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Posts posted by axeman

  1. Are you getting any errors in your .rpt file. Specifically file not found errors. That would imply packaging the pbo with a missing prefix.

    Am assuming you know that already. so, what are you trying to do ? Have found through hours of trying to get lights to work that some things only work locally. Eg. A #lightpoint created on the server is not seen by the clients..

    Usually, in the biki, it does say somewhere if it is local or not..sometimes not :)

  2. Basically server_monitor.sqf parses the custom_loadout field and adds it to a server variable, tagged with the player uid.

    When logging in, server_playerlogin. sqf checks the player uid and if it finds a match enters in the loadout.

    As said. It is very much in testing..

    Oh Yeh, also. The custom backpack is dropped at your feet when you start..

  3. I have a working custom loadout that is ready for testing if anybody fancies giving it a go..?


    All works from existing DB schema, nothing more required than adding a new entry to existing object_data table, for each player / admin. And updating / re-packaging server_monitor.sqf and server_playerLogin.sqf..


    Coded for v1.0.1.4 vanilla Epoch..


    I wouldn't recommend this unless you are happy with trying out new scripts, can package server PBOs and can update your SQL with confidence, as said above, is for testing, no hand holding :)


    The required fields in DB (object_data) are:


    Classname: custom_loadout

    CharacterID: <the UID of the player you want to apply the loadout to>

    Inventory: The custom loadout in this format:

    [["weapon1","weapon2","weapon3"],["magazine1","magazine2","magazine3"],["<backpack class name>",[["backpack weapon"],[1]],[["backpack magazine","backpack magazine","backpack magazine"],[1,1,1]]],"<Player skin class>"]



    Get the DB entry wrong and you will see errors when trying to join the game..


    Example SQL for loadout:

    INSERT INTO `object_data` VALUES (561,98368222451168,11,'custom_loadout','2013-07-07 20:47:32',23393798,'[0,[0,0,0]]','[[\"ItemFlashlight\",\"ItemKnife\",\"revolver_EP1\",\"ItemMatchbox\",\"ItemMap\"],[\"ItemPainkiller\",\"PartWheel\",\"ItemHeatPack\",\"FoodCanFrankBeans\",\"ItemMorphine\",\"ItemJerrycanEmpty\",\"ItemAntibiotic\"],[\"DZ_CivilBackpack_EP1\",[[\"ItemToolbox\"],[1]],[[\"ItemPainkiller\",\"PartWheel\",\"ItemHeatPack\",\"FoodCanFrankBeans\",\"ItemMorphine\",\"ItemJerrycanEmpty\",\"ItemAntibiotic\"],[1,1,1,2,2,3,2]]],\"Soldier1_DZ\"]','[]',0.00000,0.00000);

    EDIT: Not tested yet on




  4. Sarge has mentioned that he is looking into usinga headless client for his AI to help offset the load. It does require another game licence and the server still needs the resource to handle it but does remove the resource usage from the main game server.

    Not sure how he is getting on. There is a big issue in the way arma handles object locations at larger distances. Is how the engine manages such a large playing environment but no good if your point of reference is 4km away from the action..

  5. @GucciMane: Have also noticed the public var log spamming. Have you tried packaging the fnc_returnLampWS.sqf into the dayz_server.pbo ?


    As the server creates the public variable you shouldn't get the log spam.. If it is in the client mission you are going to get this and, additionally, you are subjecting your players to another 200 odd kb of download each time they join as all of the light locations are stored in that file, is why it is so big.. Taviana has 6570 strreetlight lightpoints, each one requires an exact X/Y worldspace reference..


    My next release will be for Epoch, there will be no need to create the public variables as their server configuration is different to the private/vanilla dayz setup. And I can implement the power generator, no more free light at night ;)


    My opinion on HDD access (logging), it is the biggest hog of resource and cause of low server FPS that is going for the Arma engine...

  6. I have plans on applying my new lights system to epoch and am currently moving light points serverside. Aside from loving the mod, it has a power generator :D

    Currently have house, street and illuminant tower lighting. Have been wanting a power generator requirement for ages and have a fair bit of work done already on implementing one.

    Any further suggestions please let me know. I will see what i can work in.

    Though, I see there are already lights in this mod and don't want to be treading on any toes so would like to chat to one of the mod developers about it before steaming ahead..

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