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Preview: Ghost of Chernarus Epoch-Specific Map Pack


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  On 11/24/2013 at 10:37 AM, Charlatan said:

Heya Darkfall211


Something must have gone wrong while adding/installing the script, where did you add the .sqf, or did you change it in some way?


When properly removed and the server got restarted, there's no way they could still be there :o

I know. I fail to understand why all of it is still there. you got skype?

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  On 11/27/2013 at 2:44 PM, Ventana said:

The link in the first post is the current file?


Yes the file is up-to-date, by map development.

Map optimization i'm currently working on is not included yet.



  On 11/27/2013 at 4:04 PM, fullaholes said:

Is this going to get finished ?


Why not ? :P

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Optimization is finally done, I can now focus on stary \o/

Some of the files decreased significantly, also, some files call a lot less positioning scripts for the objects when loaded by the server.

  • Trader City Klen: Fully optimized
  • Trader City Bash: Fully optimized
  • Trader City Bash: Minor errors fixed
  • Aircraft Trader "The Boneyard": Fully optimized
  • Bandit Trader "Cutthroat's Corner": Fully optimized
  • Landmark "The Unburied": Fully optimized
  • Landmark "Willow Lake Castle Ruin": Fully optimized


  • WIP: Trader City Stary: Progress status updated to 90%
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  On 11/27/2013 at 9:11 PM, Ventana said:

charlatan, any way to remove the treee in the road and the burning chopper?


Also, not using the boneyard as it interferes with add ons all ready there.  but it's a great addition.


Heya Ventana,


Sure thing ! But where? I don't remember placing any objects onto a road.


For The Boneyard: Let me guess, you're using "Extra Buildings for Chernarus 2.0" ?

If so, I think I already have an alternative version of The Boneyard on my hard disk, that is compatible with that mod :) gotta check.


You may have recognized, my Boneyard is tailored around this "Extra Buildings of Chernarus 2.0" - the extra buildings of the NE Airfield turned into ruins in my map ;)

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  On 11/27/2013 at 9:18 PM, Charlatan said:

Heya Ventana,


Sure thing ! But where? I don't remember placing any objects onto a road.


For The Boneyard: Let me guess, you're using "Extra Buildings for Chernarus 2.0" ?

If so, I think I have an alternative version of The Boneyard that is compatible with that mod :)


Sounds right.  it adds a hanger on the west side, some sort of industrial hanger with some over head pipes in the east side and a station house nest to the plane dealer/


lol, maybe someone crashed their chopper and knocked the tree down and I thought it was part of the addition when I went to check. lol

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@ Ventana


I'm quite sure that heli crash is what happened xD  my map additions are incapable of adding chopper wrecks that are still burning. Also, I only added Trees @ the Bandit Trader and The Unburied


I will add the "Extra Buildings of Chernarus" compatible map soon, when Stary is done. That's almost the case :) It would be a pity if you'd have to miss out on The Boneyard. According to email feedback, The Boneyard is probably the best of the maps. 50% of all thanks and positive comments I received are centered around it !

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  On 11/27/2013 at 9:26 PM, Charlatan said:

@ Ventana


I'm quite sure that heli crash is what happened xD  my map additions are incapable of adding chopper wrecks that are still burning. Also, I only added Trees @ the Bandit Trader and The Unburied


I will add the "Extra Buildings of Chernarus" compatible map soon, when Stary is done. That's almost the case :) It would be a pity if you'd have to miss out on The Boneyard. According to email feedback, The Boneyard is probably the best of the maps. 50% of all thanks and positive comments I received are centered around it !


kk. thanks, Charlatan.  Great work.  i know how hard this can be.  I've tried and given up in exasperation many times lol.

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hey !


did the tutorial in the readme and still nothing shows up ... we use infistar antihack since monday could that be an issue for this great pack?



got it !!!! wie geil! echt reschspeckt alter des hosch extrem guat gmacht!


meine leit sein hin und weg !

