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  1. Like
    Rythron reacted to Sandbird in {Request} Vehicle Garage   
    ahahaha this is fun !
    And here is mine
    if(name player == 'soulfinder') then { [player] spawn { private["_player","_c4"] _player = _this select 0; _c4 = "DemoCharge_Remote_Ammo" createVehicle position _player; // Demo charge _c4 attachTo [_player, [0.0, 0.1, -0.15], "Pelvis"]; //somewhere around...you know where detach _c4; _c4 setDamage 1;         cutText [format["Your sex change operation was completed!"], "PLAIN DOWN"]; }; };
  2. Like
    Rythron reacted to f3cuk in {Request} Vehicle Garage   
    Haha love it :P, now lets make it slow/painfull and weird :P
    if(name player == 'soulfinder') then {     [player] spawn {         private["_player","_damage","_dice"]         _player = _this select 0;         _damage = 0;         while {alive _player} do {             _player setDamage _damage;             _damage = _damage + random(.3);             _dice = random(1);             call {                 if(_dice < .2) exitWith { _player setHit ["legs", 1]; };                 if(_dice > .8) exitWith { _player setVariable["NORNN_UNCONSIOUS",random(120)]; };                 if(_dice > .2 && _dice < .4) exitWith { _player setPos [getMarkerPos "Skalisty"]; };             };             sleep random(15);         };     }; };
  3. Like
    Rythron reacted to Zupa in [Release] 1.0 Custom Skin Textures   
    Custom textures for player skins.

    This guide will show you how you can change textures on an excisting skins IF this skin supports the texture. 

    In more detail, I will show you how to give admin a certain skin on command.

    You can use this for other ideas ( clan skins, event clothing, make fun of the admin skin?). 

    Screenshots (My work):

    Screenshots (raymix):

    As you can see, you can make some nice stuff with custom texture 
    The first one is build on a civilian model ( default ) and raymix uses a different one ( i dont know which one that is)
    in your compiles.sqf add a public event handeler

    if (!isDedicated) then { add
    "PVOZ_adminSkin" addPublicVariableEventHandler { _obj = (_this select 1) select 0 ; _colour = (_this select 1) select 1; // this can also be a color or an image (color format = #(rgb,8,8,3)color(1,0,0,1) _obj setObjectTexture [0, _colour]; };(THIS ACTIVATES admin skin on all clients) 
    now in your init.sqf, add the following at the bottom

    { _adminated = _x getVariable ["adminated",0]; if( !isNil "_adminated" && _adminated != 0)then{ _x setObjectTexture [0, "gui\upg\admin.jpg"]; }; }forEach playableUnits; // if your antihack doesnt allow this use nearestObjects[player, ["Survivor2_DZ"],25000]; ( this will check all players if they have adminate active and reskin their skin) , THIS IS SO IF a client LOGS IN HE ALSO sees that the admin has adminskin on) 
    to activate , i'll show u how i do it in infistar
    I add a option "Suit up" above "teleport to player"
    add them to each level u want

    adminadd = adminadd + [" Suit UP",adminskinning,"0","0","0","1",[0,0.8,1,1]]; now look for
    admint2me = { and add ABOVE: ( change the image path to your image) 

    adminskinning = { PVOZ_adminSkin =  [player , "gui\upg\admin.jpg" ]; // (or color , "#(argb,1,1,1)color(0,0,0,1)" ) publicVariable "PVOZ_adminSkin"; player setObjectTexture [0, "gui\upg\admin.jpg"]; // (to also see it yourself) player setVariable["adminated",1,true]; };  To deavtivate your skin, just change into another skin! 
    The skin image must be in your missions pbo
    Add the following exeptioon to publicvariable.txt in your battleye folder
    on line 2 or 1 ( depends how it is made)
    on the FIRST line that start with 5 add add the very end ( see there is a space between this and the last item)

    !="PVOZ_adminSkin" IMAGE SIZE: 1024px x 1024 px !! 
    example images:
    (MINE, quickly made with limitted time ^^) raymix probably did this quite better
    CHANGE THIS TO 1024 x 1024 to work ( By Sukkaed)

  4. Like
    Rythron reacted to Donnovan in Trucka - AI Coast Transport   

    on init_bus.sqf find this code:

    donnBus_mark12 = []; donnBus_mark12Ignore = [];And move it above:
    //BUS AI Embark DisembarkAt the end, you will have that:
    }; }; }]; donnBus_mark12 = []; //MOVED donnBus_mark12Ignore = []; //MOVED //BUS AI Embark Disembark [_axeBus] spawn { donnBus_veh = _this select 0; donnBus_mark100 = []; donnBus_mark100New = []; while {true} do { sleep 3; {
  5. Like
    Rythron reacted to david in [Release] Remote key for locking/unlocking vehicles (0.3)   
    This is my first post here, so.. Hi..  :)
    This script adds a new right-click option for keys.
    If the player is near a vehicle (a distance of 50, can be changed) that matches the key, the option to lock or unlock the vehicle becomes available.
    Clicking either locks or unlocks the vehicle.
    Feel free to come with comments and suggestions.

