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ARMA 1.66 Update Issues


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Hi all, yet another ARMA upgrade to make server devs happy with life. Here's the first question:

Is it just me or have the player listings vanished from the InfiStar admin panel for everyone? Got to head for work otherwise I would investigate further myself

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It happened for all! The problem is, that "playableunits" no longer works and have to be replaced by "allplayers".

You can do it by yourself, but you have to do it in all Epoch AND Infistar files.


But that is not all. The Eventhandler for player disconnect is broken and loged out players will not be cleaned up and the crafting menu crashes the Client.

We have already downgraded to 1.64 until this is fixed by Bohemia.

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@He-Man explains why ATM doesn't show other players. 

@RC_Robio will do, except that hoster doesn't provide that ability. Have way to downgrade but now all players have to do that and a lot of new and older ones have no clue.

(Rant on)Thank you again BIS for another stellar upgrade ducking server owners.(Rant off)

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@RC_Robio, thankfully Host Havoc have added a backout to 1.64 button in TCAdmin already, so I'm good. If I could afford a dedi I would in a heartbeat especially since the Black Tide server needs it to live to it's full potential (pushing the barriers of hosted atm)... One day, I really hope

Backing out now anyway

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5 minutes ago, viper179 said:

what about the ingame hud at the bottom of the screen that most people use any fix for that.

Personally just backed out ARMA update with the expected hit on player numbers (regulars are fine, they know where to look for info when they're coming on). Too much is bust to use 1.66 atm

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0.4 b668 released:

[Fixed] Crash when opening crafting menu since A3 1.66.
[Fixed] workaround for HandleDisconnect not firing since A3 1.66.
[Fixed] changed playableUnits to allPlayers
[Changed] improved Epoch_selectInventoryItem function
[Changed] improved inventory locked check with arma 1.66 features.

Known Issue: 
Killed event handler is not firing since 1.66 release.

Changes Since 655:


@viper179, Ideally crash dumps should be sent to BI.
Also, are you referring to this? https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch/blob/release/Sources/epoch_config/Configs/CfgBuildingLootPos.hpp#L20-L21

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