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Posts posted by BetterDeadThanZed

  1. 1 hour ago, rvg?! said:

    Epoch or Blackmarket trader? Havent played A2 so it would be nice if you could explain.

    I'm talking about A3 Epoch, not A2.

    2 hours ago, IReeceI said:

    You answered it really, Why dont you go to servers with 30+ players, or even max players ?  I have probably seen 4 Epoch servers with 40+ players, when there is over 40 exile servers with max players, and countless 20+ player servers

    My point was there are a hell of a lot more empty Exile servers than Epoch servers. I really doubt there are "over 40 exile servers with max players, and countless 20+ player servers". If you look at the player stats they show on their forums, there's usually roughly an average of 2 players for each server, usually a little under 2000 players online at any time for the roughly 1000 Exile servers.

  2. 44 minutes ago, IReeceI said:

    It was actually good you said that, And my posts stand " What I mean is, everytime I look, there is like 2 servers that are full, then about 10 servers with less than 20 players, " I posted that comment, 9th December 2015, and it still stands :( 

    40 or 50 empty Epoch servers or 980 empty Exile servers. Which is worse?

  3. 2 minutes ago, Sasha-ff said:

    so,what lacks Epoch mod ?




    The one thing that I don't like about Epoch, and I've posted about this before, is the trader categories. There needs to be a better way to sort everything. I do like Exile's trader interface. It lets you display only items that are compatible with your current weapon, plus it shows stats (Weapon specs, backpack size, etc). If the traders could be revamped, that would be a big plus for Epoch. 

  4. 19 minutes ago, 82ndAB_Bravo17 said:

    This is in a file called "# IMPORTANT - HC NOT CURRENTLY WORKING #.txt" that was in the last download that was available:-

    What more clarification is needed?

    At the time of the release of those files, headless clients were not working with Arma 3. BI has fixed that since those files were released.  As I've said, I used a HC with A3XAI, the Exile version of A3EAI, which was discontinued around the same time as A3EAI, and it worked just fine. That was under Arma 3 1.56. 

    Here's a wiki from less than 3 months ago from BI that tells how to use a headless client. Since this was published after the A3EAI files, I have to assume HC's work with Arma 3 now:


    There's also a feedback thread on BI's forums for the headless client. Reading through it indicated HC's do work with Arma 3: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/173767-dedicated-client-headless-client-feedback-dev-branch

    But again, this thread is about my HC not getting past the lobby. If it got past the lobby, we might see that A3EAI's HC functions aren't working, but it's not even getting that far.

  5. 51 minutes ago, 82ndAB_Bravo17 said:

    HC was broken in A3EAI just before it was cancelled, you would need to recode the HC code in the mission to get it to work.

    I've seen people claim that before but no one seems to be able to explain how it's "Broken". They just repeat what they read somewhere else. I think people remember when HC's in general were broken with Arma 3, but that was fixed. I had it working with A3XAI (The Exile version of A3EAI). Since the headless client never gets past the lobby in my current situation, I don't believe I'm even at the point where I could say if a headless client works with A3EAI because it never has a chance to interact with it. I can't believe no one is using an HC with A3EAI. There must be someone out there that can share their mission.sqm where it relates to the HC set up.

  6. 25 minutes ago, Robio said:

    Yes, I know. But the whole kick message is not needed.  But I'm guessing you are using infistar and he has:

    7 addItemCargo

    exemption ?


    Simply do "Epoch scripts text".

    7 addItems !="_WH addItemCargo"


    I'm not the one who needed help with the exception.

    The kick the person indicated is a script #18 kick, so the line I suggested went on line 20 of his script.txt file. I have no idea what line that is.

  7. 4 hours ago, IReeceI said:

    Its pretty much dead, hoping Epoch team come back once Dayz standalone releases fully, I keep searching Epoch servers, but there really is nothing :( Exile have taken the spot, And TBH rightly so, weekly updates and monthly adds, keeps players busy, If you find yourself wanting to play ArmA, Exile probably is best at this moment :( 

    awol releases updates several times a week. I can't even keep up with his updates. Also, his updates can be put on your server right away, unlike Exile, which you need to wait for the next release. Exile became too much of a "get rich quick - give me everything now" experience for me, which is why I came back to Epoch and it's also why I haven't added much to my server. 

  8. I should add that the HC window shows the HC connecting to the server:

    16:49:32 Dedicated client created.
    16:49:45 Client connected:
    16:49:46  > Player headlessclient connecting
    16:49:46  > headlessclient uses modified data file
    16:49:46  > Welcome to Esseker.
    16:49:48  > Player headlessclient connected

    *Edit* Looking at the rcon program, it looks like the HC isn't getting past the lobby.

