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    xBowBii reacted to raymix in Modular && Function based player_build.sqf   
    It's now added to Epoch RC

    Second concept: 
    Github - https://github.com/raymix/Modular_player_build
    Modular player_build Concept   Based on files from Dayz Epoch RC and imitates original file/folder structure   What is it? It is a redesigned *player_build* system created by @vbawol that still keeps the default functionality in general,  however the code concept is designed for maximum compatibility for future addons that uses *player_build*.   Why? There are many great mods out there that reuses whole *player_build.sqf* file. Thousands of servers out there are running customized file uploaded to MPMissions instead. Basically original file is not even used in-game, just as a reference (unless it's a vanilla server, which is rare). Many addons reuses this file only to change or add few variables and in most cases only rare few addons are compatible with each other.   How does it work? It's quite simple concept - player_build is simply split apart into multiple files and defined as functions. ..* Default player build is actually modularly built from collection of these functions ..* These functions can receive arguments and send arrays back to caller with handles ..* Fully change outcome of single function by sending it your own customized variables with a single line of code ..* You are not forced to use all functions, this way you can design a custom mod bypassing some unneeded functions (i.e admin build) ..* You can redesign your own functions and reuse *modular player_build* functions in any combination you want ..* This will save mission file sizes for custom addons since most of code is actually inside client files and controlled externally ..* Addon makers that will work together on this project will most likely have their projects fully compatible   Can I contribute code or help in any other way? Yes, you can! Also any testing and bug reports will help us big time.   Is this gonna be in official Dayz Epoch build? No idea, that would be awesome, if this concept works out, I'd say this mod should be almost a "must".   What else? If you have designed popular mod, but it has huge file size and it replaces player_build, there's a good chance it won't be accepted  as a part of official Dayz even if it would be an awesome toggle-able feature. However modular player_build allows for everyone to  reuse same files without ever changing them, thus giving ability to initiate their addon from a single file. If we all work together and create a centralized control file. This way your mod/addon could be added to Dayz-Epoch client files without ever changing any of default files that would cause incompatibility plus it will keep the mission file sizes low.  
    First concept:

  2. Like
    xBowBii reacted to fr1nk in is there a way to override the setting in the MOD pbo's?   
    As far as I know, it only removes them from veins as minable gems. Edit the following files, then copy them to your mission file.
    init.sqf   From: call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\compiles.sqf"; To: call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "[your folder layout]\compiles.sqf";   compiles.sqf   From: player_removeObject = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\remove.sqf"; To: player_removeObject = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "[your folder layout]\remove.sqf";   remove.sqf   From: if (_isMine) then { if((random 10) <= 4) then { _gems = ["ItemTopaz","ItemObsidian","ItemSapphire","ItemAmethyst","ItemEmerald","ItemCitrine","ItemRuby"]; _gem = _gems select (floor(random (count _gems))); _selectedRemoveOutput set [(count _selectedRemoveOutput),[_gem,1]]; }; }; To: if (_isMine) then { if((random 10) <= 4) then { _gems = ["ItemTopaz","ItemObsidian","ItemAmethyst","ItemEmerald","ItemCitrine"]; _gem = _gems select (floor(random (count _gems))); _selectedRemoveOutput set [(count _selectedRemoveOutput),[_gem,1]]; }; };   Re-pack PBO, upload, restart server.
  3. Like
    xBowBii reacted to vbawol in Strip Vehicle Ammo   
    That code on opendayz is far from correct.

    See this post I made a while back: 
    Here are some other static examples of how to remove ammo here:
  4. Like
    xBowBii reacted to insertcoins in LMAO   
  5. Like
    xBowBii reacted to Gr8 in LMAO   
    saw this in scripting help section. Notice the guy last replied, and the replied time

  6. Like
    xBowBii reacted to insertcoins in Help with my dedi box   
    this happens when you either:
    do not have a folder containing keys on the server
    are connecting with an outdated version of epoch
    run overpoch and have signature verification set to 2 or 1.
  7. Like
    xBowBii reacted to kat in Changing Bandit trader to Superhero trader   
    Yep, if adding a new trader, add:
    The 25000 is the humanity needed. So, _humanity < 25000 is hero and _humanity > -25000 is bandit.
    Also change the name for each custom trader.
    If just changing the already current traders just change the 5000 to what you want
  8. Like
    xBowBii reacted to MGT in Getting this strange error in RPT   
    IIRC it's zombies and loot piles being cleaned up.
  9. Like
    xBowBii reacted to AG.Ndogg97 in [REQUEST] Trader System Buy/Sell Quantity Changer   
    Oh my bad didn't see the suggestions sub forum I'll make sure to double check where I'm posting next time. And yea I think it would be a nice improvement!
  10. Like
    xBowBii reacted to fr1nk in How to sell items in bulk?   
    Using the above, yes. I believe it also limits any cinderblock sale to quantities of 10 (can't sell singles anymore - not 100% sure though). Alternatively, you could supplement the trade menu with a scroll menu for bulk sell options. This way, you have both sell methods available. I had bulk purchasing working on my old server...never got around to adding bulk sell, but I imagine it's not much different. Don't have access to my files right now, but I can post what I had when I get home. It's very simple, just a quick edit to server_traders.sqf
  11. Like
    xBowBii reacted to choppra in Traders for certain Uids?   
    _uid = getPlayerUID player;
    i assume you can use this to get the UID and then create and IF statement based on a list of them.
    It would be the same concept as getting humanity for bandit/hero/friendly traders.
  12. Like
    xBowBii reacted to Axle in Time Window   
    Sequisha vs those wanting to play.

