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    lmapper reacted to Halvhjearne in [WIP] Upgrading weapons   
    i dont wanna steal your thunder or anything, but heres what i got so far, so you dont do too much "double" work:
    my "upgrade" file:
    my "downgrade" file:
    my hpp file:
  2. Like
    lmapper reacted to insertcoins in How to spawn zombies ?   
    Im not sure how one would go about setting up the server side way, but the trigger way is easy.
    (copy paste off off user ebay I believe)
    Make a trigger:

            class Item16         { position[]={11787.4,0.001,12674.5};  // database cords, xyz a=100; b=100; activationBy="ANY"; repeating=1;  // every one who enters the area after this spawns an additional horde interruptable=1; age="UNKNOWN"; name="ZombleSpawnTrigger"; expCond="(vehicle player) in thislist;"; expActiv="zomblespawnt = [] execVM ""map_addons\zombies\1.sqf"";"; expDesactiv="terminate zomblespawnt;"; class Effects { }; };  
    now, make an sqf file called 1.sqf, with this in it:

    _zombletypes = [ "zZombie_Base", "z_worker1", "z_worker2", "z_worker3", "z_villager1", "z_villager2", "z_villager3", "z_suit1", "z_suit2", "z_soldier", "z_soldier_heavy", "z_soldier_pilot", "z_policeman", "z_teacher", "z_doctor", "z_hunter", "z_priest" ]; _zomblesposition = [13616.088,3153.3975,5.3405762e-005]; //where you want the zombies to spawn, this location is xzy _i = 1; for "_i" from 1 to 30 do // spawns between 1 and 30 zombies { _genzombles = _zombletypes call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _agent = createAgent [_genzombles, _zomblesposition, [], 10, "NONE"]; _zombleselectedpos = getPosATL _agent; [_zombleselectedpos,_agent] execFSM "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\zombie_agent.fsm"; };  
    and save that file in the mission file: map_addons\zombies\
    upload, restart, happy tears
  3. Like
    lmapper reacted to raymix in [WIP] DZEi - Epoch interior (updated 4/07/04)   
    Download Snap: GitHub
    Quick Update 2 (July 4th) - Full support for water, code optimization, all known bugs fixed, menus and snapping fully functional as intended.
    Quick Update (July 4th) - Support for water added.
    Quick Update (July 2nd) - Download the code from GitHub, Safe to use snap building on live servers. Any suggestions, bug reports or fixes are welcome. I couldn't come up with better name for mod, so yeah, there's that.
    A small tutorial tip will pop up first time client builds something, it is disabled afterwards, so runs only once per log in, however if you still want to disable it, add this somewhere in your init.sqf:
    Update #3 (July 1st) - Snap Build and code walk-trough 
    Here's snap building in action.

    Probably unusual video, but damn I wish someone else did something like this when I started on coding, would have saved me days of headache!
    Code is now changed quite a bit, however video still explains bits and peaces of how and why it works.