  9. I am trying to set up a headless client for A3EAI, but I'm having an issue. The old instructions that I found for A3EAI say to create an entry like this in mission.sqm:

    class Item100
    class Vehicles
    class Item0
    player = "PLAY CDG";
    forceHeadlessClient = 1;

    However, with Arma 3 1.58 that format has changed. I tried this:

    		class Item105
    			dataType = "Logic";
    			class PositionInfo
    				position[] = {4819.748,131.01006,6460.171};
    			name = "HeadlessClient_F";
    			id = 0;
    			type = "Logic";
    			forceHeadlessClient = 1;

    The HC is connecting, but I'm not seeing anything in the log about it connecting. A3EAI is set to accept connections from an HC and I see this in the server log:

    16:42:19 "[A3EAI] A3EAI is now listening for headless client connection."

    The log for the HC isn't showing anything of interest: http://pastebin.com/9CY57CfG

    Any suggestions?

  10. 1 minute ago, mgm said:

    I'm in the same ship with sparrow (just installing arma 3 again now, for epoch). what's the latest - I can see some split between framework and "game mode". no idea about server populations but I noticed BDTZ decided to shutdown dedicated server (even though it's back now) I assume his server pop is down also? :(

    I believe there's roughly 80 Epoch servers left. My server's pretty low pop. I switched back to the dedicated box because Survival Servers just didn't live up to my expectations. I'm paying more, but I've got players that are helping with donations so it's worth it. The only thing I don't like about Epoch right now is the trader system. It needs more development. It needs better sorting. Other than that, I'm having fun with "mostly vanilla" gameplay. :)

  11. @Grahame Awol already resolved the issue with an update:

    16 hours ago, vbawol said:

    There is a bug that prevented the Raw food items to not spawn due to not having a price on the trader.  The reasoning is: since it has no price it makes you have to cook it before you can sell it.

    You should be able to get it working now with just adding a price like mentioned above. However I have changed for the next build to allow items without prices for the animal loots.  Commit: https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch/commit/8dcece490312b378fbbeda1db9ecec9cd0db1a13

    Here's the section of my CfgPricing.hpp with food:

    	// Food
    	class honey_epoch {price = 5;};
    	class FoodBioMeat {price = 4;};
    	class FoodMeeps {price = 50;};
    	class FoodSnooter {price = 5;};
    	class sardines_epoch {price = 2;};
    	class meatballs_epoch {price = 2;};
    	class scam_epoch {price = 4;};
    	class TacticalBacon {price = 5;};
    	class sweetcorn_epoch {price = 2;};
    	class CookedSheep_EPOCH {price = 5;};
    	class CookedGoat_EPOCH {price = 5;};
    	class SnakeMeat_EPOCH {price = 3;};
    	class CookedRabbit_EPOCH {price = 5;};
    	class CookedChicken_EPOCH {price = 3;};
    	class ItemTrout {price = 2;};
    	class ItemTroutCooked {price = 20;};
    	class ItemSeaBass {price = 5;};
    	class ItemSeaBassCooked {price = 50;};
    	class ItemTuna {price = 10;};
    	class ItemTunaCooked {price = 100;};

    Apparently Epoch doesn't come with uncooked meat in the pricing. I just noticed that the uncooked versions are not in there. I added in the cooked versions.

  12. On my server I added the _dam version of the buildings, using the same spawn points as the non-damaged versions, but on some of the buildings the coordinates are slightly off. Apparently the _dam versions are slightly shifted from their non-damaged counterparts. Any chance of having the _dam buildings added with the coordinates tweaked for the next version?

  13. 30 minutes ago, umfufu said:

    well in 440 legs from sheep and goat  few chicken carcasses

    But u have this in Cfgpricing.hpp ? (only there)

        class SheepCarcass_EPOCH {price = 5;};
        class CookedSheep_EPOCH {price = 30;};
        class GoatCarcass_EPOCH {price = 5;};
        class CookedGoat_EPOCH {price = 30;};
        class SnakeCarcass_EPOCH {price = 10;};
        class SnakeMeat_EPOCH {price = 50;};
        class RabbitCarcass_EPOCH {price = 5;};
        class CookedRabbit_EPOCH {price = 50;};
        class ChickenCarcass_EPOCH {price = 3;};
        class CookedChicken_EPOCH {price = 30;};
        class ItemTrout {price = 2;};
        class ItemTroutCooked {price = 20;};
        class ItemSeaBass {price = 5;};
        class ItemSeaBassCooked {price = 50;};
        class ItemTuna {price = 10;};
        class ItemTunaCooked {price = 100;};


    Yes, I added cooked versions with those classnames in that format.

  14. 1 minute ago, umfufu said:

    If u use Cos with 1.58 and the roaming/wandering  it might conflict with the roaming setting in the module from ryanzombies

    We only use cos as means to spawn in the zeds , so no problem with standingstill unless the setting in the module

    I'm not using COS. The zombies seem to wander a little better when they are spawned over a wider area. Still trying to work out issues with some of the spawners not spawning any zombies.

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