  13. Like
    xBowBii reacted to MGT in DayZ Launcher   
    Tbh, i'd rather close MGT down than advise my players to use this launcher that actually makes Six look simple to use.
    1. Servers do not show up in the server listing by default, IIRC you have to register to get it to display
    2. It renames your client @DayZ_Epoch folder to @DayZ_Epoch1051
    3. Some mods are named incorrectly like Namalsk which is actually 0.75
    Steer well clear until it's a viable alternative.
    Edit: they do show up, it just takes a little while for it to happen.
  14. Like
    xBowBii reacted to asremix in [RELEASE] How to make Custom Player HUD By AsReMix   
    Thank for reply.
    For icon it can resize. Look this.
    <img size='0.8' image='addons\playerhud\icons\As_health.paa'/> %1 change 0.8 to 1 1.5 2.0 <img size='1' image='addons\playerhud\icons\As_health.paa'/> %1
  15. Like
    xBowBii reacted to fr1nk in A really not so smart Hacker ....   
    This is like leaving your wallet in your shoe at the beach because you think nobody is gonna look there  :lol:
  16. Like
    xBowBii reacted to Darihon in AI multiplies itself after restart   
    No, it's a seperate .sqf file called from my init.sqf. I'll give it a try, thanks in advace, Bow!
  17. Like
    xBowBii reacted to kat in Overpoch Config Trader Entries / Setup   
    ACR woodland camo:  
      Scoped Weapons:  
      Vehicles:   Police Vehicles:  
      Civ Vehicles:  
  18. Like
    xBowBii reacted to kat in Overpoch Config Trader Entries / Setup   
    MySQL Entries: GitHub : Config Trader Entries   Config Traders!    Setup:  
      Below i've included most if not all Overwatch weapons. Chop and change as you wish ^_^     Enjoy!   AK Variants:  
      G3 Variants:  
      Masada ACR:  
      SCAR Rifles:  
      ACR snow camo:  
      ACR black camo  
      ACR tan camo:  
  19. Like
    xBowBii reacted to Darihon in Vehicle on shore script   
    Oh, yeah, you're right! Thanks! That's what u get when u code a bit to fast :D Edited
  20. Like
    xBowBii reacted to Darihon in Vehicle on shore script   
    Something like this should work fine: http://pastebin.com/1J0eVdzd . 
    U need to make ur own locations on the shore and change the cars to ur likings. Not sure if it works, untested!
  21. Like
    xBowBii reacted to PryMary in How do you stop the editor from scrambling all your stuff?   
    that's about all you can do.
    1) don't place multiple items and then save (100% something will move)
    2) save after every item you place to minimize other objects moving (it's arma - it happens)
    3) for base / map editor related questions: http://epochmod.com/forum/index.php?/forum/38-epoch-custom-bases/ is the forum you should be posting in.
    4) this forum is for MOD's Only. Not Map's, Not Editor questions, Not epoch doesn't do this questions. MOD's and questions relating to said MOD's.
    Hope this clears things up. :)
  22. Like
    xBowBii reacted to ilganna in A3: Epoch DZMS   
    keep it simply A3EMS :)
  23. Like
    xBowBii reacted to primax in A3: Epoch DZMS   
    KMS - Kebab mission system
  24. Like
    xBowBii reacted to Fuchs in A3: Epoch DZMS   
    3MS :D
  25. Like
    xBowBii reacted to mudzereli in [Outdated] [release] 1.0.6 - Deploy Anything 2.8.2 - Now with Epoch building! | Customizable: DB saving | Plot | Vehicles/Buildings | Packing   
    Outdated, does not work with Epoch 1.0.7
    all of this information is available in an easier-to-read format on github pages>>
    version 2.8.2 updates the code to work with Epoch Mod 1.0.6. Thanks @ebaydayz!
    version 2.8.1 should hopefully fix the long-standing non-moving-bike problem! Thanks @SchwEde!
    FYI: 2.8.0 adds the _condition and _ammo parameters to the config array so you will need to add a value for these parameter in each record of the DZE_DEPLOYABLES_CONFIG array in the appropriate spot if you are upgrading from 2.6
    Out of the box, it adds a deployable bike with a right click action on a toolbox and a couple other neat deployables.
    Really, it can be used to deploy just about anything. See the configuration section below.
    For some samples of what it can do, check out this gallery on imgur
    download the files extract the addons and overwrites folder from the downloaded zip file into your mission file root find this line in your mission file init.sqf (warning: if you have a custom compiles file, find that line instead of the one below!) call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\compiles.sqf"; place this line directly after the line you found call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "addons\bike\init.sqf"; edit addons\bike\config.sqf to change some options or add different deployables (see configuration section for more info) Warning:
    due to the way the way arma handles numbers and the way addon is coded, using the save-to-database option may not allow you to re-pack some objects if you have Character ID's over 500,000 (which I don't think will be an issue for 99.99% of people).  
