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    ReDBaroN got a reaction from He-Man in Fully Integrated Vector Building System   
    Triffic stuff thanks to both of you @DirtySanchez @He-Man
  2. Like
    ReDBaroN got a reaction from DirtySanchez in Fully Integrated Vector Building System   
    Hey @DirtySanchez nice release! :)

    Works well. One thing I noticed is that if you try to vector an object that's already snapped to another object is freaks out a bit. But, I guess this was only supposed to work in free mode anyway...?

    Great work man :)
  3. Like
    ReDBaroN reacted to DirtySanchez in Fully Integrated Vector Building System   
    Apologies for the delay in posting this as its been ready for quite some time now.
    This system adds the vector building system directly to epoch code and the custom keys feature on the escape menu.
    Download and instructions for install are located here:

    To contribute to this system, you are free to fork and do a pull merge request.
    For support request questions / comments or suggestions please visit here for faster service: https://discord.me/eXpoch

  4. Like
    ReDBaroN reacted to vbawol in Epoch 0.5 Release Changelog   
    On stable branch now:
    0.5 b757: [Added] "MeleeRod" (Fishing Rod) to Crafting Menu (1x Rope,1x Stick,1x Metal Scraps) @Ignatz-HeMan [Added] Vehicle and Loot tables can be set via epochconfig settings (forcedVehicleSpawnTable, forcedLootSpawnTable) to force specific vehicle or loot tables. [Changed] Removed "Alpha" text from debug monitor. [Changed] Add flag to enable database unit test. enableUnitTestOnStart = 1 in epochconfig.hpp to enable [Changed] Delete rest of unused clientside Airdrop Event code. @Ignatz-HeMan [Changed] further optimized db call for weather script. [Updated] redis-server.exe to latest version: 3.2.100 from: https://github.com/MSOpenTech/redis/releases [Fixed] some missing semicolons in CfgPricing. @SPKcoding [Fixed] Joining and leaving a group and optimize with added usage of params. @Ignatz-HeMan [Fixed] Group invites from the same Group where not possible until relog. @Ignatz-HeMan [Fixed] Heal not working when using SafeZones with VehicleGodmode and only HitPoint is damaged. @Ignatz-HeMan [Fixed] fix deleteVehicle BE kick with sharks [Fixed] CBA related Battleye kicks with current CBA version. [Fixed] Static weather settings not working. @82ndab-Bravo17 [Fixed] Battleye kicks for CUP weapon and attachment BE kicks. [Fixed] Battleye kicks for towing tractor from CUP. [Fixed] Fixed / updated and added Trader Missions and ported to run it on Events instead fsm. @Ignatz-HeMan [Fixed] Several minor fixes, cleanup, and private array updates. [Fixed] Fix for Weaponholder disappearing while adding loot. @Ignatz-HeMan [Info] SQF parser analyzer: https://www.reddit.com/r/armadev/comments/681236/released_static_analyzer_for_sqf_and_integration/ Thanks to @LordGolias
  5. Like
    ReDBaroN reacted to He-Man in [RELEASE] Status Bar With Icons & Server FPS display v1.36   
    - Added Restart Warnings
    - Added Player Kick short before Restart
    - Added a possibility to use realtime restarts (only working, when also installed Ignatz_Server_AutoLock )
    - Realtime Restarts means: If the Server restarts at 01:50 and normally the next restart should be at 03:00, this script will calculate the right restart timer.
    - Updated to new File-Structure and usage of Epoch Custom Eventhandlers.
    - The Custom Eventhandlers make it possible to add custom Eventhandler directly into the Epoch Codes.
    - So there should be no problems with any Antihack tools blocking this Eventhandlers.
    - Just copy / paste them after each Epoch Update back into the folder (Epoch should not change this files on updates)
    The Realtime Restart Timer will be adjusted about 5 minutes after server uptime. Don't change it, or it will not work correct!!!
    I will make it more configurable in the next weeks, but atm I have not the time for it...
    If there are any Bugs, let me know!
  6. Like
    ReDBaroN got a reaction from lwbuk in [SOLVED] DZE_SafeZoneNoBuildDistance not working...?   
    No. Like a tool, I missed DZE_SafeZoneNoBuildItems when I went through configVariables.sqf scraping stuff into my init.sqf. Thanks man.
  7. Like
    ReDBaroN reacted to lwbuk in [SOLVED] DZE_SafeZoneNoBuildDistance not working...?   
    Have you added plastic_pole_EP1_DZ to the no build list 
    DZE_SafeZoneNoBuildItems = ["plastic_pole_EP1_DZ"];
  8. Like
    ReDBaroN reacted to juandayz in 1.6 Safezone   
    The very old safezone script by infistar... i was using it in  and made some changes to use in 1.6.
        1. Copy paste the code of below into a file called 16_safezone.sqf - save the file.
        2. Paste this 16_safezone.sqf into mpmissioms\instance_11.chernarus\custom\
        3. Open your init.sqf
        4. At the very bottom of the file add this line:  [] execVM "custom\16_safezone.sqf";
        5. Save the init.sqf and restart your server.
        6-WARNING!!! if ure using some kind of mod that allow vehicles with GodMode out of safezones..  then you will need in 16_safezone.sqf change the path for veh_handleDam.sqf by the path that youre using your custom veh_handleDam.sqf
    this line:  fnc_veh_handleDam = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers '\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\veh_handleDam.sqf';
    @BetterDeadThanZed here you got.
    REMOVE LOOT FROM TRADER CITIES AND PLOT POLES. (should removes zeds from trader places and poles too)
  9. Like
    ReDBaroN reacted to vbawol in Epoch 0.5 Release Changelog   
    Arma 3 Epoch 0.5 has been released!

