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Posts posted by Dwarfer

  1. You can only reload the scripts filter, not the others such as setvariable/pubvar etc.


    Are you sure, ? I use watchdog plugin and can change any/all on the fly including setvar and pubvar. Its how I do my BE updates when I am to lazy to read the code, just get the kicks add it it reloads and rinse and repeat..


    One think I have notice is Edit don't overwrite. 



  2. Clock speed is Key for A3 and A2 for that matter, You really need 2.6GHz upwards. From what I know the Intel Core i7-4790K is the best CPU for A3 at the moment. 


    Take a look at this. It should be a good guide how good a box will be or not be.




    E5 2603 1.8Ghz is only 914


    Then you have a really cheap Core2 Duo at 


    Intel Core2 Duo E8600 @ 3.33GHz 1,367


    I would rather have the Duo..


    The E5 2603 is great for windows servers and multi tasking items inside a SMB but for game server hosting nope... 


    South Africa's Internet normally runs though Madrid and up into France so hosting in Madrid or Paris you may get more bank for your RAND. I know for a fact SA hosting is expensive in comparison.

  3. Lets not feed Trolls on this one..


    I have been playing both extensively. For me its about what keeps player entertained.. I see the player base will probably think the mods are similar. However they both have their key features and the "back story" is different.  I'd like to say we at DMR will run both servers still however we have to see what the player base wants..


    I hope we can see both mods being successful and big up to both DEV teams I know they are both working hard and don't need any of the Trolling that has been going on.. 



  4. Arrrhhhhhh :-)


    Think i see it "B_HMG_01_F" is a Vehicle :-)...


    Not sure you can use in the loot table like that. You would need to find the packed version (to then deploy if it even exits.). Remove them leave the ammo in and try again.

    • Time to meet DwarferDwarfer wants to play BEC, if you want to join him,  Risking it but to state the obvious the above information is for educational purposes only (just in the name of science, you know) and I would definitely not condone overriding any licenses under no circumstance. I am 99% sure that's why Dwarfer posted it in the first place and many people are running experiments on it every day. Noone is doing it for personal gain. Glad we cleared that.



    HAHAHA Only just seen this.. Yes 100% science and for "reference" ;-)

  5. Well... Directly into the exits would be easier probably however you could do something like this (not tested) but you basically add the include in this case "MyStuffThatWorks" to an existing element.

    	class SniperRifle
    		items[] = {
    				// SOME TEST THING
    				{ { "MyStuffThatWorks", "CfgLootTable" }, 22 },
    	class MyStuffThatWorks
    		items[] = {
    				{ { "RPG", "weapon" }, 1 },
    				{ { "DOG", "weapon" }, 1 },
    				{ { "CAT", "weapon" }, 1 },
  6. 0.4 Milestone..


    I don't know about anyone else but I am seeing a massive player drop and looking at some of the servers and stats around its not just me.. Games like GTA5 and RUST seem to be taking players away.. I have even seen more players back on my A2 Overpoch server


    Would be great to see what is coming up and when so we can start to dangle carrots in front of the players again.


    One thing that seems common with everyone I speak to is that they miss being able to own 5 of each choppa and 5 SUV's (Yeah I know its silly but hay)..I am wondering if its possible to borrow the idea from Altis Life and have some type of garage system so that the players can own 100 vehicles (something to spend the 100000000's they have in the bank) but be in a "virtual garage" so they are not on the map at once.  Even something like charging them RENT for it.. I am wondering about coding this myself but I think it may help the whole community if it was part of epoch.


    Just an idea as at the moment players have nothing really to spend the money on.

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