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Re-Worked WAI 0.173 - Supported System

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Hey guys !


1st Mission is ready and fixed as also the 2nd one ! (EMS:Major SM1+2)


Does anyone here know how i can call playSound "beep"; in the missions .


What i tried so far was 


Mission file



class CfgSounds
    sounds[] = {};
	class beep
	name = "beep";
	sound[] = {sounds\beep.ogg,2,1};
	titles[] = {};
	class ems
	name = "ems";
	sound[] = {sounds\ems.ogg,db-2.5,1};
	titles[] = {};

added on the last line on the description.ext  ...  i had it working on my rmod server in the past but cant remember what i did... sad

#include "descrExt.h"

and added the sounds in the Sounds folder




[_position,"Weapon cache"] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\WAI\missions\compile\markers.sqf";
[nil,nil,rTitleText,"Bandits have obtained a weapon crate! Check your map for the location!", "PLAIN",10] call RE;
    playSound "beep";
    sleep 0.5;
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Hey guys !


1st Mission is ready and fixed as also the 2nd one ! (EMS:Major SM1+2)


Does anyone here know how i can call playSound "beep"; in the missions .



Seems you dont need to add beep.ogg, Just call playsound "beep";

Here is example from Airdrop script (http://opendayz.net/threads/airdrop-script-wip-need-a-bit-of-help.14925/page-5):

			cutText [format["** Checking RAM **"], "BLACK FADED"];
			playsound "beep";
			sleep 0.5;
			playsound "beep";
			sleep 4;
			cutText [format["*** Checking HDD ***"], "BLACK FADED"];
			playsound "beep";
			sleep 0.5;
			playsound "beep";
			sleep 4;
			cutText [format["**** Checking OS ****"], "BLACK FADED"];
			playsound "beep";
			sleep 0.5;
			playsound "beep";

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This is mearly a template on how to go about placing them. Don't use the template just use it to better your understanding. 


As for the height adjustment. It is this factor. 

[[[448.887,329.356,0.001],[460.602,427.164,0.001]],"M2StaticMG",0.5,"Bandit2_DZ",1,2,"","Random"] call spawn_static;

This is the line to call a turret in static spawns. 


To edit HEIGHT:


Edit this value




 This will affect the height at which they are placed at. 


You need to change the original static spawn file to what you want. The reason they where floating is because on my server I had a AI base which they sat on buildings. 


I think you are missing the point (i know how to place the static buildings)


What is happening lets use the mayors mission for instance


  //Mayors Mansion

_baserunover = createVehicle ["Land_A_Villa_EP1",[(_position select 0), (_position select 1),0],[], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
the mansion usually spawns a few feet in the air ( probably due to the lingor map) and since a few AI hang out in the building as
well they become invisible to players and are deadly accurate
I thought I read somewhere that someone had code to make the buildings find more suitable terrain and self level.. i could be wrong
I might have to change this to a static place on the map  
Anyways Thanks much 
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last update have some bugs for 1.0.4b server and infistar onboard, bots do not use stationary machine guns, they just sit in front of them. :(


I set it on 1.0.4b yesterday, all works fine and m2 too. 


And btw there is a mistake in weapon cache mission file. Not a big but two mistakes when you successfuly taking mission or time is out notice writes wepaon cache.

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Seems you dont need to add beep.ogg, Just call playsound "beep";

Here is example from Airdrop script (http://opendayz.net/threads/airdrop-script-wip-need-a-bit-of-help.14925/page-5):

			cutText [format["** Checking RAM **"], "BLACK FADED"];
			playsound "beep";
			sleep 0.5;
			playsound "beep";
			sleep 4;
			cutText [format["*** Checking HDD ***"], "BLACK FADED"];
			playsound "beep";
			sleep 0.5;
			playsound "beep";
			sleep 4;
			cutText [format["**** Checking OS ****"], "BLACK FADED"];
			playsound "beep";
			sleep 0.5;
			playsound "beep";

Yeah i know but he calls it via the mission file not on the server.pbo ... you know what i mean?



Video Demonstration:

WAI and DZAI with the 2 EMS Missions i ported successfully !



Ported Missions from EMS:


Major SM1,2,3,5 


Github update soon

Edited by Fuchs
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Somebody was able to adapt to these missions napf?

They work fine on any map as they use BIS_fnc_findSafePos, you can also setup your own fixed spawn points easy enough :)


Anyone had players reporting the AI shooting through trees/buildings? Few players have mentioned it on my server.

I did on Taviana cause some of the buildings were client side, anything client side the Ai can't see

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I know about this, but the mission did not want to work. Could you give me your dayz_server that is running only these missions?

I don't run NAPF, I run Sauerland so my locations would be useless on another map.

Open the editor and add some random objects where you want the mission locations, then in every mission file find :

_position = [getMarkerPos "center",0,5500,10,0,2000,0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;


Replace with :

_positionarray = [[x,y,z],[x,y,z]];
_position = _positionarray call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;


Obviously change x,y,z to the coordinates you made in the editor :)

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One of the weapon crate items has the wrong classname, it won't do any harm but it's worth looking at what mission starts when you see it.



Maybe this or it just needs to be optimized like this :


addBackpackCargoGlobal [this answer could also be wrong !]
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Had a missing "," in the missionconfig


It Was:

// missions used when selecting the next random mission
wai_missions = [
You should notice that there is no comma after medi_camp before Ural.
IT Should be:

// missions used when selecting the next random mission
wai_missions = [
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