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Posts posted by Defent

  1. You already have thse lines defined in the player_build.sqf, MGT, you just need ot place your code below it =)

    _vehicle = vehicle player;
    _inVehicle = (_vehicle != player);

    Also, wouldn't you need to loop it, or is a if boolean enough? Preferably that is.

  2. 1. I always wanted to host some sort of gameserver. I found dayz.st and I thought that it was rather cheap so I started there. My server rose to rank 43 quite quickly but lagged as shit, like most dayz.st servers did back then. I moved to a dedicated server and have not looked back since. 


    2a. All the fucking tweaking and min-maxing of server settings, trader prices, minor bugs etc. I also dislike the attitude a lot of the players have. The attitude that is self-entitlement. You play on a server I pay quite alot for and then you complain that it does not have what you want or that it lags for 5 seconds. Sure, lag is annoying but 10 people spamming that it lags does not really contribute to solving it.


    2b. What I like is, seeing a community grow and watching people build groups with each other, joining on my teamspeak and playing with people they've never met before.

    3. Ban people because they argue or behave like twats. I wanted people to be able to discuss what they wanted and state their opinion. Now,  I may just ban them if they are annoying pricks who complain, argue, whine or are being general twats. I also never saw myself paying for a dedicated machine and antihack.

    4. I like and dislike it. There is great customization and people share their ideas, scripts and plans with others. What I don't like is the abusive behavior amongst many admins and that some develop a rather large hubris. You are an admin and a player, being a dick and using your power to spawn items and ban/kick people who kill you is just stupid.

  3. Server rarely goes above 30% cpu usage so it is not a problem as of now. I will upgrade when I get the population and reason to. There is no reason to have a beast machine if I can't get a single server to function lag free. This machine should be able to hold atleast one server. 


    Edit: added the config traders now, took a while to config prices and add all items again but it it seems more fluent now. ~160kb more to download but may be worth it. Thanks for the idea.

  4. Check this file:


    Then change this:

    // Epoch Supply Crates
    if (_type == "supply") then {
    	// load tools
    	_scount = count DZMSConTools;
    	for "_x" from 0 to 2 do {
    		_sSelect = floor(random _sCount);
    		_item = DZMSConTools select _sSelect;
    		_crate addWeaponCargoGlobal [_item, 2];
    	// load construction
    	_scount = count DZMSConSupply;
    	for "_x" from 0 to 15 do {
    		_sSelect = floor(random _sCount);
    		_item = DZMSConSupply select _sSelect;
    		_crate addMagazineCargoGlobal [_item,(round(random 15))];

    Change the item values to your liking. Sounds weird that you get 44 floors since that it's limited to 15 items out of the DMSConSupply array which lists:

    EMSSupplyCon = ["ItemWoodWallLg","PartPlywoodPack","PartPlankPack","ItemWoodWallGarageDoor","CinderBlocks","MortarBucket","ItemWoodFloor","ItemWoodFloor","ItemWoodFloor","metal_floor_kit"];

    You can try removing a instance of Wood flor here. I have an extra added because I want them to be more frequent on my servers. 

  5. If I'm not mistaken, you can actually edit your basic.cfg "on the fly". Think MGT said that once, not sure though

    Does seem like I could do this, will wait to see if it took effect.



    Yes, only down side is that you can't control stock amounts but traders menus are instantly responsible with any server load as all traders data is loaded from mission file instead of database.


    For desync, how many objects in your database?

    I will push this to my server when I'm done adding all the items needed, and I got around 5500 rows.

  6. Use config based traders.

    I heard this does not track inventory, wouldn't that make it so people can exploit the traders more easily?


    take out 



    That, in my experience, causes insane amount of desync at even low player counts. 

    I will look in to adding the config based traders, but that will take a lot of time, redoing all the trader items.

  7. Hello,


    I've been working and tweaking my servers for a while now but I still have the same problem, which is trader menus taking 1-2+ seconds to load as well as major desync at 50+ players. I have checked the different topics on this forum, but non mention the basic.cfg settings affecting the loading time of trader menus.


    Anyone got any solution on reducing desync at 50+ and actually not having the traders load slow as shit?


    My rig is:


    i7 3770

    1TB 7200rpm

    1gb connection 

    32gb of ram


    The machine runs 4 servers and a mysql server. 


    My current basic.cfg:

    But menus still load "slow" with this.

  8. Nice fix, I added some of the stuff you mentioned. But in my version you cant jump in to a vehicle that is being towed. I don't know why you can in yourse, sounds weird.


    Also, I fixed so that you don't get teleported to the other side of the car when towing because it can be used for bugging in to buildings.

    Find these in Init.sqf and remove or comment them out.

    player setDir 270;
    player setPos (getPos player);
  9. Thats pretty much the mentality of all servers with donation rewards though. They dont know the difference between donating and selling. ;)

    What I'm curious about is that the devs have mentioned "keys" a few times in their posts. I wonder how and why they use keys when they are going to be for free.

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