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(Updated 7/24/14) Qdoba City with Ai's using WAI

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try that one 


And add this as cords just the way I have it here 



That one ?

class Item7​
text="The Last Stand";​
Edit ; I know how to add markers but i dont know the name of a marker which is big enough for the whole city
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That one ?

class Item7​
text="The Last Stand";​
Edit ; I know how to add markers but i dont know the name of a marker which is big enough for the whole city


Sorrry I misunderstood your question. I just have it by the entrance . I don't think there is a marker big enough to cover whole city. And the cords i gave there are just one of where AI Spawn in. 

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Edit ; I know how to add markers but i dont know the name of a marker which is big enough for the whole city

Could you plant one of the ellipse-type shaders that are used by WAI or DZMS? They have definable radius and color and could approximate the city's perimeter.

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yeah im looking for one of them but i dont know how to set size and name


Edit :

I dont know how to transfer something like this :

_nul = createMarker ["DZMStrMarker", [(DZMStrCoords select 0), (DZMStrCoords select 1),0]];
"DZMStrMarker" setMarkerColor "ColorRed";
"DZMStrMarker" setMarkerShape "Rectangle";
"DZMStrMarker" setMarkerBrush "BDiagonal";
"DZMStrMarker" setMarkerSize [750,750];


into the mission.sqm

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Hmmm, I see.

I'm assuming you want to put it into the mission.sqm because otherwise you'll have to add a timer loop to put the marker on the map for newly joined players?


Looking at the current DZMS (downloading DZMS-DayZMissionSystem-master.zip, dragging the packed directory into NotePad++ and searching 'in all opened documents' for e.g. DZMSMinMarker) shows how Vampire adds a marker (DZMSAddMinMarker.sqf) and loops for refreshing it periodically (DZMSMarkerLoop.sqf).


So if you don't find a method of marking areas in die mission.sqm you could perhaps expand the Qdoba files accordingly?

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I didn't try that (and won't), but having a quick look at DZMS shows that:

  • DZMSInit.sqf is called from dayz_server/system/server_monitor.sqf and qdoba.sqf is called from dayz_server/init/server_functions.sqf, I'm not sure about the difference but both are residing in the dayz_server.pbo.
  • DZMSInit.sqf has
    // Let's get the Marker Re-setter running for JIPs to stay updated
    [] ExecVM DZMSMarkerLoop;

    as last line,

  • so I guess you could run something like

    // care for Qdoba map markers
    [] ExecVM qdobamarkerinit
    [] ExecVM qdobamarkerloop;

    from the end of qdoba.sqf,

  • create a new file qdobamarkerinit.sqf (to be put beside qdoba.sqf) containing essentially a copy of e.g. DZMSAddMinMarker.sqf

    QdobaCoords = [X Y];  // replace X and Y by Qdoba worldspace coordinate
    QdobaName = "Qdoba";
    _nul = createMarker ["QdobaMarker", QdobaCoords ];
    "QdobaMarker" setMarkerColor "ColorGreen";  // change to blue?
    "QdobaMarker" setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE";
    "QdobaMarker" setMarkerBrush "Grid";
    "QdobaMarker" setMarkerSize [150,150];      // adjust size
    // you may want to not set a dot, but it seems to be needed for the marker name
    _nil = createMarker ["QdobaDot", QdobaCoords];
    "QdobaDot" setMarkerColor "ColorBlack";
    "QdobaDot" setMarkerType "Vehicle";
    "QdobaDot" setMarkerText QdobaName;
  • create  a new file qdobamarkerloop.sqf (to be put beside qdoba.sqf) containing essentially a copy of e.g. DZMSMarkerLoop.sqf