    Client Files:

    Server Files:
    File Changes:

    [New] Epoch is leaving alpha and entering beta! All Epoch Asset project sources are now available via our GitHub +LFS and under APL-SA license here: https://github.com/EpochModTeam/EpochCore
    [Added] Added Service Point to Rearm, Repair and Refuel. Thanks to @Ignatz-HeMan
    [Added] 7 new Keesha camo skins by Craig Hauer aka ComatoseBadger.
    [Added] 64-bit database extension support for Windows (EpochServer_x64.dll) and Linux (epochserver_x64.so) servers. Linux support is pending testing.
    [Added] Custom event handler and OnEachFrame hooks added. https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch/tree/experimental/Sources/epoch_code/customs Thanks to @Ignatz-HeMan
    [Added] Crafting recipe: Mortar (Uses: 12x Rock, 2x dirty water) (Requires: Fire and workbench within 3m). Thanks to @baaljayjay for the suggestion.
    [Added] Customizability of units spawned by UAV alert via CfgEpochClient > uavAlertUnitSpawnTemplate. (Default: I_Soldier_EPOCH)
    [Added] Toxic Smoke Grenades can now be found in the world.
    [Added] Respawn in base feature, each player must interact with Jammer and choose "Make Spawnpoint" to enable.
    [Added] Selling to traders with bank debt greater than -50000(default), pays the bank debt back to below the limit instead of the player. Thanks to @Ignatz-HeMan
    [Changed] Epoch Message function now supports custom colors. Thanks to @SPKcoding
    [Changed] Epoch Event: ChangeWeather has been updated to allow for better random control of weather and defaults to bad weather.
    [Changed] Optimized database SET and SETEX calls in both SQF and C++.
    [Changed] Optimized database GETRANGE call.
    [Changed] Optimized NPC Trading and fixed issue if trade failed. Thanks to @Ignatz-HeMan
    [Changed] Great White Sharks will now spawn if the player is deep enough in the ocean.
    [Changed] Objects or Players that have been given "Crypto" variable can be accessed via the dynamic menu (Space Bar) for a "Take Crypto" action.
    [Changed] Air Drops are now triggered via Epoch Events server side every 45m at random, instead of randomly triggered client side.
    [Changed] To prevent issues with ownership only Group Leader can place a Jammer. jammerGLOnly = 0 in CfgEpochClient to disable. Thanks to @Ignatz-HeMan and @82ndab-Bravo17
    [Fixed] Crash bug when opening base building upgrade menu since Arma 3 1.68.
    [Fixed] Wrong variable name in EPOCH_clientRevive.sqf. Thanks to @Ignatz-HeMan
    [Fixed] Sometimes getting stuck only walking. Thanks to @Ignatz-HeMan
    [Fixed] Repack of Energy Pack is now possible.
    [Removed] EpochServer extension calls 100 and 101 as they are no longer needed.
    [Info] Re-add missing comments in some config files.
    [Info] Numerous other fixes and optimizations.
    [Info] Requires Arma 3 1.68 or higher.
  10. Like
    ReDBaroN reacted to Sp4rkY in ESVP - Extended Safezones with Vehicle Protection   
    Thats a good question.
    Maybe I will insert the Epoch group system with a later update, but for now it works like this:

