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Posts posted by second_coming

  1. I think i found a bug, if i lockpick i vehicle successfully and its open and i close it i cant lockpick it again. like this;


    Attach Autolockpick > Activate Lockpick > Works > Car is open > i close the car > Lockpick Again > it says it works but vehicle still close


    After i do a relogg it works again, but with the same result.

    As far as I'm aware, If you don't get in the vehicle and start the engine you don't take ownership of it. Simply locking the vehicle will just leave the owner as the previous owner so yes you would need to lockpick it again.

  2. I would like to use that tool but in case arma crashes Windows draws a small popup that arma is not working anymore and if you want to close the application. In this case the tool does not recognize that arma crashed and does nothing. Didn't find a way yet to avoid this popups. Windows should simply close the app on crash, but in most time the popup is launched.

    This is really annoying and i hope it will be fixed on 1.48 of arma. Already running build 9 but arma crashes go ahead.

    try this: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/alejacma/archive/2011/02/18/how-to-disable-the-pop-up-that-windows-shows-when-an-app-crashes.aspx
  3. Hello Dudes !



    Can anyone is willing to share the a3_epoch_server_settings  :)

    Here is the one I use on my server. It's a work in progress as it was based on the Chernarus one so some things aren't right yet. (I haven't looked at it for a while as I've kind of lost interest at the moment)

