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[UPGRADED DEC2017][scarCODE] Virtual Garage System by IT07


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  On 8/25/2015 at 9:45 PM, Sp4rkY said:

Interesting question.... Tell me, do you moved it to the garage while the engine was running ? Or is this happening everytime for you?


Hi, no checked by different players, vehicles had engines turned off and locked up. A strange one.


Also I noticed that if you have had a vehicle in garage, remove it and you dont put it back into garage before a restart then it will be gone after said restart. ( from your info IT07). i can confirm this is true, but I am just wondering why it actually happens.


Great script tho and many thanks for sharing again.



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Hi when i installed as per message i couldn't connnect to my server.

I had a look in the .rpt and found this line at the bottom...

 0:23:50 Warning Message: File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Altis\scarCODE\VGS\rsc_VGS.hpp, line 0: /SC_vgsDiag/controls.bgMainLeft: Undefined base class 'IGUIBack'


Could someone please advise on how i rectify this issue. 


Thanks in advance

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the article about me is under taken in total chaos due quote options..sorry
I Got a Problem with VGS:

After a vehicle in the garage was and i die and then Respawn the VGS menu no longer appears. 
I log in as an admin I get the VGS.Menü  but other Players have not the Admin-Option...i hope...and they cant return their cars out of the Garage.
And i cant sell the Vehicles from the Virtuak Garage at the Trader.

20:13:52 "[EPOCH VGS] EPOCH_vgsWrite: _data = [1,635f6b00# 1866875: suv_01_f.p3d REMOTE,B Alpha 1-2:1 (Leht) REMOTE,"EPOCH_vgsKey_588346uWgNtTcElFyScK"]"
20:13:52 "[EPOCH VGS] Client (myname) put his/her C_SUV_01_EPOCH in garage"
20:13:52 Client: Object 5:2021 (type Type_91) not found.
20:13:52 Client: Object 5:2021 (type Type_400) not found.
20:13:52 Client: Object 5:2022 (type Type_90) not found.
20:13:52 Client: Object 5:2022 (type Type_91) not found.
20:13:52 Client: Object 5:2022 (type Type_400) not found.
20:13:52 Client: Object 5:2021 (type Type_90) not found.
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  • 2 weeks later...

First, thanks so much for this :) looks like it's going to be awesome! Having a wee tiny problem with it I can't quite figure out. The menu loads, all looks normal, but there are no slots showing on the left hand side, everything on the right hand side (the vehicles outside) looks fine, let's you select one, just isn't giving you anywhere to put it. No errors in the logs. Shows the people opening the garage and trying to store the cars, but no cars can be put in it...

10:42:23 "[EPOCH VGS] Client (NAME REMOVED) requested his/her vehicles. Result: [[],[],[],[],[]]"
10:43:32 "[EPOCH VGS] EPOCH_vgsWrite: _data = [0,5e4b8100# 1817064: mrap_01_hmg_f.p3d REMOTE,B Alpha 1-1:3 (NAME REMOVED) REMOTE,"EPOCH_vgsKey_833678kQjCiTmS56hX34"]"

Gets stuck on "Loading inside vehicles" and if you try and add one, says "no empty slots found"

So I'm not sure what I've done wrong. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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Hi blue00,

It sounds like the server doesn't send the garage data do the client. That is why it is stuck "loading inside vehicles". Maybe the client side code has not been installed correctly. Can you send me your description.ext so I can verify if the installation has been done correctly? You can use pastebin.com to post the code here.

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Sure thing :) Here you go... description.ext Thanks again!

Update: So here's where things get kind of weird lol... When I, personally, open the menu it just says "Loading inside vehicles", and shows no slots. Another player (not an admin) on the server opened his, and he sees the empty slots, but when he tries to add a car, nothing happens. I'm not really sure why it's behaving differently for me than him, but either way, still not able to put cars in xD I continue to have no clue where this has gone awry for me. 

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Your description.ext looks ok so I think the problem isn't there. What you should try is execute this code in infiSTAR's debug console:

if isNil"EPOCH_vgsMyGarage" then { ["garage does not exist"] call BIS_fnc_errorMsg } else { [format["Garage is: %1", EPOCH_vgsMyGarage]] };

And then send me the screenshot of the result IF it does not say "garage does not exist".

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I think so, I added the a3_epoch_virtualGarage.pbo to @EpochHive\addons, and I see this in report when the server starts...

11:59:52 "///////////////////////////////////////////"
11:59:52 "[EPOCH VGS] Starting server-side code..."
11:59:52 "\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
11:59:52 "[EPOCH VGS] all Code loaded!"

Only change I made to the config before PBO'ing was changing it from 7 to 5 vehicle slots. Would that have caused this? I mean, is there like a minimum amount or something? lol. 

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