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Are there any Epoch Hardcore servers?


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There are some, but population is extremely low.  I'd love to get into a high pop hardcore, but seems everyone likes this see over walls and around corners view.   I just have to keep in mind that since I play in 1st person only, the dude on the other side or corner of the wall can see me whereas I cannot see him.


Yeah I threw a grenade in the pot.

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3rd person gives you an unfair advantage if you are defensive and a disadvantage if you are aggresive.

In normal mode you can look over walls, gain information about the enemies position, equipment etc., without peeking and risking anything.

That unbalances gameplay.


Hardcore makes gameplay more intense, especially in gunfights. You never know what's behind the next wall, you need to risk a peek to gain information.

That is balanced gameplay.


I and my friends would really appreciate a hardcore server for this awesome mod. Give it a try.

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We just managed to get our GTX server up and listed on A3Launcher. Finally it stopped kicking people for having a different @Epoch folder name. It is on mercenary mode with advanced flight controls. Not for the casual gamer!


Anyways, here it is. Civil Warriors Clan -

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I have a hardcore up just need to disable 3rd person, I have very low vehicle spawns maybe 30 across altis and 2-3 in each trader with a total of 30 traders across altis. Let me know and I will disable 3rd person, had the extra cpu's and thought along the same line as you guys. Only script running is status bar

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It's very hard to do 3rd person in Epoch because of the building, not to mention the fact that ARMA 3 physx makes vehicles break if you even look at a rock the wrong way. I'm trying to make my server a little more hardcore but still keeping in the 3rd person.


I've put in dynamic AI that spawns in towns upon entering. Town invasions and missions. Also created a large AI base that's a bit of a challenge to capture and will be even more of a challenge when I get a better AI system to use for it. I've just put in random spawning, so now you get teleported to a shore somewhere on the Eastern, Central or Western sides of the map depending which portal you picked. I'm taking out the trader cities completely. The mission itself is set to veteran, kill messages off, voice on side is off, considering removing side all together but it's a bit hard at the moment with so many noobies that don't even know how to play and need to ask for help all the time just trying to learn the engine. I'm not running status bar or anything else so the UI is as clean as can be. I've added armed vehicles in like the HMG armed MRAPs, the armed Huron and I'm trying to script the removal of the rockets from the Orca, Hellcat and Pawnee to be able to add those in as well with the miniguns only. trying to facilitate adversity as much as possible in both the players interactions and the environment.

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UUK are now hosting a Hardcore Arma 3 Epoch Server.. join via a3 Launcher by Searching [uUK] Or start your Arma 3 with @Epoch:@allinarmaterrainpack And join via the IP Brand new server Advanced flight model ON Stamia ON. Real Game mode only for the Hardcore Gamers!

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That is the problem with Arma 3 and DayZ SA, all are used to play 3rd person, because it is much easier to play, you can look over walls and look around corner without the fear that other player can see you.


I do prefer 1st person, but I played on the HC server from CPC, with max 20 players on atlis :(, it is ok at the beginning, but when your base is done, it is quiet boring...

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