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Posts posted by KPABATOK

  1. Ok, so I think Epoch suffers the most from lack of survivability aspect even though it claims in description about "harsh enviroment", base mod is as peaceful as Disney Movie. It was the same with DayZ SA but they made a little bit of progress in current builds. So while server admins will do what server admins do (disable everything and make it easy peasy KOTH EXILE style arena PVP. Why not just use Exile mod for that?), what could be done by developers to differentiate Epoch mod from other mods (and maybe make it more like Breaking Point slightly) is this:


    1.) Food scarcity, by default (sure it can be edited, but I will only talk about base mod), animals spawn just fine. Kill them, get meat, make fire, cook. Cosy.

    2.) Deadlier antagonists (sure some of it will come in far future updates)

    3.) Diseases, radiation zones, some danger that can not be seen (we have radiation stats already, possibly will come in far future).

    4.) Visual impairment due to the factors above (I loved blurry vision in early DayZ SA builds, it made it so much more realistic and fun trying to navigate when you don't see shit after losing blood)

    5.) Removal of safezones. They are pointless and break immersion. Japanese server KongariBacon did it the best. Admin left only brown traders. Trading was dangerous. It should be.

    6.) Scarcity of all weapons and ammo above 6.5mm, scarcity of ghillie and wet suits (since they are not craftable like in DayZ SA, it could only be done artificially by making them spawn less, same with armour vests, helmets).

    7.) Making gas stations almost empty, and some completely empty at random. Mad Max style.

    8.) Vehicle should cost not 1000-2750 crypto, but 10 times more. Same with guns. Just make everything 10 times more expensive. Viper's server, while having only stupid Black Market traders, on the other hand did it very well by making i.e. VTOL planes cost several hundreds of thousands of crypto as far as I remember. Maybe a bit too extreme, but he understood the idea at least. Other vehicles were expensive too.

    9.) To be continued.













  2. Yes, in vanilla Arma 3, I have no argument here against. But this is Epoch and if Navids and even LRR can fit inside a backpack, smaller MXM should fit in too. Though I would also like if devs made all bigger sniper rifles not fit inside a backpack, for example, MXM, Cyrus, Mar10, Navid, SPMG, Lynx, LRR, what else, can't remember. Just a thought.

  3. Sappers are great, and cultists are amazing, especially when they spawn at night time (which is disabled on every server). They add a lot to the survival feeling. Unfortunately they are all disabled on most servers and we are left with KOTH style pvp only, where you do not have to worry about anything else, just other players. Saying "people do not like this and that" is not a good argument. I think it is the server owners who do not like Epoch antagonists are the real problem, not players.

  4. Fresh map and from what I have seen, very well done by amateur standards and even made me eager to play it with Epoch mod. Is someone hosting or planning to host Epoch with this map? It little bit reminds be Bornholm and that one didn't like my computer for some reason (low FPS while on Altis I get over 40).

  5. From what I have seen, they have very similar configs. Apart from Black Market traders plaguing most servers, the difference is almost non-existent. Only some servers get population, some just don't.

  6. Like always, been only 2-3 servers that get populated and most of the others are empty or have 2-3 people playing at random times. Such is the demand, I suppose. Without quick updates and improvements, mods always gonna receive at least some decline in players playing it. There hasn't been essential update for a long time in Epoch, and I mean here snap building which was introduced in 1800s and new GUI. :D

  7. Z2OFdEV.jpg


    Not the best example (as status bar is blocking it) but it is obviously pain in the ass to read player names even when they are standing still. The letters disappear very quickly if you move your mouse slightly and it is always at the lowest bottom, not center or top. Also blue colour doesn't make it easier either. Maybe some other shade, now it is just too transparent.

  8. But shoe boxes always were pain in the ass to loot. Do not know if it is because of their size or something else. Yes, you have to be on top of them to loot, but sometimes they are too close to a wall it is not possible to get on top. Or sometimes they are on a windowsill (one guard building in Tanoa), how are we supposed to get on top of that. And newbies have no idea about such trick either. 

    The cabinet furniture is interesting case, I would also like to know what's the deal with it, since it is much bigger than shoebox yet looting sometimes impossible.

  9. Rarely you can find a server where claiming the base is allowed these days... oh the good old days of true anarchy in Epoch. Now it is all bambi mode, indestructable bases, no vehicle attack, no nothing. I would like to know the glitched area, How can it destroy a jammer? I used to glitch jammer inside the rocks on Altis (only tiny bit visible so that I could maintain it), of course, that is not fair play, so I stopped doing it. But taking over bases is fun as long as everybody plays fair (aka no satchel duping which is very easy to do) and no glitching through gates (which even I can do).


  10. Yeah Edict mod :D wanna try it but downloading all the stupid mods so that I could play it would take me a WEEK literally. And Chernarus is boring.

    Actually I was considering Exile for a while but then remembered their idiotic UI and other stuff that annoyed me, decided not to. I guess my problem is what people hosting servers do: they change stuff too much from intentional (aka survivalist) game. For instance, one of the most noticeable features of Epoch to me always been sappers, yet I can hardly find any server with sappers in it. All disabled.

  11. On 12/16/2016 at 2:11 AM, redheart said:

    We're currently playing on the Altis map and I was wondering if anybody knows where copters like to spawn? We checked the hangers at the airport and found a huey-alike in one but we're trying to get a cargo chopper to help ferry stuff and people around. Did we just get bad luck and need to keep checking in every day? Or are there other places they spawn? 

    find a heli, fly around - find the remaining vehicles. It's that simple!



  12. Agree 100 percent with OP. There are simply no vanilla servers left. Those that are are always empty, not even admins playing. Black market sucks, vehicle locks for longer than hour suck too (unless they are in base for example so the jammer can "protect" them longer). AI suck too, since it is worse than playing against cheaters and I always preffered real people instead of bots trying to kill me. Epoch is not PVE. And most servers have sappers and/or drones disabled...

    Oh and the rules...Take for example Todessestern Server rules, not gonna mention (all of it), but they have the most retarded rules I have ever seen on PVP server. Still played there for a while because it was the only populated server without BM bullshit traders and helpful admins who also did not interfere with other people playing. But rules made me rethink it and stop playing Epoch at all.

    And to be honest, there is nothing that can save this mod except people who could change their mentality from "easy game" into "survival". And that does not mean roaming AI or zombies, but actual scarcity of things, no safezones, no indestructable base parts, no 7 day vehicle locks etc. But that's not happening. While there is nothing wrong with developers, there are 99 problems with people creating shitty servers.

  13. " So with DayZ SA mods, getting closer and closer, " - not even an inch a year. That game is permanently stuck in alpha. :D

    In my opinion, while I have not played Arma 2 epoch, I think many people just feel nostalgia for it and my suggestion would be just to go and play that mod since it is still alive and kicking. Seriously, I see no reason to reinvent the wheel when the original is still there.  The biggest factor is the map of Chernarus, people just love it, and so I think to most it is the hardest thing of migrating to A3Epoch is the map. But even that can be changed, however, then those people begin to see that Chernarus kinda aged a bit and not so fun anymore and they demand Chernarus+.

    I would love to see all the best features of A2Epoch eventually making their way to A3Epoch. But since I am not A2 player, I have very little understanding of what those features are. I know safe is for sure :D


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