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Posts posted by nightmare


    So I uploaded the new version(been using 1.0 until now) but after I'm done with filling in the necessary info in the config, when I try to access the site(index) it just keep on loading until I stop it.


    >php index.php
    PHP Parse error:  syntax error, unexpected '[' in /privatehivetools/includes/game_A2EPOCH.php on line 131

    It works fine on my local comp(wampserver) and I'm using the same files. Does anyone know what's wrong?





    php version less than 5.4.x.x   ?


    Players can attach vehicles that are not within line of sight to each other. This glitches vehicles from up to 20m away through floors, walls, and doorways. Can be used to steal vehicles out of bases. Would be good if there was a line of sight check, or reducing the distance a vehicle can be attached from to something like 5m. So they basically have to be touching.






    2 things you can do:


    1.)  set "LOG_CFG_ALLOW_LOCKED" to false, in the config


    2.)   open "/logistic/tow/attach.sqf" and look for:  "if ( _object distance _tug <= 20 )", and change the value of your choice. (meters)


    This might be useful for some people. I've modified the tow/attach.sqf file to attach the player to the towing vehicle before playing the animation instead of the other way around. This fixes a few issues. Also I fixed up some of the tow distances.


    Replace your logistic\tow\attach.sqf with this:

    if (LOG_INPROGRESS) then{
    } else {
    LOG_INPROGRESS = true;
    	private ["_object","_tug"];
    	_object = LOG_OBJECT_SELECTION;
    	_tug = _this select 0;
    	if (!(isNull _object) && (alive _object) && !(_object getVariable "LOG_disabled")) then{	
    		if (isNull (_object getVariable "LOG_moves_by") && (isNull (_object getVariable "LOG_moves_by") || (!alive (_object getVariable "LOG_moves_by")))) then{
    			if ( _object distance _tug <= 20 ) then{
    					_tug setVariable ["LOG_trailer", _object, true];
    					_object setVariable ["LOG_moves_by", _tug, true];
    					player attachTo [_tug, [ 
    					(boundingBox _tug select 1 select 0),
    					(boundingBox _tug select 0 select 1) + 2, 
    					(boundingBox _tug select 0 select 2) - (boundingBox player select 0 select 2)]];
    					sleep 0.2;
    					player setDir 270;
    					player setPos (getPos player);
    					player playActionNow "Medic";
    					sleep 2;
    				_object setVelocity [0,0,0];
    				_object attachTo [ _tug, [
    				(boundingBox _tug select 0 select 1) + (boundingBox _object select 0 select 1) - 1,
    				(boundingBox _tug select 0 select 2) - (boundingBox _object select 0 select 2)
    				LOG_OBJECT_SELECTION = objNull;
    				detach player;
    				sleep 3;
    				[format [STR_LOG_ATTACHED, getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (typeOf _object) >> "displayName")],COLOR_SUCCESS] call SAM_SAYS;				
    			}else{[format [STR_LOG_TOO_FAR, getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (typeOf _object) >> "displayName")],COLOR_ERROR] call SAM_SAYS;};
    		}else{[format [STR_LOG_IN_TRANSIT, getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (typeOf _object) >> "displayName")],COLOR_ERROR] call SAM_SAYS;};
    LOG_INPROGRESS = false;



    I like it!

    I reworked the german a bit...


    If you don't like it you don't have to change it but here it is:





    thx,  i've added your rework.




  4. Hi Nightmare, thanks for helping me in the past. Everything is working except the rcon tool. It says you need to have BE enabled for this to work which I have got enabled but, when I refresh any of the rcon lists, players & bans, it doesn't return anything.


    Have you any ideas where I may be going wrong?


    I have updated to your latest version.



    yep i know the RCON is not working for all..  (not perfect , will have a look what i can make better for the future)





    Bump !


      sorry, yes i know is currently not correct working, i will rework this map when ( A3:Epoch is out ) 

  5. Ok so now there's another problem. I added an admin and the box to edit the permissions isn't there, and I can't delete the admin. If I try deleting him, it says "An error has occured". BTW: I think this tool should get it's own forum section here.






    please download again, i have it fixed since a while.


    !( overwrite except "/map", "config.php", "/db" )

  6. Hi Nightmare, can you help me with my question?


    I would really love to use this tool but am completely out of my comfort zone with web stuff and ports etc.



    1.) go to  C:\xampp\apache\conf  and open the "httpd.conf" with a texteditor (notepad++) and look for "Listen 80" and change it to "Listen 81"  ->  SAVE FILE!


    2.) open the "start.bat" file in "C:\xampp\"  with texteditor and change "start http://localhost/index.php" to "start http://localhost:81/index.php"  ->  SAVE FILE!

  7. I have not added this yet, I have a couple questions..

    can a player LOAD in option (say a player clears a mission, can he then load the guncrate into a vehicle. or load atv etc.. into cargo   my players love this ability)

    I forget my other question.....


    no "LOAD IN" only TOW / LIFT

    i have not tested, but you can add the classname of the crates to the config, to make the crates towable or liftable

  8. Very awesome script dude! Works like a charm and is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much easier to install & configure than R3F_ARTY_LOG since all the settings are in 1 file and not spread out through all the different sqf's! Plus it's much smaller so my mission file is now less than 1 mb! Best of all, everything is now readable and understandable because it's no longer in French. I also love that you can put vehicles on any surface now. That was very annoying with the other tow script.

    Thank you very much for making this script, You rock!! Keep up the good work!



    your'e welcome

  9. Having an issue where even though i added some jets and helis to the can tow list they dont have a tow option. i looked through the code and couldn;t find a restriction for towing Air vehicles, maybe you could tell me what im doing wrong here?



    please more information. which classes?


    please post your config

  10. With this mod, does there need to be a player on the ground to hook up a vehicle to a helicopter?





    Are all vehicles able to tow all vehicles, or is it limited to similar vehicles (ie: can a Skoda tow a Ural?) Does each helicopter have a limit on what it can lift? ie: can a Pook lift an MTVR?


    you can define it by config

  11. The dude im building the server with and i just did some further testing, and we found out that glitching through buildings is still possible.. atleast i think thats what you mean by glithcing through buildings.. 


    First test was with a car towing a car, he was able to get in the car being tow'ed and i could back up to a building and he got out inside the building. 


    Next test was with a chopper, i can confirm that it cannot lift locked cars, however i am able to get into a car thats being lifted by a chopper and i can sit there while being flown around honking the horn.


    what i mean with "no glitch through buildings", when you dropped a lifted vehicle on a roof or platform, etc..



    i will add option to allow or disallow for "get in car" when its lifted or towed..

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