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=BTC=_Logistic (DayZ Epoch Version)


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I'm trying to add the M113_UN_EP1 to the liftable script becuase no one can lift a m113 right now, the lifting hud doesn't come up and the lift option doesn't happen.  However, I can't find the right classname it is in.  Is it "Tracked"?  Where could I find that to add it or why doesn't it work?

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I'm trying to add the M113_UN_EP1 to the liftable script becuase no one can lift a m113 right now, the lifting hud doesn't come up and the lift option doesn't happen.  However, I can't find the right classname it is in.  Is it "Tracked"?  Where could I find that to add it or why doesn't it work?


I tried doing with adding the M113_UN_EP1 to the restriction arrays like this:




BTC_lift_pilot   = [];
BTC_lift         = 1;
BTC_lifted       = 0;
BTC_lift_min_h   = 0;
BTC_lift_max_h   = 40;
BTC_lift_radius  = 5;
BTC_Liftable     = ["M113_UN_EP1","Tracked","Motorcycle","Car","Truck","Wheeled_APC","Tracked_APC","Air"];
BTC_Hud_Cond     = false;
BTC_HUD_x        = (SafeZoneW+2*SafeZoneX) + 0.045;
BTC_HUD_y        = (SafeZoneH+2*SafeZoneY) + 0.045;
[] execVM "=BTC=_Logistic\=BTC=_Lift\=BTC=_LiftInit.sqf";
BTC_get_liftable_array =
    private ["_array","_chopper"];
    _chopper = _this select 0;
_array   = [];
switch (typeOf _chopper) do
case "AH6X_DZ"        : {_array = ["Motorcycle"];};
case "MH6J_DZ"         : {_array = ["Motorcycle"];};
case "UH1H_DZE"        : {_array = ["M113_UN_EP1","Motorcycle","Car"];};
case "UH1H_DZ"        : {_array = ["M113_UN_EP1","Motorcycle","Car"];};
case "UH1Y_DZE"        : {_array = ["M113_UN_EP1","Motorcycle","Car"];};
case "UH1Y_DZ"        : {_array = ["M113_UN_EP1","Motorcycle","Car"];};
case "UH60M_EP1_DZE"   : {_array = ["M113_UN_EP1","Motorcycle","Car","Truck","Wheeled_APC","Tracked_APC"];};
case "UH60M_EP1_DZ"   : {_array = ["M113_UN_EP1","Motorcycle","Car","Truck","Wheeled_APC","Tracked_APC"];};
case "BAF_Merlin_HC3_D": {_array = ["M113_UN_EP1","Motorcycle","Car","Truck","Wheeled_APC","Tracked_APC"];};
case "MH60S"           : {_array = ["M113_UN_EP1","Motorcycle","Car","Truck","Wheeled_APC","Tracked_APC"];};
case "BAF_Merlin_DZE": {_array = ["M113_UN_EP1","Motorcycle","Car","Truck","Wheeled_APC","Tracked_APC"];};
case "CH_47F_EP1_DZ"  :  {_array = ["M113_UN_EP1","LandVehicle"];};
case "CH_47F_EP1_DZE"  : {_array = ["M113_UN_EP1","LandVehicle"];};
case "Mi17_Civilian_DZ": {_array = ["M113_UN_EP1","LandVehicle"];};
case "Mi17_DZ"         : {_array = ["M113_UN_EP1","LandVehicle"];};
case "Mi17_DZE"        : {_array = ["M113_UN_EP1","LandVehicle"];};


But that isn't working either, no lift HUD shows and no option to lift when hovering the Mi17_DZE over the M113_UN_EP1.  Other vehicles lift fine.


Any ideas?

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Can I set this up with my own classes of vehicles?




light choppers can lift light vehicles.. bikes atv motorcycles


med choppers can lift med trucks (anything up to HMMWV)


heavy heli can lift heavy trucks up to urals?



I really want a weight based system for realism.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hey, great script modification of the original BTC_Logistic script, exactly what I need. I have found a small issue though that I was wondering whether someone would be able to help me with?