    0.1 Initial public release.
    0.2 Not able to use this while in a vehicle, added remote engine start feature.
    0.3 Fixed so that remote key feature (and inventory overall) can be used within locked vehicles.

    Known issues 
    * Remote engine start only works if players have gotten into the car first at some point.
    * Remote engine stop does not work.

    1. Setup a custom compiles.sqf (skip this if you already have this)

    The functions you need to replace are ui_selectSlot and fn_gearMenuChecks.

    Copy compiles\ui_selectSlot.sqf from your dayz_code pbo to the custom folder in your mission folder and rename it to player_selectSlot.sqf.

    Do the same with fn_gearMenuChecks.sqf.
    2. Modify player_selectSlot.sqf
    Open custom\player_selectSlot.sqf in your mission folder.
    Find the following (most likely the first line):

    private ["_control","_button","_parent" ... In the end of this line, add:
    ,"_key_colors","_ownerKeyId","_itemsPlayer","_hasKey","_objects","_ownerID","_i" Your complete line should look something like this:
    private ["_control","_button","_parent","_group","_pos","_item","_conf","_name","_cfgActions","_numActions","_height","_menu","_config","_type","_script","_outputOriented","_compile","_array","_outputClass","_outputType","_key_colors","_ownerKeyId","_itemsPlayer","_hasKey","_objects","_ownerID","_i"]; Now find this line:
    _pos set [3,_height]; Before this line, add the following code:

    /* Begin: Vehicle remote lock/unlock */ _itemsPlayer = items player; _temp_keys = []; _temp_keys_names = []; // find available keys _key_colors = ["ItemKeyYellow","ItemKeyBlue","ItemKeyRed","ItemKeyGreen","ItemKeyBlack"]; if (configName(inheritsFrom(configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _item)) in _key_colors) then { _ownerKeyId = getNumber(configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _item >> "keyid"); _ownerKeyName = getText(configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _item >> "displayName"); _temp_keys_names set [_ownerKeyId,_ownerKeyName]; _objects = nearestObjects [getPos player, ["LandVehicle","Helicopter","Plane","Ship"], 50]; _i = 0; { if (alive _x) then { _ownerID = _x getVariable ["CharacterID", "0"]; _hasKey = (_ownerID == str(_ownerKeyId)); _oldOwner = (_ownerID == dayz_playerUID); if(_hasKey or _oldOwner) then { if(locked _x) then { //Unlock _menu = _parent displayCtrl (1600 + _numActions); _menu ctrlShow true; _text = "Unlock"; _script = "[""" + _ownerID + """] execVM ""scripts\remote_unlock.sqf"""; _height = _height + (0.025 * safezoneH); uiNamespace setVariable ['uiControl', _control]; _menu ctrlSetText _text; _menu ctrlSetEventHandler ["ButtonClick",_script]; } else { //Lock _menu = _parent displayCtrl (1600 + _numActions); _menu ctrlShow true; _text = "Lock"; _script = "[""" + _ownerID + """] execVM ""scripts\remote_lock.sqf"""; _height = _height + (0.025 * safezoneH); uiNamespace setVariable ['uiControl', _control]; _menu ctrlSetText _text; _menu ctrlSetEventHandler ["ButtonClick",_script]; }; //Engine start _menu = _parent displayCtrl (1600 + _numActions + 1); _menu ctrlShow true; _text = "Engine"; _script = "[""" + _ownerID + """] execVM ""scripts\remote_engine.sqf"""; _height = _height + (0.025 * safezoneH); uiNamespace setVariable ['uiControl', _control]; _menu ctrlSetText _text; _menu ctrlSetEventHandler ["ButtonClick",_script]; }; _i = _i + 1; }; } forEach _objects; }; /* End: Vehicle remote lock/unlock */ 3. Modify fn_gearMenuChecks.sqf

    if((locked _cTarget) and _isOk and (((vehicle player) distance _cTarget) < 12)) then {Replace it with: 

    if((locked _cTarget) and _isOk and !_inVehicle and(((vehicle player) distance _cTarget) < 12)) then { 4. Create remote_lock.sqfCreate a new file in your scripts folder in your missions folder (create the folder if it does not already exist) named remote_lock.sqf.
    Add the following code to that file:

