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Posts posted by DaveA

  1. Nancy one of the hardest things in any game where there is a character death is for the devs to balance the mechanic(punishment) for death. Make it too easy and it gets boring quicker for some people, make it too hard and others find it a waste of time. Getting it just right for the target audience is what makes a good game. That being said there are many servers out there with many different set ups that can and do make it easier or harder to get around the map. The basic map is just that basic.. it is left that way for people to mod their servers in a way they and the people they want to attract like to play. Adding every city to the spawn selection would really add unnecessary size to the original download. However if someone wanted to they could add them in and you could download their mission files to play on that server. Just searching for "spawn script" without the quotes gave me this as the first answer  http://epochmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/34896-custom-spawn-dialog-with-gear-halo-selection-moving-map-credits-custom-spawns-and-more/&page=1 

    Putting you in the city can be done but usually it is set from a marker with a radius of several hundred meters so it is easier for the game to find a safe entry spot (i.e. not in the middle of a wall or tree). I haven't tried the above link so I don't know what the options are but you could look for custom spawn with the launcher's search feature.

    It does sound like you need new friends if they take all the loot and don't include you. If it is a pvp server you could always just kill them and take their stuff, of course they may not want to be friends afterwards.

    Everyone has different time constraints on them so things that take time with no reward such as moving to and from the fun stuff. Others like me view that getting there is also part of the challenge. Make it too easy and I don't enjoy it as much. Again this comes to balance and I think the mods have done a good job here with death as they have left it open for us to choose what we would want instead of dictating it. If you want to stay on your current server but would like changes you would need to talk with whoever runs that server. They may like your ideas or they may not but that is really where you would need to start the spawn selection idea. 




  2. I was wondering when you launch the game from dayzlauncher how you are doing it? I know it sounds silly but are you doing it from the front server page and hitting the arrow to start it? Or are you manually doing it from the advanced page and then using your remote to login in to your server? You don't need the -mod=@dayzoverwatch;@dayz_epoch1051; parameters in the additional parameters to launch the game. Not sure you are doing this it just kinda reads that way in the first post.

  3. Thank you ElDubya!

    It runs on my Nitrado Server.


    One problem I have,

    has someone to get a debug monitor installed?

    I test 3-4 versions but no funktion.

    Greets Friendly-Ralph

    Look here http://epochmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/973-custom-debug-monitor/   


    I use the Madhatter05 version with some slight changes to make it like I wanted it.

    Be sure to have a line in your init.sqf correctly pointing to where have saved your file such as [] execVM "custom_monitor.sqf"; // I ahve mine in the same location as the init.sqf file.

  4. @Bricktop 

    Well the easy way would be to edit the init.sqf to change the zombie, vehicle and animal spawn counts. A more detail way for the zombies and vehicles would be to edit the files where they are generated at. And you would still need to edit the init.sqf also. 

    When you open up your init.sqf you'll need to look for these lines

    MaxVehicleLimit = 500; // Default = 50 change this to what you want for vehicle spawns.

    dayz_maxLocalZombies = 30;
    dayz_maxGlobalZombiesInit = 60;  // Change these for changes to max zombies
    dayz_maxZeds = 200;

    dayz_maxAnimals = 5; // Default: 8 And this one for animals.

    DZE_PlayerZed = false; // change this to true to make them have a chance to spawn back in as zombies

    These are all in the files supplied by Eldubya tho I think I may have changed some of the original values.


    For the more difficult stuff you'll need to find the files that define the numbers of zombies spawning from buildings and wrecks. ElDubya used these files for the custom loot spawns. (Just realized I have already changed some of these so had to redownload the originals)

    Under the client stuff path is \custom\loot\ and the two files to look at are CfgBuildLoot.hpp and CfgLootPos.hpp and look for lines similar to this

