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#SEM - Simple Epoch Missions v0.8.1 + 0.8.3 test


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New Update is working flawless so far, You guys will love the new markers!
Only bug I discovered was that "clearWeaponCargoGlobal" and "clearMagazineCargoGlobal" seem to be broken.
I'm such an idiot *facepalm*
I forgot to add "clearItemCargoGlobal" so some of the new Crates/Boxes still had some loot in them.

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If everything went well, the new v0.8 EXPERIMENTAL can now be downloaded from GitHub.

I call it experimental because I changed a lot of things and only did a quick check if the missions spawn and no errors are showing up in the logfiles, but I did no playtest, so be warned if You want to use v0.8 on Your public Server and make sure You set "SEM_debug" from "true" to "false" inside the file "initMissions.sqf" if You do so!





Changelog: v0.8 (23.011.2015)

 - Removed "Player AllowDamage" Functionality.
 - Fixed: AI not moving (they are very active now).
 - Fixed: World Data not correctly loaded on custom islands.
 - Added: New Mission Markers, marking an area where the mission spawns.
 - Added: New Outpost (still testing/improving).
 - Added: Changed AI to server side only.
 - Added: Driving over AI seriously damages Your vehicle.
 - Added: Mission Marker have a time out when finished successfully (duration can be changed).
 - Changed: BE Filters (only Lines 41, 42 and 43 have exceptions now, the other/old ones can be completely removed!)
 - Changed: Mission Markers are no longer spot on the mission coordinates, but have a random offset.
And many other changes, excuse me if I forgot to mention some of them, they will be added when the status of this update changes from EXPERIMENTAL to STABLE.
And of course I changed the loot boxes and crates, please report back if they still get deleted by some AH.
Greez KiloSwiss 
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The Forum tells me:

You have reached your quota of positive votes for the day.

Some Info about my gitHub and following updates:

My git only contains the v0.7.1 without any changes.

All my new/updated files are local and will be pushed to git this evening as an experimental release.

Greez KiloSwiss


LOL Mr.Swiss!


Its sharing and caring that brings out the best in me, kinda like the side comms abuse addin I have been handing out to the server admins around the community. Im tired of all the abuse and would like everyone to benefit from it!

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Sharing and caring *thumbsup*


I add a "first init timer" tomorrow.

Will push that on github and then send You a PM to inform You.


The pipes once bugged out on slightly steep terrain, added a fix for this but could not test it.

Please report it if You see some strange floating pipes :)

Greez KiloSwiss

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Using the v0.8, getting  a kick from Batleye, need help:



5 "" !="launch_(RPG32|NLAW|Titan_short|Titan)_F" !="(Binocular|Rangefinder|Hatchet|MeleeSledge|ChainSaw|MultiGun|Rollins_F)" !="(ruger_pistol|speargun|1911_pistol|akm|m14|M14Grn|m16|m16Red|m107|m107Tan|m249|m249Tan|m4a3)_epoch" !="SMG_(01|02)_F" !="hgun_(PDW2000|ACPC2|Rook40|P07|Pistol_heavy_0[1-2]|Pistol_Signal)_F" !="LMG_(Mk200|Zafir)_F" !="srifle_(EBR|GM6|LRR|DMR_01)_F" !="arifle_(Katiba|Katiba_C|Katiba_GL|SDAR|TRG21|TRG20|TRG21_GL|Mk20|Mk20C|Mk20C_plain|Mk20_GL|Mk20_plain|Mk20_GL_plain)_F" !="arifle_(MXC|MX|MX_GL|MXM|MXM_Black|MX_GL_Black|MX_Black|MXC_Black|MX_SW|MX_SW_Black)_F"



24.01.2015 02:40:04: Nasdero ( 1111- #3 "GroundWeaponHolder" 3:0 [0,0,-43]




24.01.2015 02:40:03: Nasdero ( 1111- #24 "ed',{
            if(_this select 2 in %1)then{
                _this select 0 addMagazines [_this select 5, 1];
    ", ["launch_RPG32_F","l"