    //Esseker config created by second_coming
    class Esseker: Default
    	worldSize = 12000;
    	traderBlds[] = { "Land_A_FuelStation_Build", "Land_A_GeneralStore_01", "Land_A_GeneralStore_01a", "Land_A_Office01", "Land_Ind_Garage01", "Land_Ind_Workshop01_04", "Land_Ind_Workshop01_L", "Land_Shed_Ind02", "Land_Tovarna2", "Land_sara_hasic_zbroj" };
    	containerPos[] = {};
    	telePos[] = {
    		{ "Transport_C_EPOCH", { 386,57,0.3 }, "", { 6802,5187,0 } },
    		{ "Transport_W_EPOCH", { 402,49,0.3 }, "", { 4014,9223,0 } },
    		{ "Transport_E_EPOCH", { 371,49,0.3 }, "", { 10139,7979,0.1 } }
    	telePosCenter[] = {387, 44.5, 0.3};
    propsPos[] = {
    			//debug lights
    			{ "Land_PortableLight_double_F", { 402,40,0.249583 }, 133 },
    			{ "Land_PortableLight_double_F", { 370,40,0.217788 }, 230 },
    			// phones
    			{ "Land_PhoneBooth_02_F", { 10455.2, 2214.84, 0 }, 52.4502 },
    			{ "Land_PhoneBooth_02_F", { 10480, 2350.02, 0.101999 }, 326.023 },
    			{ "Land_PhoneBooth_02_F", { 10479.1, 2349.45, 0.101999 }, 326.023 },
    			{ "Land_PhoneBooth_02_F", { 6809.42, 2703.85, 0.101999 }, 131.438 },
    			{ "Land_PhoneBooth_02_F", { 6795.85, 2484.88, 0 }, 312.46 },
    			{ "Land_PhoneBooth_02_F", { 6738.58, 2393.89, 0 }, 221.25 },
    			{ "Land_PhoneBooth_02_F", { 6409.57, 2439.88, 0.0883212 }, 46.4278 },
    			{ "Land_PhoneBooth_02_F", { 7496.04, 5126.04, -0.000732422 }, 182.17 },
    			{ "Land_PhoneBooth_02_F", { 10132.1, 5471.31, 1.52588e-005 }, 46.4049 },
    			{ "Land_TouristShelter_01_F", { 11285.3, 5492.9, 1.52588e-005 }, 160.867 },
    			{ "Land_PhoneBooth_02_F", { 11282.8, 5491.04, 0 }, 162.031 },
    			{ "Land_PhoneBooth_02_F", { 13359.8, 6170.49, 0 }, 176.672 },
    			{ "Land_PhoneBooth_02_F", { 12102.1, 7283.6, 0 }, 96.4346 },
    			{ "Land_PhoneBooth_02_F", { 10654.9, 8013.35, 0.102005 }, 303.161 },
    			{ "Land_PhoneBooth_02_F", { 12022.4, 9151.21, 0 }, 47.4504 },
    			{ "Land_PhoneBooth_02_F", { 12023.3, 9150.26, 0 }, 45.6474 },
    			{ "Land_PhoneBooth_02_F", { 12265.6, 9479.49, 1.18411 }, 141.691 },
    			{ "Land_PhoneBooth_02_F", { 6017.95, 7821.39, -0.00500488 }, 223.037 },
    			{ "Land_PhoneBooth_02_F", { 6227.46, 7721.33, 0 }, 36.2285 },
    			{ "Land_TouristShelter_01_F", { 1969.65, 7361.86, 0 }, 35.9378 },
    			{ "Land_PhoneBooth_02_F", { 1971.84, 7359.15, -1.52588e-005 }, 127.545 },
    			{ "Land_PhoneBooth_02_F", { 11242.2, 12209.9, 0 }, 118.072 },
    			{ "Land_PhoneBooth_02_F", { 2706.84, 10002.9, 0 }, 12.6221 },
    			// Traders at NEAF
    			{"Land_PhoneBooth_01_F", {12072.8, 12627.4, 0}, 108},
    			{"Land_PhoneBooth_01_F", {12074.4, 12631.9, 0}, 108},
    			{"Land_CampingTable_F", {12064.2, 12604.5, 0}, 106.286},
    				// Trading Post
    				{"Land_PhoneBooth_01_F", {11655.1, 3183.29, 0}, 247.273},
    				{"Land_Misc_Cargo2E_EP1", {11672.8, 3211.9, 0}, 154.091},
    				{"Land_Misc_Cargo2E", {11647.4, 3201.54, 0}, 155.455},
    				{"HeliHCivil", {11648.8, 3240.49, 0}, 0},
    				{"ShedBig", {11703.1, 3152.92, -0.316751}, 334.091},
    				{"Land_Market_stalls_01_EP1", {11661.1, 3207.69, 0}, 341.364},
    				{"BlackhawkWreck", {11681, 3236.4, 0}, 0},
    				{"Land_Shed_Small_F", {11660.2, 3206.51, 0}, 71.8182},
    				// phone boxes near spawns
    				{ "Land_PhoneBooth_02_F", { 4587.05, 4518.51, 0.201431 }, 90 }, // south west
    				{ "Land_PhoneBooth_02_F", { 12077.5, 5114.38, 0.00123596 }, 133}, // south east
    				{ "Land_PhoneBooth_02_F", { 10688.8, 9439.87, 0.00151825 }, 50},   //north east
    				{ "Land_PhoneBooth_02_F", { 6793,5174,0 }, 251 }, // Central
    				// safe zones
    				{ "ProtectionZone_Invisible_F", { 4587.05, 4518.51, 0.201431 }, 90 }, // south west
    				{ "ProtectionZone_Invisible_F", { 12077.5, 5114.38, 0.00123596 }, 133}, // south east
    				{ "ProtectionZone_Invisible_F", { 10688.8, 9439.87, 0.00151825 }, 50},   //north east
    				//Boat Trader
    				{"ProtectionZone_Invisible_F", {9966, 5433, 1 }, 179},
    				// East Spawn (Shardak Resort) safezones
    				{ "ProtectionZone_Invisible_F", { 10143,7971,0.1 }, 10.286  },
    				{ "ProtectionZone_Invisible_F", { 10145,7946,0 }, 300.143  },
    				{ "ProtectionZone_Invisible_F", { 12060.6,12604.3,0 }, 330.857  }
    	staticNpcPos[] = {
    			// South West 0
    			{ "C_man_hunter_1_F", { 4585.05, 4516.51, 0.201431 }, 273.197 },
    			// South East 1 
    			{ "C_man_hunter_1_F", { 12075.5, 5109.38, 0.00123596 }, 313.34},
    			// North East 2
    			{ "C_man_hunter_1_F", { 10686.8,9437.87,0.00151825 }, 231.976},
    			//Boat Trader 3
    			{ "C_man_hunter_1_F", { 9966, 5433, 1 }, 179 },
    			// East Spawn (Shardak Resort) 4,5,6
    			{ "C_man_hunter_1_F", { 10143,7971,0.1 }, 159  },
    			{ "C_man_hunter_1_F", { 10145,7946,0 }, 169  },
    			{ "C_man_hunter_1_F", { 10106,7911,0 }, 3  },
    			// West Spawn
    			{"C_man_hunter_1_F", {4021,9223, 0}, 296},
    			{"C_man_hunter_1_F", {4020, 9217, 0}, 352},
    			{"C_man_hunter_1_F", {3964, 9268, 0}, 300},				
    			// Central Spawn
    			{"C_man_hunter_1_F", {6805, 5173, 0}, 350},
    			{"C_man_hunter_1_F", {6806, 5191, 0}, 201},	
    			// Traders 12,13,14,
    			{"C_man_hunter_1_F", {11666.9, 3205.76, 0}, 133},
    			{"C_man_hunter_1_F", {11662, 3203.14, -1.19209e-007}, 168},
    			{"C_man_hunter_1_F", {11654.7, 3199.9, -1.19209e-007}, 139}
  4. If only this were actually true. Maybe it works for you, but I and lots of other server owners have issues with vehicles saved to the DB, and when it goes over cap, they start disappearing. You can find a thread about it in the Bug Reports section.