    //Lets start the timer
    _run = true;
    while {_run} do
        sleep 25; // sleep 25 seconds
    	//If the marker exists (meaning the mission is active) lets delete it and re-add it
    	if (!(getMarkerColor "QdobaMarker" == "")) then {
    		deleteMarker "QdobaMarker";
    		deleteMarker "QdobaDot";
    		//Re-Add the markers
    		_nul = createMarker ["QdobaMarker", QdobaCoords];
    		"QdobaMarker" setMarkerColor "ColorGreen";
    		"QdobaMarker" setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE";
    		"QdobaMarker" setMarkerBrush "Grid";
    		"QdobaMarker" setMarkerSize [150,150];
    		_nil = createMarker ["QdobaDot", QdobaCoords];
    		"QdobaDot" setMarkerColor "ColorBlack";
    		"QdobaDot" setMarkerType "Vehicle";
    		"QdobaDot" setMarkerText QdobaName;
    	//Now we wait another 25 seconds

    that references the variables defined in qdobamarkerinit.


Please note that I did not test the code and that it does not do more than mimick the DZMS functions and that I'm without real knowledge of sqf.

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If you just take the file I have in the ZIP and use that . It should work .And if you already have custom set up , just copy and paste it below the ones you already have up . I can always send you my Custom Spawn File and you can use that one. 

@Affraid  Could you send me your file please? as that would let me see the way you have yours setup.


Cheers Bigzy.

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I decided to remove this for 2 reasons,  


#1 The location is not the best seeing as players that don't always want to do AI missions end up getting engaged in combat when trying to travel around the area and roads surrounding.


#2 It is possible to fly a mozzie in under the nets and land to grab all the gold  briefcases then fly off, granted this does normally take about 5 - 6 attempts, but still a horrible loop hole to the whole mission.


Was  a lot of fun though until the above issues became known.



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I decided to remove this for 2 reasons,  


#1 The location is not the best seeing as players that don't always want to do AI missions end up getting engaged in combat when trying to travel around the area and roads surrounding.


#2 It is possible to fly a mozzie in under the nets and land to grab all the gold  briefcases then fly off, granted this does normally take about 5 - 6 attempts, but still a horrible loop hole to the whole mission.


Was  a lot of fun though until the above issues became known.



Thanks for the heads up on that. I'll do A fix during the week.

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  • 2 weeks later...

In my experience, any buildings with "MAP_" in the classname tends to create HUGE amounts of server and client lag, especially when you get more than about 5 people on the server.  You can see the textures shimmer on the buildings, especially glass surfaces, and you also have to open gates and doors twice.  Nice work overall, but I will pass on this.  

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  • 2 weeks later...

In my experience, any buildings with "MAP_" in the classname tends to create HUGE amounts of server and client lag, especially when you get more than about 5 people on the server.  You can see the textures shimmer on the buildings, especially glass surfaces, and you also have to open gates and doors twice.  Nice work overall, but I will pass on this.  


Buildings switched to "LAND_"



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Also, after the little garages did not spawn industrial loot anymore for me.   So I re-edited my above edit to change the classnames of the garages to the ones matched to spawn loot again. 




change to



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  • 1 month later...

Is it possible to use this with DZAI instead of WAI? If so, what must a person do to get it to work? (new to scripting/running a server) Sorry for the newb question.



I use this with dzai. with wai the units stay spawned and lag the server. dzai has been working really well. units only spawn when players are in range.


look up how to do custom dynamic spawns, and use the world spaces from the wai script.

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I have corrected the spawns for WAI 2.1 and above, tested and working if any one needs

This has Qdoba, and AI City at Pobeda Dam, and Skalasity Island , just remove which ever one you don't need.

They are labeled, and has install instructions already built in, 

Here is the path for epoch 1.05.1 which is what Im running

X:\@DayZ_Epoch_Server\addons\dayz_server\WAI\static  place the file there and wala instant AI.

Of course you can turn up the heat if you like .. all that is in the file as well

Everyone has giving to me .. this I give back to the community 
All I did was make it work from the old 0.16 these missions where made for 




Its only going to be live on pastebin 30 days



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