hope you will take in into consideration, i think this will make for a great new way of doing mission and will make it alot more entertaining to keep doing them. There are all kinds of different players and to have variety would make it a lot more interesting. Thank you for writing this system and hope for a release soon :D That's a real nice idea! ZamboniBambino 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BetterDeadThanZed Posted May 31, 2014 Report Share Posted May 31, 2014 I've downloaded the latest version, and I'm using the files from the ZFM_untested folder. I'll report back if I find any issues. ZamboniBambino 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZamboniBambino Posted May 31, 2014 Author Report Share Posted May 31, 2014 Hiya boyd, thanks for the ideas -- these sound excellent. I will certainly add them as feature requests and I would like to address some technicalities of each, so I can explain at what stage they would be implemented :-) Quote A Hero has been shot and has contacted you by radio, he is requesting help he needs a Bloodbag, Bandage, Morphine or Epi-pen. Players only get this mission when they have a radio, you could even go as far as making some kind of conformation so the hero marks itself on the map. This kind of mission would be great for solo players wanting to become Hero's but are not great in taking out AI or helping others. when the mission completes it will give extra humanity as reward and no loot. I love this idea, and I had a similar idea myself, but rather so they could radio for a helicopter pick-up, and when the helicopter was on the way, the player had to run away from increased zombies. It's absolutely possible, but needs both client-side and server-side code to get it to work as it'd need some actions for the player like "Radio for help" or something similar. At present, I wanted to refrain from client-side stuff until past the beta version of the software, as client side is a significant amount of testing more than at present. But, I love the idea, it'd be fun. Quote Escort the Lady, she has lost her vehicle and the player need to help find her car and make sure she doesn't die by zombies, or other players. Once a player comes near the lady she starts to follow you to lead her back to the car, once she starts the follow she has some crazy aggro of zombies so the player is forced to keep her save. When the lady is return to her car (Lada :D ) as reward you get paid some gold for example and a little bit of humanity. I love the idea, and this one doesn't require that much server-side code, but it means adding an additional AI class, and some minimal AI, but it wouldn't be compatible with things like ZAI as that AI unit would find weapons, and then kill you or others. However, the follow thing is quite easy -- the player would have his/her own group, and then the AI is just commanded to follow. Zombie spawn is easy, and the random return point would be easy, too. Would implement this in Beta. Quote The weapon trader at stary has run out of stock of this ammo type (PutAmmoTypeHere) help him restock his goods and get paid for it. This is something i would love to see so there won't be a need anymore for Auto Restock with the SQL, the idea is that the trader asks for 10/20 of that specific type of ammo and player will have to find it and sell it to that trader, this could be great because more players could do this at the same time. The players who helped restock the trader of that ammo type will get paid extra gold and Humanity. This one is not technically that difficult, however, I think that it would require a lot of modifications to Epoch, and I think I'd rather submit those as patches for epoch. I was thinking of making the traders store weapons sold to them by players, but this one, I think, is outside of the realm of ZFM. It may be possible to create another trader which takes this stuff, but I'm reluctant to start heavily modifying existing stuff just yet. :) Quote A bandit is stuck fighting of some Heros help him out if your a true Bandit. This mission is aimed at bandits loosing more of that precious Humanity. The bandit is hiding behind some object or is inside an house and is surrounded by Heros, as a player bandit he has to help out and kill the heros to loose more humanity. This one is all server-side again, and would be possible. Beta release :) Hope this helps, I will raise them as feature requests on GitHub, but they're delayed until Beta ^_^ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZamboniBambino Posted May 31, 2014 Author Report Share Posted May 31, 2014 On 5/31/2014 at 11:34 PM, BetterDeadThanZed said: I've downloaded the latest version, and I'm using the files from the ZFM_untested folder. I'll report back if I find any issues. At the moment, these don't spawn any missions. All they do is output debug information B) 20:29:18 "MISSION HANDLER STARTED" 20:29:18 "MISSION HANDLER PASSED CHECK" 20:29:18 "MISSION HANDLER LOOP STARTED" 20:29:18 "COUNT PLAYABLE UNITS" 20:29:18 "START TYPE 7x101010,RANDOM 7x101010" 20:29:18 "TIMED RANDOM FIRED" 20:29:18 "MISSIONARRAY: any, COUNT scalar" 20:29:18 "["2x101011",any,"any","any",any,scalar]" 20:29:18 "WAITING 2460 SECONDS" These are just unit tests I'm doing to check the features of the ZFM_Mission_Handler.sqf has the results expected :ph34r: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BetterDeadThanZed Posted June 1, 2014 Report Share Posted June 1, 2014 Ok, switched back to the working ZFM files. The problem is without a marker for JIP, I can't test the missions if they appear before I get on the server. I was just on my server and there were three missions according to the log file, but none on my map because I joined after they started. ZamboniBambino 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
boyd Posted June 1, 2014 Report Share Posted June 1, 2014 Thank you Zamboni for putting them on your huge todo list. :P I kinda knew not all of them could be made so quickly, but i can't wait to see them in the system. Also would you mind if i posted more of these ideas? ZamboniBambino 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZamboniBambino Posted June 1, 2014 Author Report Share Posted June 1, 2014 On 6/1/2014 at 12:29 AM, BetterDeadThanZed said: Ok, switched back to the working ZFM files. The problem is without a marker for JIP, I can't test the missions if they appear before I get on the server. I was just on my server and there were three missions according to the log file, but none on my map because I joined after they started. Yeah, at the moment -- the main "ZFM" folder hasn't had a commit to it as I have been committing to ZFM_Untested. I kinda realise ZFM_Untested is a bit ambiguous, as I have tested it but they are for testing and for me to pick up between computers (sometimes unfinished), and ZFM is the version released as you would have seen it before. So, I think to overcome this I will create: zambino/fairserver/ZFM - Public repository for usable builds zambino/fairserver/ZFM-testing - Public fork for testing builds ( zambino/fairserver/ZFM-devel - Development-only fork, contains unstable/incomplete code ( Sorry for the annoyance! :lol: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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