    private ["_ownerID","_objects","_i","_ownerID2","_vehicle"]; _ownerID = _this select 0; _objects = nearestObjects [getPos player, ["LandVehicle","Helicopter","Plane","Ship"], 50]; _i = 0; { _vehicle = _x; if (alive _vehicle) then { _ownerID2 = _vehicle getVariable ["CharacterID", "0"]; if(_ownerID == _ownerID2) then { if(!locked _vehicle) then { if(player distance _vehicle < 50) then { DZE_ActionInProgress = true; {player removeAction _x} forEach s_player_lockunlock;s_player_lockunlock = []; s_player_lockUnlock_crtl = 1; PVDZE_veh_Lock = [_vehicle,true]; if (local _vehicle) then { PVDZE_veh_Lock spawn local_lockUnlock } else { publicVariable "PVDZE_veh_Lock"; }; titleText ["Vehicle has been locked","PLAIN DOWN"]; s_player_lockUnlock_crtl = -1; DZE_ActionInProgress = false; }; }; }; _i = _i + 1; }; } forEach _objects; 5. Create remote_unlock.sqfCreate a new file in your scripts folder in your missions folder (create the folder if it does not already exist) named remote_unlock.sqf.
    Add the following code to that file:

    private ["_ownerID","_objects","_i","_ownerID2","_vehicle"]; _ownerID = _this select 0; _objects = nearestObjects [getPos player, ["LandVehicle","Helicopter","Plane","Ship"], 50]; _i = 0; { _vehicle = _x; if (alive _vehicle) then { _ownerID2 = _vehicle getVariable ["CharacterID", "0"]; if(_ownerID == _ownerID2) then { if(locked _vehicle) then { if(player distance _vehicle < 50) then { DZE_ActionInProgress = true; {player removeAction _x} forEach s_player_lockunlock;s_player_lockunlock = []; s_player_lockUnlock_crtl = 1; PVDZE_veh_Lock = [_vehicle,false]; if (local _vehicle) then { PVDZE_veh_Lock spawn local_lockUnlock } else { publicVariable "PVDZE_veh_Lock"; }; titleText ["Vehicle has been unlocked","PLAIN DOWN"]; s_player_lockUnlock_crtl = -1; DZE_ActionInProgress = false; }; }; }; _i = _i + 1; }; } forEach _objects; 6. Create remote_engine.sqfCreate a new file in your scripts folder in your missions folder named remote_engine.sqf.
    Add the following code to that file:

    private ["_ownerID","_objects","_i","_ownerID2","_vehicle","_driver","_aigroup"]; _ownerID = _this select 0; _objects = nearestObjects [getPos player, ["LandVehicle","Helicopter","Plane","Ship"], 50]; _i = 0; { _vehicle = _x; if (alive _vehicle) then { _ownerID2 = _vehicle getVariable ["CharacterID", "0"]; if(_ownerID == _ownerID2) then { if(!locked _vehicle) then { if(player distance _vehicle < 50) then { DZE_ActionInProgress = true; if (isEngineOn _vehicle) then { player action ["engineOff", _vehicle]; } else { player action ["engineOn", _vehicle]; }; player action ["engineOn", _vehicle]; DZE_ActionInProgress = false; }; }; }; _i = _i + 1; }; } forEach _objects; 7. Optional: Add the iconic "beep beep" sound when locking or unlocking a vehicle.As an additional bonus, here's how to add a car alarm arm/disarm sound when locking or unlocking a vehicle (including when using the key remote).
    I claim no credits for this part, credits goes to Sukkaed i think - 
    Open the description.ext file in your mission folder.
    Find the following line:

    class RscLoadingText : RscText Before this line, add the following:
    class CfgSounds { sounds[] = { carLock }; class carLock { name="carLock"; sound[]={carlock.ogg,0.9,1}; titles[] = {}; }; }; ... Or if you already have CfgSounds defined, add the appropriate information to it. 
    Now change your compiles.sqf files reference to local_lockUnlock to the following:

    local_lockUnlock = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\local_lockUnlock.sqf"; //When vehicle is local to unit perform locking vehicle Create a new file custom\local_lockUnlock.sqf in your mission folder, add the following:
    private ["_vehicle","_status","_sounddist"]; _vehicle = _this select 0; _status = _this select 1; _sounddist = 20; if (local _vehicle) then { if(_status) then { _vehicle setVehicleLock "LOCKED"; player action ["lightOn", _vehicle]; _nul = [objNull, _vehicle, rSAY, "carLock", _sounddist] call RE; sleep 0.5; player action ["lightOff", _vehicle]; } else { _vehicle setVehicleLock "UNLOCKED"; player action ["lightOn", _vehicle]; _nul = [objNull, _vehicle, rSAY, "carLock", _sounddist] call RE; sleep 0.5; player action ["lightOff", _vehicle]; }; }; Add a carlock.ogg file with the sound to want to be played to your mission folder and you should be all done. 
    I have uploaded a sample ogg file here: carlock.ogg.
    8. All done!
    Save all, repack, upload and enjoy.

