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  1. Like
    DruidRaven reacted to Ganja in Boo!!   
    Nice, Wonder if they would make a "Swamp-Thing" Diving mask
  2. Like
    DruidRaven reacted to RC_Robio in Boo!!   
    Thanks to all the DEV's for another great update!! Happy Halloween!!
  3. Like
    DruidRaven reacted to DasWarlock in What's up with Mells Server?   
    http://mellyshouse.enjin.com/home for server updates on mells house
  4. Like
    DruidRaven reacted to CrazyMike in Come Test a 100 person server!!   
    Calling all testers!!
    We need as many as possible to come on over to Mell's House Server and fill it up! This is a test to see how Epoch handles with that many people. So please tell your friends, bring your family and jump in. 
    Mell's House is completely Vanilla and ran by the Devs. Read more about Mells House

    Please report any server problems in this thread. That way we have a one stop shop of seeing the issues. 
  5. Like
    DruidRaven reacted to digdoug in Vehicle repair parts   
    if i remember correctly you'll need a large scrap metal to use with it. 3 small scrap metals make one large.
  6. Like
    DruidRaven reacted to Bobroglaz in A little help goes along way.   
  7. Like
    DruidRaven reacted to HellbillyChaz in ArmA 3 Legacy version 1.30   
    "Frankly, it does also look suspicious seeing as you have one post "
    I can assure you Cj is far from suspicious and im sure everyone in the community that knows him (which is alot of people!) will confirm this
  8. Like
    DruidRaven reacted to Shadow Moses in Dying for new content   
    Like this hasn't been posted before. If you would learn to use the search button you will see that the Dev team has responded to this question already. 
  9. Like
    DruidRaven reacted to fr1nk in Dying for new content   
    Axle spilled beer all over the development server and it melted. 
  10. Like
    DruidRaven reacted to CJtheRocker in ArmA 3 Legacy version 1.30   
    I play on Mells House... which is official. Why would I be posting it if I played unofficial, seems a bit dumb.
  11. Like
    DruidRaven reacted to donelehon in What to do?   
    Ofc there is still some lack of content, but games like this where always about one thing: Create your own missions!
    Did you explore the whole island? Have u setup a tepee somewhere? Whats going on on the island?
    What are the marked shipwrecks? What happens at the epicenter? Where the fuck do I find a hatchet or a chainsaw?
    Dunno, didnt get bored yet in the game.
  12. Like
    DruidRaven reacted to ToejaM in need new patch for arma 3 update?   
    Several of us have already updated.. I was actually sat at my PC when my Arma 3 decided to autoupdate luckily :-)
  13. Like
    DruidRaven reacted to ToejaM in Steam update problems   
    Weve updated.
  14. Like
    DruidRaven reacted to MGT in Steam update problems   
    We can only hope!
  15. Like
    DruidRaven reacted to axeman in DayZed and Confused about A3 Epoch   
    When you spawn head for the houses, small towns, large towns and start exploring.
    On a busy server don't follow the crowd and you're likely to fund more loot.
    Use the T key to trash loot piles, try it out on different objects, you will see when they collapse.
    The loot is there, we're just not putting big signs or scroll wheel options on everything in this brave new world.
    Loot is being worked on, along with everything else. Follow those points though and you will soon be experiencing Epoch. 
    Thanks for the feedback.
  16. Like
    DruidRaven reacted to vbawol in "No War", I thought this meant what it says?...   
    There is a bullet/explosion shield at the main trader cities, however it does not cover the bay in Neochori. It should protect that area so we will be fixing this in the next patch.
  17. Like
    DruidRaven reacted to CoreyRo in Some ideas for Antagonists, NPCs, Build Items....   
    Just tossing these out there...

