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  1. Like
    FoamysWorld reacted to seelenapparat in FMission   
    hey FoamysWorld, just wanted to say thank you for this awesome mission system. It might not be DZMS or WAI, but I love the 
    fact, that it is so small yet so customizable.
    made some kool mission with it like convoy, base defence, secret cave mission and kill a certain target etc.
    I think it is good as it is. its a base where admin can start doing their own thing with.
    maybe only the killcounter for npc could be implemented and rpgs as a choice.
    but thats it I think.
  2. Like
    FoamysWorld got a reaction from NetShark in FMission   
    As oSo said, the AI usually only shoot at vehicles with RPG's. As far as FMission still working despite being written a few versions ago, I designed it that way. I wrote it in a way that it should continue to function through Epoch upgrades. It's a self contained system that uses Arma functions so it's technically independent of Epoch, it just runs from the scheduler, which is super convenient.
    Not to say anything against the other mission systems as they all have their merits, but this one was designed because I found the others less flexible and independent than I was looking for. Short of it is, FMission is extremely flexible, you can make just about any kind of mission your brain can conjure up, and it should continue to function until Arma changes the functions I used.
    I did a video on how to make missions with FMission for anyone interested in making missions, it's linked in the first post.
  3. Like
    FoamysWorld got a reaction from MatthewK in FMission   
    You could do one of two things, use a slightly larger explosive or code it to do specific damage when activated. Could even get fancy and make random damages, etc.
  4. Like
    FoamysWorld got a reaction from megaz in FMission   
    Hey guys, glad to see you all still using this. I updated my other missions but I can't release them just yet. The gaming community I am part owner of is almost done tweaking our Overpoch server and it will be running my missions for a bit before I make them avail to everyone. Honestly I am surprised there are no missions posted that people have created with this. It appears some of you have made them? Anyways, I know the community would appreciate your contributions and as I have always said, if the mission is good I will include it in the missions pack and give you credit so let's see em guys!
  5. Like
    FoamysWorld got a reaction from King. in epoch bunker script   
    They need to be good size so we can explore. I had an idea about how to create different "instances" that wont take up real estate on the map or lag it from persistent areas. I am going to try this and see how it works out. My idea is to grab a section of sky off to the side of the map (in bounds of radiation, although... you could position a portion of the "area" over the line to create a "radiated area" of your "instance") and make an enclosed area so the player has no clue they are up in the sky somewhere. The areas can be called when the script launches so they are only there when needed. I wouldn't worry about aircraft since even if they found it the worst they could do is land on it. This way you could use static coords and set yourself up a grid in the sky to create instances.
  6. Like
    FoamysWorld got a reaction from Cinjun in FMission   
    First off I want to say this project is a result of my own personal preferences on what I wanted in a mission system. I am not trying to re-invent the wheel, steal anyone's thunder or create confusion by bringing forth a new mission system. I made this for me, and since I took the time to make it I might as well share it.
    What is FMission?
    FMission is the result of my need for complete control over mission creation. I wanted the ability to create challenging missions that had cool mechanics to them and the existing systems out there felt confined. It would have taken more work than I wanted to put into them to get them to do what I wanted so... enter FMission.
    FMission is a Mission system that runs off the built in Epoch Events Scheduler. It's a modular design that is easy to use and customize which means it allows users to design robust missions much easier. Advanced developers will enjoy the flexibility of the tool scripts that make up FMission and novice users will love the ease of their use. 
    Development of future tools are independent of the system thus can be added at anytime without the need to re-do anything previously created, unless you want to add the new tool (script mechanic) to an older script, but in most cases that will be as easy as adding a single line of code due to the modular design.
    The design of FMission allows for developers to create their own folders of missions which the user can simply drop into their main FMission folder and update one file to include that developers missions in the mission rotation. Users can ultimately pick and choose their favorite mission scripts from their favorite developers and create "playlists" so to speak. 
    I will be updating my GitHub with all the needed files and documentation over the next few days. Since it's in the infant stages I only have one older test mission so far, but that will change after I finish putting it on GitHub. Then I can concentrate on doing missions.
    I invite other developers to create missions as well. If we got all of the missions makers creating missions we could have a pretty sweet library of missions to choose from. 