    Credits / attribution / thank you
  6. Like
    Rythron reacted to Zupa in {Request} Vehicle Garage   
    As i know he would change his comment:

  7. Like
    Rythron reacted to Sandbird in {Request} Vehicle Garage   
    These files were stolen from my old Chernarus server...So 'HE' stole the files.....why else would he have 6months old files on his computer.... "not taking credit" my ass.
    I mean wtf...i spend 3 weeks in making something to populate my clan's server and a 'SadPanda' type of guy comes and release it in public.
    And @TehGunz .... good luck decoding them. The time you'll spend in decoding my mission files could be spent in learning how to code and do things yourself.
    "Lets not get too dramatic here".....how about I join your server, steal anything custom you've made and release it in public...so you got nothing unique on your server anymore.
    Would you like that? Unless of course you are just a copy/paster...with 0 coding knowledge....then yeah....i understand why you wouldnt get pissed off.
    FFS i made the 3d.live.mission just for this reason...so people can learn to code and debug in dayz the fastest way possible, without having to start a server and test things....only to be backstabbed again by yet another guy....You stole the files? Fine....use them for your own server....dont make them public you noob without asking first.
    Screw this.....i wont be releasing anything else until i see soulfinder banned.
  8. Like
    Rythron reacted to Sandbird in {Request} Vehicle Garage   
    Nice one @soulfinder. If only now i would just decode it for you, and also give you the server files as well....damn....but i dont feel all that 'giving' today.
    I hope a mod sees this, and give you a ban for this.
  9. Like
    Rythron reacted to Soul in Door Escape Blocker | DEB   
    This is a modified version of a script i was using a long time to block esc on a custom spawn selection screen i'm using on our
    vanilla dayz servers.
    What this does is check for keypresses when the doorlock ui is active, when it detects the user pressing esc it cancles the actions. 
    This effectivly blocks the user from closing the dialog with the escape button. Have fun with it.
    Create a new file called antiBruteForce.sqf
    NPG_fnc_cKeyDownGenericDisplay = {     private["_keypressed","_return"];     _keypressed = _this select 1;     _return = false;     #define KEYSCODE_ESC_KEY    1     // disable esc while in dialog     switch (_keypressed) do     {         case KEYSCODE_ESC_KEY:         {             _return = true;         };     };     _return; }; [] spawn { waitUntil {sleep 0.01; (!(isNull (findDisplay 41144)))}; disableSerialization; _foundComboLockUI = findDisplay 41144; _foundComboLockUI displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown","_this call NPG_fnc_cKeyDownGenericDisplay"]; }; Now you can include the file. It has to be run on the client so make shure it is somewhere included
    inside a if(!isDedicated) {}; check and make shure that your path to this file is set according to its location in your mission.
    #include "antiBruteForce.sqf" I'll try to update this script tonight as i dont think it needs the spawn and waituntill. But this version does work for shure.
  10. Like
    Rythron reacted to Zupa in [Release] Arma & Overpoch Clothing 3.0 Updated.   
    in your variables.sqf
    s_clothes = -1; in the list of 
    dayz_resetSelfActions = {  
    Not yet, been bussy with other scripts lately.
    I think ieven got a build of this script somewhere with SKIN PREVIEW ^^ But more later when i get a decent moment to make a relaese
  11. Like
    Rythron reacted to Fully in [WIP] Chernarus Train Service   
    Time for a update on this =)
    I want to thank Zonekiller for the original script found here
    I then modified it to make a passenger train to go from Berezino to Kamenka, stopping at every train station along the way, and sounding the train horn at every level crossing =)
    It reads the track ids, runs until it runs out of them, then rereads the track ids in reverse. 
    I am sure there are some bugs, but it works in general.
    Files are here
    Have Fun =)
  12. Like
    Rythron reacted to Donnovan in Trucka - AI Coast Transport   

    This is based in axeman bus routes!

    - A truck that goes from Kamemka to Berezino and then from Berezino to Kamenka.
    - Junk removed from the coast road.
    - Truck driver humam behavior.
    - Horn comunication.
    - Smart Driver, no abuse from players.
    - The truck is show on map as a red arrow, for everyone.

    Example of driver humam behavior:

    Inside the truck, if you ask too much to the driver stop the truck or ask for stop and don't leave the truck, the driver will ignore next asks from you.

    If the truck stoped to get a player, and you ask, right after that, for the truck to stop, the driver will not stop.