    Update #2 (June 17) - Extended build

    Update #1 (June 02) - Object export (all broken LODs in video are fixed now)

  4. Like
    lmapper reacted to Axe Cop in [Release] Multiple Character Support (now compatible with Epoch   
    My new mod may change the way you play DayZ, simply put this mod enables all players on the server to get the choice of using multiple characters (without having to buy multiple copies of ArmA2:CO  :P). I've set up a prototype on my test server with a 3 character selection dialog (see picture below), this may be improved but the base mechanics itself are working great so far.   So when you join a server after the loading screen you see a dialog like this: you have to chose one of 3 character slots every time you log into the server, each character slot is completely independent (different humanity and other stats, like different players). the slot count isn't static but I though 3 is a good start, admins can change the character selection dialog to a different number of slots, if you want you can have 100 slots for each player. :D   This mod can't be archived with a little script, but I've tried to made the installation as easy as possible. For an overview this is what I've done to get this mod working: Database schema: added one extra column "Slot" to the "character_data" table (the database stays fully compatible to the default HiveExt.dll) Custom HiveExt.dll to add a new method for loading all character data of a player (CHILD:100), also a small change to the current load player method to support multiple characters (CHILD:101). I could have made completely new methods for the login process, but this way only a very few modifications are necessary in the Hive code and the script files, but this also means my modified HiveExt.dll is not compatible with servers who don't have the "Slot" column in the "character_data" table one new script for the server and a small change in the server_playerLogin.sqf (to send the slot id to the hive) for the client files I've changed the player monitor to inject the character selection before the login process (see player_monitor.fsm changes below) To visualize the changes made to the login process, take a look at this state machine diagram of the player_monitor.fsm (changes are highlighted in green):

        Download latest version for Epoch 1.0.5 and http://dl.bintray.com/vos/dayz/multichar1.3.3.zip Older versions are available here (for other Epoch version since   Installation instructions I've tried to make the installation as easy as possible and still do it the proper way and change the files like the Epoch devs would do it. Some steps could be changed and the code simply be put in the init.sqf instead of changing the Epoch files, if you have some experience with ArmA script you can do that but if you follow my instructions it is the best way to do it like this in my opinion.   Pre-requirements: a PBO manager and basic knowledge of ArmA script editing.   Note: I've added all changed files to the download package, so you can see how they should look like with the changes applied. If you didn't make any custom changes to those files you can also just use them instead of following my instructions to change the files below.   run the SQL query to add the "Slot" column to the "Character_DATA" table in your Epoch database:
    ALTER TABLE `Character_DATA` ADD COLUMN `Slot` TINYINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 1 AFTER `PlayerUID`; copy the file HiveExt.dll to the @DayZ_Epoch_Server folder (overwrite the Epoch file) Note: the source code of the HiveExt with my changes can be found here. unpack your dayz_server.pbo and copy the file server_playerCharacters.sqf to the compile sub-folder open the file compile\server_playerLogin.sqf, around line 47 replace
    _key = format["CHILD:101:%1:%2:%3:",_playerID,dayZ_instance,_playerName]; with
    _key = format["CHILD:101:%1:%2:%3:%4:",_playerID,dayZ_instance,_playerName,_this select 2]; open the file init\server_functions.sqf and add the line
    server_playerCharacters = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_playerCharacters.sqf"; after the line 9
    BIS_Effects_Burn = {}; repack your dayz_server.pbo unpack your mission.pbo (e.g. DayZ_Epoch_11.Chernarus.pbo) if necessary and copy the file RscDisplayCharacterSelect.hpp into the mission folder, open the file description.ext and add this line at the very bottom:
    #include "RscDisplayCharacterSelect.hpp" unpack your dayz_code.pbo (on your PC @DayZ_Epoch\addons\dayz_code.pbo) and copy the files init\publicEH.sqf and system\player_monitor.sqf to a "custom" folder in your mission folder (if you don't already have custom versions of those files), change the references to those files in your init.sqf to something like "custom\publicEH.sqf" and "custom\player_monitor.sqf" copy my custom file player_monitor.fsm to your "custom" folder (the changes in this file are not easy to reproduce, so it may be best you use my custom file instead of adding the changes yourself) open the file publicEH.sqf and add this line above the line starting with "PVDZE_plr_Login" (around line 54):
    "PVDZE_plr_Characters" addPublicVariableEventHandler {_id = (_this select 1) spawn server_playerCharacters}; open the file player_monitor.sqf and change the path to my custom player_monitor.fsm so that the line looks something like this:
    _id = [] execFSM "custom\player_monitor.fsm"; repack your mission.pbo if necessary   That's it! Yeah I know not the easiest mod to install, but that is DayZ/Epoch.. I Hope I didn't forget anything, but I think that is all.  :P     Restrictions (since version 1.1) I've added two restrictions to minimize the possibilities for players to abuse quick character switching: character switch timeout - how often a player can switch to another living character (in minutes), the last used slot is always available and the player can also spawn fresh if he has a dead character or never used slot minimum distance to dead bodies of the same player - calculates the distance to previously died characters of the player (in meters), this will prevent the player from "stacking" two or more characters at the same place (like a base) and switch to another character if one dies There are global config variables for changing the default settings for the restrictions:
    DZE_CharacterSwitchTimeout = 30; // default 30 minutes timeout (0 to disable) DZE_CharacterMinDistance = 1000; // default 1000 meters min distance (0 to disable) You can add those variables to the config section in the init.sqf.