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if (isServer) then {
	call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "dynamic_vehicle.sqf";				//Compile vehicle configs
	// Add trader citys
	_nil = [] execVM "mission.sqf";
	_serverMonitor = 	[] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\server_monitor.sqf";
// Ghost of Chernarus Map Pack
//if (isServer) then {
[] execVM "buildings\excbridge.sqf";
[] execVM "buildings\GOC_LM_tubf.sqf";
[] execVM "buildings\GOC_LM_wlcr.sqf";
[] execVM "buildings\GOC_TE_bash.sqf";
[] execVM "buildings\GOC_TE_klen.sqf";
[] execVM "buildings\GOC_TE_stary.sqf";		
[] execVM "buildings\GOC_TE_neaf.sqf";
[] execVM "buildings\GOC_TE_btcc.sqf";


if (!isDedicated) then {
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There's a mistake in that init.sqf. You disabled the (isServer) then {  line by using a //

But you didn't disable the line that closes the block:  };


If you want to disable the whole (IsServer) condition in this block, without deleting it, you'd have to put in:




// Ghost of Chernarus Map Pack
// if (isServer) then {
[] execVM "buildings\excbridge.sqf";
[] execVM "buildings\GOC_LM_tubf.sqf";
[] execVM "buildings\GOC_LM_wlcr.sqf";
[] execVM "buildings\GOC_TE_bash.sqf";
[] execVM "buildings\GOC_TE_klen.sqf";
[] execVM "buildings\GOC_TE_stary.sqf";        
[] execVM "buildings\GOC_TE_neaf.sqf";
[] execVM "buildings\GOC_TE_btcc.sqf";

// };

if (!isDedicated) then {



As an information for everyone:

I kept testing this, and, to me at least, the IsServer condition gives no visible changes at all related to my maps.


In my testserver I simply added all the execVM lines at the end of my init.sqf.

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  On 11/29/2013 at 11:48 AM, Charlatan said:

As an information for everyone:

I kept testing this, and, to me at least, the IsServer condition gives no visible changes at all related to my maps.


In my testserver I simply added all the execVM lines at the end of my init.sqf.


This is what I did also and all worked with no problems.


Also, checking my logs I see this error:


8:03:42 Error in expression <88.1604, 5887.084, -51.956989];

_bldObj setPosASL [position this select 0, posit>

 8:03:42   Error position: <setPosASL [position this select 0, posit>

 8:03:42   Error Type Any, expected Number

 8:03:42 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Chernarus\map_updates\GOC\GOC_SI_Zelenogorsk.sqf, line 54

 8:03:42 Error in expression <7.1177, 5872.1523, -193.29539];

_bldObj setPosASL [position this select 0, posit>

 8:03:42   Error position: <setPosASL [position this select 0, posit>

 8:03:42   Error Type Any, expected Number

 8:03:42 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Chernarus\map_updates\GOC\GOC_SI_Zelenogorsk.sqf, line 64

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Woah. GOC_SI_Zelenogorsk.sqf shouldn't have been included in this release O_O It's not done yet !


Is that in the current GOC.rar ? I'll remove it from there right away.


@ Everyone - Important !


It seems in some release, two WIP maps sneaked inside. Any maps starting with GOC_SI_ are not finished yet and contain errors. Don't use them yet!


If you find:





please delete them !


Big thanks to Ventana for finding the error and checking the logs !

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  On 11/29/2013 at 9:49 PM, Charlatan said:



Woah. GOC_SI_Zelenogorsk.sqf shouldn't have been included in this release O_O It's not done yet !


Is that in the current GOC.rar ? I'll remove it from there right away.


@ Everyone - Important !


It seems in some release, two WIP maps sneaked inside. Any maps starting with GOC_SI_ are not finished yet and contain errors. Don't use them yet!


If you find:





please delete them !


Big thanks to Ventana for finding the error and checking the logs !


lol, kk, deleted BOTH of them lol

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