Pops Posted April 9, 2015 Report Share Posted April 9, 2015 Having a bit of an issue... had followed the post by second coming but had the sensor after markers.... nothing happened. Now I have put it BEFORE the markers and used the loadout waitUntil {alive vehicle player}; waitUntil {typeOF player != "VirtualMan_EPOCH"}; Sleep 3; if (newPlayer) then { _PistolANDmag = [["hgun_Pistol_heavy_02_Yorris_F","6Rnd_45ACP_Cylinder"],["hgun_Pistol_heavy_02_F","6Rnd_45ACP_Cylinder"],["hgun_Pistol_heavy_01_MRD_F","11Rnd_45ACP_Mag"],["hgun_Pistol_heavy_01_snds_F","11Rnd_45ACP_Mag"],["hgun_Pistol_heavy_01_F","11Rnd_45ACP_Mag"],["hgun_ACPC2_snds_F","9Rnd_45ACP_Mag"],["hgun_ACPC2_F","9Rnd_45ACP_Mag"],["hgun_Rook40_snds_F","16Rnd_9x21_Mag"],["hgun_Rook40_F","16Rnd_9x21_Mag"],["hgun_P07_snds_F","16Rnd_9x21_Mag"],["hgun_P07_F","16Rnd_9x21_Mag"]] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _pistol = _PistolANDmag select 0; _mag = _PistolANDmag select 1; _item = "FAK"; _food = ["CookedSheep_EPOCH","CookedGoat_EPOCH","CookedChicken_EPOCH","CookedRabbit_EPOCH","ItemTunaCooked","ItemSeaBassCooked","ItemTroutCooked","FoodSnooter","FoodMeeps"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _drink = ["ItemSodaRbull","ItemSodaOrangeSherbet","ItemSodaPurple","ItemSodaMocha","ItemSodaBurst","FoodWalkNSons","WhiskeyNoodle"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _uniform = ["U_C_Scientist","U_C_Journalist","U_C_WorkerCoveralls","U_C_Poor_1","U_C_Poloshirt_redwhite","U_C_Poloshirt_salmon","U_C_Poloshirt_tricolour","U_C_Poloshirt_burgundy","U_C_Poloshirt_blue","U_C_Poloshirt_stripped"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _vest = ["V_16_EPOCH","V_15_EPOCH","V_14_EPOCH","V_13_EPOCH","V_12_EPOCH","V_11_EPOCH","V_10_EPOCH","V_9_EPOCH","V_8_EPOCH","V_7_EPOCH","V_6_EPOCH","V_5_EPOCH","V_4_EPOCH","V_3_EPOCH","V_2_EPOCH","V_1_EPOCH"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; hint format ["Random Loadout Supplied"]; clearWeaponCargo player; clearMagazineCargo player; player addVest _vest; player addWeapon _pistol; player addMagazine _mag; player addMagazine _item; player addMagazine _food; player addMagazine _drink; player addWeapon "EpochRadio0"; EPOCH_playerEnergy = 500; _modelMale = (typeOF player == "Epoch_Male_F"); _modelFemale = (typeOF player == "Epoch_Female_F"); if (_modelFemale) then { player forceAddUniform "U_BasicBodyFemale"; }; if (_modelMale) then { player forceAddUniform _uniform; }; newPlayer = false; }else{ hint "Random Loadout Already Supplied"; }; and it works, but it works even when you join a game in progress. (takes your gear and gives you basic loadout) This is what I have as my sensors..... class Sensors { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={13814.86,80.713188,6874.5757}; a=20; b=25; activationBy="ANY"; repeating=1; interruptable=1; age="UNKNOWN"; name="cloneroomsafezone"; expCond = "(player distance cloneroomsafezone) < 20;"; expActiv="hint ""You are in the clone room""; "; expDesactiv="execVM ""StartingLoadout.sqf"";"; class Effects { }; }; }; Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DeadandGone Posted April 11, 2015 Report Share Posted April 11, 2015 erm sorry to sound dumb again on this forum :) but when I edit the mission.sqm file it seems to either be corrupt or not displaying as a text file IE in Notepoad++ I get a lot of NUL text as though I'm looking at an EXE file... how do you open it to edit the file? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tyler Posted April 11, 2015 Report Share Posted April 11, 2015 erm sorry to sound dumb again on this forum :) but when I edit the mission.sqm file it seems to either be corrupt or not displaying as a text file IE in Notepoad++ I get a lot of NUL text as though I'm looking at an EXE file... how do you open it to edit the file? You will need Mikero Toolshttp://dev.withsix.com/projects/mikero-pbodll/files Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jaikaiman Posted April 14, 2015 Report Share Posted April 14, 2015 waitUntil {alive vehicle player}; waitUntil {typeOF player != "VirtualMan_EPOCH"}; if ( getPlayerUID player in ["7656xxxx","7656xxxx","7656xxxx"] ) then { hint "Admin Loadout Supplied"; clearWeaponCargo player; clearMagazineCargo player; removeBackpackGlobal player; player forceAddUniform "U_OG_Guerilla2_3"; player addBackpack "B_Carryall_oucamo"; player addHeadGear "H_11_EPOCH"; player addVest "V_26_EPOCH"; player addWeapon "hgun_P07_F"; player addWeapon "srifle_EBR_F"; player addWeapon "EpochRadio0"; player addWeapon "ItemGPS"; player addWeapon "ItemMap"; player addWeapon "ItemWatch"; player addWeapon "ItemCompass"; player addWeapon "Rangefinder"; player addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_tws"; player addPrimaryWeaponItem "muzzle_snds_B"; player addHandgunItem "muzzle_snds_L"; player addItemToVest "FAK"; player addItemToVest "FAK"; player addItemToVest "scam_epoch"; player addItemToVest "scam_epoch"; player addItemToVest "ItemSodaRbull"; player addItemToVest "ItemSodaRbull"; player addMagazines ["30rnd_9x21_mag", 4]; player addMagazines ["20rnd_762x51_mag", 5]; player addMagazines ["energypacklg", 2]; player addMagazines ["handgrenade", 6]; player addMagazines ["democharge_remote_mag", 4]; EPOCH_playerEnergy = 2500; EPOCH_playerCrypto = 250; }; else { // Donator 1 Loadout if ((getPlayerUID player in ["7656xxxx","0"] ) && (EPOCH_playerCrypto == 0)) then { hint "Loadout Supplied"; clearWeaponCargo player; clearMagazineCargo player; removeBackpackGlobal player; player forceAddUniform "U_I_G_Story_Protagonist_F"; player addBackpack "B_Carryall_mcamo"; player addHeadGear "H_Watchcap_khk"; player addVest "V_PlateCarrierH_CTRG"; player addWeapon "hgun_ACPC2_F"; player addWeapon "L85A2_UGL_EPOCH"; player addWeapon "EpochRadio0"; player addWeapon "ItemGPS"; player addWeapon "ItemMap"; player addWeapon "ItemWatch"; player addWeapon "ItemCompass"; player addWeapon "Rangefinder"; player addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_MRCO"; player addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_flashlight"; player addHandgunItem "muzzle_snds_acp"; player addItemToVest "FAK"; player addItemToVest "FAK"; player addItemToVest "scam_epoch"; player addItemToVest "scam_epoch"; player addItemToVest "ItemSodaRbull"; player addItemToVest "ItemSodaRbull"; player addMagazines ["9Rnd_45ACP_Mag", 3]; player addMagazines ["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag", 3]; player addMagazines ["energypacklg", 1]; EPOCH_playerCrypto = 100; EPOCH_playerEnergy = 500; _modelMale = (typeOF player == "Epoch_Male_F"); _modelFemale = (typeOF player == "Epoch_Female_F"); if (_modelFemale) then { player forceAddUniform "U_BasicBodyFemale"; }; if (_modelMale) then { player forceAddUniform "U_I_G_Story_Protagonist_F"; }; }; else { // Donator Loadout if ((getPlayerUID player in ["7656xxxx","0"] ) && (EPOCH_playerCrypto == 0)) then { hint "Loadout Supplied"; clearWeaponCargo player; clearMagazineCargo player; removeBackpackGlobal player; player forceAddUniform "U_I_G_Story_Protagonist_F"; player addBackpack "B_Carryall_mcamo"; player addHeadGear "H_Watchcap_khk"; player addVest "V_PlateCarrierH_CTRG"; player addWeapon "hgun_ACPC2_F"; player addWeapon "L85A2_UGL_EPOCH"; player addWeapon "EpochRadio0"; player addWeapon "ItemGPS"; player addWeapon "ItemMap"; player addWeapon "ItemWatch"; player addWeapon "ItemCompass"; player addWeapon "Rangefinder"; player addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_MRCO"; player addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_flashlight"; player addHandgunItem "muzzle_snds_acp"; player addItemToVest "FAK"; player addItemToVest "FAK"; player addItemToVest "scam_epoch"; player addItemToVest "scam_epoch"; player addItemToVest "ItemSodaRbull"; player addItemToVest "ItemSodaRbull"; player addMagazines ["9Rnd_45ACP_Mag", 3]; player addMagazines ["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag", 3]; player addMagazines ["energypacklg", 1]; EPOCH_playerCrypto = 100; EPOCH_playerEnergy = 500; _modelMale = (typeOF player == "Epoch_Male_F"); _modelFemale = (typeOF player == "Epoch_Female_F"); if (_modelFemale) then { player forceAddUniform "U_BasicBodyFemale"; }; if (_modelMale) then { player forceAddUniform "U_I_G_Story_Protagonist_F"; }; }; else if (newPlayer) then { _PistolANDmag = [["hgun_Pistol_heavy_02_Yorris_F","6Rnd_45ACP_Cylinder"],["hgun_Pistol_heavy_02_F","6Rnd_45ACP_Cylinder"],["hgun_Pistol_heavy_01_MRD_F","11Rnd_45ACP_Mag"],["hgun_Pistol_heavy_01_snds_F","11Rnd_45ACP_Mag"],["hgun_Pistol_heavy_01_F","11Rnd_45ACP_Mag"],["hgun_ACPC2_snds_F","9Rnd_45ACP_Mag"],["hgun_ACPC2_F","9Rnd_45ACP_Mag"],["hgun_Rook40_snds_F","16Rnd_9x21_Mag"],["hgun_Rook40_F","16Rnd_9x21_Mag"],["hgun_P07_snds_F","16Rnd_9x21_Mag"],["hgun_P07_F","16Rnd_9x21_Mag"]] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _pistol = _PistolANDmag select 0; _mag = _PistolANDmag select 1; _item = "FAK"; _food = ["CookedSheep_EPOCH","CookedGoat_EPOCH","CookedChicken_EPOCH","CookedRabbit_EPOCH","ItemTunaCooked","ItemSeaBassCooked","ItemTroutCooked","FoodSnooter","FoodMeeps"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _drink = ["ItemSodaRbull","ItemSodaOrangeSherbet","ItemSodaPurple","ItemSodaMocha","ItemSodaBurst","FoodWalkNSons","WhiskeyNoodle"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _uniform = ["U_C_Scientist","U_C_Journalist","U_C_WorkerCoveralls","U_C_Poor_1","U_C_Poloshirt_redwhite","U_C_Poloshirt_salmon","U_C_Poloshirt_tricolour","U_C_Poloshirt_burgundy","U_C_Poloshirt_blue","U_C_Poloshirt_stripped"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _vest = ["V_16_EPOCH","V_15_EPOCH","V_14_EPOCH","V_13_EPOCH","V_12_EPOCH","V_11_EPOCH","V_10_EPOCH","V_9_EPOCH","V_8_EPOCH","V_7_EPOCH","V_6_EPOCH","V_5_EPOCH","V_4_EPOCH","V_3_EPOCH","V_2_EPOCH","V_1_EPOCH"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; hint format ["Random Loadout Supplied"]; clearWeaponCargo player; clearMagazineCargo player; player addVest _vest; player addWeapon _pistol; player addMagazine _mag; player addMagazine _item; player addMagazine _food; player addMagazine _drink; player addWeapon "EpochRadio0"; EPOCH_playerEnergy = 500; _modelMale = (typeOF player == "Epoch_Male_F"); _modelFemale = (typeOF player == "Epoch_Female_F"); if (_modelFemale) then { player forceAddUniform "U_BasicBodyFemale"; }; if (_modelMale) then { player forceAddUniform _uniform; }; newPlayer = false; }else{ hint "Random Loadout Already Supplied"; }; Hi Second, I have written the code above and am using it in conjunction with the sensor. Can you see any issue with that code before I deploy it? I cannot, but you might. Basically, I have a couple of donators now that want custom loadouts so I have done the code like above. Many thanks Jaikaiman - wwcygamingcommunity.com Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kludgeDev Posted April 15, 2015 Report Share Posted April 15, 2015 Why can not I use no script? :( :( :( :( :( :( :( Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kludgeDev Posted April 15, 2015 Report Share Posted April 15, 2015 waitUntil {alive vehicle player}; waitUntil {typeOF player != "VirtualMan_EPOCH"}; if ( getPlayerUID player in ["7656xxxx","7656xxxx","7656xxxx"] ) then { hint "Admin Loadout Supplied"; clearWeaponCargo