    Current things you can do with the mission system:
    1. Create individual custom units that:
                   Have custom load outs (Bandit, Medic and Sniper) New loadouts can be easily created.
                   Random Skill Selection (Noob, Skilled and Elite) More skill levels can be added easily.
                   Can patrol if wanted. (Can easily adjust # of WP's)
    2. Create Vehicle (3 Vehicles to choose from currently, chosen at random) and Heli Patrols
    3. Create random Minefields around mission sites.
    4. Adjustable Timeouts that clear the current mission so the next mission can cycle if you choose
    5. Refreshing Markers (For JIP's and Death)
    6. Unlimited random mission selection
    7: Random mission spawn chance if you choose, adds randomness to "when" a mission will spawn.
    8. Loot boxes that spawn only after an objective is completed, if you choose.
    9. Loot boxes designed specifically for the Mission rather than pulling from a set of global mission load outs resulting in rewards that don't make sense for the mission.
    There is more to come, I have more tools in mind, but this is enough to get it rolling. It runs smooth, super flexible and missions can be made with a little AI or the whole kitchen sink. I did a test mission with patrolling AI, internal stationary AI, a base fortification, vehicle patrols, heli patrols and a minefield... let's just say it's not your father's Oldsmobile.
    EDIT: (3/18/2014)
    Should work on any map, just adjust the spawn radius to the correct size for your map when creating missions. 
    EDIT: (3/21/2014)
    FMission 1.1 has been released. 
    EDIT: (9/1/2014)
    FMission is compatible with Epoch AND Overpoch.
    EDIT: (12/7/2014)
    FMission is still working perfectly despite being written a while ago. It's design should keep it working for a very long time with no code base updates.
    EDIT: (4/27/2015) ********************************************************************************************************************************
    FMission is STILL working despite not being worked on for a year... With that said I must announce...
    I am officially stopping Development on FMission Version 1. I will be creating a new FMission system (FMission2) for Arma 3 to be used in new projects I am working on. I have posted a link to the Git containing FMission 1 files so if you would like to Fork them and work on it for yourself I have no issue with that as long as the original files are kept intact and my author credits remain in those files and ALL files derived from my work.
    The first NEW Arma 3 project that will Release will be "Close Quarters" a 25 vs 25 Team DeathMatch game mode with levels, XP, killstreaks, perks, stats tracking, persistent stats etc etc.
    Follow me on Twitter at: @FoamyTRG to keep up on Development, find out how to sign up for Beta and see teaser stuffs!
    Thank you for your support!
    Here is the link to FMission 1.1
    Link to Video Tutorial on How to create a mission with FMission:
  7. Like
    FoamysWorld got a reaction from Caveman1 in FMission   
    I still lurk guys, I am just very busy coding for a Top Altis Life server. We are about to release the project I have been working on for the last month or so. Word is the community I am now part owner of might be doing an Epoch server as well after we get the new Altis Life version out.
    That means I will probably update FMission a bit around that time as well. I still have a few missions that weren't released yet so I will also most likely finish the first mission pack and fill it out with the other missions, I think in total there are 6 or 7 missions.
    Don't forget I updated the main post with a tutorial video on how to make missions with FMission.
    If you guys are curious where I am at here is the link to our community.
  8. Like
    FoamysWorld got a reaction from Just_R in FMission   
    First off I want to say this project is a result of my own personal preferences on what I wanted in a mission system. I am not trying to re-invent the wheel, steal anyone's thunder or create confusion by bringing forth a new mission system. I made this for me, and since I took the time to make it I might as well share it.
    What is FMission?
    FMission is the result of my need for complete control over mission creation. I wanted the ability to create challenging missions that had cool mechanics to them and the existing systems out there felt confined. It would have taken more work than I wanted to put into them to get them to do what I wanted so... enter FMission.
    FMission is a Mission system that runs off the built in Epoch Events Scheduler. It's a modular design that is easy to use and customize which means it allows users to design robust missions much easier. Advanced developers will enjoy the flexibility of the tool scripts that make up FMission and novice users will love the ease of their use. 
    Development of future tools are independent of the system thus can be added at anytime without the need to re-do anything previously created, unless you want to add the new tool (script mechanic) to an older script, but in most cases that will be as easy as adding a single line of code due to the modular design.