    class Land_A_MunicipalOffice: Residential {

        zombieChance = 0.4;
        minRoaming = 3;
        maxRoaming = 9;
        zombieClass[] = {"z_soldier","z_soldier_heavy","z_policeman"};
        lootChance = 0.4;
        lootPos[] = {{-4.66113,-6.27173,-18.429},{3.31641,-5.77417,-18.429},{-0.20752,-6.48682,-18.429},{-9.72412,-4.88745,-3.78903},{-9.57813,3.55615,-3.78903},{-7.16797,11.0737,-3.78903},{5.07422,11.1838,-3.78903},{9.3208,5.38623,-3.78903},{9.65332,-4.82056,-3.78903},{3.23535,-0.105957,-0.169027},{4.85205,-3.69019,-0.169027},{-0.80127,-7.89087,-0.169027},{-4.4082,-4.91772,-0.169027},{-4.90771,-2.23169,-0.169027}};
        lootPosZombie[] = {{-3.04883,-6.00903,-17.554},{2.26807,-6.87524,-17.554},{0.310059,10.1396,-17.5491},{-0.589355,10.1394,-17.5491}};
        lootPosSmall[] = {{4.34521,-8.81567,-18.439},{-1.06787,-5.11499,-18.439},{1.3291,9.86938,-18.4413},{-1.54395,9.90649,-18.4353}};

    Change the zombie chance to what you  would like.  I believe 1.0 = 100%

    Change the min or max to numbers you would like that type of vehicle(building) to spawn.

    Next to really make a well planned changed to the vehicles you  may want to edit your dynamic_vehicle.sqf in your server mission files. You can trim down the numbers of each type of vehicle in order to get a better selection of the vehicles that you want.  That will require unpacking and repacking the mission pbo.

    Changing the ai also will require changes to the mission pbo. You can find this in the wai folder under static. the file named groundunit.sqf are the ai in sector B and on the other island. The one called wall.sqf is for the ai on the walls in sector b, the mayor and a couple of other units thrown in there(static machinegun and a heli patrol)

    If you run in to trouble with these just post back and we'll walk thru them a bit more detail if you need.







  5. I jumped on my server a bit ago to try and see if my full walls were able to be deleted and they are,. So I ran Diffmerge on the one I am using fn_selfactions and yours.  You are using a plot for life and my server is using the plot management still sortingout the differences. I'll post back when I find something. Just a small pause tho to watch Fear the Walking Dead.


    Ok, it's over now could you post your variables.sqf?

  6.       I am not the greatest at this yet but I want to give it a shot otherwise I'll never get better. Looking at what you posted I think you'l need to find out where one or more variables and see what all is in them and add what is missing. lol my quote went on the wrong section.


                    if(_isDestructable or _isWreck or _isRemovable or _isWreckBuilding or _isModularItem or _isUnlockedDoor) then { //_isModularItem && _isUnlockedDoor Custom Script
                    if(_hasToolbox && "ItemCrowbar" in _itemsPlayer) then {
                                    _player_deleteBuild = true;
                    //Allow owners to delete modulars
                    if(_isModular && (_playerUID == _ownerID)) then {
                if(_hasToolbox && "ItemCrowbar" in _itemsPlayer) then {
                                    // diag_log text "fn_selfactions remove: [can remove modular item]";
                    _player_deleteBuild = true;
                    //Allow owners to delete modular doors without locks
                    if(_isModularDoor && (_playerUID == _ownerID)) then {
                if(_hasToolbox && "ItemCrowbar" in _itemsPlayer) then {
                                    _player_deleteBuild = true;

            _isModularItem is defined in this as  _isModularItem = _cursorTarget isKindOf "ModularItems" or _cursorTarget isKindOf "Land_DZE_WoodDoor_Base" or _cursorTarget isKindOf "CinderWallDoor_DZ_Base"; //Custom Script

    but this _isModular = _cursorTarget isKindOf "ModularItems"; isn't defined on this page and I think once you find it the ones you are wanting to delete probably aren't listed there. 

  7. My guess would be that you are using the  Taviana 2.0 (or older) map and not the Origins version of the map. You'll need to load the Origins version to your server. Either 1.7.9 or It may require more work than that to get it going tho as I haven't started from scratch with that map.

  8. Hmm 8 gb sounds way to big they should all be uploaded seperately, and they don't need to be packed into a pbo as far as I know except the dayz_server folder that goes in the addons folder under (well in my case) @Dayz_epoch_server. It may be different with your host tho. I believe they are less than 3gb each and your provider may or may not load them for you. I would ask if they can install the mods if you aren't able to upload that much.

  9. ok I am not familar with their set up but you should be either able to click on the mods you want to run or put in a ticket for which ones you need them to install. You need dayz epoch, Overwatch 0.2.5, and Origins, and then the dayz_epoch_server stuff provided by eldubya.  Once these are installed to the root of the server then the fun stuff can begin.

