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    ElDubya reacted to axeman in Player action triggering WAI mission   
    Take a look at event handlers https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA_2:_Event_Handlers
    While you are there have a search for createTrigger.  
  2. Like
    ElDubya reacted to SchwEde in Player action triggering WAI mission   
    good to see a dev helping :)
  3. Like
    ElDubya reacted to SchwEde in Origins/Overpochins   
    found something interesting:https://github.com/MajorPainage/Origins1.7.1
    maybe someone who has the time and skill can grab some scripts from  there and make them public for other epoch admins :)
    seems like there is almost everything in there from origins, just needs to be pulled out ;)
  4. Like
    ElDubya reacted to Stollenwerk in Moving an icon   
    I'm so....
    I don't have to wonder that nothing happened, adjusting the variables in ZSChud.hpp when using my RcsTitles.hpp instead where I have the hud defined, LOL
  5. Like
    ElDubya reacted to Richie in [HELP] Lost ZSC money from safe/lockbox   
    Alexis, you owe me a new mouse wheel :p spoiler tags are there for a reason
  6. Like
    ElDubya got a reaction from SchwEde in [HELP] Lost ZSC money from safe/lockbox   
    You have a problem with your installation of SC3.0. Especially if you wiped the server and started fresh. You haven't followed the instructions properly. Are there any RPT errors, either server or client side?
    EDIT : SchwEde ninja'ed me :)
  7. Like
    ElDubya got a reaction from SchwEde in Moving an icon   
    Sorry for not relying sooner Stollenwerk, I have been having massive dramas with being able to reply to any threads on here for some reason?
    Anyway, all I did was change the x and y position in ZSCHud.hpp : 
    class ZSC_Money_Display { idd = -1; fadeout=0; fadein=0; duration = 20; name= "ZSC_Money_Display"; onLoad = "uiNamespace setVariable ['ZSC_Money_Display', _this select 0]"; class controlsBackground { class ZSC_Status { idc = 4900; type = 13; size = 0.040; x = safezoneX + (safezoneW -0.35); y = safezoneY + 0.40 * safezoneW; w = 0.35; h = 0.20; colorText[] = {1,1,1,1}; lineSpacing = 3; colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,0}; text = ""; style = 0x02; shadow = 2; font = "Zeppelin32"; sizeEx = 0.023; class Attributes { align = "right"; }; }; }; }; Specifically these two lines : 
    x = safezoneX + (safezoneW -0.35); y = safezoneY + 0.40 * safezoneW; Change the -0.35 for X
    Change the 0.40 for Y
    I just played around with those two values until I got the coin icon where I wanted it.  
  8. Like
    ElDubya got a reaction from Insanityplea88 in Question about making a test server   
    Agreed, Nox's video is the most concise and easy to follow guide on setting up a server for the first timer. I have a PC at home (apart from the one I play on) that has 2 SSD's in it, one for each server instance I test for. I make changes to that, then if after testing it all works flawlessly, I upload the changes to my live servers. Makes life a LOT easier ....
  9. Like
    ElDubya got a reaction from SchwEde in help needed Enhanced Spawn Selection   
    Once again, you have pasted things into that file twice :)
    If you are running Epoch, you need to find this block in your server_PlayerSetup.sqf :  
    if (_randomSpot) then { private["_counter","_position","_isNear","_isZero","_mkr"]; if (!isDedicated) then { endLoadingScreen; }; //Spawn modify via mission init.sqf if(isnil "spawnArea") then { spawnArea = 1500; }; if(isnil "spawnShoremode") then { spawnShoremode = 1; }; // _spawnMC = actualSpawnMarkerCount; //spawn into random _findSpot = true; _mkr = ""; while {_findSpot} do { _counter = 0; while {_counter < 20 && _findSpot} do { // switched to floor _mkr = "spawn" + str(floor(random _spawnMC)); _position = ([(getMarkerPos _mkr),0,spawnArea,10,0,2000,spawnShoremode] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos); _isNear = count (_position nearEntities ["Man",100]) == 0; _isZero = ((_position select 0) == 0) && ((_position select 1) == 0); //Island Check //TeeChange _pos = _position; _isIsland = false; //Can be set to true during the Check for [{_w=0},{_w<=150},{_w=_w+2}] do { _pos = [(_pos select 0),((_pos select 1) + _w),(_pos select 2)]; if(surfaceisWater _pos) exitWith { _isIsland = true; }; }; if ((_isNear && !_isZero) || _isIsland) then {_findSpot = false}; _counter = _counter + 1; }; }; _isZero = ((_position select 0) == 0) && ((_position select 1) == 0); _position = [_position select 0,_position select 1,0]; if (!_isZero) then { //_playerObj setPosATL _position; _worldspace = [0,_position]; }; }; and replace it ALL with this : 
    if (_randomSpot) then { if (!isDedicated) then {endLoadingScreen;}; _debug = getMarkerpos "respawn_west"; _worldspace = [0,[_debug select 0,_debug select 1,0.3]]; };
  10. Like
    ElDubya reacted to SchwEde in Schwede's improved Flashlighst   
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Schwede's improved Flashlighst <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
    What it does?
    It simply add a bit more light to your surrounding so flashlights are more effective then they are by default.