    The design of FMission allows for developers to create their own folders of missions which the user can simply drop into their main FMission folder and update one file to include that developers missions in the mission rotation. Users can ultimately pick and choose their favorite mission scripts from their favorite developers and create "playlists" so to speak. 
    I will be updating my GitHub with all the needed files and documentation over the next few days. Since it's in the infant stages I only have one older test mission so far, but that will change after I finish putting it on GitHub. Then I can concentrate on doing missions.
    I invite other developers to create missions as well. If we got all of the missions makers creating missions we could have a pretty sweet library of missions to choose from. 
    Current things you can do with the mission system:
    1. Create individual custom units that:
                   Have custom load outs (Bandit, Medic and Sniper) New loadouts can be easily created.
                   Random Skill Selection (Noob, Skilled and Elite) More skill levels can be added easily.
                   Can patrol if wanted. (Can easily adjust # of WP's)
    2. Create Vehicle (3 Vehicles to choose from currently, chosen at random) and Heli Patrols
    3. Create random Minefields around mission sites.
    4. Adjustable Timeouts that clear the current mission so the next mission can cycle if you choose
    5. Refreshing Markers (For JIP's and Death)
    6. Unlimited random mission selection
    7: Random mission spawn chance if you choose, adds randomness to "when" a mission will spawn.
    8. Loot boxes that spawn only after an objective is completed, if you choose.
    9. Loot boxes designed specifically for the Mission rather than pulling from a set of global mission load outs resulting in rewards that don't make sense for the mission.
    There is more to come, I have more tools in mind, but this is enough to get it rolling. It runs smooth, super flexible and missions can be made with a little AI or the whole kitchen sink. I did a test mission with patrolling AI, internal stationary AI, a base fortification, vehicle patrols, heli patrols and a minefield... let's just say it's not your father's Oldsmobile.
    EDIT: (3/18/2014)
    Should work on any map, just adjust the spawn radius to the correct size for your map when creating missions. 
    EDIT: (3/21/2014)
    FMission 1.1 has been released. 
    EDIT: (9/1/2014)
    FMission is compatible with Epoch AND Overpoch.
    EDIT: (12/7/2014)
    FMission is still working perfectly despite being written a while ago. It's design should keep it working for a very long time with no code base updates.
    EDIT: (4/27/2015) ********************************************************************************************************************************
    FMission is STILL working despite not being worked on for a year... With that said I must announce...
    I am officially stopping Development on FMission Version 1. I will be creating a new FMission system (FMission2) for Arma 3 to be used in new projects I am working on. I have posted a link to the Git containing FMission 1 files so if you would like to Fork them and work on it for yourself I have no issue with that as long as the original files are kept intact and my author credits remain in those files and ALL files derived from my work.
    The first NEW Arma 3 project that will Release will be "Close Quarters" a 25 vs 25 Team DeathMatch game mode with levels, XP, killstreaks, perks, stats tracking, persistent stats etc etc.
    Follow me on Twitter at: @FoamyTRG to keep up on Development, find out how to sign up for Beta and see teaser stuffs!
    Thank you for your support!
    Here is the link to FMission 1.1
    Link to Video Tutorial on How to create a mission with FMission:
  9. Like
    FoamysWorld got a reaction from rgr in FMission   
    First off I want to say this project is a result of my own personal preferences on what I wanted in a mission system. I am not trying to re-invent the wheel, steal anyone's thunder or create confusion by bringing forth a new mission system. I made this for me, and since I took the time to make it I might as well share it.
    What is FMission?
    FMission is the result of my need for complete control over mission creation. I wanted the ability to create challenging missions that had cool mechanics to them and the existing systems out there felt confined. It would have taken more work than I wanted to put into them to get them to do what I wanted so... enter FMission.
    FMission is a Mission system that runs off the built in Epoch Events Scheduler. It's a modular design that is easy to use and customize which means it allows users to design robust missions much easier. Advanced developers will enjoy the flexibility of the tool scripts that make up FMission and novice users will love the ease of their use. 
    Development of future tools are independent of the system thus can be added at anytime without the need to re-do anything previously created, unless you want to add the new tool (script mechanic) to an older script, but in most cases that will be as easy as adding a single line of code due to the modular design.
