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    raymix reacted to meshcarver in Nova ZONA map.   
    Hi guys,   At the risk now of over using some structures, I've taken three shots of the same scene to again show how much the atmosphere can change on NOVA ZONA- I haven't got time to create any new structures right now and won't have for the next few months so this'll be it for awhile unfortunately. Either way- I hope you like them...   ++ TO RISE WITH THE SUN ++   ++ DIMINISHING RETURNS ++   ++ NO PLACE SACROSANCT ++   ++ SEEK SHELTER WHEN THE SIREN SOUNDS ++
  2. Like
    raymix got a reaction from Firsty in [1.4.1] Snap Building PRO   
    //snap pro bullshit ummm.... ok?
    compiles.sqf comment out or remove lines #41 and #119. dayz_spaceinterrupt and player_build functions are overwritten by default ones.
    For more info (the long story) - see link in my sig, its a video explaining how your functions and compiles should be done.
  3. Like
    raymix got a reaction from AWulle in [Video] Guide to server structure, variables, functions and Diffmerge   
    What is this guide for?
    Actually for everyone who ever wanted to learn about file structure of Arma 2 MP environment (Epoch in this case), from beginners to a bit more advanced users alike, including script makers and editors.
    What is this guide not for?
    If you ever created your own @mod, this guide is probably not for you.
    Damn 1 hour long video, is it worth watching it?
    No, create new topic and ask someone to help you with scripts if you came here to ask that question
    What are benefits from watching this video?
    If you actually follow along, you will be able to better troubleshoot problems with server and custom scripts. You will also be introduced to file structure of Epoch server, custom variables and compiles files as well as diffmerging files for script updates or compatibility issues.
    Are there any requirements to follow this guide?
    No, grab a coffee and chill. Don't try to replicate anything, instead just try to follow along, this is a theoretical guide rather than a tutorial.
    What's in the video?
    Introduction: I am explaining reason behind this video in full detail and talking about further contents, so skip ahead to what suits you best.
    Structure (03:00): We will be exploring file structure from first press of a button that lets client join the server. I will be explaining about different types of files used to run a server and how they chain load each other to make up a fully working server. Topics covered: Config files, mission config (ext) file, bin files, sqm and include files. I will be covering certain less essential parts like how RAM and HDD is used while loading scripts or PBO contents on demand.
    Variables (16:51): This section is for admins and script makers who brings over custom variables.sqf over to mission file. I will be explaining how variables are being defined to avoid RPT errors as well as introducing to common mistakes of redefining already defined variables that are present with many scripts and their guides and how to reduce mission file size by only reusing what is required. For all modders out there, please keep your own vars within your scripts, lets stop this madness.
    Functions (33:15): Precompiling functions is what actually makes our servers work. In this part of guide I will explain how they make up the server structure and how you are literary loading client and server files starting from init.sqf in your mission file. Yes you read that correct. I will be explaining common mistakes server admins commit by using custom compiles file server side and how majority of admins would blindly follow bad advices/guides and force loading their client and server files twice. We will be diving into more detail about compiles.sqf client side and server_functions.sqf files explaining how common mistakes are made when installing several addons that reuse same function and how to avoid future problems.
    Diffmerging (47:55): Last major part of this guide. I will be explaining how to work some magic with Diffmerge (or similar tools) to keep your addons up-to-date, as well as ironing out any incompatibilities between your custom scripts. We will be looking at how to diffmerge single file, whole folders and even merge two functions together to make them compatible. Experience gained here should allow you to merge any mod (or multiple mods) out there that uses same function making them compatible again.
    Final words (1:08:35): Conclusion and quick review of what we have learned within an hour of this guide.
  4. Like
    raymix reacted to RimBlock in [Release] - A Plot for life v2.5. Keep your buildables on death. Take plot ownership   
    New version up (v2.33) fully merged with Snap Pro v1.41.
    Tested working with modular build framework and snap pro.
    Links in the first post.  Install instructions in the download zip or on the Git (also linked in the first post).
    Post up bugs as you find them please.
    I have added a new variable (global) for the path of snap_build.sqf as I see it is called from within itself.  This made it easy to define in the compiles.sqf once with the other modular / snap pro defines and that single define then takes effect wherever it is needed (took me a bit to track them down  ;)  ).
    All files taken from your Git so should be the latest.  Your git and thread are also referenced in the install and the link on the first page.