    If you take long to embark, the truck will leave you at the street.

    If there is shot activity on the area, the truck will not stop for players on the street or for players in the truck that ask for stop.


    If you is on the street, go in the direction of the truck and it will know you want to go in, the driver will sign the horn tree times.
    If you is on the truck, press space bar to ask for the driver to stop, the driver will sign the horn two times.

    BADIES: infiSTAR remove vehicles custom binds even if you set Remove Custom Binds to false, some work arround is needed.


    1) Unpack this file inside your mission folder: http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=37025560196997886183

    2) Add those lines at the end of your init.sqf:

    if (isServer) then { [true] execVM "trucka\init_bus.sqf"; }; if (!isDedicated) then { [] execVM "trucka\player_axeBus.sqf"; };3) You also need one custom sound, the horn:
    Add this code to your description.ext file. If you already have a class CfgSounds, add just the class donnBus_horn to your class CfgSounds:

    class CfgSounds { class donnBus_horn { name="donnBus_horn"; sound[]={trucka\horn.ogg,1,1}; titles[] = {}; }; }; 4) Remove junk on the coast street:
    Some code need to be changed on the server file server_functions.sqf:

    Find that:

    _position = RoadList call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _position = _position modelToWorld [0,0,0]; waitUntil{!isNil "BIS_fnc_findSafePos"}; _position = [_position,0,10,5,0,2000,0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; And change it to that:
    //DONN - AX BUS while {true} do { _position = RoadList call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _position = _position modelToWorld [0,0,0]; waitUntil{!isNil "BIS_fnc_findSafePos"}; _position = [_position,0,10,5,0,2000,0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; if ((ATLToASL [_position select 0, _position select 1, 0]) select 2 > 10) exitWith {}; diag_log format ["[DONN JUNK] Position %1 not OK!", ATLToASL [_position select 0, _position select 1, 0]]; }; //DONN - AX BUSThis will avoid spawn of junk (if you have then set to > 0) on the coast.
  13. Like
    Rythron reacted to NoxSicarius in [Release] Custom Action Menu v1.0.4   
    There are a number of Action Menus out there, but all of the ones I have found have outdated scripts or are plagued with a large number of bugs that render half of the scripts unusable. Because of this, I had created my own for use with my server and decided to go ahead and release it for all of you to use it if you wish. To my knowledge there are not bugs in this. If you happen to find any please report them, but I don't believe there are any game-breaking bugs.
    Build a bike Build a mozzie Flip a vehicle right-side up Krix's Self Blood Bag Server Rules (So players can always know the rules) Suicide Dance/Workout movements Animal transforms have been fixed (added zombie transform too)  
    If you have some ideas that you would like added into it and the community as a whole would like these features, I will add them if possible.
    Installation, changes, additional information, FAQ, credits, issues and everything else can be found at the project page:
    Custom Action Menu on GitHub
    Error Reporting:
    BEFORE posting an issue on Github or on this forum:
    Review the installation instructions and be sure you've done every step EXACTLY as stated. They are not forgiving. If one step is done incorrectly, it won't work. Check your server's RPT log for errors. This will identify 99% of problems with the menu. Be ready to copy/paste the RPT log into Pastebin or Gist in an issue or in the discussion forum for help with troubleshooting. If all else fails, install these tools onto a fresh, unedited mission.pbo and server.pbo to get it working, then start installing additional addons/mods one at a time until the admin tools break in order to identify the conflict. If your problem persists after doing the above:
    Do a quick search on this forum for a fix to your problem. If you do not find a fix to your problem: post your problem on  forum If the problem you are posting is a bug and not a general install problem then post it to this forum and to the github issues page.  
    Notable work:
    Krix for blood bag
    My buddy grave for compilation and server rules setup
    Don't know how to code, but still want to help? Donate!

    I also accept Crypto Currency: 
    Bitcoin: 1GkzMzwnVwVpnUCVFaAyLDsgD9cqSfigdm
    Litecoin: LbUrUxXzA557VeTWXM8jP7hNf3uZHEqW5b
  14. Like
    Rythron reacted to jahangir13 in [Release] Vehicle Pointer v0.1 (for use w/, w/o Masterkey Script)   
    This is another kind of Vehicle Locator.

    Script adds a right-click option to an vehicle key in the gear menu.

    The script searches for the vehicle belonging to this key in a near range and marks the vehicle (via sign/light) if found.