    Adding Your Own Custom Actions
    If you use another right click method like extra_rc.hpp and want to switch to my method, see my click actions configuration github page.
    The click actions script is included in the deploy script as part of the core, so you don't need to download anything, just follow the instructions for adding your own actions.
    * note: before attempting to troubleshoot issues with adding your own actions, make sure you are using the most recent version of the addon.
    This addon is highly configurable, you can deploy just about anything, not just bikes.
    open addons\bike\config.sqf and edit the array to add your own deployables.
    DZE_DEPLOYABLES_CONFIG format -- (note no comma after last array entry)
    DZE_DEPLOYABLES_CONFIG = [ [_clickItem,_deployOffset,_packDistance,_damageLimit,_packAny,_cargo,_hive,_plot,_simulation,_deployables,_near,_parts], [_clickItem,_deployOffset,_packDistance,_damageLimit,_packAny,_cargo,_hive,_plot,_simulation,_deployables,_near,_parts], [...more stuff here...] ]; DZE_DEPLOYABLES_CONFIG array values (view on github to read easier):
    parameter | description | type | example --------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------|--------|-------- _clickItem | class name of the item to click on | string | "ItemToolbox" _deployOffset | [_side,_front,_up] array to offset the deployable when buiding | array | [0,2,1] _packDistance | how close does the packer need to be to pack the object? | number | 5 _damageLimit | item can't be repacked if damage is > this. (-1 = no re-packing) | number | 0.1 _packAny | can anyone repack the deployable? | bool | false _cargo | clear the cargo of the deployable? | bool | false _ammo | should vehicle ammo be cleared? (does not persist through restart) | bool | true _hive | write deployable to database? | bool | false _plot | require a plot from the owner to build the deployable? | bool | false _simulation | enable simulation (movement/damage) for the object? (true for cars) | bool | true _road | enable road building for this object? | bool | true _deployables | array of class names that can be deployed with this method | array | ["MMT_Civ"] _near | array of items required nearby to build (workshop/fire/fueltank) | array | [] _parts | array of parts required to build (will be taken from player) | array | ["ItemToolbox"] _condition | string of code to evaluate to determine whether action is shown | string | "!(isNull player) && {(getPlayerUID player) in DZE_DEPLOYABLE_ADMINS}" DZE_DEPLOYABLE_NAME_MAP array -- allows you to rename the deployable (on the right click/messages)
    format (note no comma after last array entry)
    DZE_DEPLOYABLE_NAME_MAP = [ [_class,_name], [_class,_name], [... more ...] ];  array parameters
    parameter    | description                                                         |  type  | example --------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------|--------|-------- _class        | class name of the item you want to replace the name of              | string | "Notebook" _name         | new name to display when right clicking                             | string | "Macbook Pro" Change Log
    version | change --------|------- 2.8.2 | updates for 1.0.6! Thanks @ebaydayz! 2.8.1 | fix from SchwEde that should fix bike not moving. Thanks @SchwEde! 2.8.0 | option to clear vehicle ammo 2.7.1 | better exit reasons 2.7.0 | option to add condition for showing action in config 2.6.1 | fix for unrideable bikes 2.6.0 | road building options, deployable name mapping 2.5.1  | fix a bug where preview items would sometimes disappear  2.5.0  | now uses a modified epoch building system to deploy the objects  2.4.3  | better click actions build conflict detection  2.4.2  | updated for new click actions handler build  2.4.1  | fixed deployables spawning in locked after restart  2.4.0  | multi-part deployables. yay!  2.3.1  | big fix on packing temp objects  2.3.0  | optional saving to database with post-restart memory of deployed items (see warning below about this) | configurable damage limits on re-packing | admin list for packing/deploying instantly & being able to remove all deployables  2.2.1  | positioning fix for deployed items  2.2.0  | option for clearing cargo of spawned items  2.1.0  | change way dependency call is made, only one line needed in init.sqf now for setup  2.0.0  | major update, allow multiple deployables, pretty much any class  1.1.0  | configuration options / code optimization  1.0.0  | release Issues/FAQ
    1) people are getting kicked for createvehicle restriction when building a stone wall
    open your battleye filter createvehicle.txt and change this line
    5 "Fort_" !="Fort_RazorWire" !="Fort_RazorWirePreview" to this:
    5 "Fort_" !="Fort_RazorWire" !="Fort_RazorWirePreview" != "Fort_StoneWall_EP1" 2) I am using "A Plot For Life" and this is not working!
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