On my server we use a lot of custom models, including JDog's USS Nimitz carrier (jdg_carrier). Through testing I found that I could successfully lift a vehicle on land and safely drop it onto the carrier's flight deck. However, when it came to lifting the object from the flight deck there was no option provided for me to do so.


Looking through the =BTC=_LiftInit.sqf file, around line 98 I saw this:

if (!isNull _cargo && _can_lift) then {
    _cargo_pos = getPosATL _cargo;
    _rel_pos   = _chopper worldToModel _cargo_pos;
    _cargo_x   = _rel_pos select 0;
    _cargo_y   = _rel_pos select 1;
    _cargo_z   = _rel_pos select 2;

As you can see, it's using getPosATL (above terrain level) to calculate the _cargo's relative position to the _chopper. I believe this is what is presenting the problem I am experiencing when trying to air lift objects which are above water and not land.


I attempted to change this to use getPosASL (see below), which did give me the lift option and displayed the green tick on the hud correctly, but when I engaged the lift, the object appeared the chopper (quite significantly). So there is something more needed which I cannot figure out.

if (!isNull _cargo && _can_lift) then {
    _cargo_pos = getPosASL _cargo;
    _rel_pos   = _chopper worldToModel _cargo_pos;
    _cargo_x   = _rel_pos select 0;
    _cargo_y   = _rel_pos select 1;
    _cargo_z   = _rel_pos select 2;

Is there some way to calculate the difference between getPosATL and getPosASL (assuming this is the problem)? I noticed Arma3 introduced the getPosASLW  which returns the object position height above sea surface (waves included), which sounds to me is what I need I guess. Is there something similar for Arma2?


Would be most grateful if anyone can assist me with this. :-)



Edit 15:36

Ok, so I managed to figure it out. I needed to make the change I had above to =BTC=_LiftInit.sqf but also in addition I missed another reference to getPosATL, this time in =BTC=_attachCargo.sqf (silly me!). So while the init script was detecting the pickup, when it came to attaching the attach script was taking the z-axis from the terrain (ie, the ocean floor), which is why the object was attached way above my chopper.


Edit 17:57:

Ok, so turns out there was a good reason for using getPosATL, my previous solution caused objects in some parts on land to attach themselves inside or slightly above the chopper, depending on how high you are above sea level. I have changed the script to detect whether the cargo in question is above water, and use either getPosASL or getPosATL accordingly.


So the full fix is the following:



if ((count (crew _cargo)) == 0) then {
	BTC_lifted = 1;

	_chopper = vehicle player;
	_chopper removeAction BTC_liftActionId;

	_name_cargo  = (_this select 3) select 1;

	if(surfaceIsWater position _cargo) then {
		_cargo_pos = getPosASL _cargo;
	} else {
		_cargo_pos = getPosATL _cargo;
	_rel_pos      = _chopper worldToModel _cargo_pos;
	_height       = (_rel_pos select 2) + 2.5;

	_cargo attachTo [_chopper, [0, 0, _height]];
	_chopper  setVariable ["BTC Lift Object", _cargo, true];
	vehicle player vehicleChat format ["%1 lifted", _name_cargo];
	_text_action = ("<t color=""#ED2744"">" + "Drop " + (_name_cargo) + "</t>");
	BTC_SganciaActionId = _chopper addAction [_text_action, "addons\=BTC=_Logistic\=BTC=_Lift\=BTC=_detachCargo.sqf", "", 7, false, false]; 


if (!isNull _cargo && _can_lift) then {
    if(surfaceIsWater position _cargo) then {
        _cargo_pos = getPosASL _cargo;
    } else {
        _cargo_pos = getPosATL _cargo;
    _rel_pos   = _chopper worldToModel _cargo_pos;
    _cargo_x   = _rel_pos select 0;
    _cargo_y   = _rel_pos select 1;
    _cargo_z   = _rel_pos select 2;
Edited by matt_d_rat
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  • 3 weeks later...

whenever I log in I get an error saying BTC_Hud is not found. Any ideas?


Is the =BTC=_Logistic folder in the root of your mission file?