    The design of FMission allows for developers to create their own folders of missions which the user can simply drop into their main FMission folder and update one file to include that developers missions in the mission rotation. Users can ultimately pick and choose their favorite mission scripts from their favorite developers and create "playlists" so to speak. 
    I will be updating my GitHub with all the needed files and documentation over the next few days. Since it's in the infant stages I only have one older test mission so far, but that will change after I finish putting it on GitHub. Then I can concentrate on doing missions.
    I invite other developers to create missions as well. If we got all of the missions makers creating missions we could have a pretty sweet library of missions to choose from. 
    Current things you can do with the mission system:
    1. Create individual custom units that:
                   Have custom load outs (Bandit, Medic and Sniper) New loadouts can be easily created.
                   Random Skill Selection (Noob, Skilled and Elite) More skill levels can be added easily.
                   Can patrol if wanted. (Can easily adjust # of WP's)
    2. Create Vehicle (3 Vehicles to choose from currently, chosen at random) and Heli Patrols
    3. Create random Minefields around mission sites.
    4. Adjustable Timeouts that clear the current mission so the next mission can cycle if you choose
    5. Refreshing Markers (For JIP's and Death)
    6. Unlimited random mission selection
    7: Random mission spawn chance if you choose, adds randomness to "when" a mission will spawn.
    8. Loot boxes that spawn only after an objective is completed, if you choose.
    9. Loot boxes designed specifically for the Mission rather than pulling from a set of global mission load outs resulting in rewards that don't make sense for the mission.
    There is more to come, I have more tools in mind, but this is enough to get it rolling. It runs smooth, super flexible and missions can be made with a little AI or the whole kitchen sink. I did a test mission with patrolling AI, internal stationary AI, a base fortification, vehicle patrols, heli patrols and a minefield... let's just say it's not your father's Oldsmobile.
    EDIT: (3/18/2014)
    Should work on any map, just adjust the spawn radius to the correct size for your map when creating missions. 
    EDIT: (3/21/2014)
    FMission 1.1 has been released. 
    EDIT: (9/1/2014)
    FMission is compatible with Epoch AND Overpoch.
    EDIT: (12/7/2014)
    FMission is still working perfectly despite being written a while ago. It's design should keep it working for a very long time with no code base updates.
    EDIT: (4/27/2015) ********************************************************************************************************************************
    FMission is STILL working despite not being worked on for a year... With that said I must announce...
    I am officially stopping Development on FMission Version 1. I will be creating a new FMission system (FMission2) for Arma 3 to be used in new projects I am working on. I have posted a link to the Git containing FMission 1 files so if you would like to Fork them and work on it for yourself I have no issue with that as long as the original files are kept intact and my author credits remain in those files and ALL files derived from my work.
    The first NEW Arma 3 project that will Release will be "Close Quarters" a 25 vs 25 Team DeathMatch game mode with levels, XP, killstreaks, perks, stats tracking, persistent stats etc etc.
    Follow me on Twitter at: @FoamyTRG to keep up on Development, find out how to sign up for Beta and see teaser stuffs!
    Thank you for your support!
    Here is the link to FMission 1.1
    Link to Video Tutorial on How to create a mission with FMission:
  10. Like
    FoamysWorld got a reaction from megaz in FMission   
    I found a couple things wrong.
    _targetunitsAlive = {alive _x} count (units _targetgroup); if (_targetunitsAlive < 1) then 1) It is looking for _targetgroup to check mission completion status however your group is called _attackgroup so change the targetgroup to attackgroup.
    2) Remove the reference to _targetgroup in the Clean up section at the bottom in the first if statement so it looks like this
    // Clean up EPOCH_MISSION3_RUNNING = false; deleteVehicle _base; deleteVehicle _loot_box; { deleteVehicle _x } forEach units _attackgroup; deleteGroup _attackgroup; diag_log("MISSION 3: WellsFargo - Script Finished"); } else { [nil,nil,rTitleText,"MISSION: Mission Failed", "PLAIN",10] call RE; // Clean up EPOCH_MISSION3_RUNNING = false; deleteVehicle _base; { deleteVehicle _x } forEach units _attackgroup; deleteGroup _attackgroup; diag_log("MISSION 3: WellsFargo - Script Finished"); };  3) Look at all the ai (units, vehicle and heli) calls... they are set to M1, yet you are using an M3 template. Change all M1's to M3's and that should be it.