player; clearMagazineCargo player; removeBackpackGlobal player; player forceAddUniform "U_OG_Guerilla2_3"; player addBackpack "B_Carryall_oucamo"; player addHeadGear "H_11_EPOCH"; player addVest "V_26_EPOCH"; player addWeapon "hgun_P07_F"; player addWeapon "srifle_EBR_F"; player addWeapon "EpochRadio0"; player addWeapon "ItemGPS"; player addWeapon "ItemMap"; player addWeapon "ItemWatch"; player addWeapon "ItemCompass"; player addWeapon "Rangefinder"; player addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_tws"; player addPrimaryWeaponItem "muzzle_snds_B"; player addHandgunItem "muzzle_snds_L"; player addItemToVest "FAK"; player addItemToVest "FAK"; player addItemToVest "scam_epoch"; player addItemToVest "scam_epoch"; player addItemToVest "ItemSodaRbull"; player addItemToVest "ItemSodaRbull"; player addMagazines ["30rnd_9x21_mag", 4]; player addMagazines ["20rnd_762x51_mag", 5]; player addMagazines ["energypacklg", 2]; player addMagazines ["handgrenade", 6]; player addMagazines ["democharge_remote_mag", 4]; EPOCH_playerEnergy = 2500; EPOCH_playerCrypto = 250; }; else { // Donator 1 Loadout if ((getPlayerUID player in ["7656xxxx","0"] ) && (EPOCH_playerCrypto == 0)) then { hint "Loadout Supplied"; clearWeaponCargo player; clearMagazineCargo player; removeBackpackGlobal player; player forceAddUniform "U_I_G_Story_Protagonist_F"; player addBackpack "B_Carryall_mcamo"; player addHeadGear "H_Watchcap_khk"; player addVest "V_PlateCarrierH_CTRG"; player addWeapon "hgun_ACPC2_F"; player addWeapon "L85A2_UGL_EPOCH"; player addWeapon "EpochRadio0"; player addWeapon "ItemGPS"; player addWeapon "ItemMap"; player addWeapon "ItemWatch"; player addWeapon "ItemCompass"; player addWeapon "Rangefinder"; player addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_MRCO"; player addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_flashlight"; player addHandgunItem "muzzle_snds_acp"; player addItemToVest "FAK"; player addItemToVest "FAK"; player addItemToVest "scam_epoch"; player addItemToVest "scam_epoch"; player addItemToVest "ItemSodaRbull"; player addItemToVest "ItemSodaRbull"; player addMagazines ["9Rnd_45ACP_Mag", 3]; player addMagazines ["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag", 3]; player addMagazines ["energypacklg", 1]; EPOCH_playerCrypto = 100; EPOCH_playerEnergy = 500; _modelMale = (typeOF player == "Epoch_Male_F"); _modelFemale = (typeOF player == "Epoch_Female_F"); if (_modelFemale) then { player forceAddUniform "U_BasicBodyFemale"; }; if (_modelMale) then { player forceAddUniform "U_I_G_Story_Protagonist_F"; }; }; else { // Donator Loadout if ((getPlayerUID player in ["7656xxxx","0"] ) && (EPOCH_playerCrypto == 0)) then { hint "Loadout Supplied"; clearWeaponCargo player; clearMagazineCargo player; removeBackpackGlobal player; player forceAddUniform "U_I_G_Story_Protagonist_F"; player addBackpack "B_Carryall_mcamo"; player addHeadGear "H_Watchcap_khk"; player addVest "V_PlateCarrierH_CTRG"; player addWeapon "hgun_ACPC2_F"; player addWeapon "L85A2_UGL_EPOCH"; player addWeapon "EpochRadio0"; player addWeapon "ItemGPS"; player addWeapon "ItemMap"; player addWeapon "ItemWatch"; player addWeapon "ItemCompass"; player addWeapon "Rangefinder"; player addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_MRCO"; player addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_flashlight"; player addHandgunItem "muzzle_snds_acp"; player addItemToVest "FAK"; player addItemToVest "FAK"; player addItemToVest "scam_epoch"; player addItemToVest "scam_epoch"; player addItemToVest "ItemSodaRbull"; player addItemToVest "ItemSodaRbull"; player addMagazines ["9Rnd_45ACP_Mag", 3]; player addMagazines ["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag", 3]; player addMagazines ["energypacklg", 1]; EPOCH_playerCrypto = 100; EPOCH_playerEnergy = 500; _modelMale = (typeOF player == "Epoch_Male_F"); _modelFemale = (typeOF player == "Epoch_Female_F"); if (_modelFemale) then { player forceAddUniform "U_BasicBodyFemale"; }; if (_modelMale) then { player forceAddUniform "U_I_G_Story_Protagonist_F"; }; }; else if (newPlayer) then { _PistolANDmag = [["hgun_Pistol_heavy_02_Yorris_F","6Rnd_45ACP_Cylinder"],["hgun_Pistol_heavy_02_F","6Rnd_45ACP_Cylinder"],["hgun_Pistol_heavy_01_MRD_F","11Rnd_45ACP_Mag"],["hgun_Pistol_heavy_01_snds_F","11Rnd_45ACP_Mag"],["hgun_Pistol_heavy_01_F","11Rnd_45ACP_Mag"],["hgun_ACPC2_snds_F","9Rnd_45ACP_Mag"],["hgun_ACPC2_F","9Rnd_45ACP_Mag"],["hgun_Rook40_snds_F","16Rnd_9x21_Mag"],["hgun_Rook40_F","16Rnd_9x21_Mag"],["hgun_P07_snds_F","16Rnd_9x21_Mag"],["hgun_P07_F","16Rnd_9x21_Mag"]] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _pistol = _PistolANDmag select 0; _mag = _PistolANDmag select 1; _item = "FAK"; _food = ["CookedSheep_EPOCH","CookedGoat_EPOCH","CookedChicken_EPOCH","CookedRabbit_EPOCH","ItemTunaCooked","ItemSeaBassCooked","ItemTroutCooked","FoodSnooter","FoodMeeps"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _drink = ["ItemSodaRbull","ItemSodaOrangeSherbet","ItemSodaPurple","ItemSodaMocha","ItemSodaBurst","FoodWalkNSons","WhiskeyNoodle"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _uniform = ["U_C_Scientist","U_C_Journalist","U_C_WorkerCoveralls","U_C_Poor_1","U_C_Poloshirt_redwhite","U_C_Poloshirt_salmon","U_C_Poloshirt_tricolour","U_C_Poloshirt_burgundy","U_C_Poloshirt_blue","U_C_Poloshirt_stripped"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _vest = ["V_16_EPOCH","V_15_EPOCH","V_14_EPOCH","V_13_EPOCH","V_12_EPOCH","V_11_EPOCH","V_10_EPOCH","V_9_EPOCH","V_8_EPOCH","V_7_EPOCH","V_6_EPOCH","V_5_EPOCH","V_4_EPOCH","V_3_EPOCH","V_2_EPOCH","V_1_EPOCH"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; hint format ["Random Loadout Supplied"]; clearWeaponCargo player; clearMagazineCargo player; player addVest _vest; player addWeapon _pistol; player addMagazine _mag; player addMagazine _item; player addMagazine _food; player addMagazine _drink; player addWeapon "EpochRadio0"; EPOCH_playerEnergy = 500; _modelMale = (typeOF player == "Epoch_Male_F"); _modelFemale = (typeOF player == "Epoch_Female_F"); if (_modelFemale) then { player forceAddUniform "U_BasicBodyFemale"; }; if (_modelMale) then { player forceAddUniform _uniform; }; newPlayer = false; }else{ hint "Random Loadout Already Supplied"; }; Hi Second, I have written the code above and am using it in conjunction with the sensor. Can you see any issue with that code before I deploy it? I cannot, but you might. Basically, I have a couple of donators now that want custom loadouts so I have done the code like above. Many thanks Jaikaiman - wwcygamingcommunity.com how to connect it does not understand? execVM "loadout.sqf"; in init.sqf does not work, it is necessary that something else? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
second_coming Posted April 15, 2015 Report Share Posted April 15, 2015 Hi Second,I have written the code above and am using it in conjunction with the sensor. Can you see any issue with that code before I deploy it? I cannot, but you might.Basically, I have a couple of donators now that want custom loadouts so I have done the code like above.Many thanksJaikaiman - wwcygamingcommunity.comTry this. You can't add Krypto like before, it has to be done server side now waitUntil {alive vehicle player}; waitUntil {typeOF player != "VirtualMan_EPOCH"}; // Admin Loadout if ( getPlayerUID player in ["7656xxxx","7656xxxx","7656xxxx"] && newPlayer) then { hint "Admin Loadout Supplied"; clearWeaponCargo player; clearMagazineCargo player; removeBackpackGlobal player; player forceAddUniform "U_OG_Guerilla2_3"; player addBackpack "B_Carryall_oucamo"; player addHeadGear "H_11_EPOCH"; player addVest "V_26_EPOCH"; player addWeapon "hgun_P07_F"; player addWeapon "srifle_EBR_F"; player addWeapon "EpochRadio0"; player addWeapon "ItemGPS"; player addWeapon "ItemMap"; player addWeapon "ItemWatch"; player addWeapon "ItemCompass"; player addWeapon "Rangefinder"; player addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_tws"; player addPrimaryWeaponItem "muzzle_snds_B"; player addHandgunItem "muzzle_snds_L"; player addItemToVest "FAK"; player addItemToVest "FAK"; player addItemToVest "scam_epoch"; player addItemToVest "scam_epoch"; player addItemToVest "ItemSodaRbull"; player addItemToVest "ItemSodaRbull"; player addMagazines ["30rnd_9x21_mag", 4]; player addMagazines ["20rnd_762x51_mag", 5]; player addMagazines ["energypacklg", 2]; player addMagazines ["handgrenade", 6]; player addMagazines ["democharge_remote_mag", 4]; EPOCH_playerEnergy = 2500; newPlayer = false; }; // Donator 1 Loadout if ((getPlayerUID player in ["7656xxxx","0"] ) && newPlayer) then { hint "Loadout Supplied"; clearWeaponCargo player; clearMagazineCargo player; removeBackpackGlobal player; player forceAddUniform "U_I_G_Story_Protagonist_F"; player addBackpack "B_Carryall_mcamo"; player addHeadGear "H_Watchcap_khk"; player addVest "V_PlateCarrierH_CTRG"; player addWeapon "hgun_ACPC2_F"; player addWeapon "L85A2_UGL_EPOCH"; player addWeapon "EpochRadio0"; player addWeapon "ItemGPS"; player addWeapon "ItemMap"; player addWeapon "ItemWatch"; player addWeapon "ItemCompass"; player addWeapon "Rangefinder"; player addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_MRCO"; player addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_flashlight"; player addHandgunItem "muzzle_snds_acp"; player addItemToVest "FAK"; player addItemToVest "FAK"; player addItemToVest "scam_epoch"; player addItemToVest "scam_epoch"; player addItemToVest "ItemSodaRbull"; player addItemToVest "ItemSodaRbull"; player addMagazines ["9Rnd_45ACP_Mag", 3]; player addMagazines ["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag", 3]; player addMagazines ["energypacklg", 1]; _modelMale = (typeOF player == "Epoch_Male_F"); _modelFemale = (typeOF player == "Epoch_Female_F"); if (_modelFemale) then { player forceAddUniform "U_BasicBodyFemale"; }; if (_modelMale) then { player forceAddUniform "U_I_G_Story_Protagonist_F"; }; newPlayer = false; }; // Donator 2 Loadout if ((getPlayerUID player in ["7656xxxx","0"] ) && newPlayer) then { hint "Loadout Supplied"; clearWeaponCargo player; clearMagazineCargo player; removeBackpackGlobal player; player forceAddUniform "U_I_G_Story_Protagonist_F"; player addBackpack "B_Carryall_mcamo"; player addHeadGear "H_Watchcap_khk"; player addVest "V_PlateCarrierH_CTRG"; player addWeapon "hgun_ACPC2_F"; player addWeapon "L85A2_UGL_EPOCH"; player addWeapon "EpochRadio0"; player addWeapon "ItemGPS"; player addWeapon "ItemMap"; player addWeapon "ItemWatch"; player addWeapon "ItemCompass"; player addWeapon "Rangefinder"; player addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_MRCO"; player addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_flashlight"; player addHandgunItem "muzzle_snds_acp"; player addItemToVest "FAK"; player addItemToVest "FAK"; player addItemToVest "scam_epoch"; player addItemToVest "scam_epoch"; player addItemToVest "ItemSodaRbull"; player addItemToVest "ItemSodaRbull"; player addMagazines ["9Rnd_45ACP_Mag", 3]; player addMagazines ["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag", 3]; player addMagazines ["energypacklg", 1]; EPOCH_playerEnergy = 500; _modelMale = (typeOF player == "Epoch_Male_F"); _modelFemale = (typeOF player == "Epoch_Female_F"); if (_modelFemale) then { player forceAddUniform "U_BasicBodyFemale"; }; if (_modelMale) then { player forceAddUniform "U_I_G_Story_Protagonist_F"; }; newPlayer = false; }; if (newPlayer) then { _PistolANDmag = [["hgun_Pistol_heavy_02_Yorris_F","6Rnd_45ACP_Cylinder"],["hgun_Pistol_heavy_02_F","6Rnd_45ACP_Cylinder"],["hgun_Pistol_heavy_01_MRD_F","11Rnd_45ACP_Mag"],["hgun_Pistol_heavy_01_snds_F","11Rnd_45ACP_Mag"],["hgun_Pistol_heavy_01_F","11Rnd_45ACP_Mag"],["hgun_ACPC2_snds_F","9Rnd_45ACP_Mag"],["hgun_ACPC2_F","9Rnd_45ACP_Mag"],["hgun_Rook40_snds_F","16Rnd_9x21_Mag"],["hgun_Rook40_F","16Rnd_9x21_Mag"],["hgun_P07_snds_F","16Rnd_9x21_Mag"],["hgun_P07_F","16Rnd_9x21_Mag"]] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _pistol = _PistolANDmag select 0; _mag = _PistolANDmag select 1; _item = "FAK"; _food = ["CookedSheep_EPOCH","CookedGoat_EPOCH","CookedChicken_EPOCH","CookedRabbit_EPOCH","ItemTunaCooked","ItemSeaBassCooked","ItemTroutCooked","FoodSnooter","FoodMeeps"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _drink = ["ItemSodaRbull","ItemSodaOrangeSherbet","ItemSodaPurple","ItemSodaMocha","ItemSodaBurst","FoodWalkNSons","WhiskeyNoodle"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _uniform = ["U_C_Scientist","U_C_Journalist","U_C_WorkerCoveralls","U_C_Poor_1","U_C_Poloshirt_redwhite","U_C_Poloshirt_salmon","U_C_Poloshirt_tricolour","U_C_Poloshirt_burgundy","U_C_Poloshirt_blue","U_C_Poloshirt_stripped"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _vest = ["V_16_EPOCH","V_15_EPOCH","V_14_EPOCH","V_13_EPOCH","V_12_EPOCH","V_11_EPOCH","V_10_EPOCH","V_9_EPOCH","V_8_EPOCH","V_7_EPOCH","V_6_EPOCH","V_5_EPOCH","V_4_EPOCH","V_3_EPOCH","V_2_EPOCH","V_1_EPOCH"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; hint format ["Random Loadout Supplied"]; clearWeaponCargo player; clearMagazineCargo player; player addVest _vest; player addWeapon _pistol; player addMagazine _mag; player addMagazine _item; player addMagazine _food; player addMagazine _drink; player addWeapon "EpochRadio0"; EPOCH_playerEnergy = 500; _modelMale = (typeOF player == "Epoch_Male_F"); _modelFemale = (typeOF player == "Epoch_Female_F"); if (_modelFemale) then { player forceAddUniform "U_BasicBodyFemale"; }; if (_modelMale) then { player forceAddUniform _uniform; }; newPlayer = false; } else { hint "Random Loadout Already Supplied"; }; Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pops Posted April 15, 2015 Report Share Posted April 15, 2015 Anyone else having issues with sensors? I initially had it with a "ANY" trip, that just caused it to trip all the time. I switched it to "CIV" and got the same result.... I'm a bit baffled.(and I want to use sensors for a repair/arm/fuel script I'm working on............ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
second_coming Posted April 15, 2015 Report Share Posted April 15, 2015 From the last update I moved the player loadout to be loaded with onPlayerRespawn.sqf as the sensor method was proving to be flaky. This new method works every time for all players. onPlayerRespawn.sqf: newPlayer = true; if (!isDedicated and hasInterface) then { waitUntil {alive vehicle player}; waitUntil {typeOF player != "VirtualMan_EPOCH"}; if (isNil "inSafezone") then { inSafezone = false; }; if((player distance cloneroomsafezone) < 25) then { // Supply Starting Loadout [] execVM "custom\StartingLoadout.sqf"; systemchat("Auto Wardrobe Activated..."); }; }; and in my StartingLoadout.sqf: waitUntil {alive vehicle player}; waitUntil {typeOF player != "VirtualMan_EPOCH"}; if (EPOCH_playerEnergy < 20) then { uiSleep 5; hint "Standard Loadout Supplied"; clearWeaponCargo player; clearMagazineCargo player; player addWeapon "ItemMap"; player addItemToVest "FAK"; player addItemToVest "FAK"; player addItemToVest "scam_epoch"; player addItemToVest "scam_epoch"; player addItemToVest "ItemSodaRbull"; player addItemToVest "ItemSodaRbull"; EPOCH_playerEnergy = 500; _modelMale = (typeOF player == "Epoch_Male_F"); _modelFemale = (typeOF player == "Epoch_Female_F"); if (_modelFemale) then { player forceAddUniform "U_BasicBodyFemale"; }; if (_modelMale) then { player forceAddUniform "U_C_Poor_1"; }; newPlayer = false; } else { hint "Standard Loadout Already Supplied"; }; Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jaikaiman Posted April 15, 2015 Report Share Posted April 15, 2015 Hi Second, Man this one is doing my head in LOL. I cannot get this custom load out to work for love nor money. Thank you for your suggested code, however it is not working for me. In the new method above, do you still require the sensor in the mission.sqm file. Also, would the code you posted for me still work in the StartLoadout.sqf file. Cheers and thank you again for your help. Jaikaiman Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kludgeDev Posted April 15, 2015 Report Share Posted April 15, 2015 :P :) expCond="(vehicle player) in thislist;"; Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kludgeDev Posted April 16, 2015 Report Share Posted April 16, 2015 :P :) mission.sqm class Item3 { position[]={23600.465,3.1900001,18000.465}; a=10; b=10; rectangular=1; activationBy="ANY"; repeating=1; interruptable=1; age="UNKNOWN"; name="cloneroomsafezone"; expCond="(vehicle player) in thislist;"; expActiv="hint ""You are in the clone room"";"; expDesactiv="execVM ""scripts\Loadouts.sqf"";"; class Effects { }; }; }; }; Loadouts.sqf (SNATCH ) diag_log "Loadouts"; _Splayer = player; _Banned= [ '000000000000000', '000000000000000', '000000000000000', '000000000000000', '000000000000000' ]; // ADMIN PUIDs _Admin1 = [ '000000000000000', '000000000000000', '000000000000000' ]; _Admin2 = [ '000000000000000', '000000000000000', '000000000000000' ]; _AdminKrypto = [ '000000000000000', '000000000000000', '000000000000000' ]; /* Classes with Loadout for Players/Admins */ _AllPuids = _Admin1; _AllAdmins = _AdminKrypto + _Admin1; if(getPlayerUID player in _Banned) exitWith{hint "You have been banned from getting Starting Loadout due to violations!";}; if (newPlayer /*&& EPOCH_playerEnergy<1*/ && EPOCH_playerCrypto<1) then { sleep 3; player playAction "Medic"; removeHeadgear player: removeGoggles player; removeVest player; removeBackpack player; removeUniform player; removeAllWeapons player: removeAllAssignedItems player; //============================================ if (getPlayerUID player in _AllAdmins) then { /* _SloadoutCrypto = 300; _current_crypto = EPOCH_playerCrypto + _SloadoutCrypto; [["effectCrypto",_current_crypto],(owner _Splayer)]call EPOCH_sendPublicVariableServer; */ EPOCH_playerEnergy = 2500; } else { /* _SloadoutCrypto = 300; _current_crypto = EPOCH_playerCrypto + _SloadoutCrypto; [["effectCrypto",_current_crypto],(owner _Splayer)]call EPOCH_sendPublicVariableServer; */ EPOCH_playerEnergy = 10; }; if (getPlayerUID player in _AllPuids) then { // ADMIN Loadouts if (getPlayerUID player in _Admin1) then { //Uniform and vest: //Male if (typeOF player == "Epoch_Male_F") then { _Splayer forceAddUniform "U_O_GhillieSuit"; _Splayer addVest "V_39_EPOCH"; //name vest }; //Female if (typeOF player == "Epoch_Female_F") then { _Splayer forceAddUniform "U_ghillie3_uniform"; _Splayer addVest "V_F1_EPOCH"; //name vest }; //Primary weapon: _Splayer addWeapon "arifle_mas_asval"; //name rifle _Splayer addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_mas_goshawk"; //name optic //Secondary weapon: _Splayer addWeapon "hgun_Pistol_heavy_01_F"; //name rifle _Splayer addPrimaryWeaponItem "muzzle_snds_acp"; //name silencer //Navigation: _Splayer addWeapon "ItemGPS"; //name navi _Splayer addWeapon "ItemMap"; //name navi _Splayer addWeapon "ItemWatch"; //name navi _Splayer addWeapon "ItemCompass"; //name navi _Splayer addWeapon "Rangefinder_mas_h"; //name rangefinder _Splayer addWeapon "EpochRadio0"; //name radio _Splayer addWeapon "NVG_EPOCH"; // nightvision //Vest items: _Splayer addItemToVest "11Rnd_45ACP_Mag"; //name ammo _Splayer addItemToVest "11Rnd_45ACP_Mag"; //name ammo _Splayer addItemToVest "30Rnd_mas_9x39_mag"; _Splayer addItemToVest "30Rnd_mas_9x39_mag"; _Splayer addItemToVest "30Rnd_mas_9x39_mag"; _Splayer addItemToVest "FAK"; // First aid kit //Backpack: _Splayer addBackpack "B_Carryall_khk"; // CarryallBackpack (Khaki) _Splayer addItemToBackpack "ItemSodaBurst"; // Burst Koke _Splayer addItemToBackpack "ItemSodaBurst"; // Burst Koke _Splayer addItemToBackpack "meatballs_Epoch"; // Meatballs _Splayer addItemToBackpack "meatballs_Epoch"; // Meatballs _Splayer addItemToBackpack "MultiGun"; // MultiGun _Splayer addItemToBackpack "Defib_Epoch"; _Splayer addItemToBackpack "Repair_Epoch"; _Splayer addItemToBackpack "Heal_EPOCH"; _Splayer addItemToBackpack "EnergyPack"; _Splayer addItemToBackpack "EnergyPack"; sleep 2; hint "Here is your Admin Loadout!"; }; if (getPlayerUID player in _Admin2) then { //Uniform and vest: //Male if (typeOF player == "Epoch_Male_F") then { _Splayer forceAddUniform "U_O_GhillieSuit"; _Splayer addVest "V_39_EPOCH"; //name vest }; //Female if (typeOF player == "Epoch_Female_F") then { _Splayer forceAddUniform "U_ghillie3_uniform"; _Splayer addVest "V_F1_EPOCH"; //name vest }; //Primary weapon: _Splayer addWeapon "arifle_mas_asval"; //name rifle _Splayer addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_mas_goshawk"; //name optic //Secondary weapon: _Splayer addWeapon "hgun_Pistol_heavy_01_F"; //name rifle _Splayer addPrimaryWeaponItem "muzzle_snds_acp"; //name silencer //Navigation: _Splayer addWeapon "ItemGPS"; //name navi _Splayer addWeapon "ItemMap"; //name navi _Splayer addWeapon "ItemWatch"; //name navi _Splayer addWeapon "ItemCompass"; //name navi _Splayer addWeapon "Rangefinder_mas_h"; //name rangefinder _Splayer addWeapon "EpochRadio0"; //name radio _Splayer addWeapon "NVG_EPOCH"; // nightvision //Vest items: _Splayer addItemToVest "11Rnd_45ACP_Mag"; //name ammo _Splayer addItemToVest "11Rnd_45ACP_Mag"; //name ammo _Splayer addItemToVest "30Rnd_mas_9x39_mag"; _Splayer addItemToVest "30Rnd_mas_9x39_mag"; _Splayer addItemToVest "30Rnd_mas_9x39_mag"; _Splayer addItemToVest "FAK"; // First aid kit //Backpack: _Splayer addBackpack "B_Carryall_khk"; // CarryallBackpack (Khaki) _Splayer addItemToBackpack "ItemSodaBurst"; // Burst Koke _Splayer addItemToBackpack "ItemSodaBurst"; // Burst Koke _Splayer addItemToBackpack "meatballs_Epoch"; // Meatballs _Splayer addItemToBackpack "meatballs_Epoch"; // Meatballs _Splayer addItemToBackpack "MultiGun"; // MultiGun _Splayer addItemToBackpack "Defib_Epoch"; _Splayer addItemToBackpack "Repair_Epoch"; _Splayer addItemToBackpack "Heal_EPOCH"; _Splayer addItemToBackpack "EnergyPack"; _Splayer addItemToBackpack "EnergyPack"; sleep 2; hint "Here is your Admin Loadout!"; }; newPlayer = false; } else { // DEFAULT LOADOUT / SCRIPT _PistolPairs = [["hgun_Pistol_Signal_F","6Rnd_RedSignal_F"],["hgun_Pistol_heavy_02_F","6Rnd_45ACP_Cylinder"],["hgun_Pistol_heavy_01_F","11Rnd_45ACP_Mag"],["hgun_ACPC2_F","9Rnd_45ACP_Mag"],["hgun_Rook40_F","16Rnd_9x21_Mag"],["hgun_P07_F","16Rnd_9x21_Mag"]] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _pistol = _PistolPairs select 0; _mag = _PistolPairs select 1; _item = "FAK"; _food = ["CookedSheep_EPOCH","CookedGoat_EPOCH","CookedChicken_EPOCH","CookedRabbit_EPOCH","ItemTunaCooked","ItemSeaBassCooked","ItemTroutCooked","FoodSnooter","FoodMeeps"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _drink = ["ItemSodaRbull","ItemSodaOrangeSherbet","ItemSodaPurple","ItemSodaMocha","ItemSodaBurst","FoodWalkNSons","WhiskeyNoodle"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _uniform = ["U_C_Scientist","U_C_Journalist","U_C_WorkerCoveralls","U_C_Poor_1","U_C_Poloshirt_redwhite","U_C_Poloshirt_salmon","U_C_Poloshirt_tricolour","U_C_Poloshirt_burgundy","U_C_Poloshirt_blue","U_C_Poloshirt_stripped"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _vest = ["V_16_EPOCH","V_15_EPOCH","V_14_EPOCH","V_13_EPOCH","V_12_EPOCH","V_11_EPOCH","V_10_EPOCH","V_9_EPOCH","V_8_EPOCH","V_7_EPOCH","V_6_EPOCH","V_5_EPOCH","V_4_EPOCH","V_3_EPOCH","V_2_EPOCH","V_1_EPOCH"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; //EPOCH_playerCrypto = 1; //EPOCH_playerEnergy = 1; if (typeOF player == "Epoch_Female_F") then { _Splayer forceAddUniform "U_BasicBodyFemale"; }; if (typeOF player == "Epoch_Male_F") then { _Splayer forceAddUniform _uniform; }; _Splayer addVest _vest; _Splayer addWeapon _pistol; _Splayer addMagazine _mag; _Splayer addMagazine _item; _Splayer addMagazine _food; _Splayer addMagazine _drink; _Splayer addWeapon "ItemMap"; //name navi //_Splayer addWeapon "EpochRadio0"; //name radio sleep 2; hint "Here is your Loadout! If you like the server, tell your friends about us."; newPlayer = false; }; //============================================== }; diag_log "Loadouts end"; Sneakydude 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pr0dukt Posted April 16, 2015 Report Share Posted April 16, 2015 Which status bar script are you using in that screen? is that zupa's build-A-bar system? lol I've yet to tinker with it much, but looks pretty fancy. =p Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lambn001 Posted April 16, 2015 Report Share Posted April 16, 2015 Thats the newer one from here. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kludgeDev Posted April 16, 2015 Report Share Posted April 16, 2015 Thats the newer one from here. That's right captain Which status bar script are you using in that screen? is that zupa's build-A-bar system? lol I've yet to tinker with it much, but looks pretty fancy. =p :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Halvhjearne Posted April 16, 2015 Report Share Posted April 16, 2015 exactly why is this script inside a while loop? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PAR4NA Posted April 19, 2015 Report Share Posted April 19, 2015 someone can share the filter lines Be? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jaikaiman Posted April 19, 2015 Report Share Posted April 19, 2015 // mission.sqm - 13:21:53 04/19/15, generated in 0.41 seconds // Generated by unRap v1.06 by Kegetys // Separate rootclasses: Disabled, Automatic comments: Enabled version = 12; class Mission { addOns[] = {"A3_Soft_F_Car", "A3_Soft_F_Quadbike", "a3_soft_f_beta_quadbike", "A3_Boat_F_Civilian_Boat", "A3_Boat_F_Boat_Transport_01", "A3_Air_F_Heli_Light_01", "A3_Air_F_Heli_Heli_Transport_04", "A3_Air_F_Heli_Heli_Transport_03", "a3_map_altis", "a3_characters_f_gamma", "A3_Characters_F_OPFOR", "A3_Characters_F_INDEP", "A3_Characters_F_Civil", "A3_epoch_config", "a3_characters_f", "A3_Data_F_Curator_Virtual"}; addOnsAuto[] = {"A3_epoch_config", "a3_map_altis"}; randomSeed = 12032465; class Intel { briefingName = "Epoch Mod"; resistanceWest = 0; timeOfChanges = 28800; startWeather = 0; startWind = 0; forecastWeather = 0; forecastWind = 0; forecastWaves = 0; wavesForced = 1; windForced = 1; year = 2035; month = 6; day = 24; hour = 12; minute = 55; startFogDecay = 0.013; forecastFogDecay = 0.013; }; class Groups { items = 100; class Item0 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23598.1, 3.19, 17997.1}; azimut = 136.241; special = NONE; id = 0; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item1 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23597.4, 3.19, 18001.1}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 1; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item2 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23601.4, 3.19, 17999.4}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 2; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item3 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23604.3, 3.19, 18004.9}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 3; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item4 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23596.8, 3.19, 18001.8}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 4; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item5 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23595.9, 3.19, 18002.4}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 5; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item6 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23601.2, 3.19, 18005}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 6; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item7 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23603.3, 3.19, 18003.2}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 7; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item8 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23601.6, 3.19, 18003.7}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 8; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item9 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23604.9, 3.19, 18004.2}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 9; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item10 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23596.2, 3.19, 17998.2}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 10; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item11 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23597.2, 3.19, 17997.7}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 11; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item12 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23597.9, 3.19, 18002}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 12; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item13 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23597.9, 3.19, 17999.5}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 13; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item14 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23598.4, 3.19, 18001.4}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 14; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item15 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23602.7, 3.19, 17997.4}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 15; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item16 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23599.9, 3.19, 17996.1}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 16; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item17 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23603.6, 3.19, 17996.7}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 17; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item18 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23600.1, 3.19, 18004.7}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 18; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item19 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23602.3, 3.19, 18005.2}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 19; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item20 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23599.9, 3.19, 18001.6}; azimut = 136.241; special = NONE; id = 20; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item21 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23599.7, 3.19, 17998.2}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 21; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item22 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23600.7, 3.19, 17998.5}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 22; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item23 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23601.8, 3.19, 18004.4}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 23; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item24 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23599.2, 3.19, 17997.3}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 24; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item25 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23600.8, 3.19, 18004.1}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 25; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item26 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23603.5, 3.19, 18005.5}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 26; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item27 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23604.4, 3.19, 18003.4}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 27; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item28 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23598.9, 3.19, 18002.1}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 28; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item29 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23599, 3.19, 17996.5}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 29; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item30 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23603.2, 3.19, 17999}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 30; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item31 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23604.8, 3.19, 18000.2}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 31; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item32 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23599.1, 3.19, 17999.8}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 32; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item33 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23598.4, 3.19, 17997.9}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 33; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item34 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23596.7, 3.19, 17999.2}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 34; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item35 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23601.3, 3.19, 18002.7}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 35; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item36 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23597.8, 3.19, 18004.3}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 36; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item37 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23595.7, 3.19, 18001.6}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 37; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item38 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23605.1, 3.19, 17998.7}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 38; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item39 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23602.4, 3.19, 18003}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 39; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item40 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23602.5, 3.19, 17999.7}; azimut = 136.241; special = NONE; id = 40; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item41 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23595.9, 3.19, 17997.3}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 41; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item42 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23598.9, 3.19, 17999}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 42; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item43 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23594.8, 3.19, 18002.1}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 43; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item44 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23600.1, 3.19, 18002.5}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 44; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item45 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23595.3, 3.19, 18003}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 45; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item46 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23597, 3.19, 18002.7}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 46; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item47 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23603.1, 3.19, 18004.7}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 47; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item48 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23599.3, 3.19, 18003.1}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 48; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item49 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23601, 3.19, 18002}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 49; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item50 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23595.2, 3.19, 18000.7}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 50; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item51 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23600.5, 3.19, 18000.1}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 51; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item52 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23597.5, 3.19, 18003.6}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 52; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item53 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23601.5, 3.19, 17997.1}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 53; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item54 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23598.9, 3.19, 18004.5}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 54; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item55 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23602.1, 3.19, 18002.1}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 55; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item56 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23603.8, 3.19, 18004}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 56; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item57 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23596.3, 3.19, 18000.8}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 57; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item58 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23594.6, 3.19, 18003.6}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 58; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item59 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23599.7, 3.19, 18004}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 59; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item60 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23602.2, 3.19, 17998.6}; azimut = 136.241; special = NONE; id = 60; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item61 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23601.6, 3.19, 18000.4}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 61; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item62 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23600, 3.19, 17999.3}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 62; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item63 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23604.4, 3.19, 18002.6}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 63; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item64 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23597.4, 3.19, 17998.7}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 64; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item65 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23596.3, 3.19, 18003.3}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 65; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item66 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23602.6, 3.19, 18003.9}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 66; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item67 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23595.6, 3.19, 18003.9}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 67; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item68 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23600.4, 3.19, 18003.4}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 68; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item69 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23603.2, 3.19, 18002.4}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 69; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item70 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23597.1, 3.19, 18000.2}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 70; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item71 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23605.1, 3.19, 18001.2}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 71; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item72 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23598.5, 3.19, 18003.7}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 72; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item73 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23603.9, 3.19, 17998.4}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 73; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item74 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23598.1, 3.19, 18002.9}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 74; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item75 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23602.8, 3.19, 18000.7}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 75; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item76 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23596.7, 3.19, 18004.1}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 76; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item77 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23602.3, 3.19, 17996.5}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 77; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item78 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23604, 3.19, 18000.8}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 78; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item79 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23595.9, 3.19, 17999.9}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 79; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item80 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23598.3, 3.19, 18000.5}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 80; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item81 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23600.7, 3.19, 18001.1}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 81; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item82 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23601.8, 3.19, 18001.3}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 82; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item83 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23595.5, 3.19, 17999}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 83; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item84 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23599.4, 3.19, 18000.7}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 84; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item85 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23605.2, 3.19, 18001.9}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 85; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item86 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23603, 3.19, 18001.5}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 86; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item87 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23600.2, 3.19, 17996.9}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 87; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item88 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23604.3, 3.19, 17999.3}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 88; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item89 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23604.2, 3.19, 18001.7}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 89; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item90 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23597.9, 3.19, 17996.3}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 90; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item91 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23601.2, 3.19, 17996.3}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 91; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item92 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23603.8, 3.19, 17997.5}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 92; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item93 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23596.9, 3.19, 17996.7}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 93; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item94 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23605.6, 3.19, 17999.5}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 94; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item95 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23601.8, 3.19, 17997.9}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 95; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item96 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23603.6, 3.19, 18000.1}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 96; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item97 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23603, 3.19, 17998.1}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 97; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item98 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23600.6, 3.19, 17997.5}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 98; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; class Item99 { side = CIV; class Vehicles { items = 1; class Item0 { position[] = {23605.1, 3.19, 17998.1}; azimut = 130.016; special = NONE; id = 99; side = CIV; vehicle = "VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player = "PLAY CDG"; leader = 1; skill = 0.6; }; }; }; }; class Markers { items = 3; class Item0 { position[] = {14939.9, 0.0534991, 15083.3}; name = "center"; type = "Empty"; }; class Item1 { position[] = {23600.6, 3.19, 18000.7}; name = "respawn_east"; type = "Empty"; }; class Item2 { position[] = {23600.6, 3.19, 18000.8}; name = "respawn_west"; type = "Empty"; }; }; class Vehicles { items=5; class Item0 { position[]={23600.611,2.8548489,17990.768}; azimut=180; offsetY=5; id=1; side="EMPTY"; vehicle="UserTexture10m_F"; skill=0.60000002; init="this setObjectTexture [0, ""rules.jpg""]"; }; class Item1 { position[]={23617.1,2.8548489,18001.1}; azimut=90; offsetY=5; id=1; side="EMPTY"; vehicle="UserTexture10m_F"; skill=0.60000002; init="this setObjectTexture [0, ""rules.jpg""]"; }; class Item2 { position[]={23584.2,2.8548489,18001.1}; azimut= 270; offsetY=5; id=1; side="EMPTY"; vehicle="UserTexture10m_F"; skill=0.60000002; init="this setObjectTexture [0, ""rules.jpg""]"; }; class Item3 { position[]={23600.5,2.8548489,18010.2}; azimut=360; offsetY=5; id=1; side="EMPTY"; vehicle="UserTexture10m_F"; skill=0.60000002; init="this setObjectTexture [0, ""rules.jpg""]"; }; class Item4 { position[]={23600.465,3.1900001,18000.465}; a=10; b=10; rectangular=1; activationBy="ANY"; repeating=1; interruptable=1; age="UNKNOWN"; name="cloneroomsafezone"; expCond="(vehicle player) in thislist;"; expActiv="hint ""You are in the clone room grab your loadout from the box!"";"; expDesactiv="execVM ""Loadouts.sqf"";"; class Effects }; }; }; class Intro { addOns[] = {"a3_map_altis"}; addOnsAuto[] = {"a3_map_altis"}; randomSeed = 13802307; class Intel { timeOfChanges = 1800; startWeather = 0.3; startWind = 0.1; startWaves = 0.1; forecastWeather = 0.3; forecastWind = 0.1; forecastWaves = 0.1; forecastLightnings = 0.1; year = 2035; month = 6; day = 24; hour = 12; minute = 0; startFogDecay = 0.013; forecastFogDecay = 0.013; }; }; class OutroWin { addOns[] = {"a3_map_altis"}; addOnsAuto[] = {"a3_map_altis"}; randomSeed = 4712975; class Intel { timeOfChanges = 1800; startWeather = 0.3; startWind = 0.1; startWaves = 0.1; forecastWeather = 0.3; forecastWind = 0.1; forecastWaves = 0.1; forecastLightnings = 0.1; year = 2035; month = 6; day = 24; hour = 12; minute = 0; startFogDecay = 0.013; forecastFogDecay = 0.013; }; }; class OutroLoose { addOns[] = {"a3_map_altis"}; addOnsAuto[] = {"a3_map_altis"}; randomSeed = 10755213; class Intel { timeOfChanges = 1800; startWeather = 0.3; startWind = 0.1; startWaves = 0.1; forecastWeather = 0.3; forecastWind = 0.1; forecastWaves = 0.1; forecastLightnings = 0.1; year = 2035; month = 6; day = 24; hour = 12; minute = 0; startFogDecay = 0.013; forecastFogDecay = 0.013; }; }; KludgeDev - Is this mission file correct with the inclusion of what you posted above? And thank you for helping. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kludgeDev Posted April 19, 2015 Report Share Posted April 19, 2015 Fresh Spawn Ты наркоман внатуре. :D нахера кому то весь твой sqm m3scope 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
R4ziel Posted April 20, 2015 Report Share Posted April 20, 2015 Ive tried this on my altis server and it worked like a charm, we have recently switched over to Bornholm and I cant seem to get the sensor to work correctly. Does anyone know the co-ordinates for Bornholm's clone room as I might have gotten that wrong. Another question, If I have a problem like this again, how do I get exact co-ordinates on a map so that I can use them for something? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ghostis Posted April 22, 2015 Report Share Posted April 22, 2015 Fresh Spawn Ты наркоман внатуре. :D нахера кому то весь твой sqm помощник ты конечно капец :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kludgeDev Posted April 22, 2015 Report Share Posted April 22, 2015 помощник ты конечно капец :D А че не так ? ну реально вот 2197 строк взять и опубликовать в один пост кто так делает. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
second_coming Posted April 22, 2015 Report Share Posted April 22, 2015 Ive tried this on my altis server and it worked like a charm, we have recently switched over to Bornholm and I cant seem to get the sensor to work correctly. Does anyone know the co-ordinates for Bornholm's clone room as I might have gotten that wrong. Another question, If I have a problem like this again, how do I get exact co-ordinates on a map so that I can use them for something? The easiest way is to use a statusbar that displays your proper x,y,z coordinates so you can see exactly where your character is stood in game. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kludgeDev Posted April 22, 2015 Report Share Posted April 22, 2015 Fresh Spawn, my mission.sqm file new, script execution is transferred to trigger activation of some features of the server startup. version=12; class Mission { addOns[]= { "A3_Soft_F_Car", "A3_Soft_F_Quadbike", "a3_soft_f_beta_quadbike", "A3_Boat_F_Civilian_Boat", "A3_Boat_F_Boat_Transport_01", "A3_Air_F_Heli_Light_01", "A3_Air_F_Heli_Heli_Transport_04", "A3_Air_F_Heli_Heli_Transport_03", "a3_map_altis", "a3_characters_f_gamma", "A3_Characters_F_OPFOR", "A3_Characters_F_INDEP", "A3_epoch_config", "A3_Data_F_Curator_Virtual", "A3_Misc_F_Helpers" }; addOnsAuto[]= { "a3_epoch_config", "A3_Misc_F_Helpers", "a3_map_altis" }; randomSeed=12032465; class Intel { briefingName="Epoch Mod"; resistanceWest=0; timeOfChanges=28800; startWeather=0; startWind=0; forecastWeather=0; forecastWind=0; forecastWaves=0; wavesForced=1; windForced=1; year=2035; month=6; day=24; hour=12; minute=55; startFogDecay=0.013; forecastFogDecay=0.013; }; class Groups { items=100; class Item0 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23598.1,3.1900001,17997.1}; azimut=136.241; special="NONE"; id=0; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item1 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23597.4,3.1900001,18001.1}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=1; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item2 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23601.4,3.1900001,17999.4}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=2; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item3 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23604.301,3.1900001,18004.9}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=3; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item4 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23596.801,3.1900001,18001.801}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=4; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item5 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23595.9,3.1900001,18002.4}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=5; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item6 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23601.199,3.1900001,18005}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=6; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item7 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23603.301,3.1900001,18003.199}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=7; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item8 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23601.6,3.1900001,18003.699}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=8; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item9 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23604.9,3.1900001,18004.199}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=9; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item10 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23596.199,3.1900001,17998.199}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=10; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item11 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23597.199,3.1900001,17997.699}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=11; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item12 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23597.9,3.1900001,18002}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=12; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item13 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23597.9,3.1900001,17999.5}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=13; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item14 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23598.4,3.1900001,18001.4}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=14; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item15 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23602.699,3.1900001,17997.4}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=15; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item16 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23599.9,3.1900001,17996.1}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=16; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item17 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23603.6,3.1900001,17996.699}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=17; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item18 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23600.1,3.1900001,18004.699}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=18; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item19 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23602.301,3.1900001,18005.199}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=19; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item20 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23599.9,3.1900001,18001.6}; azimut=136.241; special="NONE"; id=20; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item21 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23599.699,3.1900001,17998.199}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=21; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item22 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23600.699,3.1900001,17998.5}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=22; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item23 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23601.801,3.1900001,18004.4}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=23; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item24 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23599.199,3.1900001,17997.301}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=24; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item25 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23600.801,3.1900001,18004.1}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=25; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item26 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23603.5,3.1900001,18005.5}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=26; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item27 