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blckeagls' AI Mission - Version 2.0.2 Release (1/2/2015)


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Kind of redundant. I still just use this


// blckeagls-mission-system
#include "start_blck.sqf";
in my init, which then calls start_blck.sqf which then calls the \q\addons\custom_server\init.sqf
but you should be fine with just adding execVM "start_blck.sqf";
Just make sure you have the start_blck.sqf in your mission.pbo
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Thanks for the reply!


Maybe someone else knows - We have vehicles spawning at our missions, but if you shoot out 2 of the wheels on them the AI jump out and the vehicle explodes. Can that be changed so that the vehicle is cleaned up with the AI or can be taken by the player?

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Thanks for the reply!


Maybe someone else knows - We have vehicles spawning at our missions, but if you shoot out 2 of the wheels on them the AI jump out and the vehicle explodes. Can that be changed so that the vehicle is cleaned up with the AI or can be taken by the player?


There is no configuration parameter for this but you can change two things: in vehicleMonitor.sqf comment out the line that sets damage to 1.1 when all AI are out; comment out the eventhandlers added in spawnVehicle.sqf;

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Hi, Please HELP!!

i have set up the Mission so, that the armed vehicles get hurt if they fire on AIs, see code below.

But no Damage to Player-Vehicles.

Only runover-damage works.

What am i doing wrong??? :blink:

blck_RunGear = true;	// When set to true, AI that have been run over will be stripped of gear, and the vehicle will be given blck_RunGearDamage of damage.
	blck_RunGearDamage = 0.3;
	blck_VG_Gear = false; // When set to true, AI that have been killed by a gun on  a vehicle will be stripped of gear and the vehicle will be given blck_RunGearDamage of damage
	blck_VK_RunoverDamage = true; // when the AI was run over blck_RunGearDamage of damage will be applied to the killer's vehicle.
	blck_VK_GunnerDamage = true; // when the AI was killed by a gunner on a vehicle that is is in the list of forbidden vehicles, blck_RunGearDamage of damage will be applied to the killer's vehicle each time an AI is killed with a vehicle's gun.
	blck_useMines = true;   // when true mines are spawned around the mission area. these are cleaned up when a player reaches the crate.
	blck_forbidenVehicles = ["B_MRAP_01_hmg_F","O_MRAP_02_hmg_F","I_MRAP_03_hmg_F","B_APC_Tracked_01_CRV_F"];
	//["B_MRAP_01_hmg_F","O_MRAP_02_hmg_F"]; // Add any vehicles for which you wish to forbid vehicle kills, or set this = ["LandVehicles"]; to penalize for all AI kills using guns on vehicles

I will take a look at this and report back.

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There is no configuration parameter for this but you can change two things: in vehicleMonitor.sqf comment out the line that sets damage to 1.1 when all AI are out; comment out the eventhandlers added in spawnVehicle.sqf;


Thanks Ghostrider - I'll give that a go later :)


Oh, is it suppose to split the missions into different areas as well? We had an orange mission, then a green mission where the mission had been split into 2 areas about 1k apart from each other. Fun, but very confusing!

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case "altis":{

//diag_log "Altis-specific settings loaded";

blck_mapCenter = [6322,7801,0];

blck_mapRange = 12000;

if (blck_blacklistSpawns) then {

diag_log "Spawn black list locations added for Altis";

blck_locationBlackList = blck_locationBlackList + [[[14939,15083,0],1000],[[23600, 18000,0],1000],[[23600,18000,0],1000]];

Need this for Australia..

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You can pull the mapCenter and range from the configs for the map. I will take a look as well for the next update.

Until the devs release info regarding the coords for the traders I will be unable to add those to the location blacklists. I am hopeful they will touch base about this (hint hint).

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Github Update to Build 3.42:


    Build 3.42
    Fixed: Players were not penalized for killing AI using weapons on vehicles in the forbiden list.
        When blck_VG_Gear is true, two lists are checked when an AI is killed by a player in a vehicle:
            blck_forbidenVehicles - a list of vehicles for which a penalty should be applied
            blck_forbidenVehicleGuns - a list of vehicle-mounted guns for which a penalty should be applied after an AI is killed by a player using that gun.
        If either the vehicle or gun is present in these lists then blck_RunGearDamage is applied to the player's vehicle.
    Added: Map center and range added for Australia - needs verification.



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Github Update to Build 3.42:


    Build 3.42

    Fixed: Players were not penalized for killing AI using weapons on vehicles in the forbiden list.