  10. Actually if you have ElDubya's files you have everything you need already and probably just have done something wrong along the way if it isn't working. What it means by the files missing is that you have to place those in the root section of your server and you can get those online.They need to be placed in folders that look like @<insert_mod_name/foldername> example @dayz_origins or @dayz_origins_1795. There are many tutorials right here on this website that you can use to help. Stickied right in this section you posted is how to set up a server from scratch and how to troubleshoot most client side problems.  If you plan on renting a server it is as easy as contacting a server host company and letting them know what you want they set all(or most) of  the stuff up for you. I ran into trouble trying to set up ElDubya's files originally, put a ticket in for help with the server company I am with, and they found the problem which wasn't related to his files, they fixed the problem and they just went ahead and installed the stuff for me.(Vert Hosting btw awesome job always in my experience) 


    If you are just starting out you'll need to get better at searching either this site or internet as most of the stuff you asked has been answered before. I don't mean this in a bad way I am talking about refining your search to get what you need. I know it has many times helped me out.

    The load thing has to be correct on both ends as the files with the same names will overwrite one another as the mod gets loaded into memory.

    You'll need to post a server report and possible a client report in order for people to give you more detailed help on a particular problem.

    (Edit) I am willing to help thru this thread but my knowledge is just barely above beginning as I use search tools to find most of my answers yet.




    When it spawns like this you can only pick up one thing at a time too even tho on screen everything is visible. The extra loot is quite nice and in my experience usually made up of building supplies.

    Well I had two quotes from above and they don't seem to be showing up. One was from Antichrist and the other was from BetterDeadThanZed.

  12. I knew I should have waited to get awake better before posting hehe. I didn't fully explain. I set up a Namalisk server awhile  ago just using the generic loot positions and the the building had loot in it. I don't have a copy of that file to compare tho as I needed the hard drive space. But I remember the building and I did find loot in it at the time. So either those numbers do work or they have been changed in the last 6 months.

  13. Looks like your missing a closing bracket (Edit) and semicolon when I compare it to the master on Github. Unless you just didn't copy that closing one.


    class land_dlouhy1: Residential {
        lootPos[] = {{-6.40918,-0.21875,-9.60495},{-12.395,2.47559,-9.60091},{1.38428,3.15332,-9.61021},{1.91748,8.89746,-9.61057},{-6.90918,8.53027,-9.60461},{-12.3315,8.00195,-9.60096},{-17.9946,9.73926,-9.59713},{-9.91797,5.16699,-9.60259},{6.95801,9.37988,-9.61397},{4.39404,7.64941,-9.61224},{5.43994,9.80469,-5.09157},{0.418457,-0.611328,-5.09031},{-5.27051,7.41895,-5.08631},{2.20361,8.79004,-5.09157},{-8.93848,6.08301,-5.08698},{-9.49854,11.3086,-5.08437},{9.38232,1.54199,-5.09157},{8.95361,9.74707,-5.09157},{11.436,11.4756,-5.08435}};

  14. DZE_R3F_WEIGHT = false;  This is the line that should change it to being off. Mine is listed further down the list with the variables tho, but I don't know if that should make a difference. Maybe post your client report it may show a problem there with it.

  15. You can pretty much put it anywhere you want you just have to have the call for the mod pointing correctly. It looks like the most sensible place to put it with what you have right now would be in the epochmods folder. Then just change the call out in the instructions from what is shown to your location. Same goes for your custom compiles. Here is an example with the compiles.sqf located in \custom\fixes and the snap_pro in \custom\snap_pro


    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\medical\setup_functions_med.sqf";    //Functions used by CLIENT for medical
    progressLoadingScreen 0.4;
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\fixes\compiles.sqf";    // this part goes in your mission init.sqf


    In your compiles.sqf

    player_build =                compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\snap_pro\player_build.sqf";

    snap_build =                     compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\snap_pro\snap_build.sqf";
        dayz_spaceInterrupt =            compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\snap_pro\dayz_spaceInterrupt.sqf";


  16. Signatures are now fixed, all old settings apply, nothing was removed :)


    Jquery might sort that, Awol knows so it will be fixed and made easier on the eyes.

    Looking forward to it then.

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