  11. Like
    FoamysWorld got a reaction from axeman in [Official Release] EMS 0.3   
    Au contraire Firefly... my question is most relevant. While I appreciate the history lesson you are incorrect if you think I am just sitting back waiting to leach this. My interest is from a developers viewpoint where the division of labor is being squandered. There are some motivated folks here, who if worked together on something like this would get far more done and the product would be far superior. Simple business / development stuff. Why not devote that energy to writing great missions scripts instead of "systems"..
    I am not sure I am an "entitled" user as you put it... but hey you don't know me from Adam. So here is a little info..  I script pretty much all my own stuff, have contributed a few things and certainly bring this up from the standpoint that I have a pretty good idea of what I am talking about. Either I am doing things with the event system that nobody else thought of or people just really don't know what it's capable of. Missions are scripts, it makes no difference to the engine what system it reads it from. Perhaps the "missions" developed so far are nothing more than loot crates but that isn't the fault of the system, it's a fault of the scripts, maybe if people spent the time writing missions instead of systems there would be more missions? Food for thought.
    I have scripted up several very challenging missions that run on the stock system and I assure you they are more than just loot crates, My launcher adds unlimited random selection of missions. It works fantastic, so again... perhaps folks just don't know. I am not asking for a re-write, it doesn't need one. A couple of addon scripts, which I have already written, and it's flexibilty is endless. So.. again.. why waste effort re-inventing the wheel when we already have one?
    I apologize for my comments if you guys would rather do it the hard way... it just makes no sense to me.
  12. Like
    FoamysWorld got a reaction from LordDan1989 in FMission   
    FMission 1.3a and Mission Pack 0.3a are released.
    Fixed FMarker and set the target in Assassination to prone.
    Click the link in my sig for the downloads.
  13. Like
    FoamysWorld got a reaction from adrianna in FMission   
    FMission 1.3a and Mission Pack 0.3a are released.
    Fixed FMarker and set the target in Assassination to prone.
    Click the link in my sig for the downloads.
  14. Like
    FoamysWorld got a reaction from adrianna in FMission   
    Incoming answers
    1) Is it possible to make your Assassination Target go prone so they're not so easy to snipe? I'll update that today.
    2) Is it possible to unlock the AI vehicles one mission complete? I disabled a Vodnik by taking out it's tires and was a little disappointed I couldn't claim it. No, I locked them because they are intended for the AI to defend, not for players to own. They get deleted with Mission cleanup. Not to mention it screws with anithack setups and I am not willing to work around all of them just for players to have temporary access to Armed vehicles before they can buy them legit.
    3) Can the Icons be centered rather than attached to the actual cargo crates? It takes away the initial search. Yep, my bad... Thanks for catching that. I have been working a lot of hours lately so I have been extra tired. It's fixed and I will release an update shortly. They should have been centered and not at loot loc in the first place... a "tired" mistake.
    FYI the _center variable is not the place to fix that. That should only be changed if you have a random loc spawning issue.
    @ SnakeEyes
    Yeah take out the //FMission line and remove all entries not used. You only want to list what you are actually loading. Use the first example in my instructions. Look at the way it's formatted and stick to that.
    Ok, I finally put this on two of my servers and I'll be trying it out after the next server restart. I have a question and a suggestion: Is there any indicator where the minefield is in the Assassination mission? I am not sure exactly what you mean so I will answer both possible questions.
    There are signs that mark the outer area, one in each corner of the field. There are also visible mines, you have to look close in grass but you can see them. If you mean where is the setting to load it, it is in the Assassination Mission file about 3/4 of the way down, it should have a //comment above it that says what it is.
    Also, would it be possible to pull the contents of the boxes from the server's loot tables, rather than having a fixed list of items that will be in there? Yes I could, but I didn't do it like that for a reason. I want missions with focused loot based upon the mission itself. For instance, if I design a medical related mission I expect medical related supplies. My Home Depot mission doesn't give out food, it's a home depot mission, they do building supplies. Also, FMission loot is random, it pulls from a specific mission based loot table designed FOR that mission.
