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I have to agree.  


Whether people like it or not this game is a bit of a gear acquisition game.  If it wasn't then why would they have shelves/tipis/lockboxes to begin with.


Why build a base. What you gonna put in there?  



I've seen bases with shelves and tipis and lockboxes littered all over the floor.. cuz they don't hold much so you end up with many of them.

A group of four or more gonna share one shelf ?   Seriously. lol


I'd rather have one container than many little ones all over.


Players would at least like the option.  It doesn't have to be some indestructible tem but something that can hold a decent amount of items so everything is one spot.. If the player chooses to do that.  Right now all the storage items do not hold much so you end up with many of them.

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Like a Hemett inside a building that doesn't start at north position then move to its original position. Ya I tend to agree we should be able to build large storage containers and pick it up with the hemmett mover if we decide to move.

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MintyBadger thinks the shelves suck hippo bollocks...not secure. Even on a team people like to keep the gear that represents high priority equipment exclusively accessible to them...with sharing remaining an option and not explicitly obligatory.

Also...maybe if we're placing items inside a building...maybe having them appear 20 ft in front of us isn't the most practical approach. I like to see where I'm placing something.

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I could care less if it's a safe or lockable item.  That's not really what I was thinking.


Basically the idea of the mod is you go raid a base and take gear, then you get raided and loose gear  and so the cycle continues.



Lets just have one big type of crate we can put a lot of things in instead of having all these little things all over the base.  


Don't even make it lockable since there are lockboxes that already serve that purpose.


The storage shed in A2 comes to mind.. It held a really good number of items and would be prefect in my mind.

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