    Here a screenshot how it may look like with active restrictions:

    Disabled character slots are displayed with a red disabled button (cannot be pressed) with info text on the button.
    If one or more restrictions apply there is also be an info text displayed at the bottom of the screen.
    Note: at the moment there is no automatic timer or anything to count the timeout down, you have to manually press the refresh button to refresh the character data and last login time.
    Suggestions and ideas welcome. Also for the character selection dialog what do you like to see on there?
  5. Like
    lmapper reacted to WGC GeekGarage in Delete vehicles parked in safezones on restart   
    Napf Trader Areas _safezones = [ [8246.3184,15485.867,0], //Lenz [15506.952,13229.368,0], //Emmen [12399.751,5074.5273,0], //Schratten [10398.626,8279.4619,0], //Bandit [5149.9814,4864.1191,0], //Hero [2122.7954,7807.9878,0], //Wholesale1 [5379.0342,16103.187,0], //Wholesaler [6772.8877,16983.27,0], //boat1 [16839.973,5264.0566,0], //boat2 [15128.379,16421.879,0] //awol ];
  6. Like
    lmapper got a reaction from ZamboniBambino in [WIP] Player Voting for Night/Day   
    Right Click on brief-cases ? Wow, why so ?
    I think addAction better ?
    You can add brief removing.
  7. Like
    lmapper reacted to HollowAddiction in [Release] Center For Disease Control   
    Hollow's Center for Disease Control

    A nice little Balota Addition
    I made this build as a housing place for my CDC Trader in which you can trade zombie parts for gold, the idea is a single scientist is trying to find the cure and needs you to gather zombie flesh for him and he is willing to make it worth your wild.
    Below are tutorials for with, and without the trader.
    Tutorial WITHOUT Trader: (with trader tutorial below)
    click the download link above and download the CDC_Balota.zip
    Unpack your dayz_server.pbo
    Add the following code to the bottom of your server_functions.sqf  located at: 
    [] ExecVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\custom\CDC_Balota.sqf"; Create a folder named "custom" and place the CDC_Balota.sqf
    you downloaded, inside the custom folder.
    Place the custom folder in the root of your dayz_server.pbo then repack and upload your pbo
    To add the map marker open your mission.sqm
    search for 
    class Markers and scroll to the bottom of the markers and add this code
    class Item20 { position[]={4843.2983,365.13501,2278.8335}; name="Centre for Disease Control"; text="Centre for Disease Control"; type="mil_triangle"; colorName="ColorYellow"; }; Remember to change the items=? and class Item20  to match your own markers.
    (keep in mind the first marker item is 0, so if you have 24 markers, it should read items=25 and this marker should be class Item24)
    Tutorial WITH Trader:
    Do the above, but substitue all CDC_Balota.sqf in the code with
     and use the Trader_CDC_Balota.zip download obviously.
    Open your server_traders.sqf and add this code to the bottom
    // CDC menu_RU_Doctor = [ [["Specimens",900],["Medical Supplies",901]], [], "neutral" ]; at the top of your server_traders.sqf add "RU_Doctor" to the list of servertraders
    Now make the new TID's in your Database and add the items to them
    (assuming you have changed or added items to traders before)
    Now your done. 
    Reply with any questions
    Additions to this build are welcome, everyone has full permission to use this how ever they want.