    Either way to get the custom loot per mission you have to edit a file, whether it is an external file or the mission you are working on, doesn't matter 6 of one half dozen of the other the load out still has to be written. Might as well make it IN the file you are working on so it's simple.
    So while random loot in the sense you mean has it's uses, like AI or random crates of stuff etc etc I think it ends up ruining the immersion into the mission when you get loot that has nothing to do with the mission. Not to mention it makes it more difficult for average users to create "custom" loot load outs for their missions and it's one less call being made during the mission.
    Keep in mind the idea behind my system is to keep it as simple as possible for avg users to create missions. Don't get me wrong, there is serious power in the tools and you can make some killer stuff if you have more scripting experience, but this is for the avg users so I intend to keep it as simple as possible to operate.
    Hopefully that is all the Questions, if I missed something let me know.
    Update 1.3a inc shortly to fix the marker. Fortunately I got a bit of sleep so I am a bit more clear headed tonight!
  15. Like
    FoamysWorld got a reaction from adrianna in setDamage   
    Keep in mind that piece of code can be used to apply damage to just about anything and can be used in many different ways. Just change the "Static" to whatever, "Land" "Man" "Air" etc etc... adjust the range and you can even alter the damage section and put in check conditions etc etc. 
  16. Like
    FoamysWorld got a reaction from LordDan1989 in FMission   
    FMission 1.3 released.
    Update includes:
    --- Updated FMarker scripts to include:
    --- Brush Types - You can now set the background fill type of markers
    --- Icon types - You can now set the Mission Marker Icon type for different mission types.
    --- Text - You can now add text to the Mission Marker Icons
    --- Missions and Templates updated with New FMarker changes.
    The call for FMarker has changed, so look at FMarkerX.sqf or a Mission Template for the new call in the description header.
  17. Like
    FoamysWorld reacted to ruubje11 in FMission   
    I love the regular updates, looks like you're really on top of things, which is great!
  18. Like
    FoamysWorld reacted to adrianna in FMission   
    Awesome Project, should be a part of Epoch.
  19. Like
    FoamysWorld reacted to Snakeyes in FMission   
    Your Github pages look great!
  20. Like
    FoamysWorld got a reaction from carl101 in Looking for a mod   
  21. Like
    FoamysWorld got a reaction from STENCHOVDETH in FMission   
    Update: 7:25 am PST
    FMission 1.2 is released
    Did quite a bit of updating and tested everything. 2 missions are in the new Mission Pack 0.2 update.
  22. Like
    FoamysWorld got a reaction from (TLS) in Help adding side events   
    The time you enter relates to the minutes every hour game time. So if you set it to 55 it will launch that entry at 55 minutes past the hour game time. Setting it to 2 would make it run at 2 minutes past the hour game time. 
    "And if that's how it works would you know why under my EpochEvents , it has ["any","any","any","any",0,"crash_spawner"] as default? so does that mean that will run as soon as the server starts or not at all? Also the crashspawner, does this give a message for these or are thye just hidden random events?#"
    The crash_spawner set to 0 it runs at server start since the server starts at the top of the hour unless you specify otherwise in HIveExt.ini. 
    "and as for the percentage i assume that can also be changed ?"
    Yes look in the mission for:
    _spawnChance =  0.35;
    For testing change it to:
    _spawnChance =  1;
    1 = 100% chance so .35 = 35%
    "and do you know what the "wait time" option means inside the "constructions.sqf?"
    It's how long the mission will stay active before it deletes the loot.
  23. Like
    FoamysWorld got a reaction from redcloud78 in FMission   
    First off I want to say this project is a result of my own personal preferences on what I wanted in a mission system. I am not trying to re-invent the wheel, steal anyone's thunder or create confusion by bringing forth a new mission system. I made this for me, and since I took the time to make it I might as well share it.
    What is FMission?
    FMission is the result of my need for complete control over mission creation. I wanted the ability to create challenging missions that had cool mechanics to them and the existing systems out there felt confined. It would have taken more work than I wanted to put into them to get them to do what I wanted so... enter FMission.
    FMission is a Mission system that runs off the built in Epoch Events Scheduler. It's a modular design that is easy to use and customize which means it allows users to design robust missions much easier. Advanced developers will enjoy the flexibility of the tool scripts that make up FMission and novice users will love the ease of their use. 