        When blck_VG_Gear is true, two lists are checked when an AI is killed by a player in a vehicle:

            blck_forbidenVehicles - a list of vehicles for which a penalty should be applied

            blck_forbidenVehicleGuns - a list of vehicle-mounted guns for which a penalty should be applied after an AI is killed by a player using that gun.

        If either the vehicle or gun is present in these lists then blck_RunGearDamage is applied to the player's vehicle.

    Added: Map center and range added for Australia - needs verification.



Hey Ghostrider, many thanks, great work!  nobody can now get the mission  for free with a hmg-strider  :D

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Thanks to everyone working on this mission. Really appreciate all the stuff you guys are doing. I'm using the Gostrider branch-off and installed Esseker on my server this morning. Noticed missions spawn off map like this:





Not really a big deal as I plan to swap maps in a couple days, but just thought I'd drop a note.

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Thanks to everyone working on this mission. Really appreciate all the stuff you guys are doing. I'm using the Gostrider branch-off and installed Esseker on my server this morning. Noticed missions spawn off map like this:





Not really a big deal as I plan to swap maps in a couple days, but just thought I'd drop a note.

try reducing the range by 20%.




Did you get this sorted out ?

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Oh, is it suppose to split the missions into different areas as well? We had an orange mission, then a green mission where the mission had been split into 2 areas about 1k apart from each other. Fun, but very confusing!


Ghostrider - Do you know anything about this? We've had missions spawn 5/6k away from the main mission. Makes flying quite hard!

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Also, the main init.sqf file calls this:

// BlckEagls Missions

execVM "start_blck.sqf";

if (isServer) then {

[] ExecVM "\q\addons\custom_server\init.sqf";



Then the start_blck.sqf starts with:

if (isServer) then {

[] ExecVM "\q\addons\custom_server\init.sqf";



Which is calling the same init.sqf in both files. Is that correct?




Sorted it, it was caused by this. It was calling the missions twice, so we were getting 2 lots of missions (8, not 4), but only one set were showing the markers. Sorted the init.sqf out now, and it's working as expected.

I've added stationary AT launchers to try to discourage people using vehicles. see how that goes...  ;)

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Sorted it, it was caused by this. It was calling the missions twice, so we were getting 2 lots of missions (8, not 4), but only one set were showing the markers. Sorted the init.sqf out now, and it's working as expected.

I've added stationary AT launchers to try to discourage people using vehicles. see how that goes...  ;)

Excellent, glad you got it worked out.

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try reducing the range by 20%.




Did you get this sorted out ?


No, but I plan to swap maps in a couple days and I haven't noticed the issue on other maps yet ... so I haven't really been working on the server any (it's a closed / empty server me and a friend play on)

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instructions are confusing. you said to put the custom_server.pbo in the @Epochhive addons folder. There  is no custom_server.pbo file in the download for 1. and 2, For those who do not have init.sqf you said to copy that stuff below and basically make one. thats all fine and dandy but those execVM's for debugs are in a different folder called MPmissions not custom_server.pbo so this would not work. 


Am i looking at this wrong? anyone help would greatly appreciate it.

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Once you unpack the zip from  the gihub, you will see need to navigate to  blckeagls-mission-system-v-2.0.2-updated-master\blckeagls-mission-system-v-2.0.2-updated-master\bin\@epoochive\addons 


and find the custom_server.pbo, or use the unpacked version, make your edits, and pack into a .pbo.


The mpmissions files are for example of how you place them in your mission.pbo. Unpack some of the stuff to get an idea of how it is all put together.


Edit: The custom_server.pbo goes server side @Epochhive addons folder


The mpmission stuff goes client side in the mpmissions folder.


Hopefully that helps?

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There's a problem. When I enter the server alone log out and rejoin. Ai mission markers will be disappear and Spawn another Ai missions at another place. However if there's atleast 2 player in my server. This won't be happened.

What can I do?


1. If the one player join the server. AI mission markers will be disappear and create another missions at the other place.(However AIs of previous missions are remained where they spawned at. also crate box)


please help..

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I have switched over to the Australia map, does anyone for-see a issue with this not running on it?




I have not had a chance to verify the values for map center and map range. The only issue I can envision is that you may discover missions spawn outside the map or do not reach all areas of it. Please le tme know if you encounter any issues.

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There's a problem. When I enter the server alone log out and rejoin. Ai mission markers will be disappear and Spawn another Ai missions at another place. However if there's atleast 2 player in my server. This won't be happened.

What can I do?


1. If the one player join the server. AI mission markers will be disappear and create another missions at the other place.(However AIs of previous missions are remained where they spawned at. also crate box)


please help..

Could you send me your .RPT file using pastbin, a dropbox, or something similar ?

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