  8. Like
    lmapper reacted to Halvhjearne in 3rdPersonView + Mercenary difficulty.   
    you cant ... you need 3rd person view availible ... you can use a lower difficulty and customize it
  9. Like
    lmapper reacted to Darth_Rogue in Kill Messages Help   
    // These are the settings. Set a value to 0 to disable the feature, or set it to 1 to enable it. Armor=1; // Gives you improved body armor, tank armor etc FriendlyTag=1; // Displays information on friendly units. ONLY WORKS WITH 'Weaponcursor=0', eg crosshair on. EnemyTag=1; // Displays information on enemy units HUD=1; // Shows you leaders location and your position in formation HUDPerm=1; // Shows HUD permanently HUDWp=1; // Shows Waypoints right after they're ordered to you HUDWpPerm=1; // Shows Waypoints permanently WeaponCursor=1; // Shows the crosshair for your weapon AutoAim=1; // Enables auto aim when you're not looking through your weapon's scope. Also works with crosshair off AutoGuideAT=1; // AT missiles will be automatically guided to their target. If 0, player has to lock onto the target. 3rdPersonView=1; // This turns 3rd(third) person view and group leader view on or off. Please never talk of this as "3D view" - ArmA is not an arcade game ! ClockIndicator=1; // Displays the clock indicator on the left of your screen when giving/receiving orders like "At 11 o'clock, eemy man at 200 meters" Map=1; // Shows symbols for all objects known to your gruop on the map. This will NOT disable the map itself ! Tracers=1; // Displays tracers even of small arms that in real life would not have tracers AutoSpot=1; // If you're close enough to an enemy, you'll report it without right-clicking UltraAI=0; // Enables some kind of super AI that hears and sses more and has better tactics. This is for both friendly and enemy sides. UnlimitedSaves=1; // Enables saing permanently. For single player missions. But you then can only load the last save state. DeathMessages=1; // (1.09 and later) Displays "XXX was killed by YYY" messages in multiplayer NetStats=1; // (1.09 and later) Enables the scoreboard functionality in MP VonID=1; // (1.09 and later) When using VoN, display the name of the player speaking. There ya go!  :)
  10. Like
    lmapper reacted to lmapper in How to prevent map marker spam   
    Complete mechanism of this function is very difficult to describe, especially with my level of English. In short - we take an array of all the markers on the map, and each marker again scroll the array of markers and delete all that have the same description, except for the current token.  Written just been me, and has not been tested.   // Markers Cleanup private ["_pre","_cur","_cnt"]; if ((count allMapMarkers) < 10) then { { _pre = toArray _x; _cur = _forEachIndex; { _sx = toArray _x; if ((_pre select 0) = (_sx select 0) and (_cur != _forEachIndex)) then { deleteMarker _x; _cnt++; }; } forEach allMapMarkers; } forEach allMapMarkers; hint format ["Markers Deleted: %1, thx LMapper", _cnt]; }; The first time I use _forEachIndex, and the Internet do not have any information about her.
  11. Like
    lmapper reacted to raymix in Multiple Cursor Target Options?   
    isKindOf works for vehicles mainly in "cars" and "landvehicle" category, use typeOf for objects instead
  12. Like
    lmapper reacted to jahangir13 in Fn_selfactions dont with my script.   
    Imapper: yes, and the second thing with the if for checking player speed? I have the feeling with my server menu that it only appears if there is a change, like I run or stand still...or you have a look at a cursurtarget or something. It does not apear if the condition is just set to true. It needs some kind of update or change if you understand what I mean?
  13. Like
    lmapper got a reaction from ruubje11 in Fn_selfactions dont with my script.   