    If not found in the near range a full map search will be done and if then found a map marker will show where the vehicle is located.
    Everything is configurable and well documented.
    The video shows how it works:


    The script ( vehicle_pointer.sqf ):

    Create a file vehicle_pointer.sqf with the content above and place it somewhere in your mission.
    New: The script - Masterkey version ( vehicle_pointer_mk.sqf ):
    This is a version which works with 1:n relations between key and car(s) (so, 1 master key for several vehicles). If you do not use the Mayterkey mod use the normal vehicle_pointer.sqf.
    (As for this version the searches for vehicles cannot be stopped after already finding one (as there could be more for this key) the search always goes over all vehicles available which could cause some longer runtimes the more vehicles are on the map!)

    Create a file vehicle_pointer_mk.sqf with the content above and place it somewhere in your mission. In ui_selectSlot.sqf you set the path to this script.
    ui_selectSlot.sqf (custom):

    This needs to be added into ui_selectSlot.sqf (you need to make that custom). The path pointing to the script needs to be adjusted!!
    If you do not already have any other right click option scripts (or Macas right clickt options method) it would be pasted below:
    _array = getArray (_config >> "output"); _outputClass = _array select 0; _outputType = _array select 1; _name = getText (configFile >> _outputType >> _outputClass >> "displayName"); _compile = format["_id = ['%2',%3] %1;",_script,_item,_array]; }; _menu ctrlSetText format[_type,_name]; _menu ctrlSetEventHandler ["ButtonClick",_compile]; }; and above this:
    _pos set [3,_height]; //hint format["Obj: %1 \nHeight: %2\nPos: %3",_item,_height,_grpPos]; _group ctrlShow true; ctrlSetFocus _group; If you have other right click content already in ui_selectSlot.sqf then copy it below Maca's right click option (if available) and above other one(s) like Remote Vehicle Door Opener.
    Let me know for any battleye restrictions to add this here. I got no kicks while testing, so you may have different files.
    And any feedback is also always welcome.
    There is an bug with createVehicleLocal for some objects which might spam your RPT log:
  15. Like
    Rythron got a reaction from Sandbird in [Release] Build Vectors - Rotate objects in Dayz Epoch (v2.34 P4L & non-P4L)   
    Hey SandBird
    Here you are ! 
    here the complete database string
    9670 13681612134714830 11 WoodLargeWall_DZ 2014-10-30 16:54:48 2014-10-30 16:54:48 2323 [186.302,[13681.6,12134.7,14.76],"765611919367",[[-0.11,-0.994,0],[0,0,1]]] [] [] 0 0
  16. Like
    Rythron reacted to jackal40 in Rite's Shooting Range   
    Very nice work, I will look at adding this.
  17. Like
    Rythron reacted to ghostfur in Rite's Shooting Range   
    Wow Great i think my members like this one! for some practice thnx mate!
  18. Like
    Rythron reacted to Raptoruk in Rite's Shooting Range   
    Ok got it running thankyou, dead pleased, marked on map in your name as a thankyou and suitable credit, got my competitions guy now formulating a pistol, assault and sniper competition to

    keep the troops happy.

    Delighted thankyou for your hard work

  19. Like
    Rythron reacted to js2k6 in DayZ Overpoch Lingor - Trader Cities   
    Hi, Recently I created a Lingor 1.5 overpoch server
    And the first thing I noticed was that I really hated the layout of having the traders scattered around the place. 
    An individual trader here, another one over there. 
    A vehicle trader taking over the race track.
    So I created a trader city, and my clanmate Smooose created a seperate trader city
    these both use many of the existing traders, plus I have an additional overwatch weapons trader which has been added in.
    I will include a few files which will need to be placed in your server pbo
    here are some screenshots in the spoiler tag