    How it works:
    This Scripts is completly local and is not visible by other players, since the light of the flashlight should be enough attraction for them.
    How to install
    You need to make changes in:
    first we make our new file called: flashlight.sqf
    and paste this in there and place it somewhere you like:
    /** Schwedes Flashlight improvement **/ Private ["_num","_light","_type"]; _type = _this select 0; switch (_type) do { case 0: { _light = "#lightpoint" createVehicleLocal (getPosATL player); _light setLightBrightness 0.01; systemChat format['currentWeapon player: %1',(currentWeapon player)]; if ((currentWeapon player) == "MeleeFlashlightRed") then { _light setLightColor [0.5,0,0]; _light setLightAmbient [0.2,0.01,0.01]; } else { _light setLightAmbient[.9, .9, .6]; _light setLightColor[.9, .9, .6]; }; _light lightAttachObject [player, [0.1,2,0.5]]; }; case 1: { player action ["GunLightOff", player]; _light = nearestObject [player, "#lightpoint"]; deleteVehicle _light; Schwede_flashlicht = false; }; }; Next we create another file called and place it somewhere you like: lightcheck.sqf
    and paste this in there:
    /** Schwedes Flashlight improvement Light Check **/ Private ["_light"]; waitUntil {!isNull (findDisplay 46)}; //making sure player is spawned while {true} do { waitUntil {Schwede_flashlicht}; if !((currentWeapon player) in Schwede_FlashlightWeapons) then { player action ["GunLightOff", player]; _light = nearestObject [player, "#lightpoint"]; deleteVehicle _light; Schwede_flashlicht = false; }; sleep 0.1; }; Time to make this thing to work:
    search for
    // DayZ Epoch Client only variables and add right after:
    if(isNil "Schwedes_flashlicht") then { Schwedes_flashlicht = false; }; search for 
    if(!isDedicated) then { and place this somewhere in this area:
    Schwede_FlashlightWeapons = ["M4A3_CCO_EP1","SCAR_L_CQC_Holo","SCAR_H_CQC_CCO","MeleeFlashlight","MeleeFlashlightRed"]; //This array wants to be filled with weapons with flashlights compiles.sqf
    add this

    Schwedes_flashlight = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "PathTo\flashlight.sqf"; to the if(!isDedicated) then { area
    place this somewhere in it:
    //flashlight if (_dikCode in actionKeys "Headlights" && ((currentWeapon player) in Schwede_FlashlightWeapons) && ((vehicle player) == player)) then { if (Schwedes_flashlicht) then { Schwedes_flashlicht= false; _id = [1] spawn Schwedes_flashlight; } else { Schwedes_flashlicht= true; _id = [0] spawn Schwedes_flashlight; }; }; init.sqf
    add this

    [] execVM "PathTo\lightcheck.sqf"; to the if(!isDedicated) then { area
    Save everything and load up everything.
    Suggestions? Post them here
    Like my work? why not spend me a beer then ;D Link in my Sig :)
  11. Like
    ElDubya got a reaction from Gr8 in DayZ Zeds , Not bad.   
    So I bought these for nothing?