    Development of future tools are independent of the system thus can be added at anytime without the need to re-do anything previously created, unless you want to add the new tool (script mechanic) to an older script, but in most cases that will be as easy as adding a single line of code due to the modular design.
    The design of FMission allows for developers to create their own folders of missions which the user can simply drop into their main FMission folder and update one file to include that developers missions in the mission rotation. Users can ultimately pick and choose their favorite mission scripts from their favorite developers and create "playlists" so to speak. 
    I will be updating my GitHub with all the needed files and documentation over the next few days. Since it's in the infant stages I only have one older test mission so far, but that will change after I finish putting it on GitHub. Then I can concentrate on doing missions.
    I invite other developers to create missions as well. If we got all of the missions makers creating missions we could have a pretty sweet library of missions to choose from. 
    Current things you can do with the mission system:
    1. Create individual custom units that:
                   Have custom load outs (Bandit, Medic and Sniper) New loadouts can be easily created.
                   Random Skill Selection (Noob, Skilled and Elite) More skill levels can be added easily.
                   Can patrol if wanted. (Can easily adjust # of WP's)
    2. Create Vehicle (3 Vehicles to choose from currently, chosen at random) and Heli Patrols
    3. Create random Minefields around mission sites.
    4. Adjustable Timeouts that clear the current mission so the next mission can cycle if you choose
    5. Refreshing Markers (For JIP's and Death)
    6. Unlimited random mission selection
    7: Random mission spawn chance if you choose, adds randomness to "when" a mission will spawn.
    8. Loot boxes that spawn only after an objective is completed, if you choose.
    9. Loot boxes designed specifically for the Mission rather than pulling from a set of global mission load outs resulting in rewards that don't make sense for the mission.
    There is more to come, I have more tools in mind, but this is enough to get it rolling. It runs smooth, super flexible and missions can be made with a little AI or the whole kitchen sink. I did a test mission with patrolling AI, internal stationary AI, a base fortification, vehicle patrols, heli patrols and a minefield... let's just say it's not your father's Oldsmobile.
    EDIT: (3/18/2014)
    Should work on any map, just adjust the spawn radius to the correct size for your map when creating missions. 
    EDIT: (3/21/2014)
    FMission 1.1 has been released. 
    EDIT: (9/1/2014)
    FMission is compatible with Epoch AND Overpoch.
    EDIT: (12/7/2014)
    FMission is still working perfectly despite being written a while ago. It's design should keep it working for a very long time with no code base updates.
    EDIT: (4/27/2015) ********************************************************************************************************************************
    FMission is STILL working despite not being worked on for a year... With that said I must announce...
    I am officially stopping Development on FMission Version 1. I will be creating a new FMission system (FMission2) for Arma 3 to be used in new projects I am working on. I have posted a link to the Git containing FMission 1 files so if you would like to Fork them and work on it for yourself I have no issue with that as long as the original files are kept intact and my author credits remain in those files and ALL files derived from my work.
    The first NEW Arma 3 project that will Release will be "Close Quarters" a 25 vs 25 Team DeathMatch game mode with levels, XP, killstreaks, perks, stats tracking, persistent stats etc etc.
    Follow me on Twitter at: @FoamyTRG to keep up on Development, find out how to sign up for Beta and see teaser stuffs!
    Thank you for your support!
    Here is the link to FMission 1.1
    Link to Video Tutorial on How to create a mission with FMission:
  24. Like
    FoamysWorld got a reaction from MrAlfred in FMission   
    First off I want to say this project is a result of my own personal preferences on what I wanted in a mission system. I am not trying to re-invent the wheel, steal anyone's thunder or create confusion by bringing forth a new mission system. I made this for me, and since I took the time to make it I might as well share it.
    What is FMission?
    FMission is the result of my need for complete control over mission creation. I wanted the ability to create challenging missions that had cool mechanics to them and the existing systems out there felt confined. It would have taken more work than I wanted to put into them to get them to do what I wanted so... enter FMission.
    FMission is a Mission system that runs off the built in Epoch Events Scheduler. It's a modular design that is easy to use and customize which means it allows users to design robust missions much easier. Advanced developers will enjoy the flexibility of the tool scripts that make up FMission and novice users will love the ease of their use. 