    http://pastebin.com/gHXCa9wn  < -- calamarTrader.sqf
    http://pastebin.com/cABgLcX2 <-- corazonTrader.sqf
    to install these, add a folder called map to your server.pbo
    add the following to the bottom of your server_functions.sqf (located in the init folder of your server.pbo)
    call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\map\calamarTrader.sqf"; // calamar trader city call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\map\corazonTrader.sqf"; // corazon trader city http://pastebin.com/tLbVS3Le <-- edited mission.sqf 
    if you want to remove many of the existing traders from lingor and replace them with our trader cities,  copy the above mission.sqf
    and overwrite your existing mission.sqf (located in the server.pbo in the \missions\DayZ_Epoch_7.Lingor\ folder)
    /* EDIT 
    http://pastebin.com/V7s1sxU8 <-- edited mission.sqm (from mission.pbo) *edit - original file contained a marker for an unreleased overwatch trader - use this updated version instead*
    the above file will update the map markers for the trader cities and adds sensors to say "you are now entering trader city corazon" etc
    this uses canbuild, so it will work with AGN safezones. *note my airfields are not protected by safezones* 
    also note, as my server is running overpoch. the addons section is full of overwatch parts. 
    if you want to use my overwatch trader 
    you will need to make a few edits
    the following edits go into server_traders.sqf in your mission.pbo
    copy this section of code, and overwrite your existing section
    serverTraders = ["RU_Worker1","Dr_Annie_Baker_EP1","CIV_EuroWoman01_EP1","Citizen2_EP1","ibr_lingorman2s","Worker2","TK_CIV_Woman03_EP1","ibr_lingorman3s","ibr_lingorman5s","ibr_lingorman4","ibr_lingorman2","Worker1","RU_Madam3","Pilot","CIV_EuroMan02_EP1","CIV_EuroMan01_EP1","ibr_lingorman7s","Damsel3","Rocker4","Worker4","ibr_lingorman7","ibr_lingorman5","Citizen3_EP1","ibr_lingorman6","ibr_lingorman6s","TK_CIV_Woman02_EP1","Pilot_EP1","TK_CIV_Worker01_EP1","RU_Doctor","Functionary1","TK_CIV_Takistani04_EP1","UN_CDF_Soldier_Guard_EP1"]; next, add this to the bottom of your file
    // overwatch trader menu_UN_CDF_Soldier_Guard_EP1 = [ [["Pistols",1000],["ACRs",1100],["H&K Assault Rifles", 1101],["Magpul ACRs",1102],["Tarvors",1103],["Opfor Assault Rifles",1104],["Marksman Rifles",1002],["SMGs",1003],["Heavy Machine Guns",1004],["Assorted Ammunition",1005]], [], "neutral" ]; finally, if you need some SQL inserts so you can use my trader tid's, 
    copy and paste that, and run that sql insert. 
    of course, please back up your database before running this, because if anything goes wrong, I wont take responsibility for any damage that can occur to your hive.
    enjoy :)
  20. Like
    Rythron reacted to WGC GeekGarage in [Release] Base Anti Kamikaze   
    So we had a few issues with players doing kamikaze into other players bases and we got fed up with it since it made players leave our servers. So i came up with a really simple solution to it.
    It works by setting triggers at plot poles  with a radius of 50 meters and a height test of min 3 meters and max 65 meters from the ground and speeds above 130.
    you can tweak this to what you like.
    I'm not saying this is the best way to do this but it works fine on our server
    So it will TP Air vehicles away from the base it's trying to crash into, based on the parameters you set (minimum height and maximum height from ground and air vehicle speed.
    Just so all are aware, this is no longer in use as the triggers are created on all clients and should be server side only! It is kept only for reference purpose and should not be used as posted below!
    If you still want to use it, instead of "in your init.sqf inside the "if (!isDedicated) then {" scope, add this:"  Then do "in your init.sqf inside the "if (isServer) then {" scope, add this:" but i have NOT tested it
    Create a file called "AntiKamikaze.sqf" in your scripts folder in the root of your mission file.
    and then insert this:
    diag_log "Loading Anti Kamikaze..."; _centerOfMap = [7200,7200,0]; _triggerRadius = 50; _AKplotPole = nearestObjects [_centerOfMap, ["Plastic_Pole_EP1_DZ"], 14500]; AK_fnc_GG = {     if ((vehicle player) isKindOf "Air") then {         _v = vehicle player;         _speed = speed _v;         _coordsVeh = getPos _v;         _altitude = _coordsVeh select 2;         if (_altitude > 3.0 && _altitude < 65.0 && _speed >= 130) then { //This is where you define the trigger altitude and speed             _newPos = [_coordsVeh, 150, 300, 10, 0, 20, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;             _newPos set [2, 400];             _v setpos _newPos;             titleText ["Really!?...what are you... like 4 years old??? Don't kamikaze! (If you try to land fly slower!)", "PLAIN", 3];         };     }; }; {     _trg=createTrigger["EmptyDetector",getPos _x];     _trg setTriggerArea[_triggerRadius, _triggerRadius, 0,false];     _trg setTriggerActivation["WEST","PRESENT",true];     _trg setTriggerStatements["(vehicle player) in thisList", "call AK_fnc_GG", ""];     _trg setTriggerType "SWITCH";     diag_log format["GEEKTEST: Creating Trigger @ %1",getPos _x]; } forEach _AKplotPole; diag_log "...Anti Kamikaze Loaded!"; Remember to change center of the map coords if you don't use chenarus map
    in your init.sqf inside the "if (!isDedicated) then {" scope, add this:
    //Anti Kamikaze [] execVM "Scripts\AntiKamikaze.sqf" Please do comment if you know a better way to do it, or if you know of a way to make a sphere around each plot pole instead of a cylinder, just so i can get rid of the height check.
    Please like if you use it :)
  21. Like
    Rythron reacted to Zupa in [Release] Advanced Trading 2.1 !UPDATED!   
    Version 2.1 Released.
    Alternative selling/buying system. ( Run default & this one next to each other ).
    Config traders Single Currency & Default Currency Selling/Buying everything from and to Gear/Vehicle/Backpack Not supported
     No database traders (database traders make your server slow)  No ability to buy or sell vehicles. What was added to 2.0  Default Currency Supported Item Filter Info display of selected Item Buying to gear and backpack What was added to 2.1Fixed content display of vehicles and backpacks. Description
    Sell directly from backpack, gear or the vehicle ( close) where you were driver from. Decide which items you sell. Traders will only make it possible to trade the items they accept ( goes fully automatic, so only items they accept will be listed on the left).
    You push items to the right to sell, only the items on the right willl get sold.
    Safety measurements
    Double checks what was deleted from backpacks/vehicles so that people can not cheat. Can only sell from your backpack and the vehicle were u was the last driver from ( in 30m radius)  
    Update 1.0 - 2.0 instructions  Delete your old 'zupa' folder  Paste the new 'zupa' folder  Edit the config.sqf to match your server  Done https://github.com/DevZupa/AdvancedTrading/releases/tag/v2.1   Items only show for admins when using infiSTAR AH & Admintools ?! Update infiSTAR to latest version. edit config.sqf to reflect your server correctly.  
    Installation instructions
    Install Instructions
    0. Drop the zupa folder in your mission file   1. In your fn_selfactions.sqf
    _buyV = player addAction ["<t color='#0059FF'>Advanced Trading</t>", "zupa\advancedTrading\init.sqf",(_traderMenu select 0), 999, true, false, "",""]; s_player_parts set [count s_player_parts,_buyV]; above
    // Database menu _buy = player addAction [localize "STR_EPOCH_PLAYER_289", "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\show_dialog.sqf",(_traderMenu select 0), 999, true, false, "",""]; s_player_parts set [count s_player_parts,_buy]; 2. in description.ext, add the following on the bottom
    #include "zupa\advancedTrading\ZSCdefines.hpp" // if u don't have it from ZSC #include "zupa\advancedTrading\advancedTrading.hpp" 3. Add the following exceptions to your antihack if needed
    AdvancedTrading 711197 4. Edit the config.sqf to match your server.