7 "BIS_fnc_" !"initDisplay" !"getCfgSubClasses" !"animalBehaviour" !"guiEffectTiles_coef" !"GUImessage" !"guiEffectTiles" !"param" !"setIDCStreamFriendly" !"overviewauthor" !"diagAARrecord" !"diagKey" !"feedbackMain" !"missionHandlers" !"getServerVariable" !"missionFlow" !"initParams" !"initRespawn" !"missionTasksLocal" !"missionConversationsLocal" !"missionCon" !"preload" !"logFormat" !"recompile" !"moduleInit" !"feedback_allowPP" !"feedback_allowDeathScreen" !"feedbackInit" !"initMultiplayer" !"MP" !"displayMission" !"feedback_fatiguePP" !"respawnBase" !"dirTo" !"secondsToString" !"guiMessage_status" !"selectRespawnTemplate" !"guiMessage_defaultPositions" !"startLoadingScreen_ids" !"damageChanged" !"incapacitatedEffect" !"invRemove" !"relpos" !"inString" !"findSafePos" !"isPosBlacklisted" !"timeToString" !"distance2D" !"effectKilled" !"dynamictext" !"inAngleSector" !="_this call (uinamespace getvariable 'BIS_fnc_effectFired');"
7 "BIS_fnc_dynamictext" !", 0, 1, 5, 2, 0, 1] spawn bis_fnc_dynamictext;" !", 0, 0.4, 5, 2, 0, 2] spawn bis_fnc_dynamictext;" !"snil '_fnc_scriptName') then {_fnc_scriptName}"
7 forceRespawn
7 moveIn !="\"A3\functions_f\Misc\fn_moveIn.sqf\"" !="\"A3\functions_f\arrays\fn_removeIndex.sqf\"" !="player moveInAny _vehicle;\nEPOCH_antiWallCount = EPOCH_antiWallCount + 1;" !="[\"I_UAV_AI\", position _unit, [], 0, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"];\n_driver moveInAny _unit;"
7 attachTo !"EP_light attachTo [player];" !"_bomb attachTo [_unit, [0,0,0],\"Pelvis\"];" !"_dogHolder attachTo [_dog, [-0.2,1.2,0.7]];" !"EPOCH_staticTarget attachTo[player];" !"EPOCH_target attachTo[player];"
7 enableCollisionWith
7 hideObject !="_dogHolder hideobject true;" !="_dogHolder hideobject false;"
7 setFriend
7 setAmmo
7 setvelocity !="_bolt setPosATL _pos;\n_bolt setVelocity [0, 0, -10];" !="EPOCH_target setvelocitytransformation" !="_currentTarget setVelocity [0,0,-0.01];" !="_head setVelocity [random 2,random 2,10];" !="_vel = velocity this; _dir = getDir player; this setVelocity[(_vel select 0)+(sin _dir * 2),(_vel select 1)+(cos _dir * 2),(_vel select 2)];"
7 RscDebugConsole_watch
7 enableFatigue
7 setUnitRecoilCoefficient
7 setWeaponReloadingTime
7 allMissionObjects
7 callExtension
7 showCommandingMenu
7 assignAs
7 playableunits !"{getplayeruid _x == _ownerVar} count playableunits" !="lbSetData[21500, _index, netId _x];\n} forEach(playableUnits - [player]); !="FPS: %1 | PLAYERS: %2 | DAMAGE: %3 | KRYPTO: %4 | HUNGER: %5 | THIRST: %6 | SOILED: %7 | GRIDREF: %8", round diag_fps, count playableUnits, damage player, EPOCH_playerCrypto, EPOCH_playerHunger, EPOCH_playerThirst, EPOCH_playerSoiled, mapGridPosition player, _counter""
7 allUnits !="allUnits-playableUnits;};if" !="{_x allowFleeing 0} forEach allUnits;" !="EPOCH_ESPMAP_TARGETS = allUnits + vehicles;"
7 allowDamage !="player allowDamage true;vehicle player allowDamage true;"
7 exec !="<execute expression=" !"RscDebugConsole_execute" !"execFSM" !"_executeStackedEventHandler" !"fn_execVM" !"fn_moduleExecute" !"fn_execRemote" !"fn_MPexec" !"bis_fnc_moduleExecute_activate" !"fn_tridentExecute" !"randomize_civ1" !"executed from" !"EPOCH_DebugGUI_exec" !"_handle = [_display] execVM _script;" !"execVM \"\A3\Structures_F\scripts" !="execVM \"\A3\Structures_F_EPC\Civ\PlayGround\scripts\Carousel_spin.sqf\" !="execVM \"\MPMissions\epoch.Tavi\scripts\fn_statusBar.sqf\""