    This is nothing to do with. Condition is satisfied in both cases,
  14. Like
    lmapper reacted to ispan55 in script - searched buildings   
    не вопрос ))
    will be on the trail of a week
  15. Like
    lmapper reacted to kiel367 in [RELEASE] Bexs Bunker Trader   
    can someone release this for napf already? im craving this
  16. Like
    lmapper reacted to Sukkaed in Need remove grenades from Mozzie (csj_gyroc)   
    setvehicleammo 0;
  17. Like
    lmapper reacted to ToejaM in [How To] [CPC] Indestructible Bases   
    Patch 1.0.3 Information
    I would just like to point out that my script is working entirely flawlessly however the line numbers are wrong in some cases in the tutorials below but they are easy enough to see where it goes instead by searching for the correct words. All the information you need is in this post.
    At present I do not have time to write the tutorial on pulling the maintain_area.sqf from the DayZ code files, however you will need to do this as Axe Cop's script is now part of Epoch as standard.
    When I get time I will add this if someone hasn't done it already, its very quick and easy to do but I want to make sure I write it as perfectly as possible to avoid confusion. Its as simple as finding it in the file structure, placing it in your mission folder and then changing the path inside the self actions file.
    If you do not pull the maintain_area.sqf from the code and add my fix to it, when you maintain your base using the area function on the plot pole it will make your base vulnerable to attack until the restart.
    [CPC] Indestructible Bases - PART1: On Server Restart
    What it does:
    Anything you define inside the _cpcimmune tag will respawn on server restart entirely indestructible and will also not be able to be knocked down. You can add anything you like to the list. the list currently only comprises of the new modular base buildables.
    How to:
    Step 1)
    Unpack your dayz_server.pbo
    Step 2)
    Find \system\server_monitor.sqf add copy this at around line 6
    _script = getText(missionConfigFile >> "onPauseScript"); // ### [CPC] Indestructible Buildables Fix _cpcimmune =[ "WoodFloor_DZ", "WoodFloorHalf_DZ", "WoodFloorQuarter_DZ", "Land_DZE_LargeWoodDoorLocked", "WoodLargeWallDoor_DZ", "WoodLargeWallWin_DZ", "WoodLargeWall_DZ", "Land_DZE_WoodDoorLocked", "WoodSmallWallDoor_DZ", "WoodSmallWallWin_DZ", "Land_DZE_GarageWoodDoor", "Land_DZE_GarageWoodDoorLocked", "WoodLadder_DZ", "WoodStairsSans_DZ", "WoodStairs_DZ", "WoodSmallWall_DZ", "WoodSmallWallThird_DZ", "CinderWallHalf_DZ", "CinderWall_DZ", "CinderWallDoorway_DZ", "Land_DZE_LargeWoodDoor", "MetalFloor_DZ", "CinderWallDoorSmallLocked_DZ", "CinderWallSmallDoorway_DZ", "CinderWallDoor_DZ" ]; // ### [CPC] Indestructible Buildables Fix if ((count playableUnits == 0) and !isDedicated) then { Step 3)
    Scroll down to around line 180 and copy this
    _object setdir _dir; _object setpos _pos; _object setDamage _damage; // ### [CPC] Indestructible Buildables Fix if (typeOf(_object) in _cpcimmune) then { _object addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", {false}]; _object enableSimulation false; }; // ### [CPC] Indestructible Buildables Fix Step 4)
    Repack your dayz_server.pbo
    You're done, its as simple as that. This has been tested on my server for well over a few weeks and is entirely stable. We don't have buildables destructible until a server restart to allow players to remove them by force themselves if neccesary to reduce admin intervention.
    If you wish to contribute and add your a tutorial for spawning items indestructible without need for a server restart then send me a PM and I'll update this post.
    [CPC] Indestructible Base Fix - PART2: On Object Creation
    What it does
    This is how to make your base objects spawn immediately indestructible without the need for a restart - Credit to Snowmobil for the player_build.sqf coding.
    If you already have a custom compiles.sqf you can skip the first 3 steps
    Create a custom compiles.sqf in your mission file.
