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SQL Clean Up


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Posted this in another thread, but someone else might find it useful


This SQL converts buy/sell prices to numerical values, and checks if a sell price is greater than a buy price - you can then adjust accordingly:

	CASE MID(buy, 5, LENGTH(buy)-8)
		WHEN 'ItemGoldBar' THEN 100*MID(buy, 2, 1)
		WHEN 'ItemGoldBar10oz' THEN 1000*MID(buy, 2, 1)
		WHEN 'ItemBriefcase100oz' THEN 10000*MID(buy, 2, 1)
		WHEN 'ItemSilverBar' THEN 1*MID(buy, 2, 1)
		WHEN 'ItemSilverBar10oz' THEN 10*MID(buy, 2, 1)
		ELSE 0
	END as buy_n,
	CASE MID(sell, 5, LENGTH(sell)-8)
		WHEN 'ItemGoldBar' THEN 100*MID(sell, 2, 1)
		WHEN 'ItemGoldBar10oz' THEN 1000*MID(sell, 2, 1)
		WHEN 'ItemBriefcase100oz' THEN 10000*MID(sell, 2, 1)
		WHEN 'ItemSilverBar' THEN 1*MID(sell, 2, 1)
		WHEN 'ItemSilverBar10oz' THEN 10*MID(sell, 2, 1)
		ELSE 0
	END as sell_n,
traders_data.* FROM traders_data
HAVING sell_n>buy_n;
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  • 1 month later...

Not at my own MySQL db so only writing pesudo sql (i.e. not actual runnable code but more logical text).


Deleting old characters;


Problem: Needing to housekeep the Character_Data table and remove all alive=0 characters where the player has respawned


Solution: Delete all but the newest entry for each UID.  Could be setup as an event for the MySQL schedular.


delete characters where generation < (max(generation) where UIDs match)


Downside: Does not clean out character_data for players who leave the server and don't come back.  A clause to delete if last_login > 30 days (or more) could also be added.


Destroyed vehicles.


Problem: Destroyed vehicles loose all loot - A hacker destroyed vehicle would be hard to recover with its loot (DB restore or scanning through backup sql to last recorded details).


Solution: Create a trigger on the object table to copy a vehicles data from the object table when an update occurs to the object_data table and the update sets damage =1 and the object has loot.


This would allow the vehicle to be rolled back from the backup table the trigger saves a pre-update copy of the vehicel data too.


The update table would need to be housekept or it will keep on growing though.


Downside: Triggers will potentially have an affect on updates to the object_data table depending on server specs and object_data being updated at any particular time.





Potentially you could also transfer all your buildables to the new spawns ownership with sql like this as well although I guess it would only work after a server reboot re-reads the DB.


All code is tested on my own server.  I would advise testing yourself before using it on a live server.  Use at your own risk.


Cleardown all but the last login for each PlayerUID in the Player_Login table.


DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `temp_table`;
 (select playerUID, max(loginID) as "LoginID"
from Player_login 
where action = 0
group by PlayerUID);
delete from Player_login 
where LoginID < (select temp_table.LoginID from temp_table where temp_table.PlayerUID = Player_login.PlayerUID);



What it does:
It puts the max loginid for logins (action = 0) for each playerUID in to a temp table and then deletes all entries in the player_login table that have a PlayerUID matching the entry in the temp table and a loginid less than the max loginid for that playeruid in the temp table.
More to come.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Thankyou for the reply, cen.


About character_data:


I understand this behavior is aplicable to changes on character_data, without deletion of the line.


If i delete a line of a dead body from the character_data table, the dead body disapears instantly in the game?

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Our server started getting popular so we needed to find a way to remove bases and objects no longer being used by their owners... Created teh queries below. The first on is to test and see what is currenty out there, the second will remove the objects.. Could be set as an event and ran daily...

Note - on our server we have the PlayerUID being added to the Object_DATA.CharacterID field...

Find Objects from people that haven’t logged in in 30 days

SELECT o.`Classname`, p.PlayerName, o.`CharacterID`, c.`LastLogin` FROM `Object_DATA` o, `Player_DATA` p, `Character_DATA` c WHERE p.`PlayerUID`=o.`CharacterID` and c.`PlayerUID`=p.`PlayerUID` and c.`Alive`=1 and o.`CharacterID` IN (SELECT `PlayerUID` FROM `Character_DATA` WHERE `Alive`='1' and DATE(`LastLogin`) < CURDATE() - INTERVAL 30 DAY)



Remove Objects from people that haven’t logged in in 30 days

DELETE FROM `Object_DATA` WHERE `CharacterID` IN (SELECT `PlayerUID` FROM `Character_DATA` WHERE `Alive`='1' and DATE(`LastLogin`) < CURDATE() - INTERVAL 30 DAY)

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Note - on our server we have the PlayerUID being added to the Object_DATA.CharacterID field...




How did you set the Object_DATA contains Player UID? is it done in the server_pbo? And refreshing the playeruid when someone operate with the object. I mean if the lastupdated is changes, will refresh the playeruid in database as well?

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  • 2 weeks later...



Try to find a way to assing objects on ground to a player, i believe there is no way to do that, like a stone in the middle os the road in front of my home does not have a owner.


I can think of owner objects as the ones inside player gear, and i believe those objects are not in the object_data table.


So, using the oportunity to ask: Objects into the player gear are in the table object_data?

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  • 3 weeks later...


Probably a lot of dead characters in there you can clear out.

DELETE FROM character_data WHERE alive = '0'


Re-read earlier parts of this thread and it's probably best to do what's said to prevent folks from potentially losing their humanity when deleting dead characters.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Re-read earlier parts of this thread and it's probably best to do what's said to prevent folks from potentially losing their humanity when deleting dead characters.


Update: they are not recycled.  Removed incorrect info.


The sql is still more robust though in the links below.


 I posted a solution a page back based on the last updated date Put it in a stored procedure and fire it from a batch file or sql timed event (like the other Epoch housekeeping sql).

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Ok, actually, let me confirm tonight.  I def have it in my head that they are but the details are a little fuzzy about the testing as it was a while ago.  I will recheck.


Personally I would rather remove based on last updated than the numeric value as if they are not reused then they should be else the number is just going to keep going up.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So after reading all of this I'm still not entirely sure what the best way to go about deleting object data for players that haven't logged in in more than 30 days.

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