    Development of future tools are independent of the system thus can be added at anytime without the need to re-do anything previously created, unless you want to add the new tool (script mechanic) to an older script, but in most cases that will be as easy as adding a single line of code due to the modular design.
    The design of FMission allows for developers to create their own folders of missions which the user can simply drop into their main FMission folder and update one file to include that developers missions in the mission rotation. Users can ultimately pick and choose their favorite mission scripts from their favorite developers and create "playlists" so to speak. 
    I will be updating my GitHub with all the needed files and documentation over the next few days. Since it's in the infant stages I only have one older test mission so far, but that will change after I finish putting it on GitHub. Then I can concentrate on doing missions.
    I invite other developers to create missions as well. If we got all of the missions makers creating missions we could have a pretty sweet library of missions to choose from. 
    Current things you can do with the mission system:
    1. Create individual custom units that:
                   Have custom load outs (Bandit, Medic and Sniper) New loadouts can be easily created.
                   Random Skill Selection (Noob, Skilled and Elite) More skill levels can be added easily.
                   Can patrol if wanted. (Can easily adjust # of WP's)
    2. Create Vehicle (3 Vehicles to choose from currently, chosen at random) and Heli Patrols
    3. Create random Minefields around mission sites.
    4. Adjustable Timeouts that clear the current mission so the next mission can cycle if you choose
    5. Refreshing Markers (For JIP's and Death)
    6. Unlimited random mission selection
    7: Random mission spawn chance if you choose, adds randomness to "when" a mission will spawn.
    8. Loot boxes that spawn only after an objective is completed, if you choose.
    9. Loot boxes designed specifically for the Mission rather than pulling from a set of global mission load outs resulting in rewards that don't make sense for the mission.
    There is more to come, I have more tools in mind, but this is enough to get it rolling. It runs smooth, super flexible and missions can be made with a little AI or the whole kitchen sink. I did a test mission with patrolling AI, internal stationary AI, a base fortification, vehicle patrols, heli patrols and a minefield... let's just say it's not your father's Oldsmobile.
    EDIT: (3/18/2014)
    Should work on any map, just adjust the spawn radius to the correct size for your map when creating missions. 
    EDIT: (3/21/2014)
    FMission 1.1 has been released. 
    EDIT: (9/1/2014)
    FMission is compatible with Epoch AND Overpoch.
    EDIT: (12/7/2014)
    FMission is still working perfectly despite being written a while ago. It's design should keep it working for a very long time with no code base updates.
    EDIT: (4/27/2015) ********************************************************************************************************************************
    FMission is STILL working despite not being worked on for a year... With that said I must announce...
    I am officially stopping Development on FMission Version 1. I will be creating a new FMission system (FMission2) for Arma 3 to be used in new projects I am working on. I have posted a link to the Git containing FMission 1 files so if you would like to Fork them and work on it for yourself I have no issue with that as long as the original files are kept intact and my author credits remain in those files and ALL files derived from my work.
    The first NEW Arma 3 project that will Release will be "Close Quarters" a 25 vs 25 Team DeathMatch game mode with levels, XP, killstreaks, perks, stats tracking, persistent stats etc etc.
    Follow me on Twitter at: @FoamyTRG to keep up on Development, find out how to sign up for Beta and see teaser stuffs!
    Thank you for your support!
    Here is the link to FMission 1.1
    Link to Video Tutorial on How to create a mission with FMission:
  25. Like
    FoamysWorld got a reaction from LordDan1989 in 4 types of Side Missions (Events)   
    Ok the minefield script is on my Github. I decided to nix the cleanup and add in a spawnchance factor to it, which is currently set to 30% and can be changed in the file. There are warning signs at the corners of the minefield area so if you are paying attention you can avoid the fields. The cleanup from a Role Playing standpoint made no real sense, since who cleans them up when a camp moves or gets wiped out? That stuff gets left behind and it's very cool to come across random minefields when you are out hunting. They will disappear on server restart.
    It is setup so you take minor damage and possible bleeding if you are on the edge of the trigger, think of being grazed. If you run right over it you take major damage, break your legs and could go unconscious for a short time.
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