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23604.4,3.1900001,18003.4}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=27; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item28 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23598.9,3.1900001,18002.1}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=28; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item29 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23599,3.1900001,17996.5}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=29; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item30 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23603.199,3.1900001,17999}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=30; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item31 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23604.801,3.1900001,18000.199}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=31; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item32 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23599.1,3.1900001,17999.801}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=32; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item33 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23598.4,3.1900001,17997.9}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=33; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item34 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23596.699,3.1900001,17999.199}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=34; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item35 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23601.301,3.1900001,18002.699}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=35; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item36 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23597.801,3.1900001,18004.301}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=36; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item37 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23595.699,3.1900001,18001.6}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=37; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item38 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23605.1,3.1900001,17998.699}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=38; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item39 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23602.4,3.1900001,18003}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=39; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item40 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23602.5,3.1900001,17999.699}; azimut=136.241; special="NONE"; id=40; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item41 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23595.9,3.1900001,17997.301}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=41; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item42 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23598.9,3.1900001,17999}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=42; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item43 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23594.801,3.1900001,18002.1}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=43; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item44 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23600.1,3.1900001,18002.5}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=44; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item45 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23595.301,3.1900001,18003}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=45; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item46 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23597,3.1900001,18002.699}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=46; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item47 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23603.1,3.1900001,18004.699}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=47; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item48 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23599.301,3.1900001,18003.1}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=48; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item49 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23601,3.1900001,18002}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=49; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item50 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23595.199,3.1900001,18000.699}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=50; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item51 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23600.5,3.1900001,18000.1}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=51; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item52 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23597.5,3.1900001,18003.6}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=52; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item53 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23601.5,3.1900001,17997.1}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=53; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item54 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23598.9,3.1900001,18004.5}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=54; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item55 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23602.1,3.1900001,18002.1}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=55; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item56 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23603.801,3.1900001,18004}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=56; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item57 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23596.301,3.1900001,18000.801}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=57; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item58 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23594.6,3.1900001,18003.6}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=58; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item59 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23599.699,3.1900001,18004}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=59; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item60 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23602.199,3.1900001,17998.6}; azimut=136.241; special="NONE"; id=60; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item61 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23601.6,3.1900001,18000.4}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=61; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item62 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23600,3.1900001,17999.301}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=62; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item63 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23604.4,3.1900001,18002.6}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=63; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item64 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23597.4,3.1900001,17998.699}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=64; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item65 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23596.301,3.1900001,18003.301}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=65; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item66 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23602.6,3.1900001,18003.9}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=66; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item67 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23595.6,3.1900001,18003.9}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=67; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item68 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23600.4,3.1900001,18003.4}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=68; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item69 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23603.199,3.1900001,18002.4}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=69; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item70 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23597.1,3.1900001,18000.199}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=70; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item71 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23605.1,3.1900001,18001.199}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=71; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item72 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23598.5,3.1900001,18003.699}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=72; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item73 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23603.9,3.1900001,17998.4}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=73; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item74 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23598.1,3.1900001,18002.9}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=74; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item75 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23602.801,3.1900001,18000.699}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=75; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item76 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23596.699,3.1900001,18004.1}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=76; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item77 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23602.301,3.1900001,17996.5}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=77; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item78 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23604,3.1900001,18000.801}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=78; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item79 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23595.9,3.1900001,17999.9}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=79; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item80 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23598.301,3.1900001,18000.5}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=80; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item81 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23600.699,3.1900001,18001.1}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=81; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item82 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23601.801,3.1900001,18001.301}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=82; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item83 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23595.5,3.1900001,17999}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=83; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item84 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23599.4,3.1900001,18000.699}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=84; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item85 