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What are the cargo capabilites for the new vehicles added in I looked at the wiki and the thread for the vehicles themselves but nothing was mentioned. I hope the are inline with the vehicle types themselves so the vans and trucks will be able to carry more than a car.

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What new vehicles have been added exactly?




Some Screens:
Obviously not all the screens are added but you can reference the Class ID with the pictures. 
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I only ran into the Ambulance and Tow Truck on my short travels in the Open Development server.


Both were really neato with toggable flashing lights and sirens. 


Hope that some "Not All" of the other civil service cars made it in.


And yeah unarmed chopper with night and heat vision, sounds pretty fun to me. :D

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Hmmm Surely for the effort and time put in to saving up our pennies for a car you should beable to protect your gear inside with the lock as well as just the car.. tires etc are fair game realistic as even locked someone could knick your wheels but if your real car locks allowed someone to knick our ipods.. we'd errm be miffed.. any chance of this slight change bungle?

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A lot of eyes are looking for a cure to that one Tubz as Mathew has pointed out.


There must be a way however as the gear option itself is triggered somewhere and adding a key or at least a crowbar variable should be possible... I hope.

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Its a matter of the Gear menu itself not being a variable it seems in the dayz_code.bpo like most things but perhaps options built into the vehicle themselves or even somewhere else.


Others in the past hinted that its a radius that comes from a center point of a vehicle or placement in the object that can be "tweaked/changed" as their was a bug with some vehicles gear only accessible from the inside which was fixed in updates past.


If this is the case it may be possible to have that radius as a variable if the car is locked or unlocked. Not sure as I too am an oldish codeless duffer :)

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