  5. Like
    raymix reacted to RimBlock in [Release] - A Plot for life v2.5. Keep your buildables on death. Take plot ownership   
    Cheers Raymix. I will touch base with you on Sunday as my wife has just told me we are all going to Pulau Ubin for an overnight stay. I do have my laptop but am unsure of the connectivity there. Go to commune with nature, bring all your technology with you :).
  6. Like
    raymix got a reaction from Airwaves Man in [1.4.1] Snap Building PRO   
    Download files, updates and Installation instructions on:
    HQ Screenshot of an in-game Tutorial dialog
    Ever wanted to run hardcore server with 3rd person cam disabled? Now's your chance.
    Credits and Contributors:
    Awol - player_build.sqf, Epoch and permission to modify script.
    Mudzereli - Commanding menus
    Rimblock - with modular build (github)
    PryMary - with Plot for Life
    KamikazeXeX - Support for
    striker - using snap pro as a base for
    Github contributors - mattispro, Mikeeeyy
    You can use/modify/redistribute this file as long as it complies with License. You can not use this script to promote donations or shops.
    This script is open source, you are allowed to add it to your @mods as long as appropriate credits and terms of license are met.
  7. Like
    raymix got a reaction from carl101 in Wtf?   
    Apparently you don't. Looting shit and building bases is called playing the game, not testing it, unless you actually write down or report your findings. Coming to forums with poor grammar and weird ass titles like "wtf" is called whining, not bug reporting. At this stage don't expect anything, you are not testing anything, you and hundreds of others are the test, they want you for stress tests and bug reports not the entitlements.
    If I were to develop Epoch, I'd clear database every single update just to make sure bugs are not created by anomalies from previous versions, especially when/while hive calls are coded/adjusted.
  8. Like
    raymix got a reaction from Nakama Mind in Multiple servers   
  9. Like
    raymix got a reaction from fr1nk in Wtf?   
    Apparently you don't. Looting shit and building bases is called playing the game, not testing it, unless you actually write down or report your findings. Coming to forums with poor grammar and weird ass titles like "wtf" is called whining, not bug reporting. At this stage don't expect anything, you are not testing anything, you and hundreds of others are the test, they want you for stress tests and bug reports not the entitlements.
    If I were to develop Epoch, I'd clear database every single update just to make sure bugs are not created by anomalies from previous versions, especially when/while hive calls are coded/adjusted.
  10. Like
    raymix got a reaction from PryMary in Wtf?   
    Apparently you don't. Looting shit and building bases is called playing the game, not testing it, unless you actually write down or report your findings. Coming to forums with poor grammar and weird ass titles like "wtf" is called whining, not bug reporting. At this stage don't expect anything, you are not testing anything, you and hundreds of others are the test, they want you for stress tests and bug reports not the entitlements.
    If I were to develop Epoch, I'd clear database every single update just to make sure bugs are not created by anomalies from previous versions, especially when/while hive calls are coded/adjusted.
  11. Like
    raymix reacted to carl101 in how to get yourself banned & want not to do   
    The amount of keys being given out is crazy, they may aswel just release it.
  12. Like
    raymix got a reaction from unrealPANDA in [How to] Add custom vehicles and remove weapons   
    Hi again, guys. My apologies if I am posting this in a wrong forum, but I couldn't find a better suited one.
    I would love to share tutorial on how to add custom vehicles, that would normally be overpowered and remove weapons so your players can still enjoy them.
    Idea behind this is mostly for admin events, bandit islands and all other awesome stuff that players have to compete for.
    In this video I am adding F35 and L39 jets to a panthera map, in my scenario, for example, it could be bandit island that rewards people with a jet they can fly around to show off their victory, only difference is - no weapons. Vehicles will reset position on restart.
    What's in it for you?:
    *Add custom vehicles or aircraft to your server using 3D editor
    *Make it so only server spawns these vehicles
    *Editing server side scripts to make these vehicles stay without being deleted instantly
    *Properly whitelisting new vehicles without disabling code that lets hackers spawn vehicles.
    *All code you see in the video is well explained and should give you ability to maintain your own work yourself.
    The downside:
    Hackers will be able to spawn your whitelisted vehicles, if they know what they are doing.