    I have to assume the reason I have never noticed this is down to the fact I clear all traders of vehicles at each restart.
  5. Face, it looks like you added HC support into the 0.6.0 alpha and I'm super excited about giving it a try.  I seem to have run into a bit of a hiccup and was wondering if you maybe had any suggestions for it.  I've got one HC up and running for another mod, I added a second HC and tested it and I can see it connecting and everything just fine, but when I add the @A3EAI; to the mod line for the new HC it's getting constant boots and the .RPT is spamming with the following

     0:33:23 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #379441818, users.card=1
     0:33:23 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 379441818
     0:33:23 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 379441818 (headlessclient (2))
    Have you seen anything like this or have any great ideas for maybe moving forward on this one?  All the research i've done says this message is for dysnc/bad connection, but it's running on the same box, and without the mod param for the HC start up, it works just fine.  Thank in adnvance!



    One HC can handle FuMS and A3EAI no problem.

  6. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/katzsmile/DayZAdmin/master/modules/rcon.php

    That also works and is a bit tidier :)


    	$serverip = "";
    	$serverport = "2302";
    	$rconpassword = "xxxx";

    function strToHex($string)
        for ($i=0; $i < strlen($string); $i++)
            $hex .= dechex(ord($string[$i]));
        return $hex;
    function hexToStr($hex)
        for ($i=0; $i < strlen($hex)-1; $i+=2)
            $string .= chr(hexdec($hex[$i].$hex[$i+1]));
        return $string;
    function computeUnsignedCRC32($str){
       sscanf(crc32($str), "%u", $var);
       $var = dechex($var + 0);
       return $var;
    function dec_to_hex($dec)
        $sign = ""; // suppress errors
    	$h = null;
        if( $dec < 0){ $sign = "-"; $dec = abs($dec); }
        $hex = Array( 0 => 0, 1 => 1, 2 => 2, 3 => 3, 4 => 4, 5 => 5,
                      6 => 6, 7 => 7, 8 => 8, 9 => 9, 10 => 'a',
                      11 => 'b', 12 => 'c', 13 => 'd', 14 => 'e',   
                      15 => 'f' );
            $h = $hex[($dec%16)] . $h;
            $dec /= 16;
        while( $dec >= 1 );
        return $sign . $h;
    function get_checksum($cs)
        $var = computeUnsignedCRC32($cs);
    	//echo "crchex: ".$var."<br/>";
    	$x = ('0x');
    	$a = substr($var, 0, 2);
    	$a = $x.$a;
    	$b = substr($var, 2, 2);
    	$b = $x.$b;
    	$c = substr($var, 4, 2);
    	$c = $x.$c;
    	$d = substr($var, 6, 2);
    	$d = $x.$d;
    	return chr($d).chr($c).chr($b).chr($a);
    function rcon($serverip,$serverport,$rconpassword,$cmd){
    	$passhead = chr(0xFF).chr(0x00);
    	$head = chr(0x42).chr(0x45);
    	$pass = $passhead.$rconpassword;
    	$answer = "";
    	$checksum = get_checksum($pass);
    	$loginmsg = $head.$checksum.$pass;
    	$rcon = fsockopen("udp://".$serverip, $serverport, $errno, $errstr, 1);
    	stream_set_timeout($rcon, 1);
    	if (!$rcon) {
    		echo "ERROR: $errno - $errstr<br />\n";
    	} else {
    		fwrite($rcon, $loginmsg);
    		$res = fread($rcon, 16);
    		$cmdhead = chr(0xFF).chr(0x01).chr(0x00);
    		//$cmd = "Players";
    		$cmd = $cmdhead.$cmd;
    		$checksum = get_checksum($cmd);
    		$cmdmsg = $head.$checksum.$cmd;
    		$hlen = strlen($head.$checksum.chr(0xFF).chr(0x01));
    		fwrite($rcon, $cmdmsg);
    		$answer = fread($rcon, 102400);
    		if ( strToHex(substr($answer, 9, 1)) == "0"){
    			$count = strToHex(substr($answer, 10, 1));
    			//echo $count."<br/>";
    			for ($i = 0; $i < $count-1; $i++){
    				$answer .= fread($rcon, 102400);
    		//echo strToHex(substr($answer, 0, 16))."<br/>";
    		//echo strToHex($answer)."<br/>";
    		//echo $answer."<br/>";
    		$cmd = "Exit";
    		$cmd = $cmdhead.$cmd;
    		$checksum = get_checksum($cmd);
    		$cmdmsg = $head.$checksum.$cmd;
    		fwrite($rcon, $cmdmsg);
    	return $answer;


