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It works good but I dont think I got this whitlist thing working right yet.. when i click it says FTP-Error: There was an error in transmission.

in your "config.php" you can find the FTP settings...,

and change the FTP_PASSIVE=false or true. also check the FTP_DIR / FTP_FILE ..

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its prob just me being thick but i dont get where this is located


put the plugin folder "pht_whitelist" in your BEC "/Plugins" folder
and the "PHTconfig.ini" to your BEC mainfolder where bec.exe is  




you need! the latest BEC version , you can download it from here: http://ibattle.org/


this build comes with a "Plugin" folder, remove the default Plugins inside and put in the "pht_whitelist"

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Appreciate the help but i'm still lost, copied the folder "PrivateHiveTools_v1.0" & the contents


 up to my server machine but how do i open the setup.php, says i need a program to open/run it with?


I need to do a lot more research for sure but unfotunatley time is against me, i'm great at following step by step guides if anyones able to help? ;)


Thanks again.

It sounds like you have inadvertently unregistered PHP as a handler in apache. Do other php programs execute?

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Thanks for the new version, nightmare!


Some feedback/observations:



  • a nice gimmick for me (but not as essential as some other things)
  • would it be possible to include the item-id to the information popup you get when you click on a vehicle/item on the map? This way you could identify the item uniquely and e.g. copy a safe content into a textfile before deleting the safe.
  • for vehicles it would be nice if the owner-id would be shown, too (on our server we have a policy prohibiting the parking of locked vehicles in the trader safezones, so with an id other than 0 you know it is a owned car and can delete it)
  • would it be possible to cache the maps (4 sizes) locally? Downloading the complete map every time when you change the magnification, takes a lot of time with my low-bandwidth connection. Perhaps an explicit button to 'create cache' and 'purge cache' so (1) you can choose whether to use the local version or the one on the server and (2) you can get rid of your cache when there's an update to the server files.
  • I assume the map has some copyright issues and that is why there are no city names?

Trader menu:

  • is not working for us, despite having imported the server_traders.sqf
  • we have traders listed under 'list by trader' but not under 'list by category'
  • clicking on a trader we only have an empty list of trade items
  • Perhaps/probably a misconfiguration? We are Nitrado hosted.

Admin permission organization:

  • is working fine when set up correctly, but
  • when the head admin (defined during install) is added to the admin list no other admin defined there can log in.
  • so don't add the head admin - he doesn't need to be in the list to be able to log in.
  • if you're restricting access for your subadmins don't forget to take away the 'settings' option, too ;-)


  • I did not test yesterday but from the fact that my head admin has denied access to the restart etc. buttons I conclude that they still restart the system without further confirmation, so please, add a confirmation dialog to these buttons!
  • please add kick/ban functionality. I'd deem these essential for admin work - much more important than a live map....


Again, thanks for the tool!

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Thanks for the new version, nightmare!


Some feedback/observations:



  • a nice gimmick for me (but not as essential as some other things)
  • would it be possible to include the item-id to the information popup you get when you click on a vehicle/item on the map? This way you could identify the item uniquely and e.g. copy a safe content into a textfile before deleting the safe.
  • for vehicles it would be nice if the owner-id would be shown, too (on our server we have a policy prohibiting the parking of locked vehicles in the trader safezones, so with an id other than 0 you know it is a owned car and can delete it)
  • would it be possible to cache the maps (4 sizes) locally? Downloading the complete map every time when you change the magnification, takes a lot of time with my low-bandwidth connection. Perhaps an explicit button to 'create cache' and 'purge cache' so (1) you can choose whether to use the local version or the one on the server and (2) you can get rid of your cache when there's an update to the server files.
  • I assume the map has some copyright issues and that is why there are no city names?

Trader menu:

  • is not working for us, despite having imported the server_traders.sqf
  • we have traders listed under 'list by trader' but not under 'list by category'
  • clicking on a trader we only have an empty list of trade items
  • Perhaps/probably a misconfiguration? We are Nitrado hosted.

Admin permission organization:

  • is working fine when set up correctly, but
  • when the head admin (defined during install) is added to the admin list no other admin defined there can log in.
  • so don't add the head admin - he doesn't need to be in the list to be able to log in.
  • if you're restricting access for your subadmins don't forget to take away the 'settings' option, too ;-)


  • I did not test yesterday but from the fact that my head admin has denied access to the restart etc. buttons I conclude that they still restart the system without further confirmation, so please, add a confirmation dialog to these buttons!
  • please add kick/ban functionality. I'd deem these essential for admin work - much more important than a live map....


Again, thanks for the tool!


thank you for your feedback.


- id's will be add

- i will have a look about caching. (normaly the browser should caching)

- maybe i will add map location names manually in future, but not essential at the moment (this are original map from game, no idea why arma has not set the location names )

Trader menu:

- i will look , what can be wrong  ( but for me works fine )

Admin permission organization:

- if you add a new subadmin, subadmin will have no permissions by default


- a confirmation is added

- rcon ban/kick is in work, if i get it working correct, then i will add this




and last but not least..


it looks like for me, that you are german speaking. if true, please use my forum.  ( because my english is poor,  in german it will make easier for me to handle your request )



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I installed everything, it runs... but when i get the home of the tool, or i just want to spawn a veichle, it seems not connected to the server, indeed i cannot choose a survivor in the list, because is empty.

Ok, i fixed this, but i got another problem:

If i try to spawn a veichle, it will not appear... why? What is the problem?

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I was in a server a day... and they spawned a APACHE near them... and they said were admin tools... but it spawned instantly! Is it possible? Coz i thought were hackers


Yes, that's possible with an in-game admin tool. Very complicated to set up, as you have to have custom BattlEye filters that won't kick for them. DayzPriv offers the tool with their servers for an extra $10/month. You can't instantly spawn vehicles in-game with the hive tools. They appear on the next restart.

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Well, my old host, who I still have a server with for another day or so, is blaming this tool for corrupting the database on their system. I haven't have that server online for at least a week, but they're claiming that by adding the additional tables this tool used, it messed up their system... glad I left them! :)

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Well, my old host, who I still have a server with for another day or so, is blaming this tool for corrupting the database on their system. I haven't have that server online for at least a week, but they're claiming that by adding the additional tables this tool used, it messed up their system... glad I left them! :)



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