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23605.199,3.1900001,18001.9}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=85; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item86 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23603,3.1900001,18001.5}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=86; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item87 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23600.199,3.1900001,17996.9}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=87; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item88 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23604.301,3.1900001,17999.301}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=88; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item89 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23604.199,3.1900001,18001.699}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=89; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item90 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23597.9,3.1900001,17996.301}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=90; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item91 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23601.199,3.1900001,17996.301}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=91; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item92 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23603.801,3.1900001,17997.5}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=92; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item93 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23596.9,3.1900001,17996.699}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=93; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item94 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23605.6,3.1900001,17999.5}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=94; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item95 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23601.801,3.1900001,17997.9}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=95; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item96 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23603.6,3.1900001,18000.1}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=96; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item97 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23603,3.1900001,17998.1}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=97; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item98 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23600.6,3.1900001,17997.5}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=98; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item99 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={23605.1,3.1900001,17998.1}; azimut=130.01601; special="NONE"; id=99; side="CIV"; vehicle="VirtualMan_EPOCH"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; }; class Vehicles { items=4; class Item0 { position[]={23600.611,2.8548489,17990.768}; azimut=180; offsetY=5; id=100; side="EMPTY"; vehicle="UserTexture10m_F"; skill=0.60000002; init="this setObjectTexture [0, ""images\wall_info.jpg""]"; }; class Item1 { position[]={23617.1,2.8548489,18001.1}; azimut=90; offsetY=5; id=101; side="EMPTY"; vehicle="UserTexture10m_F"; skill=0.60000002; init="this setObjectTexture [0, ""images\wall_east.jpg""]"; }; class Item2 { position[]={23584.199,2.8548489,18001.1}; azimut=270; offsetY=5; id=102; side="EMPTY"; vehicle="UserTexture10m_F"; skill=0.60000002; init="this setObjectTexture [0, ""images\wall_west.jpg""]"; }; class Item3 { position[]={23600.5,2.8548489,18010.199}; azimut=360; offsetY=5; id=103; side="EMPTY"; vehicle="UserTexture10m_F"; skill=0.60000002; init="this setObjectTexture [0, ""images\wall_center.jpg""]"; }; }; class Markers { items=9; class Item0 { position[]={14939.9,0.053499099,15083.3}; name="center"; type="Empty"; }; class Item1 { position[]={23600.6,3.1900001,18000.699}; name="respawn_east"; type="Empty"; }; class Item2 { position[]={23600.6,3.1900001,18000.801}; name="respawn_west"; type="Empty"; }; class Item3 { position[]={13321.2,-0.12743901,14504.7}; name="GREEN ZONE1"; markerType="ELLIPSE"; type="respawn_unknown"; colorName="ColorGUER"; a=150; b=150; }; class Item4 { position[]={6193.3501,-0.21017499,16834}; name="GREEN ZONE2"; markerType="ELLIPSE"; type="respawn_unknown"; colorName="ColorGUER"; a=150; b=150; }; class Item5 { position[]={18454.9,0.148972,14272.8}; name="GREEN ZONE3"; markerType="ELLIPSE"; type="respawn_unknown"; colorName="ColorGUER"; a=150; b=150; }; class Item6 { position[]={13332.2,0,14510.9}; name="centermarketmarker"; text="Безопасная торговая зона"; type="mil_circle"; colorName="ColorGreen"; }; class Item7 { position[]={6189.7002,0,16840.199}; name="leftmarketmarker"; text="Безопасная торговая зона"; type="mil_circle"; colorName="ColorGreen"; }; class Item8 { position[]={18454.199,0,14272.2}; name="rightmarketmarker"; text="Безопасная торговая зона"; type="mil_circle"; colorName="ColorGreen"; }; }; class Sensors { items=4; class Item0 { position[]={13321.2,-0.12743901,14504.7}; a=150; b=150; angle=-130.966; activationBy="ANY"; repeating=1; interruptable=1; age="UNKNOWN"; name="bazar1_m"; expCond="(vehicle player) in thislist;"; expActiv="[""MidSpawn"",[""Вы вошли в безопасную зону""]] call bis_fnc_showNotification; player allowDamage false; player addEventHandler [""HandleDamage"",{false}];"; expDesactiv="[""EMidSpawn"",[""Вы покинули безопасную зону""]] call bis_fnc_showNotification; player allowDamage true; player addEventHandler [""HandleDamage"",{true}];"; class Effects { }; }; class Item1 { position[]={18454.9,0.148972,14272.8}; a=150; b=150; angle=-130.966; activationBy="ANY"; repeating=1; interruptable=1; age="UNKNOWN"; name="bazar2_m"; expCond="(vehicle player) in thislist;"; expActiv="[""EastSpawn"",[""Вы вошли в безопасную зону""]] call bis_fnc_showNotification; player allowDamage false; player addEventHandler [""HandleDamage"",{false}];"; expDesactiv="[""EEastSpawn"",[""Вы покинули безопасную зону""]] call bis_fnc_showNotification; player allowDamage true; player addEventHandler [""HandleDamage"",{true}];"; class Effects { }; }; class Item2 { position[]={6193.3501,-0.21017499,16834}; a=150; b=150; angle=-130.966; activationBy="ANY"; repeating=1; interruptable=1; age="UNKNOWN"; name="bazar3_m"; expCond="(vehicle player) in thislist;"; expActiv="[""WestSpawn"",[""Вы вошли в безопасную зону""]] call bis_fnc_showNotification; player allowDamage false; player addEventHandler [""HandleDamage"",{false}];"; expDesactiv="[""EWestSpawn"",[""Вы покинули безопасную зону""]] call bis_fnc_showNotification; player allowDamage true; player addEventHandler [""HandleDamage"",{true}];"; class Effects { }; }; class Item3 { position[]={23600.465,3.1900001,18000.465}; a=10; b=10; rectangular=1; activationBy="ANY"; repeating=1; interruptable=1; age="UNKNOWN"; name="cloneroomsafezone"; expCond="(vehicle player) in thislist;"; expActiv="execVM ""scripts\Loadouts.sqf""; player allowDamage false; player addEventHandler [""HandleDamage"",{false}];"; expDesactiv="hint ""Welcome"";"; class Effects { }; }; }; }; class Intro { addOns[]= { "a3_map_altis" }; addOnsAuto[]= { "a3_map_altis" }; randomSeed=13802307; class Intel { startWeather=0.30000001; startWind=0.1; startWaves=0.1; forecastWeather=0.30000001; forecastWind=0.1; forecastWaves=0.1; forecastLightnings=0.1; year=2035; month=6; day=24; hour=12; minute=0; startFogDecay=0.013; forecastFogDecay=0.013; }; }; class OutroWin { addOns[]= { "a3_map_altis" }; addOnsAuto[]= { "a3_map_altis" }; randomSeed=4712975; class Intel { startWeather=0.30000001; startWind=0.1; startWaves=0.1; forecastWeather=0.30000001; forecastWind=0.1; forecastWaves=0.1; forecastLightnings=0.1; year=2035; month=6; day=24; hour=12; minute=0; startFogDecay=0.013; forecastFogDecay=0.013; }; }; class OutroLoose { addOns[]= { "a3_map_altis" }; addOnsAuto[]= { "a3_map_altis" }; randomSeed=10755213; class Intel { startWeather=0.30000001; startWind=0.1; startWaves=0.1; forecastWeather=0.30000001; forecastWind=0.1; forecastWaves=0.1; forecastLightnings=0.1; year=2035; month=6; day=24; hour=12; minute=0; startFogDecay=0.013; forecastFogDecay=0.013; }; }; Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BetterDeadThanZed Posted April 22, 2015 Report Share Posted April 22, 2015 I had this working when I previously ran a server. Now I'm setting up a test server to tinker with and I've tried adding this but it's not working for me. The odd thing is that when I added this, I got the regular BE kicks that I had to fix so players can be given clothes, guns, etc to their loadout even though I'm not getting the loadout when I respawn. I'm calling it properly from init.sqf and here's the code I'm using. Maybe something changed since I used this last? private ["_player"]; if (!isServer) then { waitUntil {!isNull player}; waitUntil {player == player}; while {true} do { _player = player; player addEventHandler ["Respawn", { _PistolANDmag = [["hgun_Pistol_heavy_02_Yorris_F","6Rnd_45ACP_Cylinder"],["hgun_Pistol_heavy_02_F","6Rnd_45ACP_Cylinder"],["hgun_Pistol_heavy_01_MRD_F","11Rnd_45ACP_Mag"],["hgun_Pistol_heavy_01_snds_F","11Rnd_45ACP_Mag"],["hgun_Pistol_heavy_01_F","11Rnd_45ACP_Mag"],["hgun_ACPC2_snds_F","9Rnd_45ACP_Mag"],["hgun_ACPC2_F","9Rnd_45ACP_Mag"],["hgun_Rook40_snds_F","16Rnd_9x21_Mag"],["hgun_Rook40_F","16Rnd_9x21_Mag"],["hgun_P07_snds_F","16Rnd_9x21_Mag"],["hgun_P07_F","16Rnd_9x21_Mag"]] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _pistol = _PistolANDmag select 0; _mag = _PistolANDmag select 1; _item = "FAK"; _food = ["FoodBioMeat","FoodMeeps","FoodSnooter","FoodWalkNSons","sardines_epoch","meatballs_epoch","scam_epoch","sweetcorn_epoch"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _drink = ["ItemSodaRbull","ItemSodaOrangeSherbet","ItemSodaPurple","ItemSodaMocha","ItemSodaBurst","FoodWalkNSons","WhiskeyNoodle"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _uniform = ["U_C_Journalist","U_C_WorkerCoveralls","U_C_Poor_1","U_C_Poloshirt_redwhite","U_C_Poloshirt_salmon","U_C_Poloshirt_tricolour","U_C_Poloshirt_burgundy","U_C_Poloshirt_blue","U_C_Poloshirt_stripped"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _vest = ["V_16_EPOCH","V_15_EPOCH","V_14_EPOCH","V_13_EPOCH","V_12_EPOCH","V_11_EPOCH","V_10_EPOCH","V_9_EPOCH","V_8_EPOCH","V_7_EPOCH","V_6_EPOCH","V_5_EPOCH","V_4_EPOCH","V_3_EPOCH","V_2_EPOCH","V_1_EPOCH"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; //hint format [" %1 \n %2 \n %3 \n %4 \n %5 \n %6 \n %7",_pistol,_mag,_item,_food,_drink,_uniform,_vest]; player addVest _vest; player addWeapon _pistol; player addMagazine _mag; player addMagazine _item; player addMagazine _food; player addMagazine _drink; player addWeapon "EpochRadio0"; _modelMale = (typeOF player == "Epoch_Male_F"); _modelFemale = (typeOF player == "Epoch_Female_F"); if (_modelFemale) then { player forceAddUniform "U_BasicBodyFemale"; }; if (_modelMale) then { player forceAddUniform _uniform; }; }]; waitUntil {_player != player}; }; }; Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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