    First of all, the option for using the access check is optional.
    If enabled it works like this:

    You drive into a SZ and no other player is sitting in your vehicle, then you are the "only" owner of that vehicle.
    Now you have the option to use the access menu to grant access for the players you want (they have to be in the same safezone ofcourse and outside of any vehicle).
    If you did this, they have the same access to the vehicle as for yourself (depends on if you use the check for restriced driver check. if you enabled this check, only you will be able to drive the vehicle but noone else).

    If you drive into a SZ with some players sitting in your vehicle then they have the access automatically and there is no need to add them via the access menu, but you still are able to remove them. If you do that, they will get ejected from your vehicle. :)

    I found it is a good way to control something. Let´s see how its working for you.
    Tested it many, many times and couldnt find any issues.

    There will come 1 or 2 updates more at minimum and perhaps I will implement the Epoch group system check as an option.

  11. Like
    ReDBaroN got a reaction from Sp4rkY in ESVP - Extended Safezones with Vehicle Protection   
    Nice :)
    Quick question on only the owner being able to access the vehicle in the SZ...... If this is switched on, will his group members be able to access it? 
    Thanks again for the great work :)
  12. Like
    ReDBaroN reacted to Sp4rkY in ESVP - Extended Safezones with Vehicle Protection   
    updated to v0.89
    Hello everybody!
    After a bigger break of developing this script, I can proudly present my new update with many new features and fixes.

    Long story short:
    Check the main post for the new stuff! ;)
    And like everytime:
    Keep me informed about anything what is probaply going wrong.