Just asking because if it's in, for example custom\=BTC=_Logistic\, you will have to go through the files in the script changing all the file calls within them to wherever you have the script installed.

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This is instead of R3F Tow + Lift.


like this?

respawn = "BASE";
respawndelay = 5;
onLoadMission= "DayZ Epoch Chernarus";
OnLoadIntro = "Welcome to DayZ Epoch Chernarus";
OnLoadIntroTime = False;
OnLoadMissionTime = False;
disabledAI = true;
enableItemsDropping = 0;

briefing = 0;
debriefing = 0;

#include "=BTC=_Logistic\=BTC=_Lift\=BTC=_Hud.h"

class RscTitles {
	class BTC_Hud
		idd = 1000;
		name = "BTC_Hud_Name";
		onLoad = "uiNamespace setVariable ['HUD', _this select 0];";
		controlsBackground[] = {};
		objects[] = {};
		class controls 
			class Radar
				type = 0;
				idc = 1001;
				style = 48;
				x = (SafeZoneW+2*SafeZoneX) - 0.1;//safezonex + 0.1;//0.9
				y = (SafeZoneH+2*SafeZoneY) - 0.15;//safezoney + 0.1;//0.85
				w = 0.3;
				h = 0.4;
				font = "Zeppelin32";
				sizeEx = 0.03;
				colorBackground[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
				colorText[] = {1, 1, 1, 1};
				text = "\ca\ui\data\igui_radar_air_ca.paa";
			class Img_Obj
				type = 0;
				idc = 1002;
				style = 48;
				x = (SafeZoneW+2*SafeZoneX) + 0.045;
				y = (SafeZoneH+2*SafeZoneY) + 0.045;
				w = 0.01;
				h = 0.01;
				font = "Zeppelin32";
				sizeEx = 0.04;
				colorBackground[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
				colorText[] = {1, 1, 1, 1};
				text = "=BTC=_Logistic\data\=BTC=_Obj.paa";
			class Pic_Obj
				type = 0;
				idc = 1003;
				style = 48;
				x = (SafeZoneW+2*SafeZoneX) - 0.125;
				y = (SafeZoneH+2*SafeZoneY) - 0.23;
				w = 0.1;
				h = 0.1;
				font = "Zeppelin32";
				sizeEx = 0.03;
				colorBackground[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
				colorText[] = {1, 1, 1, 1};
				text = "";
			class Arrow
				type = 0;
				idc = 1004;
				style = 48;
				x = (SafeZoneW+2*SafeZoneX) + 0.15;
				y = (SafeZoneH+2*SafeZoneY) - 0.15;
				w = 0.05;
				h = 0.05;
				font = "Zeppelin32";
				sizeEx = 0.03;
				colorBackground[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
				colorText[] = {1, 1, 1, 1};
				text = "";
			class Type_Obj
				type = 0;
				idc = 1005;
				style = 0x00;
				x = (SafeZoneW+2*SafeZoneX) - 0.03;
				y = (SafeZoneH+2*SafeZoneY) - 0.335;
				w = 0.3;
				h = 0.3;
				font = "Zeppelin32";
				sizeEx = 0.03;
				colorBackground[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
				colorText[] = {1, 1, 1, 1};
				text = "";
	class ExampleTitle {     
		idd = -1; 
		duration = 10; //show for 10 seconds 
		class controls 
			class ExampleControl 
				idc = -1; 
				type = 0; 
				style = 2; //centre text 
				x = safeZoneX + safeZoneW - 0.6 * 3 / 4;  
				y = safeZoneY + safeZoneH - 0.6; 
				h = 0.6; 
				w = 0.6 * 3 / 4; //w == h 
				font = "EtelkaNarrowMediumPro"; 
				sizeEx = 0.03; 
				colorBackground[] = {1,1,0,1}; //yellow background 
				colorText[] = {0,0,1,1}; //blue text 
				text = "Bottom Right Corner Square Box"; 

onPauseScript = "";
loadScreen = "\z\addons\dayz_code\gui\dayz_logo_ca.paa";

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