    Creating a custom compiles.sqf
    Step 1)
    Unpack your dayz_code.pbo in Dayz_Epoch\addons\
    Step 2)
    Pull out the compiles.sqf from dayz_code\init\ and place into your root mission folder (where mission.sqm is)
    Step 3)
    Edit your init.sqf inside your mission file around line 58 to look like this
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "compiles.sqf"; //Compile regular functions Step 4)
    If not already done due to step 1, unpack your dayz_code.pbo in DayZ_Epoch\addons\
    Step 5)
    Find your player_build.sqf in your dayz_code\actions\
    Step 6)
    Around line 231 copy to look like this
    // Start Build _tmpbuilt = createVehicle [_classname, _location, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; // ### [CPC] Indestructible Base Fix _tmpbuilt addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", {false}]; _tmpbuilt enableSimulation false; // ### [CPC] Indestructible Base Fix Save the file in its current location if not already made a copy elsewhere.
    Step 7)
    In your mission folder create a folder called "fixes" and place the player_build.sqf in there.
    Step 8)
    Edit your compiles.sqf around line 95
    player_build = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "fixes\player_build.sqf"; Notes:
    You're now done. You don't need to repack your dayz_code folder as the fix overwrites the original file due to where its called from, you also don't need to save the player_buid.sqf in the folder you copied it from, you can copy it elsewhere if you wish to keep an original version incase you need to revert for what ever reason.
    This does not need the buildable array that the first part of this tutorial needs, however you will need the first part that edits the server side files for a restart to keep these buildables indestructible.
    Locations of files are optional, the compiles.sqf does not have to be in the root folder if you wish to have it in your fixes folder just amend the file path. This also means you do not need to name the folder where player_build.sqf goes to "fixes" it can be called anything you like, I just happen to use "fixes" for my custom files.
    If you use this fix or think its a good idea, please hit the like button on this post. It doesn't do anything for me but shows interest in having indestructible bases. Thanks.
    [CPC] Indestructible Base Fix - PART3: Prevent Maintenance Exploit
    Currently you can "maintain" an object and it becomes destructible. This stops players from "maintaining" your buildables and then destroying them, as the server swaps them out to destructible types. There are several ways to implement this fix. If someone wishes to modify the server_dayzswap file so that the swapped buildables are also indestructible I will update this post. This however is suitable for my servers needs and helps players to register their base.   If you have a custom fn_selfActions file you can skip to step 3.   Step 1)   Unpack your dayz_code.pbo in your @DayZ_Epoch client folder   Step 2)   Put the \addons\dayz_code\compile\fn_selfActions.sqf inside your fixes folder.   Step 3)   Modify your fn_selfActions.sqf this around line 501 and save   if (s_player_maint_build < 0) then { s_player_lastTarget set [1,_cursorTarget]; // ### [CPC] Maintenance Fix s_player_maint_build = player addAction [format["Maintain %1",_text], "fixes\cpcmaintfix.sqf",_cursorTarget, -2, false, true, "",""]; // ### [CPC] Maintenance Fix }; } else { Step 4)
    Create a new .sqf file, either by copying an existing one or renaming the file extension of a newly created .txt document. Name this file cpcmaintfix.sqf, place this in your fixes folder and put this code inside the newly created .sqf
    cutText [format["Maintenance is disabled on this server as it is not required. Please see our website on how to ensure your base is not deleted."], "PLAIN DOWN"]; Optionally customize the message to what you like, we run a base registration system so that we can delete old bases due to there being no viable cleanup system thanks to indestructible buildables and believing that maintenance as it stands, its too much work for base owners.
    Step 5)
    Modify your compiles.sqf (see above on this post on how to create one, you should have already done it by now if you're this far though) around line 17
    fnc_usec_selfActions = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "fixes\fn_selfActions.sqf"; //Checks which actions for self Notes:
    [CPC] Indestructible Base Fix - PART4: Swap Objects Fix
    When you maintain an object either through Axe Cop's areal maintenance script or by doing it individually on each object, it swaps out the object for a new one. You don't see a change but it does happen. This spawns it in using server_swapObject.sqf which does not have the indestructible code inside. You don't have to do this as a restart will make your objects indestructible again however, if you maintain many objects they will be vulnerable to normal attacks until a restart, so it is advised that you do this.