  12. Like
    ElDubya got a reaction from Chainsaw Squirrel in DayZ Zeds , Not bad.   
    So I bought these for nothing?

  13. Like
    ElDubya reacted to SchwEde in Gutting Zombies   
    line 81-84:
            // Reduce humanity for gutting zeds         _humanity = player getVariable["humanity",0];         _humanity = _humanity - 10;         player setVariable["humanity",_humanity,true]; Remove it at you should be good to go 
  14. Like
    ElDubya reacted to Mezo in Trouble installing Zupas coin system   
    Looks like you just has a few mis-understanding of the code :) Good job EIDubya :)
  15. Like
    ElDubya got a reaction from js2k6 in [Release] Steerable Parachute (Vehicle Eject)   
    Hi Mikeeeyy, I installed this, thanks a lot. As I also use your precise base building and see it as a MUST HAVE script, I slipped you a small donation to buy you a few ales. Enjoy :)
  16. Like
    ElDubya got a reaction from Mikeeeyy in [Release] Steerable Parachute (Vehicle Eject)   
    Hi Mikeeeyy, I installed this, thanks a lot. As I also use your precise base building and see it as a MUST HAVE script, I slipped you a small donation to buy you a few ales. Enjoy :)
  17. Like
    ElDubya reacted to Mikeeeyy in [Release] Steerable Parachute (Vehicle Eject)   
    Steerable Parachute
    What is it?
    Ever felt like a sitting, or in this case flying, duck when you eject from a helicopter? This addition to your server will replace that parachute with a steerable one so you can influence your landing position.
    Can I see a video?
    Click here.
    How do I install?
    ​Grab yourself a copy of veh_resetEH.sqf (dayz_code\init\) and do the whole custom compiles.sqf, overwrite thing. If you already have a custom one, open it up. Look for: if (isServer) then { then look for the closing brace:
    }; Replace the closing brace with: } else { 0 = _this addEventHandler ["GetOut", { _unit = _this select 2; if (_unit != player) exitWith {}; _parachute = vehicle _unit; if (!(_parachute isKindOf "ParachuteBase")) exitWith {}; deleteVehicle _parachute; [_unit] spawn BIS_fnc_halo; systemChat "<Steerable Parachute> This parachute is steerable!"; }]; }; Done! How do I thank you for the best script ever?
    I kid but if you're feeling generous, click here.
  18. Like
    ElDubya got a reaction from Endriex in [HOW TO] Adding Intro Music!   
    Fixed it for you, use this : http://pastebin.com/Hy1TMbNe
    class CfgSounds { sounds[] = { carLock,introSong }; class carLock { name="carLock"; sound[]={carlock.ogg,0.9,1}; titles[] = {}; }; class introSong { name="introSong"; sound[]={introSong.ogg,0.9,1}; titles[] = {}; }; }; You had that part wrong is all :)
  19. Like
    ElDubya got a reaction from SchwEde in Help set up my server? Will Pay!   
    It's a hardcore survival server man. Hardcore if you manage to face the zombie horde in a massive hardware store attached to a massive supermarket with people who manipulate your base pieces for you to line them up perfectly while you can see their every move on your GPS with map markers that you paid for with gold coin currency and gems you mined from 100 ores that populate the map. 
    Sorry, couldn't help it.
  20. Like
    ElDubya reacted to DangerRuss in [Release] 2.1 Plot Management - UPDATED Object Counter   
    HAHAHA thanks man I knew it was something completely dumb. This is why you don't edit scripts at 3AM
  21. Like
    ElDubya got a reaction from DangerRuss in [Release] 2.1 Plot Management - UPDATED Object Counter   
    Do you have these in your compiles? 
    MaintainPlot = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "plotManagement\maintain_area.sqf"; PlotPreview = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "plotManagement\plotToggleMarkers.sqf";
  22. Like
    ElDubya reacted to SchwEde in Looking for trader protection pref with AI guards & more targeted aircraft spawns.   
    :D nice 1
    This is simply not true ;P
  23. Like
    ElDubya got a reaction from SchwEde in Looking for trader protection pref with AI guards & more targeted aircraft spawns.   
    I honestly thought I had stepped into some sort of weird twilight zone until I saw the date of the OP.
  24. Like
    ElDubya reacted to SchwEde in [RELEASE] TradeFromVehicle - Version 2.0 is here!   
    just some spam:
    I dont know why but this script reminds me of this:

  25. Like
    ElDubya got a reaction from Endriex in Taviana map. How to get it ?   
    Download it though DayZ Launcher 
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