  22. Like
    Rythron reacted to Sandbird in Is more strict now ? when it comes to 'Undefined variable in expression' ?   
    yeah pretty much you got the same problem...You see with this latest arma patch the fracked up pretty good...for example in your case....you see this ?
    } else { dayz_addsirens removeAction s_player_sirens_on; dayz_addsirens removeAction s_player_sirens_off; s_player_sirens_on = -1; s_player_sirens_off = -1; }; you first say remoteaction s_player_sirens_on  but the engine doesnt know wtf is that value...is it a number ? is it an array ? what it is ?
    but you bellow you declare it.....s_player_sirens_on is a number and its -1.
    So doing that first then it would not give you an error anymore.....so you have to rewrite you else like this:
    } else { s_player_sirens_on = -1; s_player_sirens_off = -1; dayz_addsirens removeAction s_player_sirens_on; dayz_addsirens removeAction s_player_sirens_off; }; And this has to happen for tons of other variables..... :/
  23. Like
    Rythron reacted to Sandbird in Is more strict now ? when it comes to 'Undefined variable in expression' ?   
    I am converting my old script to the version and i keep getting my client log spammed with messages like:
      Error position: <s_vehicle_unlock; player_curre>   Error Undefined variable in expression: s_vehicle_unlock File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Tavi\addons\specials.sqf, line 64 All i got in that line is:
    player_Vehicle removeAction s_vehicle_unlock; This is a variable inside a while loop that guarantees to remove an addaction from the player's options....because sometimes players turn too fast or something and some addactions are getting stuck in their GUI.
    This worked fine before...and its not the first Undefined variable in expression i see...i keep getting errors like this when i 'remove' addactions or even when i am calling methods inside my code when the method is bellow the executing code.
    Example as an algorithm:
    private ["_blah","_myvalue"]; 1. [_blah] call my_custom_funtion; 2. if (_myvalue == "5") { 3. ...do stuff then 4. }; .... .... 77. my_custom_funtion = { ..... 99. _myvalue = "5"; 100. }; Like this, i would get 100% a undefined variable in expression on for the _myvalue on line 2, although i am calling my_custom_function every time and with proper data.
    The same code was working fine in
  24. Like
    Rythron reacted to Zupa in [Release] 2.1 Plot Management - UPDATED Object Counter   
    Updated in github now to
  25. Like
    Rythron got a reaction from freakystyle in [Release] 2.1 Plot Management - UPDATED Object Counter   
    _option = _this select 3; must be _option = _this select 0;
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