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Posts posted by Defent

  1. We use file based traders and I believe that it's a lot better. There is no loading time when opening them. However, I still get some buy time delay. Everything from 4 seconds to 10 mins. It's something I have been trying to solve for a while and may only be resolved by a full database wipe. However, the only downside to config based traders is that they take up quite a lot of space and adds like 100+ more kbs for clients to download.


    In short, it's very much worth it!

  2. Thank you for your quick response.


    Let me rephrase my question: is there a way to make MANY EMS spawned AI units function properly? In my limited testing experience you CANNOT have 20 AI units function properly. They do spawn but they do not do their job (of attacking players). This seems to be the case even on a good server with one player (=me, just testing).

    I do not know to be honest. :/  I have not tested with more ai's than what my "repack" currently has, mainly because I did not like it and that I thought my servers would lag too much with it. You can always test it and report back here. 

    Also, what do you mean by function properly? Do they not shoot, move, look or whatever?

  3. That's going to be a bit more complicated. You can experiment around with this block of code in DZMSFunctions.sqf

    Making a new case, removing the random select and somehow fixing it through that.

    //Gets the weapon and magazine based on skill level
    DZMSGetWeapon = {
    	private ["_skill","_aiweapon","_weapon","_magazine","_fin"];
    	_skill = _this select 0;
    	//diag_log text format ["[EMS]: AI Skill Func:%1",_skill];
    	switch (_skill) do {
    		case 0: {_aiweapon = DZMSWeps0;};
    		case 1: {_aiweapon = DZMSWeps1;};
    		case 2: {_aiweapon = DZMSWeps2;};
    		case 3: {_aiweapon = DZMSWeps3;};
    	_weapon = _aiweapon call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
    	_magazine = getArray (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _weapon >> "magazines") select 0;
    	_fin = [_weapon,_magazine];
  4. 1. Yes, open the same file I mentioned and move down to this part and just increase the numbers.

    // The Minumum time in seconds before a major mission will run.
    // At least this much time will pass between major missions. Default = 650 (10.8 Minutes)
    DZMSMajorMin = 650;
    // Maximum time in seconds before a major mission will run.
    // A major mission will always run before this much time has passed. Default = 2000 (33.33 Minutes)
    DZMSMajorMax = 2000;
    // Time in seconds before a minor mission will run.
    // At least this much time will pass between minor missions. Default = 600 (10 Minutes)
    DZMSMinorMin = 600;
    // Maximum time in seconds before a minor mission will run.
    // A minor mission will always run before this much time has passed. Default = 990 (16.5 Minutes)
    DZMSMinorMax = 990;

    2. Enable that and they should have RPGs on them, I'm not sure if it's their primary weapon of choice. However, you can also open the EMS/ExtConfig/DZMSAIConfig.sqf file and change the weapons lists in there.

    Then add thos for example:

    DZMSWeps0 = [
  5. Those are known hack files, you could either have been banned by the servers anti hack and what not. Check your computer for these files. But generally, hacker files don't just appear on your computer. To answer your question about squad.xml crashing a server. Short answer is: Yes. 

    Bad squad.xmls really fuck with the server because it forces the server to contact a webserver to get the information. If that webserver has shit connection or is really badly made, the gameserver or dayz server will start to choke on information and packets and in the end, lose connection and crash. Many server admins actually ban players who use squad.xmls because of this reason.

  6. Defent,

    Congrats on the new version - I was looking forward to it, will try out soon.


    I have a quick question for you:Is it possible to increase AI unit # a lot and make it still work?

    I already tried setting AI unit numbers to 15-20 but they stopped functioning. Rather than defending their mission area, at high numbers they started running a few meters > going prone > getting up > running a few meters & looping this behavior without shooting at all.


    Thanks, and as mentioned above:

    [[(_coords select 0) - 0.5635,(_coords select 1) + 0.3173,0],3,1,"DZMSUnitsMajor"] call DZMSAISpawn;

    Number 3 here is the count of enemies and 1 is the skill level.



    I updated the GitHub now, this one is working on my dev server. Hopefully it wil work for you too!

    I tweaked some stuff, added some fixes to the missions etc.


    Note: If you don't want for example:

    11:21:27 "[EMS]: Minor SM6 Ural Weapons Truck Mission has started."

    To appear in your RPT. Simply open the missions in the Mission folder and delete the line saying:

    diag_log format["[EMS]: Minor SM6 Ural Weapons Truck Mission has started."];




    Please report any bugs here. I run this version on my servers and they work perfectly.

    * [FIXED] Clearing missions now de-spawn the AI and scenery better.
    * [FIXED] Almost all missions have been fixed now and should work perfectly.
    * [UPDATED] Base code and framework.
    * [UPDATED] Loot Tables
    * [UPDATED] AI skins
    * [UPDATED] AI skills
    * [UPDATED] Box loot settings
    * [ADDED] Box loot configs
    * [ADDED] Remove mission vehicle ammo
    * [ADDED] Spawn rate items in boxes
    * [ADDED] God Missions 
    * [ADDED] IKEA missions
    * [ADDED] Functions from the latest DZMS version
    * [REMOVED] Uneccesary code and many other things
    * [MISC] Other things, a lot to mention.

    Hope you enjoy it.

  9. There was a post mentioning the current alpha version. They said that they would go "open" alpha or beta at around version 0.5. So you can sort of figure it out by looking at that.

  10. This image sure fits on may topics on this forum. The self entitlement and opinions of people here is intresting.

    The coin system has already been stated that it will not be default for Epoch. However, an addon which uses a coin system is being developed but then it's up to the server owner to use it.




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