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Posts posted by Defent

  1. Are you guys getting players kicked by Create Vehicle Restriction?


    I have instances where this happens. People join the server and become seagulls basicly. What I usually do is locking the server till it blows over. From what I have noticed, this seagull problem has increased in 112555 and is often associated with desync (atleast in my case). Desync which can be caused by the amount of players that get stuck on authentication. The error does seem to have calmed down after I changed the basic.cfg settings abit. Hopefully it will be solved in the future patch.

  2. Restarts should be done atleast every 3rd or 4th hour. Use CONFIG TRADERS, instead of normal traders, it is much smoother and reduces some lag. The rest is tweaking, changing database settings, server settings etc. It can take a long while before you find settings that are good for your server.

  3. @mgm

    I'm not sure. It does sound like I will have to redo a quite a lot of functions for that to work?



    Sadly, I have put more prio on testing it on Chernarus. But I believe you can set the maximum incline and decline that missions are allowed to spawn on. I'll get back to you on this.

  4. Check in server_playerDied.sqf at around like 26-35.

    	if ((owner _victim) == (owner _killer)) then 
    		_message = format["%1 killed himself",_victimName];
    		_loc_message = format["PKILL: %1 killed himself", _victimName];
    		_message = format["%1 was killed by %2 with weapon %3 from %4m",_victimName, _killerName, _weapon, _distance];
    		_loc_message = format["PKILL: %1 was killed by %2 with weapon %3 from %4m", _victimName, _killerName, _weapon, _distance];

    You can modify that and see if that changes anything for you.

  5. What most people do is downloading some piece of software and then believe that software protects them from dos or ddos attacks. Software does not really do anything other than block ports and frequent connections to your server, which you can do through the windows firewall. 


    My servers have a mitigation protocoll, however it has not once kicked in and been used in over 4 months.

    However, something that does make a dfferance is mitigation and protection services. Basicly what a mitigation service is; it diverts any threatning and over-the-top packages away from the server and offloads them somewhere else. This stops ddos attacks quite effectively. Talk to your server hosting company and as if they have any of these available. If you get your server from a gamehost, chances are they already have a ddos protection set up.

  6. I think he means this in the 1.0.5_Updates.sql file.

    INSERT IGNORE INTO `Traders_DATA` VALUES (NULL, '["CH53_DZE",1]', 6, '[2,"ItemBriefcase100oz",1]', '[1,"ItemBriefcase100oz",1]', 0, 493, 'trade_any_vehicle');
    INSERT IGNORE INTO `Traders_DATA` VALUES (NULL, '["CH53_DZE",1]', 10, '[3,"ItemBriefcase100oz",1]', '[2,"ItemBriefcase100oz",1]', 0, 512, 'trade_any_vehicle');

    ["CH53_DZE",1] should be ["CH53_DZE",2] I think.

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