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Posts posted by axeman

  1. There will be options but most likely editing of mission parameters initially. Custom trader mission entries have been talked about.


    Have since moved on to in game events and, after getting sick of missions, going back to fix the cultists and upgrade the general AI :)

  2. Use execFsm to run your mission control. Issue DoFsm if you want a simple, undisturbed task performed by a unit. ExecFsm   on other complicated tasks, e.g. One on each unit to control their whereabouts. If using this concept then look at handles and set/getFsmVariable command.


    The next sapper Update uses this principle, I have gone from spawning 20 to nearly 60 before I take a FPS hit on my laptop in the editor. 

  3. Correct, as I said moveTo for agents, doMove for units :)


    DoFsm is more of a command to issue a simple task against a unit which you don't want disturbed whilst doing, maybe by a controlling execfsm structure.


    When a unit is doing a DoFsm it will always be not ready, so an execfsm can call a DoFsm on a unit and, if you check for unitready before issuing the next DoFsm things will always be more structured. 


    A DoFsm would be something like, move from a to b, or heal a unit..

  4. The antagonists will target other players in the vicinity if they are a more desirable target. It is entirely possible that they are being lead to the safe zones. That said the new persistence could also be having an effect.


    One question, why do you want to hang out in the safe zones for so long?  

  5. Sounds like your FSM is not waiting for unitReady before performing the next check


    EDIT: Don't check on every tick for anything, put a scheduler into your FSM and some control loops. Are you sure the wait is waiting, can't see the actual code :) Update destine is the most likely suspect.


    Another thing to consider for your position might be:

    _moveToPosition = [player, _intDistanceWithinDetonationDistance, _random 360] call BIS_fnc_relPos;

    That will find a random position around the player but not the actual player position.

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