    EDIT: this is old tutorial and was made before I actually had any clue what I am doing, lol
    To do this properly, you need to add your vehicle to DZE_SafeVehicles array in your variables.sqf
    If using infistar, you need to set ObjectID to 0 and ObjectUID to 1 (or any number that is not 0), best case scenario - generate a random number
    _this setVariable ["ObjectID", "0", true]; _this setVariable ["ObjectUID", "100000", true];
  13. Like
    raymix got a reaction from Nakama Mind in Dedicated Database Question   
    Here you go, it's the same for A2:
  14. Like
    raymix got a reaction from Mikeeeyy in [1.4.1] Snap Building PRO   
    I am aware of this issue:

    However the problem (and reason its not updated) with adding this to a mod might create complaint train on forums from people who already built their bases with old points.
  15. Like
    raymix got a reaction from unrealPANDA in [1.4.1] Snap Building PRO   
    Download files, updates and Installation instructions on:
    HQ Screenshot of an in-game Tutorial dialog
    Ever wanted to run hardcore server with 3rd person cam disabled? Now's your chance.
    Credits and Contributors:
    Awol - player_build.sqf, Epoch and permission to modify script.
    Mudzereli - Commanding menus
    Rimblock - with modular build (github)
    PryMary - with Plot for Life
    KamikazeXeX - Support for
    striker - using snap pro as a base for
    Github contributors - mattispro, Mikeeeyy
    You can use/modify/redistribute this file as long as it complies with License. You can not use this script to promote donations or shops.
    This script is open source, you are allowed to add it to your @mods as long as appropriate credits and terms of license are met.
  16. Like
    raymix got a reaction from bibi_fock in Im 3D Modeler and i would like to help the team   
    Sure thing bud
    some basics using OFP
    basics on normals and speculars
    addon structure (a must read for modellers)
    pretty much requirement for starters:
  17. Like
    raymix got a reaction from Tricks in Im 3D Modeler and i would like to help the team   
    Sure thing bud
    some basics using OFP
    basics on normals and speculars
    addon structure (a must read for modellers)
    pretty much requirement for starters:
  18. Like
    raymix got a reaction from CartoonrBOY in [1.4.1] Snap Building PRO   
    Download files, updates and Installation instructions on:
    HQ Screenshot of an in-game Tutorial dialog
    Ever wanted to run hardcore server with 3rd person cam disabled? Now's your chance.
    Credits and Contributors:
    Awol - player_build.sqf, Epoch and permission to modify script.
    Mudzereli - Commanding menus
    Rimblock - with modular build (github)
    PryMary - with Plot for Life
    KamikazeXeX - Support for
    striker - using snap pro as a base for
    Github contributors - mattispro, Mikeeeyy
    You can use/modify/redistribute this file as long as it complies with License. You can not use this script to promote donations or shops.
    This script is open source, you are allowed to add it to your @mods as long as appropriate credits and terms of license are met.
  19. Like
    raymix got a reaction from PT247 in Arma 3 Epoch Battleye Public Variable Restriction #0   
    Hi ya, no, gender selection is done on website, as soon as you paste your whitelist key you are brought to steam page, then after that it should kick you back to gender selection back on Epoch website, if it didn't, you did not get whitelisted.
  20. Like
    raymix got a reaction from Nakama Mind in Dedicated Database Question   
    Hey, you use same port and host, simply create separate instances (see epoch server files for instance examples) in separate folders each one with their own hive.ini files (naming of folders do not matter, simply adjust your .bat files to the new paths and you are good to go)
    Then simply rename database fields in each one of these hive.ini files, rest of info is the same, so:
    //server 1 - \Instance_Server1\hive.ini ;Database name to connect to. Database = test_server1 //server 2 - \Instance_Server2\hive.ini ;Database name to connect to. Database = test_server2 //server 3 - \Instance_Server3\hive.ini ;Database name to connect to. Database = test_server3 //server 4 - \Instance_Server4\hive.ini ;Database name to connect to. Database = test_server4 Now login to your phpmyadmin (or any other tool you use to connect) and create these databases, then simply import SQL files provided with Epoch server for each individually.
  21. Like
    raymix got a reaction from bibi_fock in Im 3D Modeler and i would like to help the team   
    Lovely portfolio, man. Have you ever imported anything into Arma engine? If not, I'd suggest you give it a try, get yourself some anti-depressants, too while you are at it :D
    Good luck with a request.