7 addWeaponCargo !="launch_(RPG32|NLAW|Titan_short|Titan)_F"
7 onMapSingleClick !="onMapSingleClick '';"
7 addMagazine !"addMagazineCargo" !="player addMagazine _craftItem;" !="player addMagazine \"jerrycanE_epoch\";" !="player addMagazine \"emptyjar_epoch\";" !="player addMagazine \"jerrycan_epoch\";" !="player addMagazine \"Hatchet_swing\";" !="player addMagazine [(_x select 0),(_x select 1)]" !="player addMagazine _x;"
7 addMagazineCargo !"_dogHolder addMagazineCargo [\"RabbitCarcass_EPOCH\", 1]" !"_dogHolder addMagazineCargo [\"Pelt_EPOCH\", 1]" !"_dogHolder addMagazineCargo [\"Venom_EPOCH\", 1]" !"_dogHolder addMagazineCargo [\"SnakeCarcass_EPOCH\", 1]" !"_dogHolder addMagazineCargo [\"ChickenCarcass_EPOCH\", 1]"
7 addItem !="player addItem _craftItem;" !="player addItem _x;"
7 addBackPack
7 removeAllWeapons
7 removeAllItems
7 removeAllActions
7 setTerrainGrid !="setTerrainGrid 25;"
7 setViewDistance !"setViewDistance 1600"
7 createGroup !="_grp = createGroup RESISTANCE;" !="if (isserver) then {\n_group = creategroup sidelogic;"
7 createVehicleCrew
7 createVehicleLocal !"\"#particlesource\" createVehicleLocal" !"\"#lightpoint\" createVehicleLocal" !"\"BloodSplat\" createVehicleLocal" !"[\"lightning1_F\", \"lightning2_F\"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;\n_lighting = _class createVehicleLocal"
7 createUnit !="_unit = _grp createUnit[(_arrUnits select _i), _pos, [], 0, \"FORM\"];" !=_driver = _grp createUnit[\"I_UAV_AI\", position _unit, [], 0, \"CAN_COLLIDE\];"
7 createAgent !="_unit = createAgent[_unitClass, _targetPos, [], 256, \"FORM\"];" !=_unit = createAgent [_unitClass, _targetPos, [], 120, \"FORM\];" !="_animal = createAgent[_randomAIClass, _animalPos, [], 5, \"NONE\"];" !=_unit = createAgent [\"Epoch_Cloak_F\", _pos, [], 0, \"CAN_COLLIDE\];"
7 createTeam
7 createDialog !="createDialog \"InteractBank\";" !="createdialog \"SelectGender\";" !="_handled = createdialog _dialog;" !="if (!dialog) then {createDialog 'Skaronator_AdminMenu'};" !="if !(createdialog \"InteractItem\") exitWith {};" !="createDialog \"TapOut\";" !="if !(createdialog \"Trade\") exitWith {};" !="_ok = createdialog \"Interact\";" !="_ok = createdialog \"TradeNPCMenu\";" !="createDialog \"Epoch_myGroup\";" !="createDialog (if ((Epoch_my_GroupUID == \"\") && (Epoch_my_Group isEqualTo [])) then {\"EPOCH_createGrp\"} else {\"Epoch_myGroup\"});" !="createDialog \"GroupRequests\";"
7 deleteMarker !="deleteMarkerLocal format[\"SEM_MissionMarker"
7 setMarker !"setMarkerShapeLocal" !"setMarkerSizeLocal" !"setMarkerPosLocal" !"setMarkerBrushLocal" !"setMarkerColorLocal"
7 createMarker !="createMarkerLocal [format[\"SEM_MissionMarker"
7 assignItem
7 forceAddUniform
7 removeAllMPEventHandlers
7 setDamage !="_sapper setDamage 1;\n_sBomb setDamage 1;"
7 setDammage
7 displaySetEventHandler
7 ctrlSetEventHandler !"BIS_fnc_guiMessage_status"
7 addMPEventHandler
