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[WIP] Building custom bases


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*** This is only the beginning! If you're able to get your custom bases built, and implement them in game, please give credit! Took us a while to figure this out! :) ***


*** This is only ALPHA version of this base. This base will be updated with a Marker, vehicles, and possibly some more infrastructure (buildings). So bare with us! ***


Thanks to GZA on figuring out how to call the data from the PBO!




Mirror Link #2 - Richie



Almyra Base


Install: Place the file into your @EpochHive/Addons folder.



Bornholm Map update:


Here are some addons I made for Bornholm.  Here's an album where you can check them out before trying them on your server.  These were all made with the M3Editor addon.  The churches are not included in the image album.  There is at least 1 large church added to each major town and multiple small churches dotted around the map in various areas to allow for additional Epoch loot spawns.


Credit goes to GZA for the use of his addon PBO method.


Enjoy!   :)


attachicon.gifBornholm map addons.zip





12/12 - Updated the mainbase.sqf for more camo nets, and more loot spawns. - So update your mainbase.sqf

mainbase.sqf > Main file being called.

fn_init.sqf > File calling the mainbase.sqf from the location.

config.cpp > File that initializes SERVER pbo configurations.

Quality check to ensure that the files are being called.

Thanks to Devs for making an awesome game!


I'll update this base as soon as I can to include some more features!




Include the following in your BattlEye/scripts.txt on the VERY top of the list.


5 !="execVM "\x\addons\a3_epoch_server\buildings\mainbase.sqf";"

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if you wanna save bases to the sqm its quite a performance eater...


Pro Tip:


create a init in your mission pbo


do a


if (isServer) then {

execVM "path\to\your\external\server.pbo\map.sqf";



do the map.sqf the same way as in arma 2 (there is guide on the forums)


go to your battleyefolders

search for the scripts.txt


open it and search for execVM


then add


!="execVM "path\to\your\external\server.pbo\map.sqf";"


behind everythings thats allready there

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if you wanna save bases to the sqm its quite a performance eater...


Pro Tip:


create a init in your mission pbo


do a


if (isServer) then {

execVM "path\to\your\external\server.pbo\map.sqf";



do the map.sqf the same way as in arma 2 (there is guide on the forums)


go to your battleyefolders

search for the scripts.txt


open it and search for execVM


then add


!="execVM "path\to\your\external\server.pbo\map.sqf";"


behind everythings thats allready there





I'll let you know how that works out.


Also, I should delete out the "player" from that script as well correct?


I'll also add in some lootable spawn points, and see if it works.


I'll keep you guys updated.

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Getting the following:


18:19:27 Error in expression <ainbase.sqf"
if (isServer) then {
class _vehicle_10
18:19:27   Error position: <_vehicle_10
18:19:27   Error Missing ;
18:19:27 File @EpochHive\buildings\mainbase.sqf, line 2
18:19:27 Error in expression <ainbase.sqf"
if (isServer) then {
class _vehicle_10
18:19:27   Error position: <_vehicle_10
18:19:27   Error Missing ;
18:19:27 File @EpochHive\buildings\mainbase.sqf, line 2

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Script \x\addons\a3_epoch_server\buildings\mainbase.sqf not found.


Does anyone know how to call the files properly?



Trying the following




Added the following to last line


call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\x\addons\a3_epoch_server\buildings\mainbase.sqf";true









If anyone wants to try;




Please give credit if you get this to work





The last try for the night:


Mission PBO>>init.sqf


call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\x\addons\a3_epoch_server\buildings\mainbase.sqf";






call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\x\addons\a3_epoch_server\buildings\mainbase.sqf";true




Just about there!


if (isServer) then {

call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\x\addons\a3_epoch_server\buildings\mainbase.sqf";true







Does not work.


Server always says the following:


Script "\x\addons\a3_epoch_server\buildings\mainbase.sqf" not found.


I'll do some more testing tomorrow, and I'll let you guys know.

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DONT put anything inside the a3_epoch_server.pbo, the devs want to protect us from making misthakes ^^ and do a CRC check on the PBO if we changed anything, if the PBO was customized, the server will crash.

The only thing you can change is the mission.pbo. Put your Custom Bases inside the Mission-Folder and call the script there, should work.

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DONT put anything inside the a3_epoch_server.pbo, the devs want to protect us from making misthakes ^^ and do a CRC check on the PBO if we changed anything, if the PBO was customized, the server will crash.

The only thing you can change is the mission.pbo. Put your Custom Bases inside the Mission-Folder and call the script there, should work.

Thats not completely true, you can add pbos to a custom servermod... loading those bases by mission is a huge performance eater

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Yes you can use a custom addon to load scripts. Just throw this (https://seafile.zombieapo.eu/f/50e38c2094/) addon in your @EpochHive/addons folder and your buildings will spawn ;)


Thanks, I'll give this a go, and I'll let you know how it works out.


Keep in mind, this is a TEST run for others to follow, so let's get this right! :D

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Thats not completely true, you can add pbos to a custom servermod... loading those bases by mission is a huge performance eater

Why should it be a performance-eater unless you make sure its only executed by isServer and only done once? There should be no difference - Only the Missionfile gets a few KB bigger.
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The mission file is running about 100% of the time.

Player logs in? Load mission file.

Player disconnects? update mission file


Player makes a new base? (Database AND Mission file are updated)


Performance issues? Too large of a mission file


Mission file should NOT be changed, unless the mission.sqm file is being changed itself for addressing addons.

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call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "x\addons\a3_epoch_server\buildings\mapbuildings.sqf";



so if i add this line to my fn_init.sqf that will load my buildings up?


Try the following format



Yes you can use a custom addon to load scripts. Just throw this (https://seafile.zombieapo.eu/f/50e38c2094/) addon in your @EpochHive/addons folder and your buildings will spawn ;)

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also i use mcc sandbox + zeus and for some reason my coding is much different to yours. checked your file out and know wat to do now but check this coding out


if (isServer) then {
    class Vehicles
        items= 171;
        class Item0
             side= "EMPTY";
not sure why its different or if it will work
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also i use mcc sandbox + zeus and for some reason my coding is much different to yours. checked your file out and know wat to do now but check this coding out


if (isServer) then {
    class Vehicles
        items= 171;
        class Item0
             side= "EMPTY";
not sure why its different or if it will work




Now I had the following in the beginning:


if (isServer) then {
class _vehicle_10
        class Arguments
                POSITION="[23565.727, 18799.27, -1.9073486e-006]";
Which would tell A3 that it's a new object, but would throw off an error code:
18:19:27 Error in expression <ainbase.sqf"

if (isServer) then {

class _vehicle_10




18:19:27   Error position: <_vehicle_10




18:19:27   Error Missing ;

18:19:27 File @EpochHive\buildings\mainbase.sqf, line 2

18:19:27 Error in expression <ainbase.sqf"

if (isServer) then {

class _vehicle_10




18:19:27   Error position: <_vehicle_10




18:19:27   Error Missing ;

18:19:27 File @EpochHive\buildings\mainbase.sqf, line 2

So, specifically, that code wouldn't work.
What you need, is the following:
if (isServer) then {
_vehicle_10 = objNull;
if (true) then
        _this = createVehicle ["Land_HBarrierBig_F", [23565.727, 18799.27, -1.9073486e-006], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
        _vehicle_10 = _this;
        _this setPos [23565.727, 18799.27, -1.9073486e-006];
See the difference?
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