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Posts posted by Defent

  1. Slightly off topic, but my only option at the moment is to wipe the character table, and maybe even the object table with the new update as I have no means to sync the old ID with the new ID. Thankfully the old system may still work and I could probably come up with a SQL function or what ever that connects the IDs. 

    Overall, intresting topic. Will follow.

  2. "SIX Launcher is in the process of being replaced by the evolved and much improved Play withSIX." http://withsix.com/download


    Try the new one. Looks at least fancier. Dont know much about usability of it.



    I use Six Update though, Six Launcher is the program I spoke about, that clunky server browser. It looks very fancy indeed, but it's still a bit weird. :)



    for some weird reason I can't find where it installs. I just end up installing it every time I use it and it magically remembers everything I did in terms of downloading mods etc


    I have no idea where it is installed either, I just use the search function on windows in order to find it haha.

  3. You need to launch the game once on the server in order for it to install battleye and all that stuff. After that you should move the dayz epoch bat file that you mentioned to the root folder of the server and start it from there. Or attempt to start it from its current folder. You cannot start the server by simply uusing the arma2oaserver.exe file. The one that you need to use in that case would be located under Expansions\beta\arma2oaserver.exe.

  4. DZL has a sync feature to what I'm aware. If you already have the mod installed, lets say from DayZCommander, it just syncs and uses that folder etc instead. The button appeared to me in a earlier version and it allowed me to join pretty much any server. 


  5. The Epoch devs have stated before that they do not wish to use a single currency system. However, if this gets released as a public script, my bet is that a lot of servers will start using it. I will start using it on the OverPoch server which I plan on launching. Hopefully it will be intresting and from what I've seen of it on the dev servers, it sure is. 

  6. You can rename the topic yourself by clicking "More Reply Options" on the button next to Post. 

    You need to copy the Addons folder from the Arma 2 directory in to the Arma 2 OA directory. You should be safe to override any files as well. OA does not come with Chernarus, that is why you need to transer over the files.


    Arma 2 has Chernarus, OA does not have Chernarus and CO has the Chernarus map. 


    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 2\AddOns

    So the content of the folder above should be moved to the folder mentioned below.

     C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\AddOns

  7. -noSound -noCB -malloc=tbb4malloc_bi

    Add this to your startup line. 


    My crrent basic.cfg, it's adapted to 1gb connection.


    Also try to set the hive.ini file to connect to the database through and not an external IP if you have the mysql database on the same machine as the gameserver.

  8. You install this the same way you install EMS 0.3.  You can have two running but it's not recomended at all. You can set the difficultiy in the script files. After that you can open the mission files and set the AI rank to what you want. 0 being the lowest and 4 (?) being the highest. In the configs I have set 4 to be the strongest of the all. 

    Just mess around the configs and scripts and see what happens.

  9. Yea, I use the latest infistar updates. However, this often and just in a few days? Counting 2 just today. I can believe that it happens to many servers, but this frequently? 

    The anti hack does a great job at stopping 90% of the hackers, but there is always some who manage to get in. :/

  10. So, recently I have gotten a large increase in script kiddies with nuke abilities. These past 2 weeks I have counted up to about 7 nukes. Anyone else noticing this intresting increase and what do you do to stop them? - Personally, I stop the server and roll it back to before the nuke happend. 

    I guess someone must really hate my server, if he goes on almost every day and tries to nuke it. 


    Any effective way of stopping it? 



    P.S Sorry if it's not in the right forum.

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