7 addEventHandler !"displayAddEventHandler" !"ctrlAddEventHandler" !"FiredNear" !"EpeContactStart" !"InventoryClosed" !"GetOut" !"InventoryOpened" !"local" !"Respawn" !"Put" !"Take" !"Fired" !"Killed" !" [\"PostReset\",{BIS_EnginePPReset = true;} ];" !"_logic addeventhandler [\n\"local\""
7 displayAddEventHandler !"[_display] call _fnc_animate;" !"tVersion select 4) == \"Development\") then" !"_display displayaddeventhandler\n[\n\"mousemoving\"," !"(findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler [\"KeyDown\",\"true\"];" !"(findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler [\"KeyDown\",\"_this call EPOCH_KeyDown\"];" !"_display displayaddeventhandler [\"unload\",\"uinamespace setvariable ['BIS_fnc_guiMess" !="findDisplay -1337 displayAddEventHandler ['Unload'"
7 ctrlAddEventHandler !"rCfg >> \"refreshDelay\");" !" [\n\"draw\"," !" [\"buttonclick\"," !="(uiNamespace getVariable 'ESP_map') ctrlAddEventHandler['Draw', '_esp_targets = EPOCH_ESPMAP_TARGETS;"
7 removeAllEventHandlers !="ctrlRemoveAllEventHandlers" !="_vehicle removeAllEventHandlers \"GetOut\";"
7 removeAllMissionEventHandlers
7 ctrlRemoveAllEventHandlers !="(uiNamespace getVariable 'ESP_map') ctrlRemoveAllEventHandlers 'Draw';"
7 removeEventHandler !="displayRemoveEventHandler" !="player removeEventHandler ['Fired', 0];" !"_currentTarget removeEventHandler[\"EpeContactStart\", _onContactEH]" !" [_adminVar,objnull];\npublicvariable _adminVar;\nplayer removeeventhandler [\"respawn\",_respawn];"
7 displayRemoveEventHandler !"BIS_fnc_guiMessage_status"
7 switchCamera
7 remoteControl !"fn_moduleRemoteControl.sqf"
7 drawIcon3D !="drawIcon3D[\"\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\Member.paa\",_color,_pos,1,1,0,_text,1,0.025,\"PuristaMedium\"];\n}forEach EPOCH_ESP_TARGETS;" !"drawIcon3D[format[\"\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\loading_bar_%1.paa\",_stability],_color,(getPosATL EPOCH_stabilityTarget),5,5,0,\"\",1,0.05,\"PuristaMedium\"];" !"drawIcon3D[format[\"\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\loading_bar_%1.paa\",_num],_color,_pos,4,4,0,\"\",1,0.05,\"PuristaMedium\"];" !"EPOCH_drawIcon3dStability" !"EPOCH_drawIcon3d" !"if (_condition) then {\ndrawIcon3D [_icon, _color, _position, _sizeX, _sizeY, _angle, _text,"
7 drawLine3D !"{\nfor [{_i = 1}, {_i < count _x}, {_i = _i + 1}] do {\ndrawLine3D [_x select (_i - 1), _x select _i, ((BIS_tracedShooter getVari"
7 ctrlCreate
7 ctrlDelete
7 ctrlClassName
7 ctrlModel
7 ctrlModelDirection
7 ctrlModelSide
7 ctrlModelUp
7 ctrlSetDirection
7 ctrlSetModel
7 deleteVehicleCrew !="[\"A3\functions_f\MP\fn_deleteVehicleCrew.sqf\",\".sqf\",0,false,false,false,\"A3\",\"MP\",\"deleteVehicleCrew\"]"
7 loadFile
7 selectPlayer !="selectPlayer _playerObject;"
7 setGroupIconsVisible
7 setGroupIconsSelectable
7 setGroupIconParams
7 addGroupIcon
7 EPOCH_whitelist
7 EPOCH_defaultVars_SEPXVar
7 EPOCH_group_upgrade_lvl_SVar
7 EPOCH_GROUP_Delete_PVS !="EPOCH_GROUP_Delete_PVS = [player,Epoch_personalToken];"
7 Dayz_GUI_R
7 dayz_originalPlayer
7 zZombie_Base
7 infiSTAR
7 GodMode
7 shazbot
7 _typeofHookMonky
7 _allocMemory
7 _d3d9multipliervariable
7 _runASM
7 _addGFX_hookD3D9eventhandler

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