    Have fun and enjoy it!
  13. Like
    ReDBaroN reacted to He-Man in [Ignatz] Earplug Script   
    Here a simple Earplug Script, special for the new Epoch Custom functions since Epoch 0.5
  14. Like
    ReDBaroN reacted to He-Man in [RELEASE] Status Bar With Icons & Server FPS display v1.36   
    Based on this Status Bar, I made a complete rewrite. (without a difference between PlayerBar / AdminBar, because it is not needed for us).
    - Completely removed external config file
    - Only 1 File for all
    - Config section on the top of the Script-File
    - Blinking Icons, if in a dangerous value
    - Easy changeable Status Bar Content
    - Toggleable between 3 Statusbar sizes (right shift key / configurable)
    - 0-No Status Bar
    - 1 Full Status Bar
    - 2 Half Status Bar
    - 3 Small Status Bar
    I made it only for our Server.
    But I want to share it now, if someone also want it.
    Download: https://github.com/Ignatz-HeMan/Ignatz_Statusbar
  15. Like
    ReDBaroN got a reaction from vbawol in Drinking, eating has no affect [SOLVED]   
    cool, can you mark the title with [SOLVED] then.
  16. Like
    ReDBaroN got a reaction from Ghostrider-GRG in Custom Spawn Dialog with Gear & HALO Selection, moving Map, Credits, Custom spawns and more ...   
    Cheers man, is that on all the entries? Like this:
    colorPicture[] = {0,0,0,0.4}; colorPictureSelected[] = {0,0,0,0.4}; colorPictureDisabled[] = {0,0,0,0.4}; colorPictureRight[] = {0,0,0,0.4}; colorPictureRightSelected[] = {0,0,0,0.4}; colorPictureRightDisabled[] = {0,0,0,0.4};  
  17. Like
    ReDBaroN got a reaction from Ghostrider-GRG in Custom Spawn Dialog with Gear & HALO Selection, moving Map, Credits, Custom spawns and more ...   
    Great stuff rvg?! Confirmed all working perfectly now for both halv spawn and blackmarket traders. No errors in the rpt or in game on screen. 
    Big thanks dude :D
  18. Like
    ReDBaroN got a reaction from rvg?! in Custom Spawn Dialog with Gear & HALO Selection, moving Map, Credits, Custom spawns and more ...   
    Great stuff rvg?! Confirmed all working perfectly now for both halv spawn and blackmarket traders. No errors in the rpt or in game on screen. 
    Big thanks dude :D
  19. Like
    ReDBaroN reacted to rvg?! in Custom Spawn Dialog with Gear & HALO Selection, moving Map, Credits, Custom spawns and more ...   
    Yes, would do.
    The colors are RGBA / scale from 0-1. Just take each number in a regular RGB value and divide by 255.
  20. Like
    ReDBaroN reacted to rvg?! in Custom Spawn Dialog with Gear & HALO Selection, moving Map, Credits, Custom spawns and more ...   
    it should look like this:
    class HALV_gear_list: HALV_CT_TREE { idc = 7779; x = 0.35567 * safezoneW + safezoneX; y = 0.137091 * safezoneH + safezoneY; w = 0.438144 * safezoneW; h = 0.725818 * safezoneH; onTreeDblClick = "_this call Halv_ontreedoubleclick; false"; onTreeSelChanged = "_this call Halv_ontreeselected; false"; colorPicture[] = {0.8,0,0,0.8}; colorPictureSelected[] = {0.8,0,0,0.8}; colorPictureDisabled[] = {0.8,0,0,0.8}; colorPictureRight[] = {0.8,0,0,0.8}; colorPictureRightSelected[] = {0.8,0,0,0.8}; colorPictureRightDisabled[] = {0.8,0,0,0.8}; };
  21. Like
  22. Like
    ReDBaroN reacted to rvg?! in Custom Spawn Dialog with Gear & HALO Selection, moving Map, Credits, Custom spawns and more ...   
    I'll have a look later. befor you even go crazy
  23. Like
    ReDBaroN reacted to rvg?! in Custom Spawn Dialog with Gear & HALO Selection, moving Map, Credits, Custom spawns and more ...   
    well it says what you should do, add a class linemarker.
    So add this to HALV_RscMapControl:
    class LineMarker { lineDistanceMin = 3e-005; lineLengthMin = 2; lineWidthThick = 0.013; lineWidthThin = 0.005; textureComboBoxColor = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(1,1,1,1)"; }  
  24. Like
    ReDBaroN reacted to Sp4rkY in ESVP - Extended Safezones with Vehicle Protection   
    Fixed the github.
    There went anything wrong while syncing it this night. Now the actual scripts.txt is online.
    On the other hand, check the README.md, you can find the new instructions for the filters there also. ;)
  25. Like
    ReDBaroN reacted to Sp4rkY in ESVP - Extended Safezones with Vehicle Protection   
    updated to v0.443
        * [fixed] issue with chopping trees after leaving a safezone (thx to ReDBaroN for noticing this bug)
        * [added] (optional) prohibit players to chop trees while in safezones (EPOCH_fnc_playerFired.sqf / check instructions in README.md)
        * [added] (optional) using chainsaws or sledgehammers in safezones will have no result (EPOCH_fnc_playerFired.sqf / check instructions in README.md)
        * [updated] BattlEye Filters
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