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Posts posted by nightmare

  1. Only if licence allows porting assets to Arma 3, otherwise I don't see any of this happening. Can't think of any reason to use older engine from scripting point of view, once you've dived in A3 scripts there's no going back to stone age.


    dayz becomes a new engine (enfusion) and includes a new script language like the syntax of C/++ .  (documentation in gamefiles @ -> \dta\scripts\doc\EnfusionScript.chm)



    i think dayz sa is the initial of a new engine. a possible new arma 4 in the future will have the same engine.



    because creating a new engine from the scratch for only one game makes no sense.



    BrianHicks - DayZ-Producer:

    When we started with DayZ, we took the source version of the RV engine. Over the past months, we have cleaned up extensive new features and create more for the engine. At the same time, large parts have been completely removed or rewritten. The changes of which Dean said mean big jumps and we are now beginning to reach the point to where the DayZ engine is no longer than RV recognizable. For these reasons, and the massive work still comes, it is now known as the Enfusion.

  2. I don't think it's really wise to make an arma 3 Epoch mod and DayzSA EPoch mod at the same time. UNLESS there is a seperate team working on it of course.



    i think DayZ-Engine will have more pontential than Arma3-Engine in the future.  (all necessary functions are already buildin, loot spawn, database / json support, etc..)



    I guess this is only client side building ( or just even placing objects)  and vehicles?



    its serverside, 0.44 client/server.exe  with the current 0.58 experimental .pbos  (needed alot fixing to get it working)







    Whats the current progress on their development and releasing the 'Single Player' /  'Server files' ?


    release of the server files and singleplayer (only 64bit) when it comes in beta stage, maybe to end of this year. 

  3. Nightmare, thanks for putting in updated work on this as I really wanted to keep this script going but it was causing me a lot of issues.


    One thing I am noticing, and I also submitted the issue on Github is this in my server rpt every restart:


    Warning Message: Script SDROP\init.sqf not found



    this is not an error from my version.

    your server is try to load an script which does not exist anymore, please check your mission.



    SDROP\init.sqf not found

  4. I mean if i spawn some objects like a Tipi or Crate, can it be saved?

    Possibly with the contents of the objects.


    Check out this video and I think you will understand me:




    this is what epoch by default makes..





    I'd like to see mines and claymores be persistent. No more worries about players logging out and having their bases raided. It would at least provide a small deterrent or obstacle for players wanting to steal things. Of course you can set them to have an expiry date so they don't stay on the server more than X hours. Players could pick them up and place them again to reset the timer. That way active players don't get penalized but old, unattended mines and claymores still get wiped.


    mhmm.. i will try this

  5. Instead of this:

    _colourDamage = _colourDefault;
    if(_damage >= 100) then{_colourDamage = _colour100;};
    if((_damage >= 90) && (_damage < 100)) then {_colourDamage =  _colour90;};
    if((_damage >= 80) && (_damage < 90)) then {_colourDamage =  _colour80;};
    if((_damage >= 70) && (_damage < 80)) then {_colourDamage =  _colour70;};
    if((_damage >= 60) && (_damage < 70)) then {_colourDamage =  _colour60;};
    if((_damage >= 50) && (_damage < 60)) then {_colourDamage =  _colour50;};
    if((_damage >= 40) && (_damage < 50)) then {_colourDamage =  _colour40;};
    if((_damage >= 30) && (_damage < 40)) then {_colourDamage =  _colour30;};
    if((_damage >= 20) && (_damage < 30)) then {_colourDamage =  _colour20;};
    if((_damage >= 10) && (_damage < 20)) then {_colourDamage =  _colour10;};
    if((_damage >= 1) && (_damage < 10)) then {_colourDamage =  _colour0;};
    if(_damage < 1) then{_colourDamage =  _colourDead;};

    This looks a bit neater

    _colourDamage = _colourDefault;
    switch true do {
    	case (_damage >= 100) : {_colourDamage = _colour100;};
    	case ((_damage >= 80) && (_damage < 100)) : {_colourDamage =  _colour80;};
    	case ((_damage >= 60) && (_damage < 80)) : {_colourDamage =  _colour60;};
    	case ((_damage >= 40) && (_damage < 60)) : {_colourDamage =  _colour40;};
    	case ((_damage >= 20) && (_damage < 40)) : {_colourDamage =  _colour20;};
    	case ((_damage >= 1) && (_damage < 20)) : {_colourDamage =  _colour0;};
    	case (_damage < 1) : {_colourDamage =  _colourDead;};

    Although there are less options in the block above that's just me saving time writing this, works the same if you change the values to the original 10% intervals instead of 20%




    switch is slower than if then else.



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