    Part 4a: Normal DayZ Epoch maintenance system
    Step 1)
    Decompile dayz_server.pbo
    Step 2)
    Goto: @DayZ_Epoch_Server\addons\dayz_server\compile\ and find server_swapObject.sqf
    Step 3)
    Around line 44 change this:
    _object addMPEventHandler ["MPKilled",{_this call object_handleServerKilled;}]; // Test disabling simulation server side on buildables only. _object enableSimulation false; to this:
    _object addMPEventHandler ["MPKilled",{_this call object_handleServerKilled;}]; // Test disabling simulation server side on buildables only. _object enableSimulation false; // ### CPC Swap Object Fix _object addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", {false}]; // ### CPC Swap Object Fix Step 4)
    Recompile your dayz_server.pbo and you're now done.
    Part 4b: Axe Cop's Maintain Area Script
    Step 1)
    In your mission file, or where ever you have stored the script, open the file
    e.g mine: D:\Gameservers\testserver\MPMissions\DayZ_Epoch_11.Chernarus\fixes\maintain_area.sqf
    If neccesary you might need to unpack your mission.pbo
    Step 2)
    Go to around line 104
    // Set location _object setPosATL _location; PVDZE_obj_Swap = [_objectCharacterID,_object,[_dir,_location],_classname,_obj,_objectID,_objectUID]; publicVariableServer "PVDZE_obj_Swap"; player reveal _object; } forEach _objects; and change to this
    // Set location _object setPosATL _location; // ### CPC Swap Object Fix _object enableSimulation false; _object addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", {false}]; // ### CPC Swap Object Fix PVDZE_obj_Swap = [_objectCharacterID,_object,[_dir,_location],_classname,_obj,_objectID,_objectUID]; publicVariableServer "PVDZE_obj_Swap"; player reveal _object; } forEach _objects; Step 3)
    Save your file and if necessary, repack your mission.pbo and you're done.
  18. Like
    lmapper got a reaction from ToshioSM in Disappearing menu after wearing clothes   
    Copy-paste here part of fn_selfactions.sqf with this script.
  19. Like
    lmapper reacted to bFe in 1 Step building   
    Create a custom player_build.sqf if you dont already have one.

    Search for "_limit = 3;"
    Change 3 to 1.

    That changes most of the buildables to 1 step instead of 3, but for example the sandbag nest still has 6 steps for some reason.
  20. Like
    lmapper reacted to seeker619 in Teleporter to teleport from A to B (or scroll option with multiple choice)   
    let me word it differently, where is the player going to find the teleporter? how would i add the teleporter in the game? or are the 3 locations the teleporters? and i would just change the locs to where i want them to be?
    nm i get it all now.
    going to test it.
  21. Like
    lmapper got a reaction from Donnovan in Custom Suicide script 5/1/14   
    *google translater* <3
    I think this action is necessary to show only if a player has broken leg, or a little blood.
    In other cases, it is very much in the way and you can accidentally press.
  22. Like
    lmapper reacted to prominentalex in Better Tag Friendlies   
    I found a server with a script, that allows you to tag a friendly, and then you have ESP for your friendly, so you can never get into an accidental engagement. Anyone know how I could script that?
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    lmapper reacted to Axe Cop in Why it doesnt work ? :(   
    1. why do you use RE (remote execution)? that will send the text to ALL players, I think you just want to show the message for the current player? :D
    just use titleText locally:
    titleText ["You have radio", "PLAIN"]; no need for RE?
    "ItemRadio" in items player should work, but I don't know, maybe because you used the wrong text message you could never see it yourself (RE is only visible for all other players, not yourself)
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