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MOSTWA - Andre most Wanted Script


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I must say thankyou to you for the original idea.

You can configure the maximum amount of time the fugitive can stay in plot or safezon radius, if the fugitive exced this time, his prize is canceled for hin but if he get killed the killers still receive the prize.

May be is better to cancel the hunt.



This is a nice idea.

This already happens, but it's not that configurable:

On foot time: x seconds

On land vehicle time: 0.5*x seconds

On air vehicle time: 0.25*x seconds

Edited by Donnovan
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Would it be possible to look for a new fugitve if he spends too much time in safezones/plotareas instead of simply not giving the reward? Just had a player waiting 19 minutes in the safezone =/


Also I think it just chose a bot for the fugitive :D Selected "samuel campbell" but no player actually had that name. after 1 minute it threw an error message and stopped the hunt

Edited by Nekuan
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Something about error: fugitive perished and that his body would be marked for 45 seconds (there was no marker). 
Could it also be some spawn dummy? I had a unit in infistar named DEAD for a few seconds while a player was connecting when he fully loaded into the game DEAD disappeared

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You ever thought of using something different for the timers? Because this script won't really run on popular/overloaded servers running on low FPS. My server runs on a average of 3 fps with 70 players online. This low fps will immensely slow down the way the timers work. Seconds will actually take longer causing 15 minutes to become 30 minutes. So when putting the initial timer at 40 minutes the entire script won't even run once during a 2 hour runtime of the server. Not sure if anyone with a overloaded server noticed anything like this tho. But it's a very known issue and I was hoping maybe you thought of something that could make these timers more reliable. I tried using serverTime instead of Time but that doesn't really help.

I made a similar script about a year ago but ran into this same problem so I canceled the project (players got a bit mad that they had to survive 40 min instead of 10).

EDIT: I seem to have found a way to introduce reliable timers with the help of a extension.

Edited by Royal
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Thanks a lot for your donation, this is the first donation after i updated Andre Convoy, released Andre Aerial Patrol and Most Wanted.

My to-do:

- Release Time Control with FSM: 90% done. (specially for BetterDeadThanZed).

- Update Andre Convoy with the LetArmaDoItAll version: 90% done.

- Updated Most Wanted: 90% done.

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  • 3 weeks later...




Was on 25 of october of 2015 with those changes:

- Loging players are not anymore selected as fugitive.

- Fugitives that fly over 1250 meter for some time cancel the event.

- Stay on a plot or on a safe now also cancel the event and not just cancel the fugitive reward.

- Fugitives are unique, a player can't be selected more than one time in each restart.

- If the fugitive is flying over 45 meters, he does not receive the time rewards.

Files updated: andre_most_wanted.sqf

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Would it be possible to look for a new fugitve if he spends too much time in safezones/plotareas instead of simply not giving the reward? Just had a player waiting 19 minutes in the safezone =/


Now when the event is canceled you wait a lot less for the next one to run.

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  • 4 weeks later...


first, thank you for this cool script!

i have one problem. When there are the Time Rewards or End of the Hunt, in the most cases no loot spawns in.. In 10 Hunts, 9 times, the winner get no prize, because its not spawning.

Is there the opportunity to spawn loot crates instead of spawning the item itself? or maybe a better way to spawn the stuff?

For example, when the Fugitive wins the Hunt, the item (i have a mystery briefcase as prize) spawn in the player gear? When the Fugitive gets shot, it will create a loot crate, like at missions.

I hope you can help!



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im with eldubya...I was waiting for the script so i can test it with what eldubya posted... My ONLY issue is not everyone wants to participate in events lol and this script will grab everyone logged in game as possible suspects... I might be able to find a work around.. anyways i cant wait to see this.  Thanks Donnovan for your hardwork :)

How did you go man? Care to share if you worked it out please? :)

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How did you go man? Care to share if you worked it out please? :)

im sorry i havnt even downloaded this script yet...  I have been busy with RL, just had time recently to get back online.  When i get the chance to try it i will let you know

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i keep getting this error in my rtp 

Error in expression < createVehicle ["WeaponHolder",(position) set [2,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"];
23:00:52   Error position: <) set [2,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"];
23:00:52   Error unexpected )
23:00:52 File z\addons\dayz_server\andre_most_wanted.sqf, line 216
23:00:52 Error in expression < createVehicle ["WeaponHolder",(position) set [2,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"];
23:00:52   Error position: <) set [2,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"];
23:00:52   Error unexpected )
23:00:52 File z\addons\dayz_server\andre_most_wanted.sqf, line 216

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Thanks for this script. :)

The final loot is not spawning correclty at the end of the hunt in my server.

Here is the rpt error:

23:03:33 "[MOSTWA] Ending! Fugitive Win!"
23:03:33 Error in expression <ear you."),"PLAIN",7.5] call RE;
_veh = createVehicle ["CSJ_GyroC",(position _fu>
23:03:33   Error position: <createVehicle ["CSJ_GyroC",(position _fu>
23:03:33   Error 0 elements provided, 3 expected
23:03:33 File z\addons\dayz_server\andre_most_wanted.sqf, line 202

23:14:14 "[MOSTWA] Ending! Fugitive perished."
23:14:14 Error in expression <arkerText "Fugitive Body...";
_holder = createVehicle ["WeaponHolder",(position >
23:14:14   Error position: <createVehicle ["WeaponHolder",(position >
23:14:14   Error 0 elements provided, 3 expected
23:14:14 File z\addons\dayz_server\andre_most_wanted.sqf, line 227

Thanks for help in advance

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