  22. Like
    raymix got a reaction from stonXer in packing scipt   
    also set range to 1-2 meters, in reality if you dont set this, people will be able to pack mozzies even 1km away (zoomed in with a sniper scope), lol. Distance
  23. Like
    raymix got a reaction from PT247 in Arma 3 Epoch Battleye Public Variable Restriction #0   
    You didn't fully whitelist it, try with IE (twice if needed) until you get to gender selection. Seems like when logging into steam to authorize it does not kick you back to a right page first time.
  24. Like
    raymix got a reaction from 31_D!4b10 in [Tutorial] Overpoch - Custom traders, all weapons/ammo/vehicles in menus   
    This Video Tutorial covers:
    Add custom Traders anywhere on map
    Find positions on map (also covering safezones/sensors a little bit)
    Add your own custom Menus to traders
    Add all Overwatch weapons, ammo and vehicles to your menus
    Use notepad++ to convert Loot CFG (or literary ANY) file into SQL query that you can to insert items faster into database.
    Notepad++ tricks:
    I will show you some cool tricks how to clean out junk data from files, filter out only stuff you need and convert it into a different code that can be used elsewhere.
    In this video I will be using Macros, TextFX and Find&Replace options to show you awesome stuff you can do with notepad++ to affect thousands of lines automatically!
    You will need TextFX plugin.
    I am using Heidi SQL to edit my databases. Any other tool is very well capable of doing the same job well. I just love filtering on heidi. It's also free.
    This is by no means targeted towards advanced users, beginners only. If you are advanced user and dislike the method, please share your method instead for all of us to learn from.
    I am not sharing actual SQL code because database names differs for different hosts, also I think notepad++ tricks are awesome thing to know, might be handy in future.
    In fact If database structure ever changes, you can reuse tricks learned here instead to update it quickly.
    Overwatch vehicles used in video:

    Alternative list of all Overwatch weapons/ammo/vehicles (Test out your new Notepad++ skill and convert it into SQL!)
    PROTIP: if using alternative list - to filter out ammo from weapons Write Ammo Type: in search, leave search window open. Then create macro:
    [Home] > [F3] > [shift]+[END] > [DEL] > [Down] > [Home]
    This will delete last part on all rows that says ammo and leave weapons only. Apply similar method to delete weapons instead.
    Credits and [How to] Install server: infiSTAR for awesome AH/Admin tool

    00:00 - 20:00 Adding traders 20:00 - 35:05 Notepad++ filtering out the junk 35:05 - 36:40 Notepad++ TextFX deleting duplicate rows 36:40 - 41:55 Notepad++ Seperating ammo from weapons using macros 41:55 - 57:42 Converting classnames into SQL query (adding stuff to traders in database) 57:42 - Final in-game test
  25. Like
    raymix reacted to Defay in [Release] Cen's Custom GUI for Epoch/Overpoch   
    Hey guys,
    so I saw that there are lot of people asking how to get an GUI looking like this:

    This is not my work, I'm only posting a tutorial on how to do it. This is from user Cen who was so nice to share it with us.
    All credits go to: Cen
    1.) First download these files and extract them in the root of your mission folder or mission.pbo.
    Download Link or Attached files.
    2.) Add this to the bottom of description.ext
    class RscPictureGUI { access = 0; type = 0; idc = -1; colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,0}; colorText[] = {0.38,0.63,0.26,0.75}; font = "TahomaB"; sizeEx = 0; lineSpacing = 0; text = ""; style = "0x30 + 0x100"; x = 0; y = 0; w = 0.2; h = 0.15; }; class RscTextGUIK { type = 0; idc = -1; style = 0x02; colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,0}; colorText[] = {1, 1, 1, 0.5}; //color[] = {1, 1, 1, 0.5}; font = "TahomaB"; size = 0.03; sizeEx = 0.03; x = 0; y = 0; w = 0.1; h = 0.2; }; #include "dayz_code\gui\ATD_Hud.h" 3.) Add this line to a custom compiles.sqf or overwrite the path in the existing compiles.sqf (depends how you call yours).
    I will not do a tutorial on how to add custom compiles as there are plenty of them already out here on this forum.
    player_updateGui = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "dayz_code\compile\player_updateGui.sqf"; 4.) Edit ATD_Hud.h to your liking.
    And that should be it! If you have any questions or problems with it, please post down below and I'll try to get back to you as soon as possible or send me a PM.
    Let me know how I did for my first tutorial and thanks again to Cen for the HUD and letting me post a tutorial on this.
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