    Build Items
    Home Brew Station - collect stuff to make brews with better stamina trade-off with lower hydration, some high stamina low hydration beer causes a stuper effect (hazy vision, swaying aiming, disables chat/von lol) for a few mins or the duration of the stamina boost. Well - different items used together to craft a derrick and drill, certain chances to break drill needing to craft another. After a long timer (and use of player energy to operate) and a lot of noise drawing attention to you, you can then use more material to craft a well, hand crank 1st stage, motorized 2nd (uses player energy to operate)  Shower - Emergency pull type, used to clear all soiled level, drops player temp, adds a significant wet level. Needs a stage 2 well within frequency jammer. Fireplace - add materials to existing firepit to create fireplace, near instant prefect player temp, requires constant feed of wood logs every 2min or quicker. Incentive to upgrade is that firepits would cause significant soil level Electric fence - requires energy/lots and lots of material per section, destroyable only by explosives or vehicle impact (rendering vehicle inoperable, emp style, unfixable) , kills players on contact.  
    Aggressive High Damage
    Bears - Self explanatory, bears are terrifying  The two kids from The Shining - They appear all creepy like, at night super close to you, make creepy sounds (kids crying, high pitch screams and wicked sketchy music), proximity to sounds causes player to start bleeding severely, screen turns red hue, overwhelm with creepy sounds/music, randomly inverts and reverts controls until the antagonist is destroyed. (cross between the witch from Left for Dead and, the little girls from The Shining) Hell Hound - dogs are already OP and one hit you. Once that is fixed, there could be a 2 headed black cugo-like hell hound that spawns in a blast of smoke and flames, wicked crazy snarling and barking, super high HP, one hits you and you're dead Leatherface - Hulking deformed antagonist in bloody butchers apron, and skin or hockey mask charges you with a chainsaw, Full sprint, SUPER high HP. Would be awesome if it played Slayer - Deadskin Mask in the background lol And what else... hmm.....Fuck it, Velociraptors - they wreck you, corpse is unlootable  
    Passive Low or No Damage
    Pickpocket Player - Action button on player "T" allows a pickpocket attempt with predetermined chance to succeed. Failure causes player to pass out Sepsis - Gunshot wounds left untreated lead to sepsis, raising blood pressure and increasing toxicity. Dysentery - untreated water has a chance to cause dysentery, raising blood pressure, soiled level, and draining hydration level rapidly. EMP Grenade - instantly disables ground vehicles (repairable), instantly drains player energy, GPS,NVGs, and Range Finders disappear from inventory knocks out all advanced optics (NVG Scope, ACOG, ARCO, RCO, etc...) Weapon Jams - item gun oil used to maintain weapons NPC
    Bandit Ambush - several unarmed bandits spawn and charge you at full sprint, within a certain proximity player becomes tied up and your crypto/primary/high value items/tools (random draw) is taken Gamble Traders - don't know how impossible it would be to develop a blackjack, roulette, or hold-em type trader. It would be pretty sick tho. Doctors - for relatively high crypto perform procedures to fix dysentery, sepsis, broken limbs, or other ailments  
    Turned out to be a bigger and most likely impossible list. But I was bored. There you go
  18. Like
    DruidRaven reacted to vbawol in Need BitTorrent seeders for A3 Epoch   
    How to add RSS feed on uTorrent/Bit Torrent:
    Right click on "Feeds" click "add RSS feed" and input:
    http://epochmod.com/mirrors.xml Under "Epoch Launcher Torrents" feed, simply right click on the current version and download.
  19. Like
    DruidRaven reacted to vbawol in Need BitTorrent seeders for A3 Epoch   
    Please help us reduce our costs by seeding our releases.

    Latest version torrent RSS:
    http://epochmod.com/mirrors.xml direct torrent
  20. Like
    DruidRaven reacted to PryMary in Perks for donating..   
    +1 for this... CCG are the worst for it. Practically have to hand your wallet over to them to get anywhere in their servers. Hence why I actively boycott them when my friends play on their servers ;-)
    Not only is it completely against BI's license but it is also against Epoch MOD's T&C's.
    This is not Origins and the dev's are not led by kingcunt, so if you run an Epoch MOD (DayZ(Arma 2) or ArmA 3) then get rid of your pay2win shit it's not welcome, if you can't afford to run a server without it then you need to either shutdown or get your playerbase to donate just to keep the server alive it's that simple.
  21. Like
    DruidRaven reacted to RIE_JACKTE(new) in Epoch Videos   
    got a 1.3 km double kill on a lateraly moving suv and encountered axle the earth quake god of falling stairs

  22. Like
    DruidRaven reacted to wingtip in Epoch Videos   
    Here is my pos video

    be sure to watch the HIGH DEF VERSION
  23. Like
    DruidRaven reacted to Richie in PSA! White Trash Hicks server   
    With the name 'white trash hicks' what do people expect ?
    Official servers are listed Here
  24. Like
    DruidRaven reacted to DogeTheBountyHunter in PSA! White Trash Hicks server   
    These servers are owned and ran by hackers.  They also claim to be part of the group of hackers that tried to extort the Epoch devs for the server files.  Please stay far far away from these servers.   They are the reason why we can no longer can play on the official servers.
  25. Like
    DruidRaven reacted to Shadow Moses in PSA: Playing on unofficial servers. READ THIS!   
    I have been reading forums post and a lot of people are reporting bugs and glitches and the are playing on unofficial servers. If you are playing on an unofficial server don't come to these forums and report bugs or complain that something isn't working. The unofficial servers are just that unofficial. The Dev team and the Host Admins have no control over those servers. The are unofficial because they stole the files in one way or the other. So they are missing parts of the mod. So when you play on an unofficial server and then come here and complain or report a bug you are not actually helping. If you don't know what are the official servers then look at the freaking list. Here is the list http://epochmod.com/servers.php
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