    	$msg = $argv[1];
    	$cmd = "say -1 $msg";
    called from a crontab entry:

    php -q /home/epoch/arma3/restarter/warning.php "RESTART WARNING Server restarting in 20 minutes"
    30 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19,21,23 * * * php -q /home/epoch/arma3/restarter/warning.php "RESTART WARNING Server restarting in 30 minutes"
    50 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19,21,23 * * * php -q /home/epoch/arma3/restarter/warning.php "RESTART WARNING Server restarting in 10 minutes"
    55 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19,21,23 * * * php -q /home/epoch/arma3/restarter/warning.php "RESTART WARNING Server restarting in 5 minutes"
    58 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19,21,23 * * * php -q /home/epoch/arma3/restarter/warning.php "RESTART WARNING Server restarting in 2 minutes"
    59 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19,21,23 * * * php -q /home/epoch/arma3/restarter/warning.php "RESTART WARNING Server restarting in 1 minute"
    0  0,2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22 * * * ./home/epoch/arma3/epoch_linux_startscript.sh restart
  7. You definitely don't want to start saving mission vehicles, because of the way the DB works. Say you have 10 Trucks in your epochconfig. Missions create another 5 trucks, which are kept by players. Next restart, the server will ONLY load 10 of those trucks NOT 15, and you'll get a ton of people saying their vehicle has been stolen or whatever.


    3 weeks after removing the option to save SEM vehicles, I'm still dealing with the aftermath of having too many Striders on the map. So until they change the way the DB loads vehicles, I'd strongly recommend leaving them to despawn.

    It doesn't make vehicles disappear, it just stops any new ones of that type spawning as a new vehicle spawn. You could set your hatchback limit to 10 and spawn in 20 with infiSTAR and there would still be those 20 on the map after the server restarted.

  8. all that "optimization magic" is killing me.

    it was pretty stable on 2.5 and after update and boom


    process lasso and that arma III server performance update helps alot but not enoght

    All I can say that the epoch mod became more player dependant. We are running altis map on  xenon E3 1220, our building limits moved up to 500 per jammer, so yes, we have couple of castles.

    Everything is fine 35-40 ppl can play with no FPS drops untill castle owners came into their bases. looks like CPU cores stop working with no reason. 

    We have virtual test server with a lower hardware setup and you know what... same db, same missions, same players - almost no drops on EMU processor.

    The most recent performance patch has helped with the random server fps drops it seems although it does still happen.

  9. Don't want nor need a ebike. Need a bicycle as that's silent. Also I don't run a server choppra so save your snide comments. This is a suggestion thread on needs of epoch and I made one.


    What snide comments?

  10. I have been working on a dropin replacement so Epoch can use another db engine, had it workingwith MySQL + Sqlite.

    Currently, the dll is writing all "Epoch Data" to a database, it requires no extra changes to files and uses none of Epoch's current code.

    I have only implemented "SET" so far but it is running side-by-side on a live server. I also added a tool to import a Redis db too ;)



  11. Do you have the All in Arma pack installed on the server as well and called in the startup?


    start /min "arma3server" /realtime  "arma3server.exe" "-mod=@Esseker;@AllInArmaTerrainPack;@Epoch;@epochhive;" -cpucount=2 -exThreads=3 -world=empty -bepath=F:\A3server\SC\BattlEye\ -port=2302 -loadMissionToMemory  -maxmem=2047 -nosplash -nopause -noSound -profiles=SC -name=SC "-config=SC\config.cfg" "-cfg=SC\basic.cfg" -autoinit
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